Smelly Swiss Dilettante

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

not in langres, but every week in france, but a very gore one happened in paris two weeks ago. Haute Marne is probably as safe as france can be.

Thanks for the nices words c_L and chenda.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

My ankle doesn't hurt anymore, my back neither, but it might come back,
I started two novels. I didn't quite like the subject of the first one, mostly because i was affraid it could get me in trouble, even if i think a lot of people would have enjoyed reading it. I found an other subject. It's will be much easier.
Also, I kinda enjoy working (it's only a few day a week, not every week), but i get about 1000 per month, and i save all of it, so for the first time in several years (3 or 4?) My available cash is increasing again. I might buy bitcoins soon, because i think the FTX shitstorm will probably drive a lot of people away from crypto and price might drop even more.
I might apply the same calculation as for gold about how much i should own, so if earth without the haber-bosch process can support 200 millions families and there are 21 millions bitcoin, every familiy should have about a tenth of a bitcoin in order to stay alive in very bad case scenario. Of course i might buy more, but i think it's a good way to set buying goal for value storing assets.

Regarding writing, it's logisticaly difficult, because we only have one room with my gf, and I'm usually inspired if i go to bed early and then wake up very early, which is not optimal for her sleep. It's made worse by my keyboard being a very nice mechanical one.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Salathor »

Jean wrote:
Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:29 pm
Regarding writing, it's logisticaly difficult, because we only have one room with my gf, and I'm usually inspired if i go to bed early and then wake up very early, which is not optimal for her sleep. It's made worse by my keyboard being a very nice mechanical one.
I have two keyboards--one dirt cheap one I bought years ago and a really good mechanical one. I use the mechanical one for gaming, etc., that requires precision, but I switch to the cheap one for writing or coding. The electronic keys take less force to tap and are much quieter.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

That's probably the best solution, it would also be great have a non clicky mouse. Or maybe not, as it is preventing me from launching a game.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by chenda »

Jean wrote:
Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:29 pm
I didn't quite like the subject of the first one, mostly because i was affraid it could get me in trouble, even if i think a lot of people would have enjoyed reading it.
Well I'm really curious about it now :)

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I had to accompany some hunt, it was really hard to find people to go hunting with.
One group was pressured into taking me with because he is the president from the local society and i'm a new member.
One group was really nice.
The last group was really nice, we got some boar, i had to empty them, and they gave me the organs (liver, hearth, kidney).
Emptying the boar was a very strong experience. Last time i felt that strong about a first time experience was probably the first time i had sex.
The boar is still warm wenn you empty it, your hand and a little bit more get full of blood and its stench.
It's the highest bandwith way of eating the forest. And eating it really felt like being the forest.
Which means most of the time, we are some monoculture field.
And that's probably why i'm so attached to eating cheese, because it is being the mountain.

Also,i heard of a possibility to be in charge of an alp this summer. I need to call to get details, but i would very much like to do it. I don't have much experience with animals, but i already did the rest of the work it involves on various occasions.
For some reason, i'de also be very happy to serve beers and cook food for hikers. I'd don't know if i'd have the right to do it, but usually, as the job itself is very poorly paid, you get the right to use the place to ruin some business as a compensation.

I'll see.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by mountainFrugal »

Jean wrote:
Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:48 pm
Emptying the boar was a very strong experience. Last time i felt that strong about a first time experience was probably the first time i had sex.
The boar is still warm wenn you empty it, your hand and a little bit more get full of blood and its stench.
It's the highest bandwith way of eating the forest. And eating it really felt like being the forest.
Which means most of the time, we are some monoculture field.
And that's probably why i'm so attached to eating cheese, because it is being the mountain.
Killing an animal and field dressing it is a very primal thing. In my handful of experiences, it is easy to see how religions are formed around experiences like that. I like the idea of high bandwidth eating from hunting something that forages in the forest. Really cool observation.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jiimmy »

I have vivid memories of field dressing my first deer, around age 12. I can remember everything about that day. Not many memories of the others over the years.

A childhood friend took a bite of the still-warm raw heart, of his first deer. Something his dad told him he had to do, and probably because the dad was forced into the same thing as a lad. That’s the only odd ritual I remember hearing about, and I’ve only heard that one example of it.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by guitarplayer »

I wonder if the ugly cousin of this epic rite of passage would do. For example killing a chicken for supper. Or if it has to be a mammal, killing a rabbit for pate. Or, finally, if we have to go big, killing a pig for bratwurst / black pudding / kielbasa.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by ertyu »

Reminds me of this surgeon I knew, her neighbor was complaining that she didn't know what to do with her laying hens once they got too old, she couldn't bring herself to slaughter them, and surgeon went, "gift them to me, i'll slaughter them" :lol: I was in my late 20s and the surgeon must've been in her mid-40s, I just happened to be at the same banquet table listening to the conversation but I was deeply aware this lady was made of twice the sterner stuff I was :lol:

Telling this story to illustrate, I assume the same "initiation" applies to medical professionals and to active service military/firefighters

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I had a fight with friends over a table. We rent a room together in which we play board games, table top rpg, and homm3. They wanted to spend 700.- we had sitting around, and the idea was to get a gaming table. The option of buying the materials and build one ourselves lost the vote against buying a 3000.- one. Which implied we'de have to fork over the extra cash. It was just assumed every one would participate. But we never talked about it. I had some reticence about paying a part of it. I shared them as carefully as possible, and was met with sarcasm. Well, at least, it made me stop asking if I should pay too, and made it clear I won't pay anything because 1.5 of them are assholes i don't wan't to interact with again.
We knew each other since high school, so nearly 20 years ago.
That's annoying.
It's really annoying, because we could have had a great time making a table together.
Also, I reallize I completly forgot about the fiction writting mmg, and i don't know how I should apologize, and how much of an annoyance it was for the other members.
Other than that, my GF is on holliday, which as me worried a bit. But surpisingly little.
I didn't apply to the alp, because there were to much cows, and it wasn't ideal.
I'm really looking forward getting my hunting licence. I'll get chamois, boar, ducks, common animals and deer (which are called wapiti or elk in america). I won't take roe deer, because it's too expensive (210 per animal, and i have to take 2) chamois is also 210.-, but i can take only one. Taking chamois allows me to get the other patents for 50.- each, and they all allow me an unlimited number of animals for the same price.I am limited in where and when i can shoot them.
I'm really looking forward getting a 200kg deer down from the mountain. I'll build something like that ... #gallery-1. And then, i'll use public transport to get it back home. It might rise some eyebrows.
Also, I'm allow to build a highstand in my forest without a permit, it's supposed to be suited to spend the night there, so I want to build one this spring.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by chenda »

Jean wrote:
Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:42 pm
I had a fight with friends over a table.
Sorry Jean. Sometimes people change over time and you realise you are only friends for legacy reasons. I have realised this week I am too accomodating sometimes to the people I know and I end up doing stuff which I don't really want to do. So it's good to put your foot down. Maybe you'll meet some more people hunting.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

Thank you

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

my gf was travelling, so i played elden ring, best adventure game since n64 zeldas and morrowind.
Also, i'm really looking forward to go hunting. only 16 month to go.
I had my first accident with my home. my tenant opened the water pipe that goes to the garden, but the pipe was dammaged on the way, in my studio. he didn:t notice, and many of my stuf got soaked. floor is still partially soaked. it is worsened by the fact that i had many books and pictures from my grandma home right under the pipe.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by chenda »

Jean there are companies which can restore damaged photos via Photoshop I believe. It's quite labour intensive so they are usually done from places like India where the hourly rates are much cheaper.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

pictures were paintings, i dried them, and they are ok i think. Worst loss are a cardboard building game, and a 1920 atlas, and also my floor which started to mold. They are still drying, i'll assess the damage once it's dry. I washed the floor with bleach, hoping it will kill the mold.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by ertyu »

If it had to happen, it's good it happened as summer is coming. Things will dry out faster.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

yes, the same happening before winter would have been nearly impossible to dry out.
But this accident could only have happend in spring, because i always close water in winter. I'm pretty sure i told him to check if there were any leaks whenevere he'd put the pipe back under pressure.
But honnestly, it is a minor annoyance compared to my former tenants.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by Jean »

I never talked about migraine. I'm curious about how many other peoples here have migraines.
I might document mines here.
They usually occurs in burst (nothing for two month, then two or three one day migraine within one or two weeks).
They start with a light headache, that could be attributed to light dehydration or lack of sleep, then after a few hours, the pain is full. The pain is very strong and makes it impossible to do anything. Reading or playing video games is out of the question, watching a movie too. During the pre pain phase, lome light walking is possible. Most stimuli are painfull (light touches). If i have a migraine while having slept too much to keep sleeping, i can listen to a podcast, wich was a very nice discovery. While carresses are painfull, i discovered today that having my feet compressed was nice, even relieving (thank you dgf). For some reason, being asked questions during migraine is very painfull.
The pain is very bad, hopefully, you can sleep through it, but sometimes, the pain, and the nausea (they come with a nausea that make you feel like you're about to vomit), make it hard to sleep. If i didn't knew it was most likely to be over within 12 hours from when the pain get strong, i'de consider suicide. I had a migraine whose pain phase lasted more than a day, it was terrible, because the extra duration made my faith in a coming end shater. It's still less painfull than having your bone's shape being changed, but bone aren't usually deformed for several hours at a time (maybe during childbirth? I 'll never now).
The plus sides of migraine are as follows:
-You don't eat for a day which is propably healthy
-You get some rest even if you would very much want to do something
-When it's over, you get an appreciation reminder about life without pain, and how the ability to daydream is already a very nice feature of life.

I don't know what triggers them. Before i had glass, sitting in front of a screen was a very sure way to trigger one. Lack of sleep seems to help trigger one. Also, visiting in laws triggers them quite consistently, not because of the in laws, but because i lose a lot of agency while visiting (being dependent for food mostly).

I would like to know if other people here have migraines too.

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Re: Smelly Swiss Dilettante

Post by basuragomi »

I get migraines, usually as a result of exposure to sunlight or bright screens in a dark room. I see the migraine aura, take two tylenol ASAP and that takes care of it. Otherwise I don't get particularly intense pain (it's like 3/10, where kidney stones are 9/10), but definitely become useless for anything beyond sorting things. I keep some medicine in a little sealed keychain tube whenever I'm out and about.

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