Registered nurses who like to write have a unique way to make money

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Registered nurses who like to write have a unique way to make money

Post by FBeyer »

I'm not gonna beat about the bush so here goes: Copywriting!

There is a SHIT TONNE of money being made around the world selling supplements. And it's not snakeoil and scams as some jaded people might have you believe.

If you're a registered nurse and have treated patients for several years you have a unique perspective on the suffering of patients, as well as medical insights. These give you one-of-a-kind angles on how to structure promos as well as knowing the emotional buttons to push to make the sale.

If you know how to write, and/or are willing to learn how to write in order to sell great products to people who could benefit from them, the world of copywriting could probably find a spot for someone with your skill set.

Furthermore: Copywriters can be paid on a royalty basis, meaning you write a promo once, and you get a percentage of the sales for as long as the promo runs (meaning: passive income).

Copywriting is a TOUGH business to break into, but people with unique skillsets have a clear advantage, and registered nurses are one of them.

Do with this info as you will. :D

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Re: Registered nurses who like to write have a unique way to make money

Post by DutchGirl »

And then again, as a trained health professional you KNOW that you are actually selling snake oil and quackery.

So sell your soul if you want to.

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Re: Registered nurses who like to write have a unique way to make money

Post by RealPerson »

It can even be worse in the regular medical industry. Imagine making passive income by writing for Purdue Pharma to persuade physicians to hand out fentanyl prescriptions for many who don't need it. Unlike the Sackler family, you probably do have a conscience. You would have helped them make their billions and you may have trouble sleeping because of the 90k overdose fatalities per year.

You would need to be very selective in the type of work.

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Re: Registered nurses who like to write have a unique way to make money

Post by classical_Liberal »

I got into nursing because it was a trusted profession.

I quit actively nursing (still an RN, BSN, ACLS, NIHSS) because COVID made us liars, or at least "Noble Truth" tellers. I'll be god-damned if I ever sell snake oil supplements without real research. The fact this post exists shows how far nurses have fallen, it makes me want to cry.

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