Rube's journal

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Ha, okay, another update hereby:

In September and October I had taken out everything from our attic: flooring, walls, old insulation, doors etc.. It fitted, after putting it with military precision (according the comments of DW) just in a 10CBM container. Now the rebuilding started and during the last 3 weeks I have finished the first layer of new insulation in the roof. This morning I calculated how much more I need for the 2nd layer for the roof and ordered it along with some other materials. I expect to install this 2nd layer this month. After this is done, the roof will have an have an average Rc value of 9.4(!). Which is about the level of the so called "passive house" technique.
After that's done, still maaaaaany more things to do at the attic: insulate the walls, electricity, change some pipes, add perhaps running water, flooring, some indoor walls, doors etc. And also many other things in other parts of the house. Actually, according a rough planning I made last week I will be busy for the next 12 months with this "house" project. But in a few months the attic is completely new/renovated and with this insulation value and mass it is hopefully year round comfortable and we have two nice new rooms, one bedroom and one guestroom.

In the mean time I am also looking to renew our current ventilation system to a system which includes a heat exchanger. The aim is to have a more energy efficient system, but also more healthy (better ventilation) and quiet. This system has a bad name with some people because in the early days some contractors installed it incorrectly leading it to a the opposite: more noise, bad air quality. So to make sure I'll avoid this, I still have to some some more research. I'm also looking to insulate our garage door. This is a big heat loss currently as the garage is indoors and the door is just plain steel. Since we're not using it as a garage to park the car, we just use it for the bikes, pantry storage, tools etc. we're using only the small door. So now I am thinking to remove some parts of tilt mechanism on the inside of the large door, so I can insulate the whole door with 16 cm of foam = Rd of 7.2. Adding some rubbers at the small door to make sure it's basically airtight, so that the the whole door should basically have Rc 7.2.
So far some house-project-details.

Lately I have a been walking more as I used to do. Not really a lot or far, just short hikes of 3-6 km and last Sunday up to 11 km. But the shoes I have are not intended for walking a lot outdoors, especially not through meadows on gravel/sand etc. So I did some research online in the last week and after I had ordered this morning the materials for the insulation, I jumped on my bike and went to a local store. They helped me well by explaining the differences, let me try all kind of different shoes. Without any pressure (which I absolutely hate). So I was pleased with the good help and information and I bought one pair of good hiking shoes which should last me many years. I think I have never paid so much for shoes, but I expect them to be worth it, i.e. BIFL. And while getting these shoes I biked 18 km. On the way back I picked up some fresh vegetables and I cooked dinner for the family (stir fry noodles with oyster sauce).

Tomorrow another work day. I'm slowly getting used to be okay with not answering all emails immediately. Mostly my work schedule is such that I work 1 (or 1/2) day and have 1 day off (or 1/2) day. On a typical work day, after 1 day off, I start the day with about 100 new emails in my inbox. This is excluding some newsletters, company updates etc. which are filtered to other folders automatically. I read, answer/archive about 70-80 emails in the first 1-2 hours. The remaining emails I try handle throughout the day. On most days I have also 3-4 calls (meetings) of 30-60 minutes with my team members or other departments. These working days are going fast.

Finances: I keep track of the expenses and updating the net worth. But basically all on auto pilot, all okay, nothing major to report.

DW is not super happy with her job and some time ago she thought to quit end this year. But now with working from home she's okay and she came up with the idea to maybe quit before summer and, if all possible again, go on a 6 week holiday when the kids have their summer holiday. I would still have to work some weeks parttime, but could easily do this while we're on vacation. This would be a good try-out for a possible 6-12 months trip the year after.

Be safe, till the next update.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by Flurry »

Oh, nice to see someone from the Netherlands here. I also like your strategy of reducing working hours instead of working full time until you can pull the plug completely, that's what I want to do.
Keep up the good work!

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

We're very fortunate with having two healthy children who are doing well. It is interesting to see their development and personal interests. In the last few weeks: DD of 15 y/o scored C1 on her English test and DS of 12 y/o published his first songs on all major streaming services and almost finished reading "the art of happiness" from the Dalai Lama. Their interests, self discipline (finishing with cold water showers :shock:), getting up early, is remarkable when I compare them to myself when I was a teen (and even now) and I am proud on them (not only for their "achievements", but simply how they develop).
I am happy we can support them with their development and I need to remind myself to make sure to devote enough time and attention to them, as they still need it. And moreover, it is just another few years before they enter in adulthood and will likely find their own place to live etc.
Even if you're FI, time can't be bought.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by DutchGirl »

Hi Rube, I read that you're a proud parent. And rightfully so. And it's true, if all goes well at some point in the not so far away future they will spread their wings and leave the nest. Enjoy it while it lasts, and hopefully you will also get to enjoy the next stages in their lives as they will keep sharing their development and accomplishments with you.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Several things happened in the last couple of months, but it feels like nothing really major worth to write about., working (a bit), working on the house, making plans for the house, possible travel, enjoy time together, administration, cleaning, finding new renters etc. You know just living - but less stressful as it used to be.

But last weekend my father got a heart attack, I took a quick COVID test just to be sure I would not pass it on unknowingly, and went to my mother to be able to drive her to and from the hospital, only 1 visitor per patient allowed, and support her at home. They called the ambulance just in time, he got stents within a couple of hours after they called the alarm number. Luckily they were able to to prevent any permanent damage. For the first time in 10 years we got a snow blizzard at the same time, so on Monday I had to shovel for half an hour before I could drive out of the parking to pick up my dad two days after his admission. Health and time are precious. I was glad I was able to help/support, even though it was just something minor to do.

Early November I wrote DW was thinking to quit her job before the summer holiday and to go on a 5-6 week summer holiday. I have my doubts if we can already go on a fairly normal summer holiday by then, but for now this is still the plan. And I guess, even if things are not fairly normal, she will quit and we might stay closer to home but still take a summer holiday.

Not sure when the next update will be or what the subject will be. We'll see what life brings to us.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by BlueNote »

Sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad to hear there’s no permanent damage.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by LiberateMind »

Hope your dad is doing well.Take care

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by DutchGirl »

I also hope that your dad is doing well and recovering nicely. I'm glad you were able to support both of your parents when this happened.

I'm also glad your life is (otherwise) less stressful. Sometimes stress relating family members can't be helped, but at least there's less workrelated stress for you now. I would say that your DW quitting before the summer will make the summer nicer, no matter whether you'll be able to travel a lot. A staycation can also be very nice.

I hope everyone's well... see you later...

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Thanks @BlueNote @Liberatemind and @Dutchgirl. He's fine again other than a little low on energy. A very special forum, three person from three different continents reaching out. DG you're right, simply having more time available as a family during the the school summer holiday will be good for us.

Since about a year, after we moved to the new house, shortly before the pandemic, I have nights where I wake up in the middle of the night and am awake for a long time. It seems to be getting more lately and it makes me tired during the day. It is not causing serious issues or anything, it is just...annoying.
Sometimes I hear sounds that keep me awake (wind/traffic), or something pops into my mind (not forget XYZ, or how should I.... or, what if....). But there is no real reason why I should wake up and or something I should worry about.
Things I probably need to change to improve my sleep is going to bed on more regular times, i.e. not one night 10 PM and the other 0:30AM and to have some/more physical activity during the day, not only on my days when I am off. And not using the smartphone while in bed. I don't drink coffee, alcohol only one day in the weekend if at. I will read this to see if there are any additional tips I can try viewtopic.php?f=26&t=10015&p=170074&hil ... ep#p170074

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by DutchGirl »

Hi Rube,

Do more sounds reach your bedroom in the new house, compared to the old one? Any way to add some more isolation/sound proofing to your house, or in particular to the bedroom area?

Two or three years ago we moved to our new house, and it is in a quieter neighborhood. I've slept better ever since I don't have drunk students walking through my street singing or shouting once or twice per week. (Maybe right now with COVID19 it's quieter in the old neighborhood, too, but no, not moving back there!). Still I have the occasional month where I'll just wake up more often at 2 or 3 in the night and can't very well go back to sleep. And then that period passes and I sleep like a log for months.

It can be very annoying. Don't be afraid to send your GP an email to ask for help, maybe they have some advice or one or two things to check. You could of course also first try the general advice for sleep problems and ask your GP if that doesn't help enough.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by J_ »

Hi Rube,

(Your) life has so much changes had last years. Other work-life, other house, much more at home, an epidemic, a sudden sick father, a crazy usa president, growing and developing children. It is more a miracle that sleep is possible...

My grandmother had a great saying about sleeplessness: Al slaap je niet dan rust je toch..(In bed without sleep made still you body rests..) I think she was a great Stoic. I repeat her mantra when I do not sleep, it gives me peace of mind and the result is...I fall asleep again.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

@DG in our new house it is not more noisy, but somewhat different type of noises. Also depending on the wind direction.
We will move our bedroom to another location in the house, which I am currently working on, with a lot of insulation (both for heat/cold and sound). So that part should be better in a couple of months.
Since I wrote the last post I have slept fairly well, and much better as some of the weeks in the last year. No need to ask the GP at this point, but will do so if ever needed.

@J_ yes, I used to worry when I slept bad, I wouldn't be able to work or do whatever important stuff was planned the next day. After about 9 years of business travels and having quite some night of just 1 or 2 hours sleep, I know that you will survive and there's no need to worry too much :lol: .
Of course that is, assuming it is not for a very long time!

My life: early morning I made some appointments for the rentals to do some minor work, with renters who leave and others who will start renting etc. There after a short walk and right now sitting in the sun, in the nature. I will walk soon home to have lunch with the family, enjoying a fresh baked spelt bread by DD and work for the employer in the afternoon.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by DutchGirl »

rube wrote:
Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:53 am
My life: early morning I made some appointments for the rentals to do some minor work, with renters who leave and others who will start renting etc. There after a short walk and right now sitting in the sun, in the nature. I will walk soon home to have lunch with the family, enjoying a fresh baked spelt bread by DD and work for the employer in the afternoon.
Sounds like life is good, Rube. Nice :) . I hope you had some nice workdays and that you are now enjoying a somewhat cold, but sunny, weekend.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Already a little over three months I posted!

All okay, pretty busy with the house which will continue for several months. Most of it should be ready by the end of this year.

DW gave notice today, she will be working till early July.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by DutchGirl »

Hurray, a small update!

You have little time to post here, but I have assumed (and apparently correctly) that that means that life is good and you're too busy enjoying it.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Yes, all well, enjoying live, still some stress because of planning and dealing with contractors (and thereby giving myself deadlines to finish things in time before the contractors starts). But overall all okay.

Employer DW came back next day and asked if she would like to continue with reduced hours, more WFH (also after covid), as employer or contractor.
It is fully her decision, I support her whatever she decides, but she does not have a specific goal atm for which she need be free from paid work 100%. So she's leaning towards a proposal to continue for 2 days after a 6 weeks summer. If she continues as a contractor instead of employee this is also more beneficial taxwise and it was already in the back of her mind to do some projects now and than as a contractor in the future. So....we'll probably see in the coming days how this will evolve.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

I turned 45 y/o a few days ago. We had a very small and simple celebration with some family. DW and I also got also vaccinated.
Employer and DW couldn't work something out that was acceptable to both of them, her last day at this job is early July. I'll continue for now with my 20 hrs/week, which I am doing since the pandemic started fully from home. Even if we can return to the office, I expect I won't be there more than one day per week.

I haven't kept track of spending and exact income for the last couple of months, too busy, no priority. I do keep track of net worth and keep an eye on finances in general. Will probably download and put all in excel later.

Five more weeks before we have holiday and we will visit the country of frugalchicos, I'm looking forward to it. But first I still need to finish some things at the house.
Last edited by rube on Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

Okay, I did the income and expense exercise of the last 4-6 months. Apart from the expenses for the house DYI / renovation, which I view as temporary - lump sum (one time budget), there was nothing unexpected or strange. Transport was lower (covid), supermarket higher (covid?), presents a bit higher but these and others were just marginally different.

12 month rolling real rental income was 90% of the theoretical cashflow (=rent minus fixed expenses). The 10% difference is due to some maintenance (new heater, new lock, videophone) and some vacancy last year during a large renovation. I expect this real vs. theoretical percentage will go up even a bit more in the near future as I don't expect major/expensive repairs for the coming 12-24 months. we also received some interest, as we're providing some mortgages and short term brigde financing for real estate.

Not counting the expenses for the house renovations, our passive income from the rentals and interest covers 140-170% of our expenses (with/without mortgages paying off). This does also not include any gains on stocks (or potential losses), as I am primarily focusing on cashflow and the stock allocation is relatively small.

In any case, there are so many variables that there is not a black and white outcome or number to present. Main point for us is that the figures are as expected or even better, which is reassuring. Especially since DW won't have any monthly check anymore soon! :D
Last edited by rube on Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by mooretrees »

Nice update with the passive income! That's got to feel good. Keep on trucking!

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Re: Rube's journal

Post by rube »

We we're planning to visit the country of frugalchicos, but ended up canceling our original plans due to the covid situation. A week before we were planning to leave there was a lot of unclarity and uncertainty regarding requirements etc. so we decided to cancel our reservations and re-evaluate the situation.
We ended up leaving a week later for holiday and are now visiting the country of Seppia instead. We stayed a few days at the Como lake and have moved yesterday a bit further south. In hindsight I am not sure if it is a big difference wrt covid here compared to the original plan.....but anyway, we kept flexible and are on holiday now.

Today is the last official day DW is employed. A few days ago she received her last paycheck.
At one of the rentals I have given a (temporarily) discount on the rent. In short, the municipality changed some rules, makes it harder to rent for a higher price. Oh well....

Leaving now the holiday apartment to cool down at the nearby river.

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