DustBowl joins the fray

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Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:52 pm

DustBowl joins the fray

Post by dustBowl »

Late 20's, ex (and possibly future) software developer, in the midst of what we can charitably call a sabbatical.

In reality, I spent most of my 20's working too much, burnt out, then quit without a plan. It's been about six months since I left my job and the time off has made me realize the degree to which I was relying on my work for socialization and daily structure.

So, I think I'll go back to work, at least temporarily.

Longer term, I want to work towards the following goals:
1) Develop a set of hobbies/interests that involve other people and that I can use to help provide structure to my eventual post-work life
2) Develop a network of people who I see consistently, in real life, and who are unrelated to my day job
3) Continue developing the skills to live an ecologically-sustainable life

If I can make good progress on those, I think I'll have a much better chance of having a 'successful' retirement the next time I give it a shot.

It seems pretty clear to me how each of those goals can reinforce the others. But as always, conceptualizing this stuff is the easy part. Maintaining motivation and taking steps outside my comfort zone, consistently, is where things get harder.


It feels right to end this intro with a thank-you note. I've been lurking on this forum for years, and to me, it's one of the last oases of the 'good' internet, where people really try to engage with each other's ideas constructively. Hanging out on here, I've been exposed to ways of thinking that I otherwise would have never come across. So, thanks to all the ERE folks who have shared slices of your lives and allowed the rest of us to learn from your experiences.

Posts: 78
Joined: Mon May 31, 2021 5:21 am

Re: DustBowl joins the fray

Post by Bonde »

Welcome and thank you for the intro of yourself :)

Posts: 810
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:40 pm

Re: DustBowl joins the fray

Post by mathiverse »

Welcome, DustBowl! We seem to be in a very similar place. I quit my software job approximately six months ago and I'm planning to return shortly. I am looking forward to your contributions and will check out your journal if you choose to make one!

Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:52 pm

Re: DustBowl joins the fray

Post by dustBowl »

Thanks for the kind words, @Bonde and @mathiverse. I know that I've read both of your journals at some point, though it's been a while. I'll have to go check them out again.

I do intend to start a journal. My hope is that it will act as a first step towards my being a more active participant in the forum. Maybe I'll see you there :)

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