Jupiter's Universe

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

Autotroph wrote:
Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:10 am
Last year I started running, and then eventually incorporated weights, fixed my diet, and a lot of my physical/mental problems reduced significantly or disappeared.
Congratulations on making all those positive changes, Autotroph! I hope you will be able to keep doing that for as long as you wish to. Why have you opted for running in particular?

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Autotroph »

Thank you. For reasons that aren't entirely clear to me, I enjoy it. In addition, I find running therapeutic and a great tool for self-exploration. Also, it's probably the cheapest exercise, which lends itself nicely to ERE.

edit: just read your intro and saw that you like running too -- nice. Still running?
Recently I started doing shoulder workouts to offset years of sitting at a desk, and I find it to be helpful. Specifically, I roughly follow this:
https://www.aleanlife.com/shoulder-work ... s-at-home/

Also, I spent a lot of my teens/early 20s in Windsor, as I grew up in Detroit where everyone gets their enhanced ID and crosses the bridge to drink/gamble. I loved hanging out with the Canadians, stereotypically friendly.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

Autotroph wrote:
Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:39 pm
For reasons that aren't entirely clear to me, I enjoy it. In addition, I find running therapeutic and a great tool for self-exploration.
edit: just read your intro and saw that you like running too -- nice. Still running?
I love running for exactly the same reason!! It is a good rhythm to observe the landscape, it gives some time to think and it makes me happy. Usually I diminish my running volume during the winter because of ice and risks of getting hurt, but in the summer I dive into it fully. My ideal volume is to go 2/3 days for about 6-12 km. I have tried above those numbers, but I get bored if I do 1/1 days and more than 25 km. Also, doing less in the winter allows me for trying other sports (like ice skating)
Recently I started doing shoulder workouts to offset years of sitting at a desk, and I find it to be helpful. Specifically, I roughly follow this:
https://www.aleanlife.com/shoulder-work ... s-at-home/
Nice! Thank you for sharing the workout, Autotroph! I usually follow old cassette/dvd workouts of sports like essentrics, pilates or yoga, which is very funny because there is an actuated world out there on the Internet. I will try it!
Also, I spent a lot of my teens/early 20s in Windsor, as I grew up in Detroit where everyone gets their enhanced ID and crosses the bridge to drink/gamble. I loved hanging out with the Canadians, stereotypically friendly.
It must have been very fun years! I have been to the USA about 6 times now, mainly when I was younger for family vacations. I was always surprised at how warm the ocean water was. I remember bathing in the sea on a windy day one time in September. We were the only family out there, and the lifeguard, tucked in his jacket, was looking as if he was really hoping for us not to need his assistance.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

I heard another story from a parent today.

This time it was my father, who told me about the friend of a friend. The guy was really into his co-owned retail company, and was feeling a bit tense with is partner in business. Thus, he made an offer to buy the missing 50%, but the other counter-offered with more money. The guy chose the money, as he thought : "Well, I am past ordinary retirement age anyways, and I have worked quite hard, and I am ready for other passions...". Then he spent a year playing golf non-stop (sport was the missing piece to his pre-retirement life mixture), but got so bored he started working part-time as a salesperson in a wine store.

Eventually, he decided to start a new company, similar to the first one, but at a smaller scale.

My father and I had many spontaneous thoughts, such as :
  1. It seems to me I could never run out of things to do if I were to retire tomorrow...
  2. He must have truly loved his career!
  3. Balance is sometimes the only thing missing; we think we don't have time while maintaining a full-time career, but what if we had better priority management?
  4. Maybe the transition from work was too brutal;
  5. What if he had decided to pick up a new hobby to entertain himself instead of going back to the old one?
  6. ...

white belt
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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by white belt »

Jupiter wrote:
Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:38 pm
My father and I had many spontaneous thoughts, such as :
  1. It seems to me I could never run out of things to do if I were to retire tomorrow...
  2. He must have truly loved his career!
  3. Balance is sometimes the only thing missing; we think we don't have time while maintaining a full-time career, but what if we had better priority management?
  4. Maybe the transition from work was too brutal;
  5. What if he had decided to pick up a new hobby to entertain himself instead of going back to the old one?
  6. ...



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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by theanimal »

Jupiter wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:50 pm
Anyways, I am glad you made me reflect on this! If I may ask, I would be curious to know what you are seeking for when reading The Way to Love or other books by Anthony De Mello. What has been your biggest takeaway so far?
Mainly a desire to lessen my attachment to emotions and my state of well being originating from other people. I am patient and stoical with almost everything but am susceptible to anger under certain situations. Those situations are usually a result of me wishing that reality was different than what it already is. I find I am more content when I am able to accept things as they happen and see the world as it happens, not how I want it to be. It also helps with regards to some emotional hang ups that I have stemming from childhood( what Plotkin would call my Loyal Soliders) and from living alone for far too long. My biggest takeaway goes along these lines. The fact that I am in charge of my self and as such any time I am not experiencing happiness it is a result of my own thoughts pertaining to those actions or me wishing to fit reality to my perceptions.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

white belt wrote:
Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:14 pm


Those readings were insightful, thank you for sharing, white belt! A plan based on predictions for the future can always be invalidated by factors we never thought about, or minimized in regard of today's circumstances. I strangely like a lot the idea of going through the ERE journey and realizing afterwards that "All I ever wanted, All I ever needed, Is here in my arms" (to quote Depeche Mode) was true all along, and coming back to my starting point with a bit more wisdom and freedom (hopefully), like a real life version of the Hero's journey trope.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

theanimal wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 3:24 pm
Mainly a desire to lessen my attachment to emotions and my state of well being originating from other people. [...] The fact that I am in charge of my self and as such any time I am not experiencing happiness it is a result of my own thoughts pertaining to those actions or me wishing to fit reality to my perceptions.
You seem so emotionally mature! I find it very wise that you deliberately developed your ability to discern what is under your control and what is not, and try to reclaim it/let go of it when appropriate. Those are contrary avenues, and I imagine it takes a lot of time to work them until satisfaction. I hope you will reach the level of mastery over your internal state you strive for, the animal. And you inspire me to do the same. I will try to find were I should start to improve my behaviour/personal philosophy.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by theanimal »

Ha, thanks. It's much easier to say what I should be doing than actually do it. Simple, not easy. But I'm trying to get better at it each day, and am glad to read that you will be too.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

Life has been intense these past two weeks, with two math/CS -themed competitions on top of my regular studies. That means days, evenings, weekends and sometimes nights on my computer. Even though it is not the healthiest thing, I love working really hard. It is immensely gratifying knowing I am giving my 100% at something. I am fully aware the current energy demand exceeds my reserve renewal rate, because I have had some cases of trespassing my limits before. Running on empty made me grudging about accepting responsibilities, and for a while after my motivation levels felt unnaturally low and vacillating. The healing process was overlong, but interesting to witness : it came with accrued sensitivity for the energy returns on every activity.

In order to delay the energy crash, those fully or partially self-motivating activities become crucial (at least, in my case). Having both competitions at the same time makes that obvious in various ways.

The first competition, on paper, should give me good returns. It is in-line with my values, offering great potential to be useful (in a "serious" manner), it is about something I have been doing for a long time (it is in my study field, so good familiarity factor), but also has some challenge so that it is not boring. Cherry on top : I am friend with all members on my team, and it makes me want to outdo myself.

The second competition is quite the opposite. It is more frivolous, the end result will never be useful apart for the knowledge I will have gained from the making, the domain is not one I would be entirely at peace with working in value-wise, and both my teammates and the actual work I am doing are new to me, which makes everything more complicated to navigate.

However, the first competition is much more energy-taxing than the second, the reason I am not sure of. A word that spontaneously comes to my mind is "affinities". This week, I feel I could work around the clock on the second competition without getting tired of it, as if the resistance of contributing to this project was lesser to me. Is that a rational thing to say you have certain affinities with an activity? It feels weird, because my mind would rather like the first competition and be good in that context. Though, this might be my ego talking (-_-)

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

February 2022 expenses :

Food : 5.50 cad (yay for parents);
Transportation : 216 cad in bus passes (Feb + March).

February considerations :

I am keeping my eyes open for apartments, because if I can find a promising opportunity, I might move out before the end of my degree. Covid is pretty much out of the way now, at least most regulations were let down during the past weeks, and I started to commute to school, which takes more than 3 hours per day. I don't mind commuting that much, but I do miss campus life and I would like to enjoy it a bit while I still can. One difficulty is to make my parents understand I don't want stuff like a huge couch/tv/blender/etc. They are so cute, they want to help me move out, but when I say I want to keep things frugal, have roommates and use the same dishes every meal, the message does not register. They have this idea of me alone in a nice and spacious but very stuffed apartment located at equidistance from them/uni.

Anyways, I started cleaning up my wardrobe with the intention of discarding things I don't want to drag along, and found my primary & high school remains, mainly in the form of drawings and little notes. It was endearing to consult, to the point I might not throw everything away like I planned. I even discovered I used to draw comics and stories a lot, which is funny because I started that as a hobby last year and thought then it was completely new for me. Turns out that mini me was ahead of the game.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

March 2022 expenses :

Food : 22.76 cad
Transportation : 108 cad in bus passes (April)
Travel/party : 655.71 cad for attending to a wedding
Gifts : 41.78 cad

March considerations :

My grandma passed away this month. It was really sad, but at least she was at home, tucked in her bed and surrounded with family when it happened. She told me I should devote my life to helping others, which was super sweet. I spent some time going through pictures and helping with whatever I could. I plan to make an epic powerpoint with pictures of her at various stages of her life, to display during her funerals.

On the sunnier side, I continued working hard for my competitions. One ended with my team submitting our paper ten minutes after the deadline. The other is still going, but I suspect the result will be similarly rushed. I feel I am learning so much from those experiences, more than from my master's degree. Applied sciences!

I am also really excited for spring. It means running a lot, without having to worry about slipping on ice or put on a ton of clothes. It also means preparing for the garden (nothing fantastic here, I don't have much space, but I do grow tomatoes, lettuce, those kind of things).

Beside those four activities, I don't have time to do much after school, so time is flying. I have one month of journals to catch up with, and I am looking forward to reading them ^_^

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

April 2022 expenses :

School : 650 cad (in tuition, hopefully the last semester I will have to pay)
Gifts : 31.45 cad

April considerations :

This month I barely saw it go by, with preparations for the funeral & the event (a beautiful time, everyone was happy with how it turned), the last competition ending (on a positive note, we were content with the product), Easter celebrations, birthday parties, getting news from the first competition (we got invited to a conference abroad, I am super excited to travel for the first time since covid) and making a lot of progress in my master's degree project.

It was not a very spiritual nor introspective month, but I appreciated all the emotions and excitements occurring throughout. May May maintain marveling of that magnitude.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

May 2022 expenses :

Transportation : 216 cad in bus passes (May + June)
Restaurants : 124.85 cad (I was travelling for a while, so I found myself eating a lot at the restaurant :sad_face:)
Gifts : 178.72 cad

May considerations :

This month was intense! I had three conferences, of which one was abroad, and I attended many birthday parties. I didn't have much time to write, draw, run, garden, etc., so I felt a bit out of balance. However, I had plenty occasions to socialize and meet new people. I am now working hard on reinserting myself into a healthier, quieter schedule and focusing again on my master's project.

I might take a cellphone contract next month for it is practical when travelling (I had problems with double factor authentication), and also when looking to move (owners want to be able to reach to you). I found a company offering a really cheap contract (13 to 15 cad per month, compared to 30 for most companies). It's very basic, but I have basic needs, so it is in adequation.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

June 2022 expenses :

Transportation : 18.70 cad in ferry ride
Phone bill : 28.75 cad for SIM + monthly payment
Tip : 5 cad

June considerations :

After planning a trip with friends, my wish for a quieter schedule was granted: I got covid positive the day I was supposed to leave for a vacation. I managed to get everything reimbursed but the ferry ride, and I got to stay in bed all day with fun symptoms. Magically, I didn't feel too sad about missing the trip. I did had a lot of work to do for the master's degree, so I gave my all in that area. Also magically, my grandfather didn't caught covid even though I visited him two day before my positive result and symptoms.

This month I read a lot (like 20 books or so, but some of them were comics, so they should count as 0.1 book or so), I drew a lot (I am trying to learn anatomy and perspective), I wrote a lot (mainly fiction or video game designs, but also a few emails here and there), I ran a lot (but it's - never enouuuugh, never, never -), I took care of the garden (and I will go water my plants right after I finish this post), and I started a fun project with friends (we decided to make a video game this summer). Exciting times!

So, goal accomplished for June, this was a glorious month in its own special way. I don't have a specific wish for July. I guess to just enjoy summer would be perfect. And world peace, of course.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

July 2022 expenses :

Nothing (Even considering my phone bill, I had a first month voucher.)

July considerations :

This month passed by in a flash. I worked a lot on the video game side project and on my master's degree. I am so excited, I think I finished the theoretical & practical parts of my master project. A funny anecdote is, one of my advisors didn't understood right away how I tackled the last bit of the problem and told me to try another method. He even told me my writing was boring. Of course, when you don't understand something, it can be boring! After lots of explanations, he eventually came around it and was as excited as me. Although I was really glad to have managed to get things clear for him, I was a bit sad he could not understand the whole from what I thought I had carefully explained on paper. TODO : Rewrite thesis.

Beyond work-related things, I met with friends on the weekends. Since it's the summer we used the parks. I also visited my grandpa three times, that was very fun. I think he feels the loneliness more and more these days. We cook extra meal portions at home to refuel his fridge, because he's too tired to prepare three meals a day. However, no matter what challenge he has to face in regard to growing old, he keeps being amazingly interested in life and loving it. I admire that so much!

Goal for August : finish the thesis (most of it). Take a bit of vacations. Don't forget to breathe and drink water. Pretty much it!

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

August 2022 expenses :

Vacations (including travel abroad) : 2057 cad
Transportation : 27.25 cad
(No phone bill again, I had a second month voucher.)

August considerations :

That month ended up being vacation/travel-oriented, as I spent one week at my friend's house in a northern region and two weeks abroad. I came back very recently and I still feel the mind-purring sensation of being fully relaxed, out of my habitual frame of thoughts and preoccupations. I was not originally supposed to go on vacation in the past weeks, but I seized the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family, since I will move out to the city eventually (sometimes between the next 4 to 6 weeks). Plus, this might have been my last trip abroad in a while, so I made sure to absorb all the landscapes, colors, sensations, sounds and odors and to crystallize the memories. I have a mental drawer full of pretty architectures and the swinging of the sea.

Also, I must admit I am conflicted by my usage of aviation for travelling. I read somewhere a human should jump on a plane at most twice every 9 years to observe a more respectful behaviour towards the environment, considering the current global practices for tourism. I am conscious that by those numbers, I should not be using planes for the next 100 years. I will try to seek alternatives, such as boats, trains and buses.

Now that I am back, contemplating my TODO list, I feel like September will be a challenging but exciting time. I am ready for it!

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Chris »

Jupiter wrote:
Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:47 am
Also, I must admit I am conflicted by my usage of aviation for travelling. I read somewhere a human should jump on a plane at most twice every 9 years to observe a more respectful behaviour towards the environment, considering the current global practices for tourism. I am conscious that by those numbers, I should not be using planes for the next 100 years. I will try to seek alternatives, such as boats, trains and buses.
Ah, the trials of being a conscientious person. You should feel good about feeling conflicted.

I'm wary of such rules of thumb. In terms of a single purchase, yes, air travel has a high carbon cost. But it should be considered in context of the rest of your carbon budget. As with money, choices that result in recurring expenditure have an outsized impact. A daily commute by car can easily have more carbon impact than several flights. Living in shared accommodation or eschewing car culture will have a larger savings than skipping the occasional trip by plane. Of course, your absolute carbon footprint will be lower if flying were eliminated, but that would be at the cost of other things.

For reference, the per capita carbon emissions in the US and Canada are about 15t/yr. A flight from NYC to Paris results in ~400kg emissions equivalent.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by Jupiter »

Chris wrote:
Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:29 am
You should feel good about feeling conflicted.
I'm wary of such rules of thumb. [...] For reference, the per capita carbon emissions in the US and Canada are about 15t/yr. A flight from NYC to Paris results in ~400kg emissions equivalent.
At the same time, since the goal of reducing one's carbon footprint is not so that they can feel good by comparing themselves to their peers, I think it's right to look at the absolute number. Of course, you can always ponder a bit by adding the regional factor (since, for instance, someone in a tempered region might not need as much heating/lighting as someone from a cooler climate zone) if it helps you fix a minimum target, but at the end of the day, it's not the fact that everyone else is eating ten donuts a day that will make you eating only three donuts healthy. Not my best metaphor :lol:

On the same note, I would be interested in knowing if there are any studies on the subject of the survival/development of "virtuous" behaviours in environments that are discouraging said behaviours. I remember reading something during my sociology class saying that once a certain threshold of people are applying a marginal behaviour, it normalizes and then spreads really fast to the rest of the population. Meanwhile, what are the most efficient ways for a movement to build/keep momentum? I guess it would be highly dependent on the context/change gap/complexity...

In 2019, it felt like ecology/sustainability was a big part of the public discourse. The covid pandemic took precedence over the rest of the headlines during 2020, but I wonder how long it will take before we come back to the level of exposure environment had then.

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Re: Jupiter's Universe

Post by bostonimproper »

I’ve more or less given up on vacations which require flying (and push back a lot more on the necessity of business trips) due to the same concerns about reducing our carbon footprint. I haven’t been able to completely eliminate the flights to see family on the other side of the country, but it’s certainly contributed to visiting them less.

For what it’s worth, active reduction is a good first step if you’re not ready for elimination; it’s helped our household ease into vegetarian eating, for instance.

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