Open Offer Urban Permaculture

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Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

No need to wade through the verbosity of my journal. I am now offering free code violation housing and/or possible equity stake in my urban permaculture project. If you do not get kicked out of extremely uncomfortable shed/theoretical tiny house by authorities, your expenses could instantly approach next to nothing. Lots of human diversity, biking distance to cultural center and large nature preserve, public transportation and other city services readily available.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by chenda »

Hell yes!! Can we brew alcohol ? :))

Seriously if I wasn't 10000 miles away I'd love to...

white belt
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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by white belt »

If I wasn’t chained to full time employment I’d consider doing a residency during the summer months. Is the cultural center a college town? Large coed population may be another selling point for some of the younger forum members interested in dating market.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Fermentation for sure. Probably don’t want to set up anything that might look like meth lab in my location.

@white belt:

There are several universities in the city. One just a few miles from me.

I actually think this opportunity would be best suited for somebody who has achieved or nearly achieved FI through conventional means and does not have a well developed forward vision or list of projects, because these I can supply in plenitude. It would also serve as good experience for anybody who wants to practice post-collapse urban survival skills and/or just have a very inexpensive zany semi-dangerous adventure.

ETA: As I also mentioned on my journal thread, my property is in a neighborhood of very small houses, some of which are now vacant, so possibility to bootstrap networked neighborhood starting from my Base zero also exists. Prices are going up, but definitely many opportunities still available for less than $30k.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by daylen »

I am sure many here are will be curious to see how this ecological experiment plays out. Keep us updated! Anyway, have you heard of the book "Integral Ecology"? I just started reading it and helps bring the "I" and "WE" into ecology which is more traditionally "IT" and "ITS" focused (leading to a more superficial or surface-level treatment of organisms/agents). Do you have any recommendations for books related to this bridge? If so, I would be interested to hear as they might provide a context to this experiment.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Although superficially familiar, I haven’t actually read anything by Wilber or “Integral Ecology.” I just downloaded sample chapters of “IE” and Wilber’s “Sex, Ecology, Spirituality.” Based on brief perusal, I think some related titles I have read and would recommend would be “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Kimmerer, “The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision” by Capra, and related to Wilber but not ecology, “The Way of The Superior Man” by Deida.

In “Retrosuburbia “, one of the books I am referencing towards this project, Holmgren places other permaculturist-authors on a quadrant inclusive of more or less “woo” , and my reading has tended more towards scientific/rational. Although since I read Deida several years before I started reading permaculture, I was amused Heather Flores note in “Food Not Lawns” that the vector of rain flowing into cachement swales was analogous to dichotomy of sexual energy. Since all metaphor is ultimately embodied, and we are also embodied within nature, there is literal as well as spiritual or poetic truth in simple statements such as “The Earth is our Mother.”

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by AxelHeyst »

Oooh. There's a possible future where DGF and I take you up on offer for some months ~this Fall if still open.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


That would be very cool. Best case scenario I will be focusing on permaculture site prep for next season at that juncture. Worst case scenario I will still need help with all the broken windows :o

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by RoamingFrancis »

Am interested and will be traveling around later this summer and fall.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


That would be great. If AxelHeyst and his GF stop by and are in the shed/tiny-house-in-theory, you can stay in the attic space previously occupied by the artiste Zuka!

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by RoamingFrancis »

Great! I’m starting to plan out a route; could you PM me a location/address so I can figure out logistics?

Also, do you by any chance know where I can get a cheap/free copy of the original Holmgren and Mollison permaculture writings? I have not been able to track them down anywhere.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by Jin+Guice »

Oh shit, I was about to make a similar thread, but instead I'll just jack yours.

But first, can I just come hang out for a few days? You know I am already sort of doing this, but we are not actually very good at anything, so...

Also, are you in Detroit or like outside of it or somewhere else? Or you don't want to post your location publicly?

I can offer a similar but shorter-term experience, in New Orleans, to anyone interested.

Please note: My friend owns the property so he has veto power, but he'll probably say yes to anyone willing to put in a few hours of work a day, especially if you have garden/ farm experience and/ or construction experience and/ or you work out a time with me where I can help manage you.

Please also note: We are technically in New Orleans, but we are on the other side of the river from the main part of the city (French Quarter and like 95% of the city). It is highly possible to take public transit to and from the other side of the river, but it is somewhat restricting, although there is always Uber if you get too drunk to be frugal.

We try to cover food for Wwoofers (it will be dumpster dived though), but most people want to eat out a bunch bc it's New Orleans. If it's very important to you that food is covered 100%, please let me know that ahead of time. You can def eat whenever I cook out there.

We have a Wwoof and HelpX, which he might make you apply through? I dunno, I'll find out if anyone is interested.

If you are just trying to hang out for a few days and need a place to stay and don't want to work at all, still hit me up. No promises bc I don't have a space that I totally control, but I'll try to hook you up. It will be much easier if we have met IRL beforehand.

As always, if anyone is visiting, please hit me up. I will def come to hang out and play tour guide as long as I'm free and in town, and I'm usually free.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

“Jin+Guice” wrote: But first, can I just come hang out for a few days? You know I am already sort of doing this, but we are not actually very good at anything, so...

Also, are you in Detroit or like outside of it or somewhere else? Or you don't want to post your location publicly?
I should perhaps first clarify that this is my new completely undeveloped permaculture project. I am currently in observation/demolition phase. Anybody who visits this summer/fall will be joining me in a very primitive-technology-in-scavenger-society type setting/adventure. Therefore, I imagine that to some extent the project will develop through the iterations of visitors/participants attempting to make themselves comfortable. For example, you are attempting to sleep in the shed-towards-theoretical-tiny-house and notice that the roof is leaking on your sleeping bag, so you mention this to me while you are attempting to filter murky roof runoff water for your coffee and oatmeal. Since my hostess/management style is “fun Mom” with dial set to Extreme Delegation, I will likely respond with “Oh, that sucks.” and show you where the pile of scavenged shingles exists, but also mention that my own kids who are much nearer your age will be coming over in the afternoon to do some painting and will likely bring some beer and/or legal pot and give you biking directions to the free county beach which is well inhabited with extreme tattooed young women.

I am only semi-attempting to maintain semi-anonymity on this forum, so I will reveal that my new project is located in the New Orleans of the North AKA Flint, Michigan.

Gilberto de Piento
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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by Gilberto de Piento »

@7w5 I am not in the market for this opportunity so take my thoughts with a grain of salt:

Would you be interested in people staying for just a short time instead of living there? For example, vanlife people who wanted to park there for a week or two and then move on? There might be some who want to stay for a little while but not live there.

Are you looking for people who stay to work on projects you designate or just to make the situation better for themselves? Are you expecting a certain number of hours? When I hear permaculture I assume it is a woofing type situation. If I was interested I would want to know, will there be a list of things I could help with (cut down brush, remove grass to create a garden, find pallets and build a compost bin, etc.)? This may just be my corporate, INTJ personality running up against the free spirit couch surfing lifestyle.

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Re: Open Offer Urban Permaculture

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Either guests/volunteers or co-op type partnerships would be my preference. I do not want anything like an employee/employer or tenant/landlord situation.

That said, there will definitely be a list of tasks. For instance, today somebody could have worked on demolishing the back porch, cleaning out rest of old wiring, clipping up giant pile of branches into rough mulch, moving raspberries, putting chicken wire on shed windows, etc. etc. etc.

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