mountainFrugal Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
Western Red Cedar
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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

Great update mountainfrugal! Powell's is a gem and it is a real challenge to make it out of there without spending any money. I like to make a pilgrimage to the top floor to check out the rare book collection.

It is great to see you organizing more social activities around your hobbies and interests. I think there is a real demand for IRL connection, but most don't want to take the initiative to make an event happen.

Enjoy some smoke-free, autumn days outside.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

guitarplayer wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:44 am
That's interesting. Would you think of upsides and downsides of one form of collaboration over another?

It is for such opportunities that I occasionally contemplate getting a vehicle other than bicycle.
I think that the upsides are that people who are physically larger have less of an advantage (consciously or not) to dominate discussions and decision making. I think this is important for hearing from quieter people with potentially deeper insights. It is also easier to manage people that talk too much without actually saying anything. The moderator of the meeting can remind everyone at the start to be mindful of how much they are talking vs. how much they are allowing others to talk. I think the screen thing is a bit awkward and different to begin with so many of the subtle social norms are easily rewritten. I think one of the main downsides would be interacting only through the abstraction of the screen could make working with people more transactional. So I am unsure how it generalizes to a larger population, but for my work and collaborations it works great.

A vehicle is double edged of course. It would be nice to be able to say I could live without one, but practically I am not interested in that. When I lived in the city that was for sure possible and we rarely drove only to leave the city. Bicycles and public transit were more than sufficient.

@AE You should organize a drawing/art/whatever group. You might be surprised (as I was) who would show up!

Thanks @WRC! I think that people here are also stoked to get together for something that does not cost money and is geared toward tourists (although they would be welcome). This is why we are doing these on weeknights. The nature journaling will be on the weekend.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »


I finally got to go visit the watershed where I scattered DWs ashes. I had been going every year, but the last two years the smoke and nearby fires prevented me from going before it got too cold. There were perfect fall colors, crisp sunny weather that made for good conditions to push it. I have fast-packed this route before, done a long day hike, and done partial routes. The route is very technical with a lot of climbing. I was exhausted after. Mentally, physically, emotionally. All the feels.

We hosted our first nature journal club. Spent time outside on a Saturday morning forgoing a long run. I need to figure out a different time. Also, harsh midday sun is hard to paint in.

Visited some family and got to hang out with my niece.

My partner and I started doing "Relationship Broccoli". A dedicated time scheduled in advance to discuss different relationship topics in detail.

Set relationship broccoli schedules for the next 6 months.

Finished filling the woodshed. We are ready for winter!

We started our backyard plan by digging out an area for outdoor seating and hanging out. We will eventually fill this with local gravel. We are mixing in the dirt/sod with compost and leaves into our layer cake garden mounds.

All of my creative interests are converging under a broad umbrella of "science communication". What are the potential skills/interest overlaps that could make a "unique take" on content?

Illustrators - no hard science and/or statistics background, back-country experience, fitness, storytelling, data etc.
Comics- no hard science and/or statistics background, back-country experience, fitness,
Data Visualization - no sequential storytelling or illustration background, potentially no hard science background
Communications (general) - potentially no hard science background, illustration skills, fitness, back-country experience,
Adventurers - potentially no hard science and/or statistics background, no illustration skills, no sequential art skills.

We did Inktober as a drawing group. Daily prompts that you complete in ink. While it was really fun, I think everyone is burned out doing other people's prompts. We have a new member!

I submitted a proposal for a science/data/illustration anthology that was accepted. I have until Dec 1 to complete it.

I focused on gauche (opaque water color) for a week (yearly goal). I also learned a new sketching technique that was used by the old masters for oil paintings. It works just as well for watercolors. The process gradually builds up ink washes to define the drawing/painting in values only. Then you overlay light watercolor washes on top. The values carry the drawing and make it look 3D while color adds the final visual punch. I have been playing with a made up technique, but was doing the diluted ink washes later in the illustration instead of earlier. The tweeks make the new sketches look even better.

See stats.

We completed the Cactus to Cloud hike/run in Southern California. A humid 85F at 3 am start at the desert base (146m, 480 ft) up to the top (3291m, 10800ft). It was raining, hailing and windy at the top (~45F). We did not go back down to the desert start because it was 110F. We descended down to the town of Idyllwild on the other side of the divide. I think that we went through 6 different ecosystem types going up and over. It was hard and fun.

Ran along the lake for some sunrise runs. The leaves were popping warm colors. Beautiful!

Went to Chicago for a few days for a conference. (did not have time to reach out to the Chicago ERE contingent... next time!). We wrote a draft of a book over 2 days! I was in a 4 person group and we wrote a draft, received feedback, and edited a chapter. During down time I completed a sketchnote of the conference and shared it with everyone with great feedback and criticism. This is what I want to be spending my work time doing...

Speaking of which...I am finishing up the negotiations and paperwork, but the plan is transition into a 0.5 time science communications role for an organization after my current contract is up. I negotiated a raise on my current 0.5 salary and the position will include full benefits. The contract will go until July 2024. The other half of my salary (if I want to do other projects), will be filled with part-time research and/or consulting contracts. The main creative content will be a monthly email newsletter, managing the website content, and posting smaller updates on social media. The best part is that I negotiated to have illustrations, explainer comics, sketchnotes, and data visualizations as part of my "monthly communications" output put into the contract. I can learn how to use all these marketing staples of running an art business with an organization behind it as a backstop while also continuing to build a portfolio. All of my "hobbies" that include illustration, sketchnotes (similar to these monthly updates), blogging and data visualizations combined with my technical expertise are now getting me this new gig.

I submitted the NatGeo Grant. If I got this it would be 0.15 of my work time. I will reapply if I do not get it this round. Hopefully they will provide feedback. Now to focus on the manuscript as my position winds down. Finished the first round of edits.

Three of our Wednesday hill climb friends headed to Nepal so we wished them good luck with a final peak run, sunset viewing, and backpack cocktails.

We had folks over for pumpkin carving, veggie chilli, and trick-or-treating.

Date night with my partner for some subalpine star photography (newmoon cycle). She is getting really good.

Edits: Typos
Last edited by mountainFrugal on Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Western Red Cedar
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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

mountainFrugal wrote:
Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:47 am

Speaking of which...I am finishing up the negotiations and paperwork, but the plan is transition into a 0.5 time science communications role for an organization after my current contract is up. I negotiated a raise on my current 0.5 salary and the position will include full benefits. The contract will go until July 2024. The other half of my salary (if I want to do other projects), will be filled with part-time research and/or consulting contracts. The main creative content will be a monthly email newsletter, managing the website content, and posting smaller updates on social media. The best part is that I negotiated to have illustrations, explainer comics, sketchnotes, and data visualizations as part of my "monthly communications" output put into the contract. I can learn how to use all these marketing staples of running an art business with an organization behind it as a backstop while also continuing to build a portfolio. All of my "hobbies" that include illustration, sketchnotes (similar to these monthly updates), blogging and data visualizations combined with my technical expertise are now getting me this new gig.
Well done! It is really nice to read journals where paid work plays into one's WOG. Good luck with the grant and all of the upcoming projects.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

@WRC Paid work to learn the tools that will then make a passive art income portfolio more likely. Selling prints or doing commissions for a few hundred extra dollars a month sounds way more interesting to me than managing properties or relying on my investment portfolio fully. I want to spread out the specialized income spikes for a more resilient system overall and further decrease my dependence on my investments.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by bos »

Great to read the progress you are making. The inktober was a lot of fun (I only made it 11/31 days :), but it was a nice start with all of the participants.

Do you have an example topic for "Relationship Broccoli". Topics that fail to be addressed in daily life?
Keep on enjoying the process of improving your drawing skills. It is visible that you are getting better!

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Looking back at my sketchbooks even from a few months ago I notice I am improving. Pencil mile after pencil mile! Inktober was fun. :). I am over the hill as far as seeing myself getting better acting as rocket fuel for wanting to get even better. New rolling 5 year goal for drawing is to be able to draw as well as I do now from references...but from imagination. Hard, hard, hard.

Relationship Broccoli- topics
Money - 1x/month focus on money spent, categories, was that worth it? etc.

General review 1x/month
1. Review Month
Accomplishments & celebrations
Start, Stop, More? (Start doing something, stop doing something, do more of something... aka structured critical feedback).
Look at photos and highlights
Space for low-lights
Share feelings about the month

2. Up-coming month
- wants and needs
- Discuss any personal goals
- Significant dates (trips, birthdays, work, etc)

General review 1x/quarter

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by guitarplayer »

mountainFrugal wrote:
Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:49 pm
I am over the hill as far as seeing myself getting better acting as rocket fuel for wanting to get even better.
This is a game changer. Also, I mentioned some place else in relation to music - once one starts effortlessly enjoying the outcomes, this also adds a lot.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by MBBboy »

Why Relationship Broccoli? Did I miss the joke?

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

MBBboy wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:31 am
Why Relationship Broccoli? Did I miss the joke?
Just being playful. "Eat your relationship vegetables." Not always something we want to be doing, but we should for optimal health. :).

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

I achieved my elevation gain and loss goal for the year early. I had initially planned for more weekend long runs that would be cancelled due to smoke, but we got lucky this year in that regard.

We celebrated our anniversary. We were in the city for my partner's work and went out for sushi.

I got to meet up with @AxelHeyst IRL on our way back from Baja. We chatted, swapped bikes, bro hugged, then went our separate ways. I traded my road touring bike for his full suspension MTB. Sad to see her go because I have spent the most time on her out of any steed (touring and commuting). However, I know she will be getting lots of use, will be in good hands, and will get to see new vistas. She has been sitting in the garage since we left the city and I no longer commute. In addition to having a full suspension, I wanted to learn how to service suspensions. Besides general bicycle repair (already mastered), the next logical steps would be suspension (rebuild and tune) and e-bikes. There is a repair market for both of these in my town, especially as an aging population uses full-suspension e-bikes to "silver rip" down the trails.

Minor: converted broken tub into aluminum recycling bin for the garage. We generally have lower recycling waste, but it does accumulate over a few months. We then drop it at a center, but it needs to be sorted first. Easier to do that at the outset.

I split ALOT of wood to my stove starting/maintaining specs. Toasty, toasty, toasty.

In Baja I had a lot of opportunities to practice my very rusty Spanish. The rust knocks off pretty quickly when thrown back into it. I have been to a number of Latin American countries for various lengths of time and it takes about a week of daily spanish to get back into the groove of speaking and understanding spanish well enough for a non-annoying gringo.

We bought fish from fisherman and rented a boat for fishing in Baja. My partner caught some Dorado (mahi-mahi). She was STOKED! We made ceviche a number of nights on our trip. We dialed in the recipe. Cooking with acid is really fun. If you want a quick ceviche, cut the fish into smaller pieces to increase the surface area. Also, Jalapenos should be made into a paste (with seeds) as much as possible to distribute the heat/flavor. Let the fish cook in the lime for an hour before adding spices or onion.

I finished Anne Duke's newest book Quit. I think most of her books have good nuggets in them on probabilistic thinking/modeling (my academic training), but the books should just be longer essays. Quitting is a personal favorite set of mental models of mine. I have generally followed the heuristic that if I no longer have choice in how I spend >50% of my time then become rapidly uninterested. If that time is "training" under someone I respect, then I trust it, even if I do not have a say. Learning when to "quit", especially for mountain and adventure type activities is very important if you want to continue doing those things into old age. I could go on for ages on this topic, but worth a read.

My partner was having some calf issues despite stretching and rolling out. I read some sports message books and watched some videos. Deep tissue (aka rolling by hand) for the win!

See stats.

With all the "darknet" or "clearnet" discussion happening I decided it might be important to share more of the activities I am up to outside of the forum. Any non-lurker forumite that wants to see my art portfolio is welcomed to PM me for a link. I assume full trust following the same MMG member assumptions:
AxelHeyst wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:55 pm
[*]Criteria for membership: No lurkers. Everyone ideally either has a journal, or is active enough on the forum that they don’t “need” a journal - they’re a known entity. I think it’s important for the trust dynamic of the Group for everyone going in it to be able to check each other out and say “yeah, okay, I’m cool with joining a group with these people.” An exception might be that if you know someone who’d be a good candidate for your MMG, who isn’t active on this forum, but are active on permies or somewhere else on the internet, that might work out fine.
Finished another EDC sketchbook. It is really fun to see my progress over the past year. 4 completed this year.

I started working through Understanding Comics with a group (non-ERE). I love this book and the group is from a diverse set of backgrounds so many new insights. I have re-read this book a number of times over the last 15 years. The newest insights from this group read have been the most interesting. This has been a perfect example of reiterating that a STEM mountain bro-dude view of things is limited. It also helps that I am very much the minority in this group in many ways.

# Outdoor Adventure
See stats. A lot of travel this month led to less distance overall. I did a few hard rows and a lot of laps on a hill in Baja.

I decided to channel my inner @ego (funny when I say it that way for some reason) and do some morning beach runs. The beach was steep and the sand was course and wet. 5 km of barefoot led to various blisters on my mountain shod feet. They are still healing. I should have eased into it more and realized these conditions were very different than other beach substrates I have run on.

I signed a part-time contract for 1.5 years. I am going to get paid to do ART! Fuck yeah!

We work/traveled for a few weeks on either end of the Thanksgiving holiday. We went to Baja, Mexico with a group of friends. We exercised, fished, spear fished, swam, surfed, volley-balled, herped (searched for reptiles), did yoga, cooked amazing meals, and generally got sick of each other's shit by the end. A good trip by all measures.

I met a women that came to the drink and draw. She was good friends with one of our other friends in town and agreed to house-sit while we were gone. She was in-between rentals due to travel so it worked out perfectly.
Last edited by mountainFrugal on Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by AnalyticalEngine »

I've read Understanding Comics too, and it's definitely a good read. Sequential art is a fascinating medium with its own unique conventions, and that book does a great job breaking it up.

Sounds like a cool month all the way around with some nice adventures.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by theanimal »

Really excited for you regarding the new job setup.

Herped? Please elaborate. My duckduckgo has nothing besides what you'd expect when you search that word.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

theanimal wrote:
Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:19 pm

Quick reply to save others from the same searching fate:

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by shaz »

Congratulations on a good month. Getting paid to do art sounds perfect for you.

As always, I enjoyed your journal entry and drawings. The housesitter made me laugh.

I've been thinking about the topic of quitting recently and will add Quit to my list of books to read. Your observation that "if I no longer have choice in how I spend >50% of my time then become rapidly uninterested" has me pondering what my % is. Having recognized this about yourself, do you find that you consistently bail out when you become uninterested?

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by ffj »

I watched some kid on YouTube a while back who would "herp", so I was hip to your lingo. ;)

All he did was lift up old tin and garbage and there were snakes everywhere. I think he was in South Carolina. I was struck by how many more snakes he saw the more debris and garbage was lying around.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by guitarplayer »

Hi @mF, thanks for dropping the name of Annie Duke here. I have read her 'thinking in bets' and will see if I can find other books (and time for reading them). I love to see how things branch out and loop back again for you.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by AxelHeyst »

I really love how integrated the new mtb is in your whole life's system (WoG). Opportunity to tick a new skill subset (suspension), integrate more with an existing relationship, make your stable more efficient and purposeful by freeing up other bike, and potentially turn into side hustle / remuneration aligned with right livelihood. Oh, also, moar epic shredding because full suspension. And zero $ had to be exchanged. A masterful move worthy of study.

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mountainFrugal »

Thanks all!

@shaz It is not that I consistently bail. I just try to find a different role, move laterally, etc. that has more learning involved when I am doing things that are completely decided by others. I like to keep it fresh. If I can no longer do this for 50% of my time, then I plan an exit.

@ffj Herpers love throwing boards of plywood onto long grass. There are usually snakes under there after a few days. The more debris, the greater the number of hiding spots for snakes, lizards, and the things that they eat.

@guitarplayer How to decide by Annie Duke is my favorite of hers. Quit is my second favorite, but I think the content in stretched to make it a book. This general trend annoys me. Both are worth a read though.

@ah I look forward to seeing how the LHT incorporates into your WOG. I expect to see some "legs of Oak" progress the next time we meet up IRL. ;)

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Re: mountainFrugal Journal

Post by mooretrees »

Again, another fantastic update. I read it twice to make sure I got everything, there's so much going on for ya'll!

I can see again and again where you succeed with great planning and tracking. And succeed is just doing what you think you want to do, plus living a cool life. It's great to have more examples of people getting at living the life they want to.

Glad you were able to help your partner deal with her calf issue, seems like it was probably a painful cure? In any of your research about sports massage did you figure out if the benefits were long lasting or were they temporary? I'm curious because I've had some success with golf balls and the like to get into tight areas that yoga doesn't do enough for. I've wondered if the occasional professional deep tissue massage would be worth the expense?

My DH and kiddo would LOVE to do some herping, I will watch from a distance as I can't control my instinctive revulsion/fear when I'm surprised by a snake. From a safe distance I can appreciate them.

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