Daylen's Instinctual Dump

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

There are potential synergies with the neuroscience literature, but I am not sure how it all could fit together yet. Leaving a few crumbs below that may help to form a trail.
Wikipedia wrote: Association Fibers
The tracts that connect cortical areas within the same hemisphere are called association tracts. Long association fibers connect different lobes of a hemisphere to each other whereas short association fibers connect different gyri within a single lobe. Among their roles, association tracts link perceptual and memory centers of the brain.

Commissural fibers
Commissural tracts connect corresponding cortical areas in the two hemispheres. They cross from one cerebral hemisphere to the other through bridges called commissures. The great majority of commissural tracts pass through the largest commissure the corpus callosum. A few tracts pass through the much smaller anterior and posterior commissures. Commissural tracts enable the left and right sides of the cerebrum to communicate with each other.

Projection fibers
Projection tracts connect the cerebral cortex with the corpus striatum, diencephalon, brainstem and the spinal cord. The corticospinal tract for example, carries motor signals from the cerebrum to the spinal cord. Other projection tracts carry signals upward to the cerebral cortex. Superior to the brainstem, such tracts form a broad, dense sheet called the internal capsule between the thalamus and basal nuclei, then radiate in a diverging, fanlike array to specific areas of the cortex.
In neuroanatomy, a gyrus (pl. gyri) is a ridge on the cerebral cortex.
The gyri are part of a system of folds and ridges that create a larger surface area for the human brain and other mammalian brains. Because the brain is confined to the skull, brain size is limited. Ridges and depressions create folds allowing a larger cortical surface area, and greater cognitive function, to exist in the confines of a smaller cranium.
The human brain undergoes gyrification during fetal and neonatal development.
A cortical column, also called hypercolumn, macrocolumn, functional column or sometimes cortical module, is a group of neurons in the cortex of the brain that can be successively penetrated by a probe inserted perpendicularly to the cortical surface, and which have nearly identical receptive fields. Neurons within a minicolumn (microcolumn) encode similar features, whereas a hypercolumn "denotes a unit containing a full set of values for any given set of receptive field parameters". A cortical module is defined as either synonymous with a hypercolumn (Mountcastle) or as a tissue block of multiple overlapping hypercolumns.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

At a glace, association fibers resolve points/frames, commissural fibers resolve depth, and projection fibers resolve breadth. Internal cortical columns are like CNN's that link to partially overlapping receptive fields (forming a bridge between internal and external). Association in the left hemisphere is of an analytical, denotative bent, whereas association in the right hemisphere is more of a holistic, connotative bent. Commissural pivot points are in flux to generate depth or layered analysis. Projection binds analysis down the spine to cover a broad territory.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Sean Carroll's book "The Big Picture" is excellent so far. His analogy of belief planets matches to a durable frame of frames. These framed frames or frameworks may be assimilated by agents, forming a directed morality which will inevitably lead to pushing and pulling with other belief planets via collision and gravitational attraction. Here are two example planets he gives in the book:
  • many worlds, emergence, poetic naturalism, moral constructivism, determinism, empiricism, physicalism, death, conservation of information, empathy, quantum fields, big bang, abiogenesis, bayesian inference
  • logic, unmoved mover, virtue, efficient causes, teleology, great chain of being, formal causes, aether, classical unities, potency and act, earth, air, water, fire, eudaimonia, practical wisdom, empiricism
Frameworks or belief planets may contain similar frames (e.g. empiricism above) but these frames will tend to look different from planet to planet. This form of thinking relates to coherentism. Curious to read more.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

John Vervaeke's series on YouTube called "Awakening from the Meaning Crisis" sums to roughly 50 hours of rich content. Hard to sufficiently praise, so I will just say that Plato's cave appears in episode five. :)

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

This may build into a blog post but for now I will present an interesting mapping here involving Enneagram.

I started with a list of basic descriptors for each of the 9 Enneagram types, split into ( body, gut, mind ):

8. Challenger: self-confident, decisive, willful, confrontational
9. Peacemaker: receptive, reassuring, agreeable, complacent
1. Reformer: principled, purposeful, self-controlled, perfectionist
2. Helper: demonstrative, generous, people-pleasing, possessive
3. Achiever: adaptive, excelling, driven, image-conscious
4. Individualist: original, dramatic, self-absorbed, temperamental
5. Investigator: perceptive, innovative, secretive, isolated
6. Loyalist: engaging, responsible, anxious, suspicious
7. Enthusiast: spontaneous, versatile, distracted, scattered

From here I started assigning aspects to each type:
8. Spine: Challengers use their spine to push/pull agents up/down spirals.
9. Legs: Peacemakers use their legs to walk to where conflict can be resolved and/or to walk away from bad faith.
1. Arms: Reformers use their arms to rewrite and rebuild civil structures.
2. Relationships: Helpers feel their gut through conflicting relations.
3. Objects: Achievers feel their gut through objective measures.
4. Subjects: Individualist feel their gut through subjective interpretations.
5. Eyes: Investigators resolve points with their eyes.
6. Ears: Loyalists comprehend frames with their ears.
7. Tongue: Enthusiast fit experience from "one taste".

Then the following propositions can be generated using the ( growth, stress ) dimension of Enneagram:
8. Relations grow spine; eyes stress spine.
9. Objects grow legs; ears stress legs.
1. Tongues grow arms; subjects stress arms.

2. Subjects grow relations; spines stress relations.
3. Ears grow objects; legs stress objects.
4. Arms grow subjects; relations stress subjects

5. Spines grow eyes; tongues stress eyes.
6. Legs grow ears; objects stress ears.
7. Eyes grow tongue; arms stress tongue.

At first glance many of these may seem absurd but they actually make some sense. For instance, "Ears grow objects" could mean that listening to what agents say about an object may grow how that object affects the gut (e.g. listening to gun violence on the news may cause you to become nauseous upon encountering a gun in person).

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Someone recently recommended to me a movie called "Mindwalk" (1990):

Basically an hour and a half conversation between a poet, a politician, and an ex-physicist. Revolves around the yellowish theory of living systems and touches green/turquoise at times. Lately, I have been reading/watching mystics and social justice warriors to improve my discernment between turquoise and green. Much can be learned from exploring Twitter.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Once you can be the map, scratch it, then try to become the territory that can sense gaps between maps.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Imagine a problem solving lens with the following structure:

( polarization, harmonization ) <---> Enneagramic Affordances <---> ( contracts, substrate )

A problem of the nth difficulty requires 3^n degrees of affordance. An Enneagramic flavor of affordance has a ( body, gut, mind ) structure at n=1 and a ( reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger, peacemaker ) structure at n=2, for instance.

Left to RIght:
A polarization/harmonization problem can afford to alter contracts and/or substrate distribution.

Right to Left:
A contract/substrate problem can afford to alter polarization and/or harmony distribution.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Geez.. models really do distort the territory. Time to go full-throttle into the super-natural and trans-rational, turning the exotic into the mundane.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Here is a diagram from the book "Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid":

This is almost exactly the image I had in my head for what formal systems [along with their negations] built up into, except that I had the roots of the trees wrapping around into each other (with a dual-sided mirror splitting them). Fascinating. The middle is an ever elusive coastline of infinite explanation.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Here is a relevant read from Cook-Greuter on "Assumptions versus Assertions" given the recent push against stage theory: ... WtwudhJSF0

Jamie Wheal also talked about some of the pitfalls of integral theory in his talk on Rebel Wisdom titled "The Legacy of Integral", which I believe to be quite fair.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

I have been exploring more of the "waking up" component over the past few months corresponding to "states" in the AQAL model. I will attempt to shine light on how these states have mapped into my own experience at risk of mucking up the original, intended meanings. The following mapping is a nice starting point for deeper exploration:

Gross: The waking state. Any attending agent can access this state and associate points/frames within it.
Subtle: The dreaming state. I suspect that all agents have the potential to access this state, but that the degree to which an agent associates points/frames from with-out it varies. Perhaps correlating more with the use of intuition and feeling functions higher in their stack. Leading to what some may refer to as "psychic abilities".
Causal: The deep sleep state. Sometimes described as emptiness or formless ground in which manifestations arise.
Non-dual: Becoming one with the flow between gross, subtle, and causal states. Although, grounded in the realization that complete separation from duality is fleeting at best and illusory in conjecture.

Curious given my prior referencing of the "witness", along with other conceptualizations like "hot flow" and "cold flow". It would appear that agents can "dissociate" from their dreams at night to the point that they no longer bother to point to and/or frame them during the day. Leading to a more clear separation of the gross and subtle states. This tends to correlate with a reliance on "experiencing to believe" and an utterance of the phrase "I will know it when I see it". Which can work out fine as far as agent survival tends to go. Growing a skepticism of sight and the illusions it may entrap us in may lead to a disassociation with the gross state (other senses also have their pit-falls). This can be maddening for some as it may be hard to integrate all the subtle voices pulling and pushing from within and from without.

Silencing the mind through the causal state of cessation seems to be the solution I used during my experiments with psychedelics. At some point, it felt as if "I" was looping between the gross and subtle states in a hot flow without end in sight. Eventually, I just sat down, closed my eyes, and rested without sleeping. Thoughts would arise, and "I" would find their respective pole, keeping the polarity in mind until it dissolved. What would later be called the "witness" was what kept tabs on this process.

Non-duality is trickier. I am afraid that nothing can be said of this without the potential for folly. Though, if I had to put it in words, at some point the witness seems to merge with the witnessed while something still seems to be grossly happening/becoming. That is, the agent and the agent creator are one with the act of resolving polarities. Perhaps a less binary angle into this state is of a gradient between hot and cold flow. By interpolation, a truly unitive individual would live out the "remainder" of their life in a cold flow of attentive engagement without prolonged periods of causal cessation. To such an agent, time may arise only to be dissolved by past/future union into an ever present oneness with all. As poetry, this may be of mild entertainment, bordering on hubris. Then again, I can imagine no greater path to humility than the attempted ownership of such.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Reality and its Transformations
What is the difference between real and fake? Should fake or fictional perspectives be ignored? How can a fiction be transformed into an account or perspective on reality?

Suppose agents have a windowed view into reality that can be clouded and/or surrounded by distorting frames. Such frames extend how an agent interprets their window into reality. Such a window is most clear in the present and tends to become clouded as it trails into the past and projects into the future. An agent may adopt or exapt novel frames that help outline their window, leading to a branching of possible paths or interpretations into the past and future.

There are at least two curves that can be fitted to the lifetime of an agent that demonstrate how far such frames reach relative to their window. Each such curve can be thought to exhibit a different scale or granularity. The first curve is of a lower granularity and takes on a quadratic shape peaking roughly in a human's 20's or 30's on average. This first curve is somewhat offset from type maximization which tends to occur in late teens or early 20's(*). A case could also be made for pushing the maximum of this curve out into the 40's to reflect front stack or four-function harmony, though such may vary depending on culture and further circumstances. Hence, the need for higher granularity reflecting higher-order polynomial fits in alignment with the differentiation-integration process of human development as discerned thus far. The peaks and troughs of such a curve are even more sensitive to cultural context and circumstances than the first curve.

Based upon such curves, it would appear that in each phase of integration or maximal integrity/predictability that each agent will form a more clear distinction of where their window meets their frames. Furthermore, such frames tend to be pruned in number and hence the increased predictability of their framing movement from the perception of discerning agents. Though, the length of such frames may be increased or otherwise abstracted into an overarching mythical structure. Tying this with the real/fake dichotomy, an agent in a integrative phase of life may close themselves off from seemingly fictional or otherwise far fetched frames that appear to offset their window. Re-differentiation may start to occur once an agent reaches out to a shadowed frame with an awareness of how it may be usefully transformed to fit around their window.

Hence, if you feel scattered then it may be a good idea to prune frame sources and harmonize what works into an overarching narrative/system, and if you feel bored or otherwise stuck then it may be a good idea to reach out into what is being shadowed or overlooked to bring back a glimpse of what you could become. These phases may occur throughout your life with no apparent upper limit in cycle-number as the granularity may continue to deepen.

The second curve discussed prior may then link up as either a dampening in the positive time direction or a dampening in the negative time direction. That is, the peaks and troughs may either decrease or increase in size depending upon if you are looking at frames from a constraining or freeing perspective. Frames on one hand constrain what can be seen and this tends to dampen with development, and frames on the other hand free what can be seen and this tends to heighten with development. In other words, the size of an agent's window enlarges relative to the frames surrounding it as an agent spirals upwards. This process can approach a state of being where the present window is self-revealing, self-translating, and self-transcending. The winding up and winding down processes in life and of matter can be observed directly within any moment in time/perception.

Leading to a recognition that any such "fiction" or "story" has a grain of truth within it if only one can transform it around the current window of clarity. Even the seemingly most bizarre or mundane books, shows, events, objects, activities, etc. can widen windows as the context surrounding seemingly isolated aspects of reality can always be translated into the window from which an agent can be. Although, reaching far into the esoteric can be isolating and hence may lead to questions of one's sanity.

(*) That is, the front two functions of an agent are typically quite easy to distinguish in this age range due in part to the pressures of adolescence bringing out their true colors. Although this road may lead to some questions concerning nature vs. nurture.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Network Relativity and Aperspectival Windows
In spirit of the recent exchange between Jacob and I on Axel Heyst's journal, let's attempt to shine light on a few common pitfalls concerning Wilber's thoughts on network-logic and integral-aperspectival knowing.

This may be an interesting place to bring in subtle states which may occur anywhere in a spiral. Usually, an agent's window into reality is framed by all kinds of constraining factors which may be pushing or pulling them in a general direction through reality. This would correlate with being in a gross state and with use of a perspectival window as opposed to an aperspectival window where the frames are brought into the window. This bringing-in can lead to a subtle, dreaming-like state that leaves such frames fragmented and distributed throughout reality. In such a state, the window into which the agent is viewing may necessitate a network-logic relative to the frames they currently deem as separated.

Whether or not such logic is formal depends upon an awareness of how such systems are constructed using distinctions that build and relate/map to each other in some sort of grammar or way of moving up and down a tree(*). Such trees may be broken down into their base dichotomies from within a subtle state and potentially resurrected into variations on the original tree. Roots into reality may be exchanged as seen fit, leading to variations in holistic projection.

Though this would partially fit with the concept of an aperspectival window, it may not be considered an integral-aperspectival window depending upon the inter-subjective context delineating tree-like structures from each other. Hence a point to one agent may also become a tree to another, or 14 trees to another. Such relativity surrounding networks is good to keep in mind though usually not an issue to be grossly concerned about. People will inevitably come away from each story with a different interpretation and this can keep reality interesting/engaging. Perhaps an interegal-aperspectival window leans more in the direction of freeing as opposed to constraining when leaning back into gross implementations.

To create a formal system:
1. Find something.. anything. That is your point.
2. Split it into two opposing representations or identifications (i.e. black or white, small or big, this or that, etc.) with labels. Repeat X times depending on how deep you want the tree to be taking root around your point.
3. Describe the relationship between each of these opposing points (framing to integrate that which is differentiated). Label that frame.
4. Describe the relationship between pairs of frames of opposing points. Then for pairs of pairs.. and so forth for depth.
5. See what the system points you towards when digested as a whole. Formalize what you learn into clear statements that may build onto each other and promote tangents.
6. Negate and mutate as curiosity necessitates.

(*) Also see above post for a visual on what these trees may look like in relation to their negations. May be extended to a three dimensional forest, try entering a subtle state with complex frames distributed "out there" next time you happen upon a real forest! Or just dream about it.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by jacob »

daylen wrote:
Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:47 pm
To create a formal system:
1. Find something.. anything. That is your point.
2. Split it into two opposing representations or identifications (i.e. black or white, small or big, this or that, etc.) with labels. Repeat X times depending on how deep you want the tree to be taking root around your point.
3. Describe the relationship between each of these opposing points (framing to integrate that which is differentiated). Label that frame.
4. Describe the relationship between pairs of frames of opposing points. Then for pairs of pairs.. and so forth for depth.
5. See what the system points you towards when digested as a whole.
6. Negate and mutate as curiosity necessitates.
Also see (BTW someone asked about a practical example of recursive programming ... this is a good one). Vision-logic is required to figure out which direction to build the antithesis ... e.g. what is the antithesis of "1" (the number)? Is it 0, -1, NaN, or some concept yet to be conceived?

A more transparent example might be a 2D flatlander trying all angles of azimuth w/o ever considering altitude.

"Curiosity" is one way to go---but the curiosity-function does not exist within this algorithm. I do not know any way to (C)alculate what aspect to split. Brain seems to work by metaphor, but I don't know if that can be programmed. Usual work-arounds are brute force searches or Monte Carlo ...

I can see why vitalism is a thing. It solves/punts the creativity problem.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

How many attributes does the average human have the ability to partition? Must be a bajillion since "things that somehow remind you of your first day in kindergarten" or "uglier than a bullfrog" would qualify.

The first thing that I looked at, randomly picked, as my point was my neato art kit in a folding three tiered wooden case. A portable art kit has obviously already has been organized towards purpose with one area holding markers arranged by color spectrum and subdivided into dark/medium/light, other tray holding acrylic paint tubes, another holding shades of pastels, pencils, brushes, etc. I may be way off mark here, but in pondering how this creation of formal system algorithm might relate to mentioned discussion about human purpose and web of goals, what occurred to me was that if my highest values were in alignment with those of AxelHeyst in entrepreneurial mode, I might partition the Art Kit set differently towards maybe something like "renewable reproduction of neato portable art kit for eco-technic future ." So, maybe Plastic/Metal/Wood/Other as first partition vs. Marker/Pencil/Paint/Chalk/Pastel OR Case/Contents (which would be the most natural first functional/utility division from perspective of most humans.)

I might be veering even further off mark, but it also makes me think about the programming and sensors for a solar-powered scavenger robot that could empty and sort out all the contents of a random dumpster and integrate them into an urban permaculture project. Or in alternate future lacking possibility of solar powered robots, the five best rules-of-thumb you could teach the 5 human ragamuffins you rounded up for the task. It makes me sad that I am currently putting so much stuff into dumpsters at my permaculture project, because I lack the information/knowledge to render safe, useful, or beautiful. IOW, as with all sorting of materials, the energy necessary to obtain the information eventually may become greater than the embedded energy of the element. For instance, testing broken scraps of painted wood for presence of lead or determining the exact species of black mold growing on segment of insulation . Basically the same reason why in affluent society (almost) nobody rounds up gangs of ragamuffins to sort through dumpsters. I think "drown in our own shit in the petri dish" is overall looking like a better bet in the moment than "run out of sugar in the petri dish" , but ...?

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:56 pm
How many attributes does the average human have the ability to partition?
You could try to measure it "objectively" by you know, slicing up a brain and using some kind of machine/algorithm to count attributes. Though, I take pause at the assumption that "I" am human. I mean, what the fuck is a human? :lol:

This then tends to lead me down the hole of totality=reality=God and that there is no limit. Stemming from this is that reality is infinite and God is boxing itself in apparently finite constructions for fun. The finite figment may be fearful of death (survival-orientation) or it may be excited about life (curiosity-orientation). Though, I could also see there being some average number of attributes when making a sharp subject-object split whereby "humans" are actually objects contained by a skin sack that can be measured and that these measures actually tell you something about what it is like to be that "human".
7Wannabe5 wrote:
Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:56 pm
I think "drown in our own shit in the petri dish" is overall looking like a better bet in the moment than "run out of sugar in the petri dish" , but ...?
These both seem winding down to me. :)

There is also the winding up of "living systems" which dives into teleological or purpose-driven evolution/involution. That is controversial but can be quite the placebo if you know what I mean.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Yeah, I know what you mean, but I am in a grouchy perspective, from which I might note that it also isn’t against the laws of physics or probability that “humans” of the future could be bioengineered with tilapia genes and thereby rendered capable of eating their own shit.

Brighter note would be that if both trends are winding down, this is largely having something to do with educated, reasonably affluent females choosing to avail themselves of technology to limit reproduction. Based on my own take on my motivation to stop at 2, I was done with being curious about that* and ready to be curious about other stuff. I’m not sure whether more recent slowly growing trend towards polyamorous practice in educated, affluent women will lead to more or less reproduction. A lot of women do have another child with subsequent “spouses” if still fertile, but I think polyamorous women would tend more towards picking one for that role, but it could sub-divide further. Dunno.

*I knew I was going to have to do it at least once when I observed how many more cool parts my Invisible Woman kit had than the Invisible Man kit. MMV.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by daylen »

Things are about to get much weirder as we push into meta-crisis solution space. The following is my take on the current situation in the U.S. at least, though it is definitely partial and I encourage people to look for themselves to make their own judgments.

First off, we have the green front idealizing purple and projecting orange individualism while batting down other orange qualities. Green is searching for a kind of neutral cultural currency which can flatten the curves so to speak, but there doesn't appear to be an agreed upon selection mechanism. Blue is stiffening up as it is ignored by green and feels torn by orange. Some red is reformed by blue, some blends with orange successfully/sociopathically, and the remainder tends to end up in the streets or in confinement systems.Yellow sees green eating its own tail and thus tends to open up to many different gradations of cultural exchange while reflecting back into beige somewhat (i.e. allowing for cultural succession towards a climax egosystem). Turquoise does some peaking but is mostly waiting in the clouds for the right conditions to make minimal interventions of maximum impact.

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Re: Daylen's Instinctual Dump

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Is it the “lone Wolf” quality of Yellow that reflects back to Beige?

One thing I’m wondering about is the relationship between achieving success at any given level and noticing a problem at that level subsequent to leveling up. For instance, why do some humans keep striving to become Super Orange without heading towards Green? I was considering the examples of Jim Merkel vs. my multi-millionaire friend.

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