M2aS’ Journal

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M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Western Red Cedar
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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

Glad to see you've started a journal and I'm looking forward to hearing about some of your adventures. It sounds like you'll have a good balance of hobbies and interests to keep you busy in retirement.
Married2aSwabian wrote:
Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:20 am
Each day is a gift and we are living them that way ...
This is key to living a happy and healthy life. Something I try to remember regularly during the long journey to financial independence.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

There have been many people who’ve been a positive influence in our path to simplifying, consuming less and saving more: Thoreau - Walden, Jacob - book and site, MMM, my wife and my Swabian brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law in law is single, 56 years old, and lives for his motorcycles and the sense of freedom they bring him. This may have something to do with living in a country with just maaaaaybe a few too many rules (but that’s another journal entry)! He’s still working, but I doubt has has to. He bought a townhouse in the Stuttgart area over ten years ago with the primary requirement being that it had a garage big enough for his various bikes and parts. He does all renovation and repair himself, of course. For frugality street cred, he can also boast that nearly all his furniture, dishes and even stove are from Oma and Opa (1960s era)!

Over the past thirty years, he has come to the US to visit us many times - probably at least a dozen. He has either had one of his bikes shipped over, or bought one here used and stored it for tours out west after we visit.
Germans get a lot of vacation - 6 weeks! I enjoyed it when I worked over there, too, for a few years. So he will often come to the US for 4 or 5 weeks, visit us for abut 5 days or so, while getting his bike ready for the road, and then head out for a 3 week + road trip. He camps - everything needed is in an old Bundeswehr canvas duffel bag. Sturgis, Colorado, Utah, Montana and Wyoming are just a few of the states he explores. Sometimes a friend comes with him, other times it’s a solo trip. The stories and pictures are always great!

So I have to admit, during one of his summer visits about 6 years ago, as I’m working from my home office and my wife and I were checking Google maps for his current location, the thought finally crossed my pea brain, “how can we do this?”. Time is the ultimate luxury. All the money in the world isn’t worth shit if you don’t have time to enjoy it and be free. So, we finally started more intently on the path to retire sooner...better late than never. I’ve gotten to hear quite a few “I told you so’s” from my Swabian better half. ;)

In our case, we’ll go with a DIY camper van and tent instead of the Harley ... but the freedom will be just as sweet!

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Here is a cool idea my wife came up with to help us save thousands on new windows in our (50 YO) house.

In both bedrooms, the windows (4 total) are about 5’wide x 3’ high double pane, but an uncommon design: They’re side by side gliding Andersen windows and well-made. They’re as old as the house. Of course, the glass is single pane, so when it gets very cold in January, there is some condensation on the inside. Storm windows would be the best low cost solution, but for two of the windows, I’d have to try to work off a ladder to install - no thanks. At this point, many folks would be thinking of just replacing them (not ERE folks, but the spend thrift kind!).

We were thinking of making our own storm windows out of 3/16 plexiglass, when DW came up with he idea of just putting the Plexi storms inside. Works great! Had to measure each one exactly and got them cut to fit. Then I put thin window weather stripping around the sill and trim. No frames. They’re held in place with small plastic turn-buttons. Total cost was about $350. New windows would have been about $8000 installed min. We can easily put them in when needed and remove when temps warm up again. Problem solved.

The icing on the cake was the blackout blinds she made. If you’ve ever slept in a German house, you are familiar with the great window Rolladen that you put down at night - it’s dark and quiet! Those are pretty hard to find in the US and harder to install here. For our place, we didn’t want drapes - since we’re in the woods, it’s dark enough already. DW just found Heavy Duty blackout fabric and cut pieces to hang in each window at night for privacy and dark room. Put them away in the morning and we’ve got maximum light / view again. Simple and ....scho wieder Geld gesparrt! :D

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Stasher »

Do you have a good relationship with a local tire shop? I have always had good luck getting killer cash deals on "take-offs" as often people will come in and trade the stock dealership tires for fancy new ones or trade in their tires when they still have over 50% tread life left. I did this on my SUV last year and saved 60% the cost of going new and got tires with 70% tread life left. That normally doesn't happen but is worth trying first.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Thanks, Stasher. I asked around about “take offs”, but unfortunately doesn’t seem possible around here. Will just have to check for best deal. At the rate we’re driving now, they should last for 10 years!

As I continue to practice mindfulness, I’m amazed at how well it dovetails with ERE and minimalism. Making a “clearing” in the mind and heart, leaves room for so many more important things. Stuff that really matters!

Western Red Cedar
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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Western Red Cedar »

Married2aSwabian wrote:
Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:03 am
As I continue to practice mindfulness, I’m amazed at how well it dovetails with ERE and minimalism. Making a “clearing” in the mind and heart, leaves room for so many more important things. Stuff that really matters!
Beautiful - well said!

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by DutchGirl »

Married2aSwabian wrote:
Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:18 pm
Concern over reading Barron’s article yesterday talking about 50/50 stock bond portfolio not yielding enough return to support 4% SWR, not even 3%. Plan to watch that over next months, as we have “set it and forget it” Vanguard strategy with that allocation now. Article is touting going to a blue chip dividend stock portfolio as an alternative. Interested in feedback here!
Here's my two cents: financial experts need money. To get money, they need attention. To get attention, they need to state something shocking and/or they need to make a bold prediction after looking in their crystal ball.

Don't let it get to you, too much.


One completely different thing: what is the status of your social security rights, for both you and your wife? And any pension rights, perchance? (Maybe even from Germany, given that you worked there for a couple of years?). Taking them into account (somewhat) could help with your FIRe plans...

Say that you find out that you'll get $4k/month from social security starting at age 70... now even taking that with a grain of salt, I'd say that it's very likely that you'd get at least $2k/month by then. That would mean that your portfolio at age 70 only needs to provide another $1k/month to cover your costs. And that in turn would mean that it would feel much safer to retire when you have say $900k of net worth (excluding the house), because even if the value of your portfolio goes down a bit over time, social security will come to the rescue in a couple of years.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by ertyu »


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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Stasher »

Well done M2aS , this is a journey that is most likely more important than the financial ERE journey. Life is finite and if by simple choices of not indulging in that which is bad for you can help take hold of what lies before us, then we must. Eat well, live well & get outdoors every single day is the simple formula I strive for, all best to you and congratulations on taking hold of your health.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Thanks, @ ertyu, thanks @Stasher. Yeah, health is important...just trying to carve out some time in this life where I’ve got money and the time and health to enjoy it. Great community here to reinforce that! It’s kind of sad how our society (in US especially) places more importance on lawn and car maintenance than wellness. Western medicine is pretty f’d up. Like so much else, it’s all about the Dollar.

I think one thing that’s helped my wife, son and I on our journey to date is adapting to disruption. My wife and I have each moved around twenty times over our lifetimes! You kind of get used to change. As kids, for both of us, it was due to Dad’s job and then divorce. Since we’ve been married, it’s been due to job, international family and finally (thank God) optimizing our lifestyle for an “earlier” retirement. Adapting to a self-imposed change can be fun: learning a new language, a new culture, making new friends and seeing new places. Externally-imposed change, like a pandemic, not so much. I do think the former experience helps greatly in adapting to the latter.

In adopting a more ERE lifestyle, we’re working to implement more positive change all the time. As Jacob has written - if you’re able to live in a boat or RV full time, you can make do with / enjoy a minimal amount of stuff! We’re not quite there, but working on minimalism. This disruption is different in that it’s often gradual, self-imposed and counter to what “everyone else is doing”. It’s also one of the most rewarding. ;)

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Well, I’ve really screwed up the budget for April now! It’s FUBAR ...

When we moved to Germany ten years ago, we sold the small farm and all the (power) tools that go along with it. This included parting ways with a nice wood shop and many woodworking tools. That was painful.

Upon returning to the states in 2013, I thought it would be easy to reacquire good used woodworking tools by scouring CL, eBay, etc. wrong. Very seldom does anyone sell something for a low price that’s been well taken care of! At least around here.

Yesterday, I came across a Jet planer that is in excellent condition and perfect for the 2 car garage shop - not too big and on a mobile base. Since it was local, just 10 min drive away, I had to go look. So now, $750 later, I am the proud owner of a planer!

But this is not the type of asset that just sits around depreciating. It will help me turn beautiful hardwood boards into furniture and trim like this:


As I’ve written previously, I hope to do a lot more woodworking after I’m done “working for the man”, as it has been a hobby and passion of mine since I was a kid. (I made the the wooden bird in the window sill when I was 8 ;) )
During the financial crisis, I was out of work for about five months. While I was searching for new job, I posted an ad on CL looking for woodworking gigs with a few pics of my work. I was surprised to get a job pretty quickly designing and building a table that paid $1000 (customer supplied all material). I ended up putting around 40 hours into it, so not too bad. It was very rewarding and fun and customer was happy with end result.

Another thought that starts creeping in when you’re in your fifties is, “What legacy will I leave?”. That’s a topic for another post, but I hope that includes some well made furniture that lasts a while.

So, the the planer could pay for itself rather quickly. Right now, it will be used to make DW happy while building equity in our house....finish carpentry needs to be wrapped up. :D

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Well, I did it again last weekend. I looked at CL for tool deals, and again a guy just down the road was selling a woodworking machine for a great price. This time it was a Jet 14” bandsaw that doesn’t have a scratch on it. Got it for $565 (about $300 cheaper than new). I can’t wait to start putting it to good use. ;) Getting ready for career 2.0 ... on my terms! Had to spend two evenings this week getting the garage reorganized to accommodate new additions. DW may also use it some, as bandsaws are a joy to use and much safer than table saw. Needless to say, the expense numbers for April are shot, but these are all one-time purchases.

NW through April: $860,600 w/o home equity.
NW w/ Home equity: approx. $1,135,600

So just a slight gain over last month. This is partly a function of our Vanguard IRA being adjusted to a more conservative asset allocation as we approach FI. About 55%+ equities 45% bonds. Also sitting on about $100,000 in cash. Waiting for any potential bargains to present themselves. Not keen to buy stocks w/ sky high P/Es. Monitoring a few that could become a good value. Alternatively, this money will be used for living expenses after we pull the plug until 59 1/2, when IRA can be tapped w/o penalty. Right now, it represents approx 3.5 years living expenses.

Plan is 21 months to go until pulling plug! Starting to feel real when you can count down the months. ;D

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Just wanted to post about 2 things today:

Between the book and blog, I’ve ready most of Jacob’s posts. To me, today’s (from late 2008) is one of the best and hits home - With Great Freedom Comes Great Responsibility.

Twelve years on, we’ve continued as a society to fall down on the later. DW is very connected to and knowledgeable about all things in nature. We feed the birds ... a lot! She’s identified 71 different species in our yard over the past 3 years. She notices changes in butterflies, bees, plants, birds, cats, dogs, horses...you name it! The trends are not good. Quantities and species of many creatures like bees, birds and butterflies are vanishing at an alarming rate. Why? Well, lack of habitat is one reason. Fucking Roundup (its official name) is likely another, since we’ve been “lucky” to have Roundup Ready corn and soy beans for over a decade now, which leads to farmers spraying millions of gallons of the shit all over the place. McMansion owners having their lawns sprayed regularly with chemicals to kill all living things doesn’t help either. Note: it’d be an interesting study to go into the average home owner big box store this time of year and count the number times the word “kill” appears on packaging in the seasonal section. It’s gotta be in the thousands. If you counted the number of times words like “grow” or “nurture” appear, it might be in the dozens ... doesn’t sell like fear. The fear of being “that neighbor” that has a dandelion or lawn that isn’t dark green. They should just install astroturf and be done with it. The only time these geniuses are on the lawn is to mow it anyway.

The second topic is that I just found out a friend of mine in Germany has died recently due to Covid. He was 78 and had survived a tough cancer battle in recent years. He was a very funny guy, good friend and I will miss him. The world is a little bit poorer place without him. Another friend of ours in Germany (my brother-in-law’s best friend) also died last week after a long battle with cancer. He was just 57. No matter how often we have to come to grips with loss, it’s still hard to fathom and work through. Life is all too short and this, as I’ve posted before, is another reason to get to FI soon.

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Re: M2aS’ Journal

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Last edited by Married2aSwabian on Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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