Crusader's Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

I have been thinking some more about my budgeting system. I'll keep grouping the expences into "base", "normal" and "luxury". But, to make it simple, I will only keep an amount of money on my debit card that is divisible by 100. If I spend $80 one week, I'll top up only $80 for next week. At the end of the month, any leftover money up to $2000 will be put in the debit card, in increments of $100. If I spent <$2000 in the previous month, the difference is carried over to the next month. It sounds more complicated than in my head.

I will also have another bucket for spending, in the form of cash, because sometimes there is a discount when we spend cash. The (petty) cash stack is also replenished in $100 increments at the end of the month. (I don't anticipate spending a lot from this cash bucket). This way, I can just look at the balance of the debit card and cash, and quickly know how much money I have spent this week.

Other than that, I am doing great. Eating at home and taking public transport. I seem to quite like public transport over driving. Definitely will spend <$2000 this month.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

I think that I won't be modifying my budgeting system. The only thing that will change is what I consider expenses that I won't try to keep under $2000. For example, this month, I paid for some group dance classes for the training course. It looks like I will carry over ~100$ for my "allowance" to next month. I've also become reasonably comfortable going out and not drinking anything (or if I have to order a drink, I order diet Coke).

I like taking public transport, so I'll buy a monthly pass for March, but I also want to spend March getting comfortable riding my bike. That will be my next ERE project:
-> learn how to replace a flat tire, lubricate the chain and adjust it if it derails
-> research and buy/make any extra equipment I might need. Pants/jacket? I definitely need a new bell, but that's cheap. Also, what about body odour?

However, what is really occupying my thoughts these days is that my mom, who lives in Serbia, doesn't want to take care of the 2 pieces of real estate she has (one of which she is renting out). She wants to sell them, give me the money (around ~200K CAD) and then for me to use that for a down payment. She has no confidence in the "stock market" as it can "crash at any time". The older she is (she is now 71), the more I am realizing that dealing with her is difficult because often her decisions are based on pure emotion. Officially she wants to be closer to me, but she also really wants to "leave something behind" to me when she dies, and something tangible. I want to honour her wishes, but I also don't like someone putting conditions on what I do with my money. I also am growing increasingly concerned about how to care for her from another country when she can't take care of herself. So, having her closer to me would be easier for me as well. I am also not thrilled at all at the idea of "us" having real estate in another country with an ageing parent being the only person who is supposed to manage it. She also has started developing local traits like distrust in the government and borderline conspiratorial thinking, so I am hoping that the Canadian mentality will be able to reverse or at least slow that trend.

The problem is that if we are to achieve this financially, we have to successfully implement every trick and loophole in the book, as her income by Canadian standards is very low. My apartment that I am renting would be perfect for her, and it has "legacy" rent (at least $1000 less than the market rate), so I don't want to give this up. I have to get her on my lease, then remove myself from the lease apart from the guarantor, then buy a new primary residence (it come with privileges), etc etc. It will require planning, research and it comes with uncertainty as many things could go wrong.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by ertyu »

"oops i've sold the real estate, you have to take me to canada to live with you Crusader"

- mom

how about a nice assisted living place in Serbia? Surely the private market would have provided a couple by now and while expensive for local standards, it would be affordable for a westerner. She's 71 -- she might be 93 by the time she passes.
Last edited by ertyu on Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

More like "I can't keep up with maintaining the real estate that I own, so now I want to sell it and give you the money, but for it you have to buy your own real estate so that I can fulfill my vision of leaving my child some real estate, because that's what Serbian parents do".

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by ertyu »

ah i see. sorry, i was projecting my stuff on your situation and didn't realize it

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

It's OK. The conditions she is placing on what I can do with the money that she wants to gift is driving me up the wall. I always thought she was manipulative, whether consciously or unconsciously. BUT, that IS her right, and that IS her money and she does have autonomy, AND she has sacrificed a lot for me and I feel a sense of responsibility. And having a rental real estate is not the worst idea in the world. But I don't actually know if she really wants to move to Canada or that's just a ploy to get me to agree to buy real estate.

Oh, and yes, of course there are assisted living homes in Serbia. They cost about 600 EUR per month, which she would be able to afford just from her pension income. But, she is not quite there yet, and she does have a dog she is taking care of. But strangely, if she DOES need it, then she wants to go to one in Serbia rather than Canada because it's cheaper. So she wants to move to Canada UNTIL she can no longer take care of herself and THEN move to Serbia. I don't think I am going to try to understand any more...

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by zbigi »

Crusader wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:51 pm
She also has started developing local traits like distrust in the government and borderline conspiratorial thinking, so I am hoping that the Canadian mentality will be able to reverse or at least slow that trend.
It's not paranoia if they're out to get you :) Also, distrust of the government is one of the fundaments of modern democracies (the "checks and balances" system).

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

I've been doing well lately. I hit my spending goal for February and I think there is more room for improvement (but not much). For March, I would like to get my "cheat spending" to be 0. I am so close, and I think I can do it. I am also getting invited to some parties (need to make food for potlucks, or buy something), need a haircut etc, so I can't afford not to be perfect. I have also been successfully transitioned to feeling like someone who just doesn't drink. AND, since I've started watching my spending on a weekly basis, I've lost 10 pounds (I do want to lose weight).

In terms of DIY, I've made my old computers functional (I am writing this on an 11 year old laptop), and although the new fan for my my "desktop" (old mini-PC), arrived, I realised that I don't have the appropriate motherboard connector, so I've ordered a new one from AliExpress. If that doesn't work... I might just throw it away (either that or I get a very small soldiering iron, which I am not sure will be useful for anything else, so why buy it to only use it again?).

Anyway, the "mother who wants to leave their kid real-estate" situation has been stressing me out. I still don't know what my mother wants to do, but I managed to negotiate that if she does move to Canada, I don't HAVE to buy real estate.

Goals for March:
-> stay under spending goal, with no unnecessary purchases (like there were in February)
-> learn how to replace a bicycle tire (the goal is to bike to work in April)
-> do taxes

Western Red Cedar
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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

Crusader wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:57 am
I have also been successfully transitioned to feeling like someone who just doesn't drink. AND, since I've started watching my spending on a weekly basis, I've lost 10 pounds (I do want to lose weight).
This is awesome. Identity-based habits and homeotelic goals for the win - well done!

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by ertyu »

Do you ever see yourself going back to Serbia to live?

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

ertyu wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 1:50 am
Do you ever see yourself going back to Serbia to live?
I considered it in the past (I am FIRE if I wanted to live in Serbia), but I just never quite was able to make myself do it. It would feel like going backwards in life. I have diverged from the Serbian mentality just too much. The kinds of people that come back to Serbia after living abroad are the nationalists, traditionalists, people who want to live out in the countryside and hate the cities, etc, and I am none of these... Plus, the increasing corruption, declining medical system, polluted air etc...

Never say never, but for the time being, I'll eagerly go visit but living... I don't think so.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by ertyu »

Gotcha, same here

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

I've been spending a bit more than usual ($306) this month so far. This means that I failed in my goal to spend only $100 a week, but I haven't spent anything I regret. We were celebrating some birthdays at the dance school and we were going to an escape room, as well as a Brazilian steakhouse (pretty expensive). An all you can eat meat Brazilian steakhouse is pretty much as far away from my values as I can get (consumerism, killing animals, etc), but I didn't want to miss out on the socializing aspect. I realized that in addition to me being a non drinker, I can start not eating meat, hell, I could even become vegan, and it would probably align with my frugal goals as well. I've agreed that eating animals is immoral for a long time, but I was just too lazy to do anything about it. But, I've been pretty vegetarian for months now, I think it would make sense if I tried to become vegan at some point as well. I wanted to go to this steakhouse to get one last taste of good meat, and I thought I would think it's the tastiest thing in the world that I wouldn't be able to give up, but to my surprise, I didn't much like it at all. So, I decided to not buy any animal products besides what I already have. Or at least to try.

In terms of expenses, I have $178 left to spend this month, and it will be tough, because I have to refuel my car as well. In light of what is happening, I think that I will change my spending system YET again. I will keep tracking all the expenses, set a monthly target, but I will not try to make myself spend >=$100 each week, this is just not realistic. But, if I spend under budget at the end of the month, I will put the excess amount on my prepaid card.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

It is official, I am (almost - I have lots of non-vegan food in the fridge) vegan. I went down a YouTube rabbit hole while I had a mild cold last week and after enough of Earthling Ed's (and others') videos, I can't eat animals any more. I am at least going to give it my best. I am excited about cooking on the cheap as a vegan.

Other than that, this month is slowly coming to an end, and I have to say... my spending has been "perfect". I don't think I spent anything that I could avoid, but I still didn't save much money given my budget. One mistake that I did is that I got a monthly public transport ticket, but it turned out that I can't always take public transport. Today I slept in, so I missed the company bus. And, if I have an 8:30am meeting, I also can't. Going forward, I'll have a "pay as you go" public transport ticket and use it whenever I can. It is still too cold for me to bike.

I am really getting to spend an insane amount of time on dance. I am basically working and either going to dance classes, practicing dance with others, going to fitness classes at work or sleeping. At work, I am crazy busy as I seem to be wearing 10 different hats. For the first time ever I feel relieved that I don't have a girlfriend.

In terms of ERE, I want to keep it simple over the next week:
-> keep budget on track
-> develop a plan for eating vegan food (using cronometer or something similar)

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

I have been following my budget religiously and I had another successful month. I don't think I spent anything that's unnecessary, which is my first month ever that I've done that. I have never eaten out (except for one or two social situations) or eaten junk food.

I created a rough daily vegan eating plan in, but since I still have lots of eggs and chicken and whey protein in storage, I don't think I am quite ready for a fully vegan diet. Instead, I'll focus on buying:
-> rice
-> lentils
-> beans
-> (more) onions
-> (more) cashews
-> oat and coconut milk
-> frozen vegetables
-> hummus or tahini
-> multivitamin

and just eating the food I have. I want to make sure I can make some kind of rice + beans dish, a pilaf dish and unleavened bread: ... pping.html ... udget.html ... t-way.html
I have a slow cooker but I don't have a pressure cooker.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by AxelHeyst »

Awesome Crusader! I get a lot of use out of canned tomatoes and tomato paste with rice and beans... but also I'm probably the last forumite you want to take ingredients advice on. Keep up the great work.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

A little update from me. Well, I went shopping for vegan food, but I also discovered vegan fast food. I have been splurging and almost completely blew my budget for this month. It will be tough, as I won't even have enough money to take public transport every day.

The good news is that I finally had to get my bike in working condition. I practiced removing the wheels and replacing the inner tube (I wouldn't feel comfortable commuting on a bike otherwise). I hope it doesn't rain.

In terms of cooking, I learned how to make some Rose-like pasta sauce (and eat it with pasta), make oatmeal with oat and cashew milk, and cook brown rice with additions (onions, lentils, frozen vegetables). Still haven't mastered beans, but it's on the list.

I'll focus on making the budget this month. I have to literally spend nothing else, but I have plenty of food, a bit of fuel in my car, some public transport tickets, a booked play that I will see with friends, and $23 left to spend at the restaurant before the play.

I also want to start using the GTD system, both for work and personal life.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by avalok »

This is a great update, despite the vegan fast food! :D You have been busy.

Regarding commuting by bike: for when it does rain, do you have appropriate kit? It costs, but it makes a qualitative difference to the experience.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by Crusader »

avalok wrote:
Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:42 pm
Regarding commuting by bike: for when it does rain, do you have appropriate kit? It costs, but it makes a qualitative difference to the experience.
I don't :( I don't even have proper knowledge of what I am supposed to wear while biking, but I like experimenting and figuring it out. I have a tracksuit that seems to work well as pants, as well as a medium thickness waterproofy jacket, under which I just have a t-shirt (and I still get wet from sweat). The temperature is oscillating between 10-20C these days where I am right now. If it rains and it's really bad, I'll just take public transport. But, I am changing all my clothes anyway so I wonder if I'll be able to bike in light rain as well. This whole biking thing is a big adventure for me. I got my bike for $25 used (a mountain bike from the 80s, I think), and I added a U-lock for $80 :lol: My commute distance at any given point is <10km.

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Re: Crusader's Journal

Post by avalok »

Crusader wrote:
Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:43 pm
I got my bike for $25 used (a mountain bike from the 80s, I think), and I added a U-lock for $80 :lol:
Well, you haven't got to pay $25 many times for it to add up beyond $80. :D

I can't really speak for Toronto, but at between 10-20C, and certainly above 20C, you should dry quite quickly from light rain. If caught in rain showers, you may dry between them! 10km is a nice distance for a commute. Wish you the best of luck with the biking adventure; I hope you enjoy it :)

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