Bz5 Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

I think I can still return the Generator. I got it for emergency battery charging and other household problems. I still think I need one, and it is super quiet, but it maybe makes sense to get the funding back out of it.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

@ axelheyst That's right. I have done it colder too.

I really am settled on going even smaller with Car. I have the extended cab pickup, and I live out of that tiny cab mostly.

I like the high wages in California. The wages are high enough to live out of a car from any job.

Until I get a higher paid skilled work job, i am in these trash jobs. I am unwilling to go lower on minimum wage. Outside of California $7.25 just isn't going to do it for me. Even at 13.75 it was still too low for me to keep the lights on.

I am looking for rooms to rent. If I had a remote programming job, i would just work that job until I got a better one at higher pay. Then I would keep doing that until FI.

The room for rent makes sense if I don't have to commute. Then the car won't matter. But right now the car matters because I get close to the work that way.

So my initial plans are:
0. Reorganize my car for better sleeping and working. Come up with a streamlined way to apply for jobs and minimize travel. Buy a Mazda 2.

1.Work jobs of higher walk in base pay until I reach critical mass as a computer programmer and find the programming job.

2.Once I find a programming job of higher pay, find a room for rent and ditch the car living method.

3.Once I find a higher pay programming job, move to that area, find a 300 per month place and keep working.

4. Repeat Step 3 until I have the minimum required fund that will take care of rent, health insurance, and food.

5. Get out of the country and spend the fund in another country where it is double the value.

If resources are obtained (Like a colleague relationship with a willing FI roomate) Then that would truncate these plans. Otherwise, I will work them myself. I have found help to be unlikely to show up. Generally there is no calvary.

It is good to be stoic and accept that, and I am 100% practiced in the stoicism of dropping all luxuries when they become to costly to support. Consider me Diogenes.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

I probably should add pictures of what I am doing, and that is a lot of hassle. I have to interface an Iphone with a toughbook, and that is rough on purpose (ty apple)

I ate a potato for lunch. I deliberately am getting used to being hungry. That way when these simple foods show up on my plate, it feels really good to eat them.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by unemployable »

You know, just when I thought this board had been drifting upwards on the wealth/living conditions scale to the point that the majority here were only practicing ERE as an intellectual exercise, you come along. Welcome aboard.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

Unemployable, that was a shot in the arm.

I have been reading a lot of the forum, and I see a lot of mental hrsprs applied to big theoretical concepts.

Like you said, the bourgeois have ascended past the proletariat.

More progress:

I have a skype subscription for 1 year on my device. Honestly I should have just refilled data. It charges me for minutes and received texts, but it is at my rate, not on a subscription plan. It is important to avoid subscription plans, because no matter my usage, i get charged the same amount.

My communication bill is a huge bill right now. 120 bucks a month. I have a plan to get bare bones basic 4g connectivity for only 10 bucks a month on my Toughbook.

So it is a Verizon Phone and tablet line. The I phone gets unlimited data and calls/texts. The toughbook gets 15gb data and then reduced data speeds from there.

I primarily use the Toughbook. The Iphone just sucks me in. I waste hours there. Behaviorists get me good with the youtube. The intermittent reinforcement is strong with my ape brain.

I am fine going cold turkey. No problem. I have had no phone before.

So the minimum I need is a 2gb plan.

I found Tello. Its a mix and match plan. 2gb sim for 10 dollars. The sim is compatible with the Gobi 5000 4g card i have in the toughbook. I still need to order and test out if it will work or not.

Most of my data used on the internet is because I am bored/lonely and looking for those sweet hits of dopamine. I remember most of my life was lived without an internet connection in my pocket. I don't need it. Not at the smartphone premium prices. 500 to get in the door, and then 120 per month to have on demand dopamine? No way.

New behavioral usage of data:

Data is for emergency communication/ communication with work only during phase 1+2 of my FI.

I don't need much for that. A desktop client emailer is free.


So the tools i need to replace a cell phone:

Satellite emergency beacon


US Atlas (offline and online)

Offline password list ( for when the pc isnt working and i need to refill data/order replacement parts/still run life from public computer)

Some free cloud storage for the precious little i need stored.

Digital Camera.

Transition to UBUNTU.

Windows 7 as a backup for unpacking software to go on usbs to go on the linux system, because linux sometimes needs that.
I have windows 10 right now. Windows has the nasty habit of constantly updating itself. This eats data. The Iphone does the same thing. That's why people upgrade to unlimited.

As soon as I turn on the data the windows unit tries to communicate out the ass with the modem. So it eats 5 times what it should every time.

All linux software can be set to not update until I say so.

Ubuntu works with the mobile data card.

I have only one program that I need to work outside of Linux. Pepakura designer. I want pepakura designer to work in WINE.

My one hobby is papercraft, because it is cheap. I like to design them too. I don't get to do it nearly as much as I would like.

I design models that fit on a 4x6 photo. That way i can go to any place with a photo printer and get it printed for 29 cents. Some gorilla glue and scissors and xacto and i am all set.

Most of this is open ended. The long term 5 year cost of mobile data goes way down. 600 per 5 years to communicate vs.

7200 bucks over 5 years. 7200 bucks is another subcompact!

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

The one thing that I am not good at doing is begging. I have applied money to solve problems so much to avoid asking for help.

My desire to be free is equal to my desire to not be seen as a parasite. So i need to find experiences that topple that graph towards freedom.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

If i was visiting the food bank/getting additional food help, i could really get ahead. I want to spend less than 50 per month on food.

So 60 bucks a month on communication and foods. That is 4 hours of work at my present wage. So one day of work would cover my expenses there.

I just want to survive this whole insane mess.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by theanimal »

If you already have the smartphone, couldn't you just use that for gps, camera, atlas etc and just use it when on Wi-Fi? Regarding maps, many you can download for offline use and GPS doesn't require data.

If you have unlimited data on your Verizon plan, couldn't you just use that as a hotspot for your Toughbook instead of buying a separate plan?

I had a thought yesterday that perhaps you can find a good deal on a Prius. They are spacious, more compact than your truck, quiet and of course good on fuel. i imagine there's a bunch in CA and perhaps you can find one for cheap now that Tesla's are the new car in vogue.

Regarding food least here in AK, the food banks receive far more than they give out, meaning any leftovers go to farmers and if not claimed by farmers the rest goes to the trash. It's kind of a whitewashing for businesses and people to feel good about not "wasting" food when in reality they are just giving it to someone further down the line to throw out. If you feel like you need or could use food from the food bank, I'd take it. It's likely you're not taking it from anyone else. If you have moral qualms, perhaps you can volunteer there for a few hours or so each month.

If no food bank, I'd recommend getting large bags of rice, beans, various spices ,potatoes and eggs. Use that as a basis and supplement with on sale/in season produce as desired. You'll be very hard pressed to surpass $100, if not lower.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

I am looking into Obamacare options for healthcare as well.

Because I have practically nothing, I can use public services to get ahead this way.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

I have no moral qualms. I never was on the board of directors that created this sociopathic system.

Fortunately, I can make my way out of it.

Any moral qualms I have about my worth were installed by the Mormons.

Any permutation is acceptable as long as I am out of here by 5 years.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

Can you provide more details about your jobs, income, and finances? You say you have two jobs and are struggling to get enough sleep. You sound like a hard worker. I wonder if you could get one job that would meet your needs and doesn't require so much stoicism. Maybe the trades?

Do you want to live in your car or is it by necessity? Not all apartments mean dealing with thefts and disruptive people.

You remind me a little of me when I was younger. I worked hard and other people got ahead. I realized later I should have been improving my skills and switching jobs and expecting more, not hoping for a reward that was never coming. I'm glad you've figured this out and are making changes. Don't toss that hippo yet.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by unemployable »

Private food banks? Have at it. Usually if they inquire into your situation at all they don't pry. And having any job shows you're not leeching.

Obamacare... the system's fucked up. Absolutely nobody designing a healthcare regime from scratch would come up with what we have now. I stop short of recommending you lie/defraud anyone, but encourage exploiting any advantage you can find.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

"Can you provide more details about your jobs, income, and finances? You say you have two jobs and are struggling to get enough sleep. You sound like a hard worker. I wonder if you could get one job that would meet your needs and doesn't require so much stoicism. Maybe the trades?

Do you want to live in your car or is it by necessity? Not all apartments mean dealing with thefts and disruptive people."

I am actually much more open to ditching car.

I ran a financial calculator, and what I have does not make sense for cutting expenses. I spend 800 per month on a car I think. Gas and Parts and insurance. Insurance for me is 70 bucks.

I make 2500-3000 per month. Another 500 on food. So I try to pocket the rest but it gets spent on emergencies.
I had a big relocation fee to california. 1400 bucks in gas and parts.

I spent 1000 on a high quality clutch replacement 2 months ago.

I started a welding business that went bust, and I am out 800 from that.

I have 3000 in a GI bill debt that I incurred randomly. I believe it is erroneous. But it does not matter what I believe here. I don't even want to face that.

I researched the option of a trailer on an rv park. That makes much more sense. I am tired of owning ICE engines. I have done so much vehicle repair in my short life. It's not something I want to do for the rest of my life.

I read some articles here on the forum about the price per mile cost of electric cars, and it matches my understanding of my own car ownership.

Engines suck vs a motor. They are huge and heavy. They require specialized tools to service, more so than an electric car motor.

If the engine goes out, then

I am after privacy primarily.

I broke down why I don't like living in an apartment and it is because of people wanting to take privacy away.

I have had a room for rent before, and if my door was open the homeowner would
"strike up" conversation next to me as I would be exiting the door to my room and he would peer in.

I have some expensive equipment. I don't want to have it identified, the identity of the equipment is obfuscated in bags that do not betray the nature of the items. When it is in my room I unpack it to use it, and if someone knows about my stuff, I don't want that.

I was researching the trailer option in an RV park. That is the cheapest option by far for me. I could have as high a quality house I want inside a 14' envelope, and if i run into trouble, I can charter a truck/location and pull my ass out of there to go somewhere else.

I am seeing six month contracts frequently in the $195 range. I could move every 6 months if I wanted.

As far as I see, electric is included in the rent.

All I want to worry about is a pair of wheel bearings and the hitch.

I want my own little 14' box to be in that no one will bother me in. If they attempt to bother me inside that box, I can have everything bolted and chained down/ obfuscated.

I also can just get the truck, and pull my ass out of there.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by fiby41 »

Ubuntu seems easy on the updates.. doing them biyearly in October and April.

Der Leiermann
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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Der Leiermann »

Ubuntu still requires ongoing updates, apart from the large Biannual ones. I estimate ongoing updates (which you can delay for later if need be) to consume about 300 MB/month.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

It's good info, 300 mb update sizes.

Just say no to spending.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

More brainstorming:

Yesterday my boss talked to me my whole lunch period about his health. I feel unable to say no to people like that. So it pointed out a problem that i haven't really addressed:

A big part of my personality has to be seen as useful/I only have worth when other people say so.

So I am not looking after my health at all, essentially.

I feel like if i am between jobs I will never get hired again, and I also feel that i have to take the first thing that comes.

Also, my vehicle is having issues today with running rich. So it feels like correlation without causation, because I was talking about it on here.

A big part of me wants to sell everything and just take a bicycle touring trip with the 4000 I have.

My job is mentally exhausting. All day I do nothing, and then show back up to work. My stuff does not matter, in fact i am afraid to take care of myself at work (won't go to bathroom)

I feel broken, like why am i this way? Why do I let people do this to me?

I feel like I don't have the right to preferences. If I want something, and someone else wants something different ( especially an authority figure) then I feel unable to ask for what I want. Because then I will be seen as looking for an exception/disobedient. So I don't even ask in a learned helplessness manner.

I don't feel like a sub. Nor do i desire to be one. And yet, I am afraid that if i say no in a workplace context and have boundaries that my resume will be unusable, because i will get lackluster references for daring to challenge their perceived reach into my time.

This has happened to me before. I have received bad references. But I am the guy that stays the extra 20 hours to finish jobs.

It is getting to the point where I feel so little control over my life in this way. The only control I feel in my life is by reducing my needs so low that one month of work will get me along for 5.

That would be living on a bicycle with a generator.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

I haven't brushed my teeth adequately in 2 years. off an on for weeks periods between.

I feel like this is a bigger problem than the financial independence problem.

It is related to why I bought my dream vehicle.

Part of me was so surprised that I actually got what I wanted out of life. I got the car I wanted, a toyota pickup. Specifics were reached. I feel like if i get rid of the car to secure my future it is just going to be more stoic acceptance of a life that is happening to me that i have no control of. And that makes me not want to live at all.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

This is because the car symbolizes that I have a choice in the matter. There is symbolism in the car. I am putting symbolism on the car.

I can rationalize all day either way, but big picture is I don't have the emotional juice to win this war. I don't even know where to get it. I could save future life time not having to work, doing what for what humans?

Many humans close to me have saddled me with these complexes. I have had to survive around narcissists by diminishing myself.

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Re: Bz5 Journal

Post by Bz5 »

So I don't feel like I really want to help humans at all. Because humans have taken reasons from me to help them. Fouled the nest, so to speak.

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