Priority 1: Health

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Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

I’m just a fellow human on earth who is needing to improve health. My health is affected greatly by too little movement and connection to people.

I’m looking into various forms of exercise that are social and moving to a very central location with a lot of choice for this soon. The focus will be to change from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one so 2-3 daily of: dance, bjj, powerlifting or CrossFit or rehabilitation/recovery classes. This plus some working, maybe dating, and cooking is a full life.

The largest part is diet but I’ve been solid with this change now. I’ve already lost 11/30kg that I am focused on losing by changing my diet to basically paleo (green smoothies, broth, meat + kraut/veg. Going to aim to keep this better diet upon moving. The smoothie is recent. I noticed I feel really good after having a smoothie that is mostly kale and greens with some blueberries, super greens, and protein powder.

Please no talk of expenses or locations on this thread.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by ertyu »

Cool dude, congrats on your weight loss so far. A good diet is hard to nail down and it looks like you've already made a lot of progress. I tend to agree with you: ultimately, the good life is simple. Movement, healthy food, functional relationships, a meaningful project to engage with. Not necessarily easy, but simple. Good luck and looking forward to seeing the changes you manage to implement.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by sky »

I find that walking 2 miles a day is a starting point for becoming my true human bipod self, instead of a screen watching slug.

Add to that a program of stretching, and one has the basis to do many other things.

Smoothies are great. They do seem to move one closer to one's full potential.

It takes constant effort to maintain motivation to do the right things.

A full life is never full, the more you do the right things, the more possibilities open up.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by AxelHeyst »

Have you read "Move your DNA" by Katy Bowman? I like the concept of situating "exercise" within the domain of "movement", and maintaining a broad perspective on whole-body health. I'm in the process of fixing a few issues brought on by sedentary lifestyle and am finding it very helpful as a mental framework for approaching what I'm doing. Great topic, following with interest.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Thank you for the suggestions. I appreciate all of them.

I’ve been dancing or working out, sometimes both, almost every day. I also started dating a woman which actually made health harder. She loves pizza, pastas, and sugary snacks. She doesn’t exercise much either but she’s been very open to eating healthier foods with me and says she’s down for hiking but we’ll see. She takes taxis for what’s faster as a walk.

The dating has made junk food a part of my daily diet because I see her every day. I need a solution here. Seeing her less works but I really enjoy seeing her so maybe not that. Weight loss stalled this week, if not reversed. I can’t be having flours or sugars every single day, let alone both. This is a top priority.

I’ve found a largely meat + plants and mushrooms diet to feel really good and be easy to implement.

Jiu Jitsu was not fun here, only drills, no contact allowed. No group dancing either, only private lessons. CrossFit was okay but considering the lockdowns and my high risk of injury due to just starting, I’ll take the gym habit for now and do CrossFit once I have a base of strength.

I ended up choosing a place that was actually very walkable and health conscious. Been doing great at moving everyday except the days where it’s illegal to walk outside. If the lockdowns get worse and keep preventing my healthier habits, I have no choice but to move to another country to improve my health. Southeast Asia seems the best choice for increased personal freedom to focus on my health but it’ll be a pain to get in and I wanted to collect another passport I’ve been waiting on first.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Qazwer »

You do not have to get fancy or travel anywhere
Some people love ... k-by-week/
But just pick something you can keep up with
Maybe learn to cook then you can cook for your girlfriend - pick things close to what she likes just choose slightly healthier - it is not all or none - you want plans that you can keep up for decades

white belt
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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by white belt »

Nice progress thus far! How is your sleep and stress management? I ask because it sounds like you already have your diet and exercise mostly dialed in for effective weight loss, so sleep and stress are the remaining pillars.

Cooking my own meals has been the only consistent way to keep my nutrition in check when I’m trying to lose weight. Sometimes this means eating meals at home instead of during dating activities. I think being open and honest with her about your health goals might be the best strategy, with the caveat that it can be difficult to predict someone’s reaction to such a discussion (e.g. it’s awkward when a person that is obese hears me talking about wanting to lose weight when I am already in much better shape than them).

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by ertyu »

About the dating, a suggestion: if you were to tell her, hey i was pretty miserable while eating crap and am working on sticking to my diet, would you mind implementing X easy change, it will really help me stick to my plan

choose the change you request carefully. make it small, concrete, manageable, and actually helpful to you. you will learn a lot from how she reacts: is she doing her best to support you? is it more important for her not to confront any issues with her own bad habits? if the requested change does hit a nerve for her, how does she handle it? does she try to minimize your goals and imply that you're somehow wrong for having them, or does she say, "hey, this hits X buttons for me, here are the challenges i'm having"? one looks like, "eh, why are you working so hard, you should just enjoy life" with a possible side of more malicious shit like "your food is boring / your weight-loss efforts betray the cause" / whatever, idk, i don't know her. the other looks like, "i hear you. i tried to eat less sweets myself a couple of years ago but it was really hard; i'd have cravings all the time and end up giving in and feeling ashamed of myself" or some such. one blocks avenues for change, the other approaches change and opens avenues for you to change for the better together.

in the end, how she reacts will tell you about whether this is a person you can grow with, or whether this is a person who will pit your need for relationship, closeness, and connection against your personal growth.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Trying to coordinate diets/activities with other people can make weight loss more difficult. This can even be true if both diets are equally healthy; for instance paleo/ weight trainer dating vegan/yoga.

I am in no way trying to dissuade you from your successful practice, but I think it is important to notice that if improving your health and your social life are your two primary goals, second order negative effects are bound to create friction unless you date within same environment in which you improve your health.

Alternatively, you could focus or expand your social goal to include improving boundary setting practice within relationships. Most frequent reason people have difficulty with boundaries is they are afraid of loss or that confronting other will reveal more of own work necessary.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by chenda »

I think it's been noted before here but humans have not evolved to proactively exercise; hunter gatherers naturally got their exercise through hunting and gathering, and conserved their energy when they could. The genes of a hunter gatherer who enjoyed going for a run every day or lifting weights for no purpose would have long been weeded out through natural selection. He probably would have got eaten by a wild animal after running as he had no energy left.

This is why exercise motivation is so difficult for people, it's not laziness, its actual evolutionary barriers which tell you slumping on the settee is a better idea than jumping up and down.

So I think the best thing is to live say 20 mins or so from a supermarket and going shopping every few days is the best strategy. You get cardio and weight bearing and it won't feel like exercise, necessity will render it effortless. Developing a taste for something like sparkling water, whilst not very ERE, will provide additional weight as water is so heavy to carry.

I know the OP wasn't asking for motivation tips but it's something a lot of people struggle with.

white belt
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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by white belt »


Except hunter-gatherers also played sports, which did not conserve energy: ... 131058.htm

I think OP’s focus on group based exercise like Jiu Jitsu, dance, and CrossFit is actually a pretty good strategy.
Last edited by white belt on Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by chenda »

white belt wrote:
Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:30 am

Except hunter-gatherers also played sports, which did not conserve energy: ... 131058.htm
Interesting although I think that still falls under the idea of doing something for a purpose like fun or socialisation, rather than 'I need to lift weights this morning to help stop me getting osteoporosis in 20 years from now'. So yes anything which is enjoyable or brings social reward is going to be easier to stick with.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Alphaville »

unstructured play time increases endocannabinoids 😜

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Down to 74kgs now. Intermittent fasting and a low carb diet is what worked best for me. Exercise unrelated to fat loss for me but makes me feel so much better and adds a nice shape.

Life is good as well. Stress is low. Sorted my legal documents, my assets, living in a beautiful place now and ready to travel soon to see the rest of the country while so have a chance.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by sky »

Cool. Onward and upward.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Still 74kg. But much stronger from the gym.

Still more fat than I’d like, think I’ll have to get to 65-69kg for a 6 pack. Waist at 33” so still higher than .9 waist to hip ratio.

Signed up for a monthly pass at a gym within a 2 minute drive. Just started and will be going every day. Alternate one day of weights for 16 total hard sets, other day is 20-40 minutes of elliptical or bike and pushing a sled with 250+ Kg. This has felt like an amazing way to start the day.

Started ice bath weekly too. I love relaxing into it. Record at 16 min so far.

Made some chicken broth again to get into fasting the days I do cardio. Food is a must on gym days.

Also, found where feels like home.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Blackjack »

Humanofearth wrote:
Wed Dec 29, 2021 7:57 am

Alternate one day of weights for 16 total hard sets, other day is 20-40 minutes of elliptical or bike and pushing a sled with 250+ Kg. This has felt like an amazing way to start the day.

Started ice bath weekly too. I love relaxing into it. Record at 16 min so far.
Badass. Pushing and pulling the sled (10 1 minute sets of either push or pull for anaerobic or 5-10 minutes straight for somewhat more aerobic) is probably the best simple way to build up the glutes and muscle tissue on either side of the lower spine (which is one of the big keys to a healthy back over the long term), but also, exactly as you said, it just “feels good”.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Doing gym every morning now. Mostly before sunrise. One day weights (upper day 1, lower day 2), one day cardio. Been very helpful. Loving sprints.

Weight not going down. Need to stop eating so much but food is so delicious. Made a ton of chicken broth to drink when I get hungry for my cardio days. Let's see how this goes. Although weight isn't down, muscle and strength are up. I look better.

Also, bicep is injured, can't curl with left side but rows and pulls are mostly fine. I love upper body workouts but gotta limit it to every 4 days like I planned.

Did 33:33.8 in ice bath yesterday. Think I approached hypothermia. Won't push it so hard. 20-30 minutes is enough.

Gf coming over in 2 days, going to island hop, kayak the nearby caves/islands, snorkel, ice bath, teach her to swim, cook, raft, see view points; islands; & bays, and try to see the sunrise every morning and sunset every night.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Got the rona. 1 bad day. Today a little better but still eh. Mostly some aches. Happy I lost the blubber before getting here.

In line with that, I need to finish this mission of burning my fat. Chicken broth has been my best tool to curb hunger. I bought a big filter and will be drinking soup daily after the gym.

Also, before getting sick, did like 4 tours to various islands, rafting, etc. Was nice to see the local area and feel I know the region. Additionally, I sinfully bought lobster twice for about 27.5 each. Tried garlic-butter and was okay but thermidor was delicious. I loved it. 2 days in a row sufficed. Had lemon chili fish, lots of vegetables.

Weight loss is hard when dating but now more stable and eating at home because of self quarantine so hopefully can get back on track. Lots of broth once a day and lots of vegetables and LEAN protein once a day. Ate way too fatty meat before, think changing this will really help with fat loss. Also, going to keep carbs as mostly fruit like berries or grapefruit and a little rice because the rice here is so good.

No durians, cake, ice cream, chocolate, candy, market foods, etc. May steal some from my gf at times but durian was my real Achilles heel and it’s helpful that she can’t stand it.

Money wise, I’m happy again. The crash was short lived and my passive income is nearly what my net worth was less than 2 years ago. Earned income, up just a bit from less taxes thanks to renouncing.

I live in country A, work for company in country B, and has passports in countries C & D. May move to country E or F for a while but definitely never visiting country B, likely not country D and country C for a week is already more than enough so I’m staying diversified government wise.

But health is more important than money. And once that is in line with my best, really the best I can make it, I’ll focus more on building up my social environment. That’s a whole other realm ripe with opportunities to improve my life. Happy y’all taught me how to appear poor. Buying 3usd shorts with zippers is amazing. But buying lobster gives me away. Gotta get better. Joking aside, having enough and knowing it’s enough gives life peace. While I don’t agree with the conservative nature of investment here, I deeply appreciate the skill of fasting financially that I’ve learned here. The years I put fasting financially in gave me freedom and I hope everyone here cultivates enough wealth- financially, health, and socially- to live a life they admire and deeply enjoy.

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Re: Priority 1: Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Having a hard time finding purpose & meaning.

Money? Mostly solved.
Health? Almost there.

Have a 4 pack on a good day. Shoulder measurement about 48”, waist 31”. Just a bit more fat to lose and muscle to add. Weight is surprisingly stable despite my best efforts. I love eating (feasting).

Cutting sets down to 10-12/workout from 14-16. Feeling tired and stressful events. Wasn’t enjoying it and dreading the workouts. Now, feels nice.

Been in the same place for almost 2 months. Not feeling it. Very ready to move. Actually, want to go to Palawan to dive all day. But it seems too restrictive there in terms of paperwork. Will see if can work it out but if not, I’m in a nice place, just going to travel some. But feeling called to go diving and diving there is some of the best in the world.

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