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Re: Turmeric

Post by Ego »

Damn. I stopped ordering from Mountain Rose Herbs during the pandemonium because they were two or three months behind processing orders. I will have to go back to them as they test their stuff.

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Re: Turmeric

Post by guitarplayer »

Thanks @theanimal! Mine is sourced from a pretty high end organic products outlet but I will check the country of origin and brand today when I am out and about.

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Re: Turmeric

Post by Lemur »

steveo73 wrote:
Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:55 am
My favourite doctor as well. As per Chad's point I do think that he exaggerates some of the negative effects of meat consumption or maybe better put he doesn't state where the line is. For instance I cooked a tomato pasta with sardines and cannellini beans the other day. The sardines have a lot of good stuff in them such as omega 3's. They probably also have some bad stuff such as mercury. I'm sure that there is a line where my body gets rid of the bad stuff easily but utilises the good stuff as well.

On the whole though I reckon Dr Gregor basically comes up with the best nutritional advice.

I just so happen to be reading one of his book s right now "How Not to Diet." Agree Sardines are good. Tasty too with wheat crackers and mustard...I consume them on average once a week for the Omega 3 fatty acids. Can also just get from fish oil or algae oil.

I too have the sense that he tends to overexaggerate the negative side effects of meat consumption. But his logic is sound I think. He does not state where a line is but I think this is because meat for Greger is a no-go along with dairy and eggs mostly due to ethical reasons but also "opportunity costs" of calories. In this line of thinking, we've a limited amount of calories we can eat before we gain unneeded fat so one should only consume food for maximum health and satiety benefits. Considering longevity research as well points to the fact that animal protein accelerates aging through mTOR/IGF-1, we don't need meat if we can easily hit protein requirements with whole beans, legumes, grains, leafy greens, etc. so what is meat really needed for unless you're a bodybuilding and have higher than average growth requirements?

We could say Meat is an excellent source of zinc, iron, b vitamins, and other vitamins/minerals but these too we could get from plants...which also are loaded in those but we get the benefit of antioxidants and fiber and no intake of saturated fats.

I'd personally draw the line at fatty vs non-fatty meat. Like definitely avoid the saturated fats...I think the evidence of their negative health effects is robust. In the real world, I treat meat as an occasional thing I come across in the wild (at a party, social gathering, etc.).

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Re: Turmeric

Post by steveo73 »

Lemur wrote:
Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:27 pm
I just so happen to be reading one of his book s right now "How Not to Diet." Agree Sardines are good. Tasty too with wheat crackers and mustard...I consume them on average once a week for the Omega 3 fatty acids. Can also just get from fish oil or algae oil.

I too have the sense that he tends to overexaggerate the negative side effects of meat consumption. But his logic is sound I think. He does not state where a line is but I think this is because meat for Greger is a no-go along with dairy and eggs mostly due to ethical reasons but also "opportunity costs" of calories. In this line of thinking, we've a limited amount of calories we can eat before we gain unneeded fat so one should only consume food for maximum health and satiety benefits. Considering longevity research as well points to the fact that animal protein accelerates aging through mTOR/IGF-1, we don't need meat if we can easily hit protein requirements with whole beans, legumes, grains, leafy greens, etc. so what is meat really needed for unless you're a bodybuilding and have higher than average growth requirements?

We could say Meat is an excellent source of zinc, iron, b vitamins, and other vitamins/minerals but these too we could get from plants...which also are loaded in those but we get the benefit of antioxidants and fiber and no intake of saturated fats.

I'd personally draw the line at fatty vs non-fatty meat. Like definitely avoid the saturated fats...I think the evidence of their negative health effects is robust. In the real world, I treat meat as an occasional thing I come across in the wild (at a party, social gathering, etc.).
This is fascinating coming up now. I think I posted my comment 6 years ago. I still feel the same way. I wonder if the evidence will change ? I doubt it will. I think at some point it gets past the point of no return and I think this has happened in nutritional science.

Maybe the next leap forward will be drugs that can really help you in various ways. I suppose they do this now. Maybe this is relevant to FIRE as well. I use a couple of drugs regularly. I used to vaporize pot and I take Nasonex. Nasonex is a drug that helps if you are prone to nasal allergies. This year (it should be added that I've also taken care of my parents dog) I've had bad nasal allergies plus allergic and red eyes. The doctor has me on a stronger nasal spray and it's working. The new nasal spray is a little dearer though. I think having enough money and not being too tight is important.

I also used to vaporize pot but I just had bronchitis (about 2-3 months ago). Since then I've taken to ingesting marijuana. I had my lungs checked and they look good.

I hope when I'm a little older I will be offered happy pills and all sorts of stuff to help with my quality of life.

At the same time I'm a big fan of living well and therefore minimizing your drug intake.

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Re: Turmeric

Post by fiby41 »

Ego wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:12 pm
How do you get turmeric into your body?
Yesterday I got cut. applied turmeric on the wound. Helps with the blood coagulation and disinfecting. Not much went in I suppose.

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Re: Turmeric

Post by Lemur »

Mix into lentils / beans which I consume daily.

Naturally I’ve been pairing Tumeric with garlic powder, cumin, ginger powder, chili powder and/or cayenne pepper. Traditional Indian spice mix - can’t go wrong and not sure I’ll ever get tired of this combo.

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