where to buy a house/land according to this map?

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where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by lillo9546 »

I've made a very sketchy map about a town I'm interested in buying a house or land.
Town is approx 200k inhabitants.

In red dot = the very historical center
In red circle = the center area
In lightblue circle = peripheral area
In violet square = airport area
The red lines = main streets
The gold line = highway

I'Ve noted in km the distance of the main streets, and in black colour.

Indipendent House price sqm:
- Center = 2000/2500
- Peripheral = 1800/2300

Residential Terrain price sqm
- Center = 100/120
- Peripheral = 90/110

Is it worth in this case to go away from the center to get the lowest price possible on housing?


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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by theanimal »

There is a lot of missing information that would prevent someone from giving you a good answer. What are your interests? What is the cultural make up of the town? How social are you? What do you like to do on a day to day basis? How does where you live impact that? And many more. Most of these questions can only be answered by you.

Almost every post you have made on this forum has been asking people questions about where you should live. This board is very generous but still has its limits of what people will tolerate. People get tired of answering the same question over and over again, especially if it doesn't seem like the person posing the question is doing work on their end. I think you'd be best off by:
- Starting a journal, saying what you are interested in, what you do and what you would like to do. This would give us a chance to get to know you better and a chance to contribute more to the community, rather than just seeing it as a place for answers.
- Reflect on the answers that people have already given you in your other threads and take some time to think what it is that you actually want. Where do you want to live? The next question should not be on this board but one that you ask yourself. You are going to get far more return on your time and efforts at this point by redirecting these questions inward, than outwards to the forum.

Best of luck, I look forward to chatting with you elsewhere on the board.

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by sky »

Map out grocery stores, identify residential areas within 1 km walking distance.

If you are working, try to live within 2 km walking or biking to your work.

Make sure there are no barriers or dangerous crossings for the above routes.

Identify amenities important to you such as libraries, places of cultural activities, pool, parks, beaches, etc. and try to maximize those places within a 5 km bike ride.

Make sure you can get to health care with a taxi or public transit if you need it and can't walk or bike.

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by Frita »

Do you live in this town? If so, what have you learned about your needs/likes/dislikes/priorities
/deal breakers? (As @the animal wrote, this is something to do for yourself. @sky offered some helpful considerations.) If not, plan to spend some time there (ideally in different areas) doing some research. Consider best and worst case scenarios.

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by lillo9546 »

Thanks anyone.
Should i start a journal and group everything on that?? (even tho I'm not even to consider an "ERE" person like you guys, since I do not have your "economic" power)

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by jacob »

lillo9546 wrote:
Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:57 am
Should i start a journal and group everything on that??
Yes, please!

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by ffj »

Excellent response Animal.

Just to reinforce: nobody here or anywhere wants to answer questions that you are fully capable of answering for yourself with a small bit of effort. And quite frankly, some of your questions can only be answered by yourself. But we love to flex our knowledge and help so feel free to ask questions. You just need to do some cursory work first to show we aren't taking your tests for you.

Along those points I have no idea where you should buy a house on that map, haha. There are so many details left out of that question nobody can answer other than in broad generalities. This is where you put in the work so we can answer specifics.


I love horses, where should I move to be around them?

Do you work with horses? How so?
Do you ride horses? Competitive, pleasure?
Are you an equine vet? Tech? Farmhand? Don't like to dirty your hands?
What kind of horses do you like? Working horses, pleasure horses? Racing horses? Trailriders?
Do you want to own horses? Budget? Do you own land? Rent a stable?
Do you just like to look at horses? What kind? How close?
Do you like competitive events? What kind? Polo? Kentucky Derby? Jumpers? Rodeo?

I could go on, but hopefully you see my point.

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Re: where to buy a house/land according to this map?

Post by Seppia »

please don’t take offense: your current level of analysis seems a bit more superficial than what many are used to here.
I’m guessing you are young(er) than the average folk so that’s ok!

So keeping things simple I would take a step back and say:

If you already lived in this town, you probably already know where you want to live. Don’t ask strangers the question. Stop for a minute and try understand what YOU want and what YOu value.

If you don’t know this town well, live (rent) for 2-4 months in different locations and figure out what you like and what works for you

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