Turquoise Teachings - Wisdom from the Masters YouTube Channel

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Turquoise Teachings - Wisdom from the Masters YouTube Channel

Post by frihet »

Been having a break from the forum, scrolling through the threads I noticed that color codings are the name of the game these days. So here comes some turquoise gems.

This sublime YouTube channel is created by a Buddhist nun with eclectic taste in spirituality. She reads scripture from diverse traditions as a contemplation often with evocative music in the background. Perfect for meditation, a contemplative walk or just any time you feel like listening to true knowledge from the masters.

The dzogchen and Longchenpa teachings are especially sublime to my ears. Maybe they just feel extra precious because they used to be so secret until recently.

https://m.youtube.com/c/SamaneriJayasar ... shelf_id=2

Funny enough Dzogchen is what Spiral Dynamics used to illustrate Turquoise - but Samaneri’s presentation is just so much better than the video they choose.

https://spiraldynamicsintegral.nl/en/po ... ies-clips/


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Re: Turquoise Teachings - Wisdom from the Masters YouTube Channel

Post by mountainFrugal »

Seems like an interesting channel. I look forward to poking around.

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