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Post by MinimalStructure »

Hi. My name is Marc and I read Early Retirement Extreme about two months ago after reading the blog for a few months.
My family and I were about $100,000 in debt in January(almost entirely student loans) and now we are down to $92,000.

I heard about Mr. Money Mustache on The Tim Ferris Show a couple of years ago and started reading his blog. Unfortunately, I was already trying to obtain a teaching credential because I am a substitute teacher and I thought it would be a good way to increase my income. Apparently, I should have just became an electrician.

I signed a contract to be an actual teacher in March, but the rescinded it because they said my references were unfavorable. I have a degree in Creative Writing, but I am not sure how to really monetize that so I have started making my own laundry detergent, buying my clothes from thrift stores, cutting my own hair (which my wife is not a fan of) and even making my own buttons using plastic straws, an iron, and some wax paper.

I have a long way to go. I like to ride my bike to work sometimes and I have read enough Stoic philosophy to expect my bicycle to be knocked down every day I do.

I'm also into Austrian economics and plan on finishing Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State this summer. I also read Harry Brown's How I became Free in an Unfree World and am trying to devise a new plan to earn more money using the skills I already have that do not involve teaching or digging myself into any more debt. :lol: Hopefully I can get some ideas on how to do that in this forum.

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Re: Hi!

Post by wolf »

Welcome Marc

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Re: Hi!

Post by Frita »

Welcome, Marc. You have made some radical changes in a quick time. Kudos!

What does your wife find objectionable to your haircutting? DH has been cutting our hair for the past 20+ years. When DS14 wanted a more trendy cut, he just watched some YouTube videos. He gets many compliments.

Do you like teaching and the anxious, dog-eat-dog, non-thinking culture of the system? Sometimes the “unfavorable references” is a way to train teachers to be treated poorly and get some low-paid work from them. You may not have been jumping high enough. It’s not too late to pivot into an apprenticeship for electrical work.

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Re: Hi!

Post by Smashter »

cimorene12 wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:49 am
You can definitely make money off your Creative Writing degree if you want to. PM me for more details if you're interested.
Whoa! Why bury this in a PM? I'm sure a ton of people could benefit from your actionable advice.

As someone currently working in content marketing, I would agree that you can make money off a creative writing degree. Whenever I poke around, I see tons of tech companies with job openings for copywriters and content specialists.

Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:41 pm

Re: Hi!

Post by TheProcess »

Smashter wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:21 pm
Whoa! Why bury this in a PM? I'm sure a ton of people could benefit from your actionable advice.
Possibly because it's been covered on the forum...I highly recommend reading through cimorene12's journal from a couple years back if you haven't yet.

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