What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

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FIRE 2018
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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by FIRE 2018 »

Oatmeal and drink lots of cold water. Eat more at home instead of fast food USA that is slowly killing off our population. Don't eat until you are full. My last meal of the day is approx 4 hours until I go to sleep.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by mustafayacoob »

The 5 Most Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods that are good for health:

1 Whole Eggs: Eggs are also incredibly nutrient-dense and can help you get all the nutrients you need on a calorie-restricted diet. Interestingly, almost all the nutrients are found in the yolks.

2 Leafy Greens: Leafy greens are also incredibly nutritious and very high in many vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, including calcium.

3 Salmon: Fatty fish like salmon is incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories.

4 Cruciferous Vegetables:Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Like other vegetables, they’re high in fiber and tend to be incredibly filling.

What's more, these types of veggies generally contain decent amounts of protein.

5 Tuna: Tuna is another low-calorie, high-protein food.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Clarice »

Looks like the majority on this forum is trending toward keto and low carbs. Hm... Up until very recently, it hasn't been my problem. At 5'3" I've lived my life with the needle glued to 115 lbs on a scale. Not anymore... It's 122.8 as of this morning. I've been kind of paying attention to it as of lately. The research is crazy. You can justify anything. I've looked at the scarce pictures of my ancestors. Whether taken at a Russian village or a Jewish shtetl, they show skinny people... Screw research, I'm sticking with those people. But how? This guy makes a lot of sense to me:


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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by horsewoman »

The simple answer is "less".

I've gone from 5-6 hearty meals a day (while working a physically demanding job) to 2 meals and 1 snack a day with a more sedentary lifestyle (it turned into intermittent fasting by accident) and I'm shedding pounds left and right. This is even more so astounding considering I was never heavy to begin with, so there was not much to be shed! All my adult life I was never more than 163 lbs (74 kg) at 5''10 (178 cm) - expect during pregnancy. But even then I was pretty quickly back to my regular weight. I don't own a scale these days but my clothing is hanging very loose and I'm getting constantly told that I've lost a lot of weight. I'd guess I'm around 140 lbs.

Here in Germany we have a joke/saying that the only diet that works is FDH (friss die Hälfte - eat half) - seems to be true in my case!
Last edited by horsewoman on Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

FIRE 2018
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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by FIRE 2018 »

The USA is an obsessed fast food nation that is eating themselves to illness. With McDonalds, Burger King , Taco Bell, etc many times open 24/7 and McD and BK serving burgers starting at 0700 this is crazy. I gave up on fast food madness , eating more at home in smaller portions, except on occasion eat Wendy's Chili ( protein makes me full, and no urge for the sweet stuff) which allowed me to lose weight, gain lean muscle mass and have better quality workouts in the local gym.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Clarice »


Yes, the simple answer is "Yes". But how do you do that? The link that I've mentioned provides excellent practical guidelines on the topic of "HOW to eat less", which includes many rules of thumb to make it easy. He says, for example, that it is impossible to overeat boiled potatoes, but very easy to overeat nuts. Volum (fiber) and water fill you up. If you start a meal with a green salad you'll consume less.

Fast food is low-hanging fruit. Duh... But what if you never set your foot at a fast food place, yet still getting heavier?

FIRE 2018
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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by FIRE 2018 »

Okinawa Japan has one of the highest life expectancies on earth. One of their ways not only for weight loss, is to eat until their stomachs are 80% full during mealtimes then stop.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by horsewoman »

Clarice wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:32 am

Yes, the simple answer is "Yes". But how do you do that? The link that I've mentioned provides excellent practical guidelines on the topic of "HOW to eat less", which includes many rules of thumb to make it easy. He says, for example, that it is impossible to overeat boiled potatoes, but very easy to overeat nuts. Volum (fiber) and water fill you up. If you start a meal with a green salad you'll consume less.

Fast food is low-hanging fruit. Duh... But what if you never set your foot at a fast food place, yet still getting heavier?
it's not easy, that's for sure. You need to retrain your brain and and your guts to feel satiated earlier. it took me months of feeling slightly hungry all the time until it "clicked". I had extra motivation because of my gradually worsening reflux symptoms, otherwise it would have been even harder.
Suddenly I was not hungry anymore in the mornings, so I stopped eating breakfast. I cannot eat after six in the evening because of the reflux, so when I missed this time window I simply left out the meal. It's not so bad really. I used to get shaky and slightly nauseous when I missed a meal, this does not happen anymore now that my body is no longer used to be fed at certain times.

I think one needs to make a commitment to eat less and start to whittle away in small increments at ones meals. Like no second serving, or start with one less snack a day. I eat exactly the same food as before, only less. Since I'm the kind of person that needs to change in small, manageable steps this approach worked for me, YMMV.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by MyObjectivism »

More than weight loss, I follow healthy diet to be more fit and healthy with less fat %.

I tried different diets and ended up to 18:6 Intermittent fasting (two months back) with less carbs, high protein, 5-6 times a week workout keeping me fit and healthy.

Hope to continue this after ER from next month.

Typical daily diet..

Huel (meal replacement high protein drink) to break the fast
Lunch.. Rice and curry
Dry fruits
Dinner.. Veg salads


Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Jason »

I looked in the mirror yesterday and was taken aback at the change. Since isolation, I have lost serious weight almost to the point of looking kind of unhealthy. I joked to my wife that it looks to be about 19 pounds. We have been walking every morning but the loss is no doubt because what I am not eating (all types of "outside" food), and what I am eating, I am eating smaller portions. Oat meal, eggs, homemade pizza has pretty much been the diet.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Frita »

How timely to post on this subject as I got on the scale this morning (up 11 pounds and 7% bodyfat). I am looking like a post-menopausal woman, gasp!
Ski season ended so my exercise level has dropped off. My spouse snacks more than ever in COVID19 confinement, and I have been joining him. I have also been eating more bread instead of daily oatmeal and once weekly homemade pizza. (Neither my spouse nor my teen have gained weight.)

How are others doing?

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I have lost weight, but only because I chopped off most of my hair.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Frita »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 11:05 am
I have lost weight, but only because I chopped off most of my hair.
Ha-ha! Was the haircut to transition to gray hair?


Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Jason »

Because we are having our groceries delivered, we carefully monitor the list to make we are not purchasing any comfort food or unnecessary items. This is partially out of respect to the delivery people, partially out of respect to the food supply and partially out of good old fashioned shame. I do believe I will be more careful going forward and less inclined to purchase non-essential food products. So either I will die of Corona or it will make me healthier.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Right, because like Jason, I didn’t want to make somebody deliver non-essential hair color. I also gave up all make-up. So, now I look like a rather boyish post-menopausal woman moving forward in celebration of the freedom of asexuality and generally not giving a flying f*ck.


Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Jason »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 1:01 pm

Right, because like Jason, I didn’t want to make somebody deliver non-essential hair color.
Well, it doesn't really make the bag heavier.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Alphaville »

I’ve been buying weird stuff precisely because free delivery requires a certain price level ($35 for either Amazon Pantry or Walmart) and you can’t fill up the box with essentials because you’re only allowed 2 of each.

I’ve discovered some good stuff and some atrocities this way... ate everything though, good and bad, for research and to prevent waste.

I’m not ordering any deliveries from supermarkets like Instacart... yet.

Getting my bike ready for curbside pickup though.


For weight loss I cut carbs, but this isn’t the right time.

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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Frita »

@7Wannabe5, @Jason, @Alphaville
It’s interesting to learn about delivery shopping as I have never done it. I hadn’t considered whether buying non-essential items was allowed or even needing to purchase a minimal amount for pickup. All I think is whether the shopper would know how to properly select produce (e.g., small tomatillos with tight skins, pointy peppers, underripe items that will never ripen) and don’t want to risk it.

Normally, when my spouse eats his nuts or whatever, I just drink water and/or go somewhere else. I have gotten in the habit of eating them too with the justification that it’s a COVID19, social isolation thing that will only happen once in a lifetime. The extra bread eating is also justified the same way. I suppose that awareness is the first step to change, though I don’t feel ready to actively reverse my emotional eating at this time.

The short hair sounds like a fun change. Very few women here wear makeup or dye their hair so you’d fit in! I actually considered painting my toenails out of boredom, got as far and cleaning up my cuticles, and stopped there because it seemed like too much effort. It’s not like I go anywhere or like it’s sandal weather.

white belt
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Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by white belt »

I recently completed a fat loss phase and lost 11 lbs in 8 weeks (I actually lost slightly more but rebounded a few pounds after the diet ended to due to water weight from my glycogen stores being repleted). I compete in strength sports with weight classes, which means it was absolutely crucial that I retained as much lean body mass as possible and only lost fat. I believe I was largely successful, although all bodyfat measurements have high margin of error so I can't give specifics. I do know that I went from 15-20% body fat to 10-15%.

Now before I talk about some principles that scientific literature supports in regards to fat loss, I would like to point out that there are Wheaton levels to nutrition, just like anything else. Additionally, specific nutrition advice will vary based on your individual goals. For example, eating to optimize sport performance is a bit different than eating to fuel a sedentary lifestyle. Nevertheless, the principles still apply.

Since everyone is at a different level with their nutrition right now, I'd say here are some basic guidelines to get started on making a change:

-Try to eat mostly whole foods rather than processed foods
-Try to eat at least 3 meals spaced evenly throughout the day
-Identify why you eat (are you hungry, bored, anxious, stressed?)
-Try not to drink a significant portion of your calories

Those could be thought as beginner steps.

According to the Renaissance Periodization Diet Book, here are the factors that have the biggest effects for diets in general (I'm using the term diet to refer to what a person eats, not to refer to a temporary state of caloric deficit):

-Calorie Balance ~50%
-Macronutrient Amounts ~30%
-Nutrient Timing ~10%
-Food Composition ~5%
-Supplements and Hydration ~5%

Calories in/calories out is what ultimately matters. You will not lose weight unless you are expending more calories than you are consuming. However, there are several things that can make diet compliance easier for people, which is why you hear all sorts of debates over CICO not being true. For example, eating more vegetables can make a person feel more satiated because of the sheer volume of food mass that is entering their stomach, regardless of actual caloric content. Intermittent fasting (technically restricted feeding) can lead some individuals to eat less calories because they have a shorter time to get them in. Eating highly palatable foods (processed foods high in sugar/fat) can lead some individuals to overeat. Ditto with consuming a lot of calories through beverages. These are just a few examples.

And here are guidelines specific to fat loss phases:

-lose weight at a rate of between 0.5% and 1% body weight per week
-fat loss phases are most effective with least downsides when run for 6-12 weeks
-lose no more than 10% of bodyweight across one fat loss phase

To oversimplify, if you try to lose weight faster/longer than the above guidelines, your body will go into survival mode and you will feel terrible along with having poor results.

Now back to the original question, I will talk about what I found to work well for me:

1. Tracking all of my macronutrients (I use the RP Diet App but there are numerous options). Yes, this means you need to weigh all of the food you eat. I found this to be relatively easy since I cook nearly all of my own meals and I know most ERE folks do as well. This takes all of the guess work out of appetite control, portions, and knowing how much protein/fat/carbs to eat.

2. Eating 1 gram protein/lb of bodyweight is the gold standard recommendation if you are trying to retain lean body mass. I'd highly recommend this for anyone wanting to lose weight because you really don't want to be losing muscle and higher protein intakes will make you feel more satiated.

3. Eating less palatable foods. There are certain things I will not eat during a fat loss phase, because I know it will be impossible to eat in small quantities. This includes pretty much any kind of processed food, anything super sweet, and even pasta.

4. Consistent exercise will help with not only retaining lean body mass and keeping you healthy, it will also have the double bonus of suppressing your appetite.

5. Eat a lot of vegetables. This will not only provide you with lots of micronutrients, it will also make you feel full due to the volume of food. I also find the psychological impact of eating a large dish of mostly vegetables better than looking down at very small portions.

6. You will be hungry at times and this is ok. Note that you aren't losing weight super fast, so your caloric deficit is not very extreme. After the first week or two I got used to the deficit and it just became my new normal. I didn't have crazy cravings or feel like I was starving. Also remember that a caloric deficit is temporary.


Re: What Do You Eat for Weight Loss?

Post by Jason »

Frita wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 4:18 pm
It’s interesting to learn about delivery shopping as I have never done it. I hadn’t considered whether buying non-essential items was allowed or even needing to purchase a minimal amount for pickup. All I think is whether the shopper would know how to properly select produce (e.g., small tomatillos with tight skins, pointy peppers, underripe items that will never ripen) and don’t want to risk it.
The first step is to find an opening in advance that the super market can accommodate you for delivery. In certain areas, its like winning the lottery. In other areas it could be that day. We select the items we want knowing that we are not going to get all of them as we are selecting in advance. We are notified via text when the person shopping for us starts the process. We get a little picture of them so its personalized. We then shop along with them as each item we selected is put in their cart. If the specific item is not in stock, we are offered a replacement item that we can decide whether we want to purchase. We follow them through the check-out process and then are given a GPS update as they drive towards our home. We are instructed not to open door. We don't pay credit card bill for at least 24 hours until we know we are being charged accurately. We tip generously as is encouraged.

We have stayed away from produce, poultry and meats due to the concerns you expressed as well as concerns relating to pandemic.

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