Daylen's Instinctual Dump

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Doesn’t it seem likely that the near future will be more predominantly shaped by young women moving through Blue to Orange than old(er) men moving through Green to Yellow?

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

No idea. Though, if the planet is going to take a shape we like it will require all kinds.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Speaking of shape, a self-conscious and integrated planet may work like the shape of the human body(*). If things are going smoothly then life feels effortless and no one part is brought into focus for long. Though, every now and then a sharp pain will persist indicating need for systemic change (i.e. a lifestyle re-design).

(*) You can also play around with the idea of planetary matter+consciousness having both plant and animal physiological characteristics. Perhaps also similar in ways to a swarm of insects.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Prediction: A female process philosopher studying after Whitehead will become famous and make bank in the next five years.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

The cool thing about process philosophy is that it makes doing primary and feeling/thinking peripheral. It does seem that blue is an attractor for young women. More women going into higher education certainty brings out orange. Often people will get comfortable in blue for a good chunk of their lives unless they end up in a sticky situation with an abusive red boyfriend, a nagging family member, or a scary travel situation that pushes them into orange (i.e. buying into safety when feeling a lack of community support). Once solid orange, many women will proceed smoothly into green, it appears.

Given that violent video games are a long shot for many young, conformist women, I wonder how else they could be exposed to red without actually finding themselves in dangerous or abusive situations? Maybe pop culture to some extent. Much of green likes to dog on the blockbuster/Hollywood scene that squeezes every last penny out of people. Perhaps it isn't so bad given the rise of more integrated and bigger picture franchises such as the marvel and dc universes which are pushing more into green (i.e. multiculturalism is being embraced).

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Well, I think the answer lies in the fact that "Sex and the City" was solidly centered in Orange. Being at the cutting edge of fashion/arts is very much like being at the cutting edge of tech/science. When I was 13/14, I idealized Glamour magazine centerfolds which featured female model is high heels and stylish yet sexy career suit handing over an extremely cute, very well-dressed baby to an extraordinarily handsome male model dressed up as house husband and smiling at her from kitchen. The Barbie Doll with all of her different outfits and cars and houses for wide variety of activities is very emblematic of Entry to Orange. Junior high age girls are as vicious and tribal as boys, but they tend to torture each other more with words related to fashion and appearance.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Oh juicy, I have some shadow to explore. I would then also add the rise of makeup YT stars that make a living demonstrating the science and application of beauty products.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I’m also going to reject the notion that one has to take a highly individualistic trek through Orange to arrive at Green. It seems to me that growing up in a very Orange or Green culture and/or having very Orange or Green parents might be enough. OTOH, I’ve noticed that sometimes young women can sometimes get “trapped” in Green in Orange/Green/Yellow communities as much as young women can get “trapped” in Blue in Red/Blue/Orange communities. For instance, a girl growing up in affluent circumstances can “afford” to be artsy.


Yes. Whenever young low-income area teenage girls are slacking off on their technology in school, they are usually on fashion sites. The high achieving low-income girls are more likely to be into k-pop.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Yeah, this aligns with the conversation I just had with my mom. She has been orange/green since HS basically. Our family has several hippies in it and she was into drugs for a time. She would claim to be an atheist until the last few years where now she doesn't really associate (so agnostic). A couple of her really orange friends influenced her to watch Sex and the City like a decade back and she thought the show was slightly empowering (thus confirming your connection).

It would also seem that in orange/green households, the push to travel and to communicate with a broader range of people is a major factor in nearly by-passing blue. OTOH, the blue then tends to pop up if they go into any kind of institution with rigid schedules/structure (i.e. clock - work). Some just go right into philanthropy and "journalism" and can develop absurd views depending on how much orange/yellow they are exposed to.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Also, if blue is not imposed, kids will tend to set there own rules (perhaps sub/semi-consciously). I think I did this to some extent with myself because my household was very loose, and I tended to be quiet and relaxed most of the time.

No other or self rules early leads to no extrinsic/intrinsic motivation, further leading to purple tribalism or perhaps red if the environment does not provide semi-regular order/food.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

The rise of the public school institution is a fascinating case study generator for color and personality theory (psychology in general). An interesting combo of everything up to green in some areas. Going up to yellow in colleges.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Here is a process orientation of some of the stuff talked about on my blog a few months back. A process may be intra-linked with different perspectives. The dichotomies displayed along with the processes may be exchanged but these are quite core, I think. Once you have a process you can link it to an agent(s) (thick line or loop on paper). Then reconciliation can begin by gathering perspectives to figure out the sub-processes by seeing how first to fourth person perspectives stack up.

Divergence of process and convergence of processes is possible at any perspective. From a first-person perspective, perhaps one of the easiest decisions to make out of sub-processes is whether you are in flow or not(*). Then from a second-person perspective, something like polarize/harmonize splits the gap quite well. Others could include agree/disagree, like/dislike, or a model with more degrees of freedom (e.g. personality). At the third-person perspective, something like substrate, matter, or field can form the "background" and something like contracts, algorithms, or manuscripts can form the "foreground". Then on to the fourth-person perspective we can start to discriminate the version of points/frames that I was "seeing" when initially developing the point/fame/agent model. Points/frames arise as a way to inter-link processes given first, second, and third person perspectives of said processes.

(*) Though, this will also break down with enough meditation/contemplation, as do all these splits.


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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

This is a binary model but it starts to get a bit more interesting when scaling up. You may start to get combinatoric explosions in such trees and this gives rise to the necessity for connotation (between the gaps), for unconsciousness/consciousness, for salience landscapes, and for subtle states.

More on this topic in particular here:

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Cutting through the chase. This is what you get when you combine convergence and divergence into one diagram. We can go ahead and call finding this path a creative endeavor. :P


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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I happened upon a copy of "Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramon Y Cajal" and I thought you might find it interesting.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Looks interesting, I'll check it out. Been wanting to go further into neuroscience for a while now!

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Now that the new sub-forum "Emergent Renaissance Ecology" is up and running, I may start using this journal for more personal stuff. First off, I thought it may be interesting for me to try to figure out the distribution of skills I am working towards. In the other thread, Jacob mentioned the inventors of the gaps model [ 1:(10,000+ hrs), 3-5:(3,000+hrs), 10ish:(1,000+ hrs) ]. I feel like I have been approaching something like this already, but how I have been labeling these changes/blurs overtime. In the holographic model of the mind, these meta-activities could be like strong reverb effects that tend to delineate hot and cold flow. In other words, the skill distribution is a way to communicate your own reverbs from/on the warm front of invention.

It seems you could even go one step further and skew the distribution to [ 1:(30,000+ hrs), 2-4:(10,000+ hrs), 6-10:(3,000+ hrs), 12-20:(1,000+ hrs) ]. I suppose it depends on how you draw the activity/distraction and work/play lines.

As I feel that I am still in the process of figuring out or exploring how my distribution aligns with respect to culture at large, the following estimations are subject to modification. Though, I figure that this will end up being somewhat close unless my life changes completely somehow. It would seem that in almost any situation, I would still be interested in the mind/consciousness and how it works given that my pursuit of its understanding has lead to a higher-quality experience of all other activities thus far. Hence something like finding the link between shape, color, counting, and movement is forefront, but I do not really know how to contain or label this pursuit.

A working template might be something like..
30,000+ hrs: Researching, meditating, drawing, and writing about consciousness.
10,000+ hrs: Mathematics and Logic / Gaming or Puzzling / Socializing / Cooking and Cleaning
3,000+ hrs: Tutoring or Teaching / Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy / Programming and Systems Administration / Tech Repair and Troubleshooting / Teamwork and Corporate Navigation / Strategy and Planning / Historical Myths and Storytelling / Driving and Machine Operation
1,000+ hrs: Woodworking / Gardening / Yoga / Several Sports / Web Development (more particular to programming above) / Canning and Food Preservation / Mushroom Production / Navigating and Using the Dark Web / Computer Security Stuff / Finance and Accounting / Hiking with Naturalistic Identification

Looking perhaps a bit too INTP'ish. My second strongest type resonance is with ISTP, so I am thinking that perhaps I should be headed more towards something that is very technically narrow that requires physical activity with little people interaction. I have been thinking about an electrical apprenticeship for a few years now but that seems like a lot of work! As I think I would get bored with anything like that with rigid structure quite quickly. Hence I always seem to swing back to a very loose, semi-ERE path of doing several gigs on the side until I can eventually manage to write a book or something. :)

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by AxelHeyst »

I dig this shift in focus (I mean I like the other stuff too, but it's cool to see what else your up to).

For what it's worth, electrical skills are already in high demand and only going to get higher, particularly in the buildings trades but also everything, as the pressure to electrify infrastructure keeps increasing. High demand and low supply implies more space for you to create a workstyle that you like rather than only taking what you can get.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Brief new blog post tying a few trails of thought together from the "Drawing Agency" thread:

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Been digging into some of the more techno-optimistic content recently to help build a spiritual scaffolding, so to speak, that still recognizes outlooks with a low, local probability of success. As humans on Earth in the near future may experience an apocalyptic lock on substrate but that does not mean we should completely give up thinking about possible paths to prosperity/expansion beyond Earth. I figure that even with the Fermi Paradox framing that other civilizations have/do/will exist at some point and we can tap into such energy. The space of alternate civilizations blows up when reaching into the more spiritual, beyond-physics realm of possibility. Thus, I figure why not link up my emergent drawing system with agents beyond human-form. One interesting YT hole being the channel "Isaac Arthur" which is quite deep and broad into futuristic yet realistic culture aligning with orange/yellow paradigms.

I think Michio Kaku's books were a major influence on my orange development and decision to go into math like eight years back. "Physics of the Impossible" being one of my favorite books at the time.

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