Star*Bucks ERE Journal

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Frugalchicos »

You can get your certificate online. We did it with Premier TEFL. They are based in Ireland and I am happy with their service and fast response over email.

You can definitely find a job in Spain teaching English and make about 1,000-1,300 euros and live fine while you enjoy the experience and meet new people.

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Viktor K
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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Viktor K »

You definitely should. I can share my TEFL notes with you if you want

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

July 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $116,406
401k $1,387
IRA $40,594
Roth IRA $164,271
HSA $16,669
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$5,555

Prior Months Net Worth $412,775
Current Net Worth $417,072

Net Worth Increase of $4,297

Prior Months SWR 4.361%
Current SWR 4.32%

I got my Global Entry & TSA Pre Check in July!! I also previously got Lounge Access (Priority Pass) at airports as well; all of which were free as perks with a credit card I got. My future trips to the airport are going to be so much different to the ones I’ve had in the past, that’s for sure!

I significantly paid down a credit card even though I had planned to slow pay to take advantage of the zero percent interest rate. My change in mind came from my credit score dropping from 800 to 730 with the increased balance. So I may change the plans to pay using credit cards for the next 2 quarterly payments as well. I may just make a single 30k payment by check at the end of December.

I got two days off in July which got my total days off for 2019 up to 4 days. I was actually upset at the new scheduler reducing my hours and giving me unwanted days off. He said he thought I needed a break and I let him know I’d inform him when I need a break. I got my hours ramped back up later in the month. In fact the last 4 days of the month were spent in the Bay Area. I absolutely loved it. The weather was cooler, the people at the office there were especially nice, the streets had a certain feel to them, and even the trees and shrubs looked and smelled beautiful. I’ve always fantasized about living in San Francisco but it was always out of reach. Maybe after I hit F.I. at some point I may come to S.F. and rent a place for 6 months or so. I’d obviously have to work and probably the majority of work money will go to expenses to live in SF but it will knock that off my bucket list.

I gained 5 pounds due to going to the Bay Area and cheating on my diet

Since I was in the Bay I got a chance to spend some time with my brother which was great. Didn’t get to see the rest of my family due to scheduling conflicts.

Goals for July were:
-Get a good pair of running shoes FAIL
-Go running or do some sort of regular exercise FAIL

Goals for August:
-Get a good pair of running shoes
-Go running or do some sort of regular exercise

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

Frugalchicos wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:17 am
You can get your certificate online. We did it with Premier TEFL. They are based in Ireland and I am happy with their service and fast response over email.

You can definitely find a job in Spain teaching English and make about 1,000-1,300 euros and live fine while you enjoy the experience and meet new people.
That’s GREAT!! How was the online TEFL course? Would you say it was easy, moderate, or difficult?
Viktor K wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:50 am
You definitely should. I can share my TEFL notes with you if you want
Viktor you are Awesome! I will send you a PM when I am ready to enroll. :)

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Frugalchicos »

" That’s GREAT!! How was the online TEFL course? Would you say it was easy, moderate, or difficult?"

I would say it was fairly easy (even with English not being my mother tongue). However, you do have to put some time in to finish it. Feel free to send me a private if you have any question!

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

August 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $121,111
401k $1,412
IRA $164,084
Roth IRA $40,298
HSA $16,390
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$5,370

Prior Months Net Worth $417,072
Current Net Worth $421,225

Net Worth Increase of $4,153

Prior Months SWR 4.32%
Current SWR 4.274%

6 month auto insurance policy $700 & some non refundable work expenses.

I’ve lost 13 pounds just by changing my diet. I eat one meal per day also know as OMAD & I started this on the 14th of August. The weight has been coming off so fast and I haven’t changed anything else. I can easily say I’ll be hitting my goal weight by the end of this year and probably much sooner. I plan to incorporate some jogging/running as well as weight training soon. I’ve had on my to do list to buy some good running shoes for several months. It’s taking me a while because I haven’t had the time necessary to get a true fitting at a shoe store. I have a store in downtown called Fleet Feet and they scan your feet, watch you walk and jog and help you find the exact type shoe you need. I want this service because I have plantar fasciitis and I want to take all precautions. Also, I have never had it done before and want to treat myself.

I also purchased a salad spinner for $30 from Bed Bath & Beyond. I’ve wanted one for years to save money and not buy prepackaged lettuce but I wasn’t eating enough salads to justify the purchase. But now that I have a salad almost everyday I thought to go ahead and pull the trigger. I also made a lot of smaller purchases like no sugar ketchup because I’m staying low carb.

Came down and spent a weekend with my family.

Goals for August were:
-Get a good pair of running shoes FAIL
-Go running or do some sort of regular exercise FAIL

Goals for September:
-Get a good pair of running shoes
-Clean out the fridge and pantry of all junk foods and foods high in sugars & carbohydrates.
-Get out of the 200 pound club and make it into the 100’s
-Spend less than $100 at Costco, not counting gas
-Focus on getting more sleep and reducing stress

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by George the original one »

Looking forward to a report on the shoes!

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Frugalchicos »

Hi there,

I always find good deals on Nike shoes on eBay. If you already know your size, you can always find brand new shoes with or withouy the box for nearly half the price. I have been doing that for years and I also get to sell my old shoes for like $15-$25.

Good luck with it!!

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

September 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $125,315
401k $1,647
IRA $40,591
Roth IRA $164,904
HSA $16,193
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$3,958

Prior Months Net Worth $421,225
Current Net Worth $427,992

Net Worth Increase of $6,767

Prior Months SWR 4.274%
Current SWR 4.2%

Normal month, nothing unusual.

Lost another 7 pounds this month. So I’ve been on my one meal a day diet for 6 weeks now and lost a total of 20 pounds. I would have lost more but I’ve had some cheat days. I went to the gym for the first time in 2019 just 3 days ago & I plan to go to the gym 3 times per week going forward.

Found a new passion for Cold Brew Coffee. I found a liquid stevia that I like and add to that I found a sale on Cold Brew coffee at Sprouts BOGO offer so I bought all 4 varieties and I absolutely love the flavor and smoothness. I add some heavy whipping cream, ice, and liquid stevia to the cold brew and it tastes better than Starbucks. I drink it when I get home from work and I get a bunch of things done and thankfully the caffeine wears off right when I need to go to bed. I make it a point to buy only glass bottle Cold Brew now so that in the future if/when I decide to make it myself I have a nice bottle to put it in.

Goals for September were:
-Get a good pair of running shoes FAIL; going to wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday
-Clean out the fridge and pantry of all junk foods and foods high in sugars & carbohydrates. 90% of the way there.
-Get out of the 200 pound club and make it into the 100’s I made it to 199.2 but have been fluctuating between 199.2 and 201.5
-Spend less than $100 at Costco, not counting gas Accomplished
-Focus on getting more sleep and reducing stress Accomplished

Goals for October:
-Gym 3 plus times per week
-Get into the 180’s pounds in weight
-Give the entire house a deep cleaning, give away unused items/clothes/etc
-Say NO a lot more at work, unapologetically

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

Q3 2019:

Q3 Progress

July + $4,297
August + $4,153
September + $6,767

Total Q3 Progress $15,217

Current SWR 4.2%

Not a bad quarter. I like to average closer to 20k per quarter but anything that is not negative is a positive. Here’s looking at a profitable 4th quarter to help me pay Uncle Sam all the money I owe him.

On another note, I have been very protective of my job, not wanting to leave until I was absolutely sure I hit all my numbers. There was no assurance I’d get hired back and what if I end up realizing traveling full time isn’t for me!? Well, I was sent down to the Bay Area to work again this past weekend and during my free time I was looking for available jobs and there were a shit ton and lots of them pay what I am currently making. I felt a good wave of confidence to hang up the job sooner than originally anticipated but I am staying strictly because of the unknown tax bill I have waiting for me. Once I square up with the IRS in the beginning months of 2020, I may just leave work early and travel. Why wait!? I can always come back and get another job that pays the same and most likely with better benefits. There is always the possibility of a bad recession like the one in 2009 that really hit me hard and all those jobs going away so I still need to play my cards right. Playing it by ear for now.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by classical_Liberal »

Do it!! You won't regret it.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

^ I'm with c_L, and I now officially have the qualifications to nudge people to quit their jobs :)

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

October 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $134,690
401k $1,725
IRA $40,615
Roth IRA $165,281
HSA $16.593
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$3,762

Prior Months Net Worth $427,992
Current Net Worth $438,442

Net Worth Increase of $10,450

Prior Months SWR 4.2%
Current SWR 4.11%

Well, I had a Doozy of a month. For the last several months I’ve been going to the Bay Area from Sacramento 2-3 days per week to help my company out. That’s a 3-4 hour roundtrip car drive plus a 12 hour shift at that office. So in any given day I can spend up to 16 hours sitting which is unhealthy. At the Bay Area office I have to help out a lot of the new guys so it requires me to be there in the chair next to them almost the entire 12 hour shift. At my local Sacramento office I go on many walks and really only worry about my own job; so I spend less than half the time stuck in my chair. Well on Sunday (at the beginning of the month) when I got back home after the entire weekend spent working in the Bay my leg felt sore. I thought oh well I’ll just walk it off tomorrow. Well, I woke up to my leg swollen a bit, some pain, and noticed some veins in my right calf. It didn’t go away so I went to see my doctor on Wednesday morning. He said there is a possibility of a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) aka a blood clot so he sent me to get a scan to see if in fact there was a clot. Luckily there was no clot but he told me not to spend so much time sitting and to exercise more.

I contacted the scheduler at work who actually started working at the same time I did and we had somewhat of a good rapport. He in the past asked me why I didn’t go for a supervisory position of which; if I wanted; I could jump up two positions easily, but I don’t want the stress and hassle. Anyways, this guy tried to force me to continue to go to the Bay Area. He told me, “Well, if you can’t sit then you won’t be able to do your job so we will have to pull you” I got super angry and told him of-course I can do my job but my doctor doesn’t want me adding all that time driving on top of my normal shift, and then I asked him “Why are you threatening my job” Long story short, I sent a very detailed email about that call to everyone at my local office. They all know me and I needed to keep them in the loop. I also contacted the corporate headquarters on the east coast as well as the Union President. To say I was pissed would be putting it lightly.

Since my job was threatened I stopped answering my phone after coming home. I use to take calls from the office and run around to other local offices to help out and to also max out my overtime. I’m so very ready to bring this work life to an end or at least in the way it currently exists. In my mind I was saying, “Man you got the F.U. Money now; not as much as you wanted, but you can quit now and leave this unappreciative company behind” I have calmed down now as this occurred near the beginning of the month and they stopped sending me to the Bay Area. I am going to try my best to just ride this out til I hit my goal. But I’ve got a new attitude at work, that’s for damn sure! I bent over backwards doing any and every thing for this company, but now it’s simply me doing my job during the scheduled hours. Anything else they need they can do themselves, FUCK EM!

I lost a lot of weight in September by eating one meal per day plus doing KETO but this whole month I switched to eating carbs again and eating whenever I want. Luckily I haven’t gained any weight but I haven’t lost any weight either. I’ve been floating between 198-201 pounds. I was a bit over 220 pounds when I started dieting initially. I’m starting my diet again today (Nov 1) and going back to KETO and 1 meal per day as well as jogging and hitting the gym. Just really want to hit 180 or less by the end of year.


Goals for October were:
-Gym 3 plus times per week FAIL
-Get into the 180’s pounds in weight FAIL
-Give the entire house a deep cleaning, give away unused items/clothes/etc FAIL
-Say NO a lot more at work, unapologetically DONE!!

Goals for November:
-Make some good buys for myself on Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals.
-Drop 10 Pounds

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by classical_Liberal »

Sounds to me like the whole situation is a result of brown/burn out. You've devoted a ton of energy to this job and in return you got a health scare. The company didn't even want to budge a bit, after all the hours and effort you've given them. It's like they (company/coworkers) didn't even care. This is par for the course.

Put another way, the company views you as a cog in a machine. This pisses you off because of all the devotion you've provided. The anger is a side effect of your burnout. If you let it go too far, you may end up burning bridges. Tread carefully emotionally and figure out your exit plan from the current overwork. Unless you don't care about burning bridges, then tell them to f**k off and quit.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

classical_Liberal wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:42 pm
Sounds to me like the whole situation is a result of brown/burn out. You've devoted a ton of energy to this job and in return you got a health scare. The company didn't even want to budge a bit, after all the hours and effort you've given them. It's like they (company/coworkers) didn't even care. This is par for the course.

Put another way, the company views you as a cog in a machine. This pisses you off because of all the devotion you've provided. The anger is a side effect of your burnout. If you let it go too far, you may end up burning bridges. Tread carefully emotionally and figure out your exit plan from the current overwork. Unless you don't care about burning bridges, then tell them to f**k off and quit.
Hey CL, you are correct. I have mellowed out and my demeanor has changed to fit the demeanor of all other co-workers. I have quit going above and beyond. So I will coast and fully do my job to the fullest just not more than that. My timeline to quit is within 1 year now so I will just put it on cruise control. This B.S. near the end of the line is unfortunate but I think it will just make it all the sweeter when I can GTFO and focus 100% on my own life.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

November 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $137,999
401k $1,798
IRA $40,733
Roth IRA $165,833
HSA $17,444
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$967

Prior Months Net Worth $438,442
Current Net Worth $446,140

Net Worth Increase of $7,698

Prior Months SWR 4.11%
Current SWR 4.035%

Well, another good month was had. I am just a hair away from 4% SWR but December will be the biggest expense month of my life. I have to pay 25k-30k to the IRS, I have to pay my property taxes, and I also got a medical bill for $750!! I had to visit the doctor to check to see if I had a blood clot and the scan which was pre-authorized by my doctor through the insurance company cost nearly $1,900 and my insurance company is saying I owe $750 of that. This is an expensive healthcare plan through my employer and not some high deductible healthcare plan. My employer has a shitty 401k plan provider as well who is charging massive fees. I will try to tough it out with my current company then by mid next year after I do my taxes and pay up the remaining balance owed to Fed & State; then I will be aggressively looking for another employer with better benefits and a job that I enjoy and would fit my lifestyle better.

I lost 1 pound, so I am now at 197. I haven’t done the KETO diet or the 1 meal per day. I’ve been eating whatever I feel like with the only disclaimer being I have to make it myself. So no restaurants or fast food. My goal was 180 pounds by the end of the year and now I see with only 1 month left that is close to impossible especially with the packed work schedule I have. I’ll try to get as much lost as I can.

Did some Black Friday online shopping. Purchased $200 worth of odds n ends that are mostly travel related and were excellent deals. I am putting my Carry On “1 Bag Travel” kit together. I have most everything else I need other than a really high quality Full Frame Mirrorless Camera, but I will hold off on that until Black Friday/Cyber Monday of 2020.

Goals for November were:
-Make some good buys for myself on Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals. Done!
-Drop 10 Pounds FAIL Only Lost 1 Pound

Goals for December:
-Drop some weight and exercise more.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

December 2019 Update:

Current Assets:
Cash $114,823
401k $1,882
IRA $41,200
Roth IRA $167,012
HSA $17,881
Home $70,000
Car $13,300

Current Debts:
Credit Card -$461

Prior Months Net Worth $446,140
Current Net Worth $425,637

Net Worth Decrease of -$20,503

Prior Months SWR 4.035%
Current SWR 4.23%

This was a very expensive month. I spent 30k in December and 25k of that was to Uncle Sam. I also got a Medical Bill in the mail for almost a thousand bucks for the scan I had done when I thought I had a blood clot. We have such a expensive medical plan at work but it is complete trash! I also paid for my annual car registration and property taxes.

I went to The Fleet Feet Store in my area and had them check my feet out. The rep that helped me had me take my shoes off and watched how I walked as well as had me stand on a platform that did a scan of my feet. I’ve been buying size 10 shoes for my entire teen and adult life but I found out I’m actually a size 9 wide. I couldn’t believe it! The rep told me most people out and about are wearing the wrong shoe size. I purchased 2 pair of shoes there 1 for hard workouts and running and the other will be kept clean for my everyday walking around shoe. I paid $250 on sale for both shoes but going forward now that I know my actual size I can buy shoes as needed from wherever has the best price. The new shoes feel great!


Goals for December were:
-Drop some weight and exercise more. Didn’t drop any weight but didn’t gain any either.

Goals for January:
-Actually go to the gym
-Try to schedule a vacation

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

Q4 2019 & Year End Review/Wrap Up:

Q4 Progress

October + $10,450
November + $7,698
December - $20,503

Total Q4 Progress -2,355$
Total 2019 Progress $42,274

Current SWR 4.23%

Historical Annual Progress
2014’s NetWorth Increase $24,786
2015’s NetWorth Increase $43,912
2016’s NetWorth Increase $76,342
2017’s NetWorth Increase $68,122
2018’s NetWorth Increase $70,282
2019’s NetWorth Increase $42,274

I started 2018 with a 5.75% SWR and ended the year with a 4.696% SWR which is a reduction of 1.054%. I started 2019 with a 4.696% SWR and ended it with a 4.23% SWR which is a reduction of 0.47%

2019 was my highest earning year ever & December 2019 was my highest expense month ever. The first 4 months of each year are usually very expensive for me but this year will be big because I will have to pay all the money I owe to the state of California and whatever the remaining balance may be to the IRS. What a stupid mistake I made rolling over a IRA twice in 12 months. I would have been already under 4% SWR if I hadn’t made that mistake. Well Looking ahead I think I have 18 months of work left ahead of me before FIRE. Basically going to work all of 2020 very hard but I will take 1 or 2 trips then the first 6 months of 2021 I will relax and just use that time to sell off or give away my stuff and prep my house for sale. I can’t wait!

Goals for 2020:
Keep working hard & take some vacations.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by Star*Bucks »

I was just thinking... I closed out 2019 with a NetWorth increase of $42,274. If I didn’t have to pay a total of 35k to the IRS (10k in May 2019 & 25k in December 2019) then my NetWorth increase actually would have been $77,274 which would have beat out my prior all time best from 2016 of $76,342.

Also my NetWorth at the end of December 2019 was $425,637 & if I didn’t have to pay that 35k then my NetWorth would actually have been $460,637 & I would have been FI! Man, one freaking mistake and I’m going to have to work probably another year and a half. Here’s some options I’m considering.

Option #1
Work hard the next 4 months even though I really do not like the management at work currently. Pay what I owe to the State & IRS after doing taxes in April and then just coast. Take vacations and pull back on all the overtime. Then by mid 2021 sell the house and all belongings and be done with work.

Option #2
Work hard the next 4 months & pay all my taxes due. Then quit my job, sell my house, and all my belongings and go travel. Then come back and work (for a different company) from November to April each year. I’ll list off specifically why November-April work is ideal for me.

-I’ll be in the states for the Holidays
-I’ll be able to take advantage of all the Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals
-I’ll be working during the holiday season so I will get plenty of Holiday pay
-I’ll be in the states to do my taxes every April
-My family does not have A.C. in their home and I can’t sleep while hot; so living with them only during the colder months means I can sleep much easier.

Also continuing to work means I will not be depleting my savings. I will have a smaller annual income so my tax rate should be low and I will be going crazy again maximizing 401k plans and Traditional IRA’s. Also, I will not be required to be so constricting on my budget during my travels as I will still be earning money annually and not trying to live on dividends and interest alone. I’m leaning strongly towards Option #2 because I’m feeling burned out, and in need for some change. This could be what I need to answer my most difficult question on how can I travel to the more expensive places on my bucket list.

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Re: Star*Bucks ERE Journal

Post by classical_Liberal »


So here's the thing about RE or semi-RE. You don't really know how you're going to react to it until you have some experience doing it. The last 4 months of being totally off of work has enlightened me a bit on myself. Some potential futures to consider:

a)You quit your job and never want to go back, not having work may be perfect for you. You stay self motivated, create some value in life outside of paid work and live happily ever after. This value likely ends up making you some more money or further reduces your spending.

b) You quit your job and miss having paid work, the social interaction, goals, etc. You begin to crave some part time or season employment, maybe start your own small business.

c) You quit your job and never want go back to work, BUT after a period of decompression you find a lack of self motivation. You still do not want to go back to work, but you also realize that something about it gave you motivation to use your free time well. Hence become resigned to some type of paid work commitment, if only to improve the quality of your time off. Which, luckily, is now the majority of your time!

I'm coming to the conclusion that "C" is probably me. I thought I'd be "B". The danger is that being a "C" person means I risk treating my ERE like a normal retirement and accomplish nothing but pleasure seeking with my life going forward. I'll be content to maybe 50% max level, because I'm missing a big part of life and can't find the motivation to change that, outside of external factors, like the need to make a bit more money.

Also realize, crossing the finish line to your version of FI will not change anything about your relationship with money in itself. If you are living off of your investments, it's highly likely that if you currently have concerns that it's "not enough", 35K more will not change that. You will still envision situations where you want more money for different lifestyles, or die broke living under a bridge :P. There are people here at sub-2% WR's who are still working due to different types of money concerns. It will likely never go away, BUT, if you keep working enough to cover some or all of your base expenses, this concern will be significantly minimized. If you're the type of person who needs this security to remain as happy as possible, then it's best to figure out a way to sustain it that best fits in with your personality and goals to minimize friction.

So what's my advice? Nothing :lol: , just think about these things. If you do semi-ERE in a few months make sure you journal (privately if it keeps you honest) about what's going on in your head so you have some data points to look back to when you decide how to move forward with the next step.

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