The Reluctant Journal

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 1taskaday »

The days I cycle now I can do 50 miles in cold conditions with strong winds and rain... very satisfying.
I think I am addicted to it now like I was to running before my knees packed in.
How long will I be able to continue this without wear and tear injuries?

I have "wild swimming" in my head for the future if I can't cycle anymore...this gives a great chemical rush as well... which I seem to require,to feel I am really "living"....lucky me addicted to exercising in harsh conditions to get my "high" in life and peace of mind... especially as I can't travel to sunny climates anymore.

I continue to do a weights workout twice a week... absolutely detest it...but great curvy biceps and shoulder muscles to show for it after consistently doing it since January.
It obviously works but I still hate it.
Can't join a gym either as we are in "lockdown".

Trying to spend maximum time outside every day to get lots of light and nature... feel the fittest I 've been for years.
I did a 3 hour trek this week that I used to have to stop and take breaks when going up before...not anymore...can keep going all the way now without breaking a sweat
My DH is in awe as he needed breaks.

So my primary goal of fitness and health is being achieved now that I have lots of free time...a win.

Other than this I have no is fine, finances fine....but I do miss planning and having travel adventures...

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I love wild swimming too. I should probably focus on that rather than sex as motivation to get back in shape, because the best sex is like wild swimming. Even though I am struggling for air in hospital room now, just 5 weeks ago I was doing 2 two hour hikes/day up north on birding trails. You would probably not like hiking with me, because I go slow and try to identify species along the way.

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 1taskaday »

My DH would love hiking with you...he is obsessed with wildlife especially "feathered birds"... (picking my words carefully here with you).
It drives me crazy when he deprives me of my "high" on a hike by stopping to watch and name birds constantly.

Hopefully your asthma will settle down again shortly and you will be back on the birding trails.
Whatever brings joy...right.

The chemicals released from wild swimming are pretty amazing... everyone who does it says it's addictive.

I think the secret is to build it up over the summer and then keep it up over the winter.
We watched a group of middle aged/elderly people swim in a lake last Monday.
It was a grey wet cold dull day in November... pretty miserable for most people facing another month of Covid lockdown...but not for these people...they would have a magic evening from their swim.
I envied them.

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Yeah, I get that endorphin seekers and dopamine seekers don’t always mix well. I don’t like runners bogueing on my nature trails either.

OTOH, used to be first one in the lake every spring, even though it always gave me screaming swimmer’s ear afterwards.

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 1taskaday »

My favourite time of the year... Christmas...NOT.
The weather has taken a turn for the worst...real winter now as very cold.
The length of darkness is nearly at it's peak...thank goodness it will be turning soon.
As the lockdown has been "loosened" I joined a gym with my DH.

Of course it increases the risk of catching Covid (if we haven't had it already...who knows) But it's a calculated risk just like cycling, driving a car,getting out of bed every morning...need I go on...

Was thoroughly sick of doing weights in home used to hang over my head all week until I did my 2 sessions.
Now we just book a time at the gym...go...get it done and end of.

Have injured my lower back slightly (which pisses me off majorly) as I was reckless the first gym session ...I was trying to figure out where everything was while still trying to do a good session.

The biggest challenge doing weights is trying to not get injured... especially when older.
My bad and my stupidity...
I have kept the weights up for almost a year now consistently and even though I'm really slim I feel strong.
Combined with the cycling I would say I have never been as lean or fit...of course, I've never had as much free time to invest in fitness before either.

The weights section is very male based with the weights really too heavy for me...but I intend to get my money's worth out of sod all the testosterone ...move over and give me my space.

Still cycling outside in freezen,wet and windy weather...this is very satisfying as it keeps me sane... can't imagine being stuck inside all the time.
With only seven hours of daylight a day if I worked full-time I would never be able to do this.
We also go to the gym at off peak week day mornings when it's very quiet, another luxury from working part-time.

I calculated that by December 31st,I will have only worked 70 days in total this greatest joy in life.

This is my second full year of part-time work completed with my earnings covering my outgoings with about 1,000 to 2,000 to spare'ish... exactly as I had planned for.

I earn ENOUGH...and most importantly I know what ENOUGH is for me.

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

70 days, that’s great! I am shooting for 50 days per year as my semi-retired equilibrium. However, as I know you very well know, this metric is useless if we don’t also boundary all the domestic/social tasks that may be dumped on our plate. I am working on trying to figure out how to maintain these boundaries without actually having to spend too much money for more physical space. It’s tough.

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Re: The Reluctant Journal

Post by 1taskaday »

50 days a year of work sounds amazing...very "doable"while not sacrificing your quality of life too much.

Look for the " cushiest" number you can find even if it's boring with not much work satisfaction...for me "least time" working is my dominant factor when choosing how to earn the money I need.

I often day dream of starting my own "business" as I feel I have so much energy and enthusiasm still left...but when it comes down to it I am never prepared to lose my freedom/free time.

I have spent most of my adult female life waging war to protect the boundaries that I have set.
It is not an easy thing to do.

I think it is hugely personality an INTJ female it does come easier to be rational and non emotional about everything and even everyone ... but it is always a constant battle not to fit in to the societally "acceptable" female role... remember my DH and DS have labelled me "socially inept" because I would prefer to go on a 50 mile cycle in wind and rain rather than attend a family function ...Ha,ha,ha.

Hence we communicate on the "socially inept" labelled WhatsApp group, as a family, and it's only me that gets the kick out of this.

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