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Re: Alcohol

Post by Jason »


I don't think I've had a drink in 7 years. I'm not an alcoholic but when I drink, I do alcoholic type shit.

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Re: Alcohol

Post by arcyallen »

I'll go weeks without a drink, and then weeks where I have a drink or two 4-5 days of the week. Usually late afternoon, and for no good reason other than "I want one". And I rarely have more than two. I also have found myself fond of straight whiskey, which is a tiny bit scary as that was the drink of choice for my very functional but alcoholic parents. Sometimes I'm really in the mood, other times my stomach turns after half a drink and I stop. Last night I had one sip of whiskey and my stomach turned. I had another one (you know, just to make sure I'm an idiot) and then stopped. But that's rare.

I rarely drink socially while I'm out, as I hate paying 4x the price of having the identical thing at home. Generally the only thing I drink out are cocktails because it's a bit harder to make at home. Cracking open a beer at home or out is pretty much the same to me.

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Re: Alcohol

Post by thrifty++ »

The plus side of my night out is that I did reconnect with some old friendships and improve some new ones.
But quite frankly this had nothing to do with alcohol consumption. It was simply alcohol provided the reason people got together.

I actually do not find alcohol improves my social time at all. In fact in many instances it worsens it. It doesn't improve my conversations. I find it flattening. I fall into the trap of the myth that alcohol will make things more fun. So when surrounded by alcohol at a bar if its not fun I will often keep slamming down more drinks quickly in the hope it will make things better and it doesn't.

I dislike the culture of alcohol being perceived as racy and fun and adventurous and even rebellious. "We are getting so smashed tonight" "lets have some shots" "rounds" "oh we got so smashed last night" "your not drinking for a month that's so boring". "wohoo we are having champagne tonight". Ironically I think its totally conformist and dull. Anyone can pick up a drink and drink it. There is nothing unique or adventurous about it. I very much respect and admire people who do not drink alcohol. They are challenging the status quo.

I enjoy the taste of one or two drinks but I dislike the feeling of more both at the time and the next day. From here on in I'm looking forward to zero alcohol for at least a couple of months until I can re-set myself and only drink one or two on rare occasions.

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Re: Alcohol

Post by Cheepnis »

I get drunk 5-7 times per year. IMO beer and liquor are gross. Hence, I only drink for the effect on occasions when I'd like it. Certainly never drink at home or by myself. I also make sure to drink equal parts water on those nights which has so far prevented me from ever experiencing a bad hang over.

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Re: Alcohol

Post by Optimal_Solution »

I'm a zero. I don't think I've ever finished an alcoholic drink in my life. I don't like the taste.

I haven't tried many types of alcohol because honestly I'm a bit afraid of what I might do if I found something I liked. There don't seem to be many benefits to alcohol and plenty of costs, so I'd rather not be adventurous.

I don't like carbonated beverages. My parents kept me from soda as a kid and I guess I never acclimated to the bubbly. I'm actually thankful for that. I'm a good weight despite not exercising much, and avoidance of empty soda calories is probably a big factor.

I also don't like coffee or tea. I drink water and sometimes lemonade as a treat. I'm boring but at least my beverage choices are healthy and cheap.

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Re: Alcohol

Post by Frita »

I am a 5, a moderate drinker. Living around the microbrewery epicenter of Denver, I like craft beer and enjoy tastings. Last night DH and I split a 12 ounce bottle of Bridgeport (Portland, OR) Multi Ball Double IPA in our fancy tulip glasses and done. Friday I went crazy against my better judgment with a couple 12 ounce bottles of Alaskan Cranberry Tart and did not wake up feeling the greatest. We typically only drink a couple nights per week, up to three if it’s vacation or a special event.

Last Saturday we went to Fort Collins and did tastings at Funkwerks and Red Truck, splitting a total of 8 samplers (5-6 ounce pours). While not cheap, it prevents buying a pint or six-pack if something we do not like. (FW’s Pineapple Provencial, a sour is fantastic, so we got a sixer that is unopened.) Sometimes we’ll go out for a pint and prefer happy hour to save a few bucks to cover some food or just have our own happy hour at home.

A couple local liquor stores sell broken six-packs for $1. DH likes to check if he’s coming back from skiing or biking around. It’s one of his hobbies.

Our 14 year participates with a non-alcoholic beverage (soda or juice) as he does not like the taste. When we entertain or are invited over elsewhere, our friends seem to do the same. Personally, I think this models personal responsibility and doesn’t glamorize being excessive. Living in a college town, there are plenty of opposing examples.

During the week, we’re drinking water and a morning coffee or tea. They both drink milk but seem to be cutting down (2 quarts/week).

Scott 2
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Re: Alcohol

Post by Scott 2 »

I've gone months on end without drinking, doing lots of yoga and meditation. Having a drink after that, I immediately found relaxation well beyond anything I'd been able to access without it.

I enjoy going to that place, as well as the taste of good whiskey or beer. My sweet spot is 2oz of whiskey, or 1-2 beers, 0-3 times a week. It varies based on if I have anything tasty and the rest of life. I mostly drink at home, to enhance whatever I'm doing - maybe a beer during an evening lifting session, a whiskey while finishing some tedious work task after hours, etc.

Around half a dozen times a year, I find myself at a necessary work event. There I'm likely to have 2-4 drinks. If it's a 4-6 hour event, I'll be on the higher end. There it is to cope with the large number of people and generally busy social situation. I don't enjoy the environment and appreciate having the edge taken off.

Dunno what score that gives me, maybe a 5?

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Re: Alcohol

Post by Salathor »

I'd say a 2-4. I drink 1-2 drinks a night, every night, about 3 hours apart. I'm always strict about the measurement (1.5oz), never get buzzed, but I don't like the taste of ANY liquid more than I do sipping a leathery bourbon or super juniper-forward gin.

I might bump that to 3 drinks in a day if I have company over and we go out to a brewery for lunch, but the later drinks will usually be about 6 hours after the first one.

EDIT to say that my beer consumption used to be higher but I switched to liquor because I realized that I'm allergic to hops. I still drink an IPA on a special occasion but I always feel it in my stomach the next day. Drinking my preferred gin (beefeater) is about $0.40 per drink, whereas my bourbons are about $1. I'm therefore spending between $0.40 and $2 per day for alcohol--probably averaging $500/year. I've thought about cutting but I think I get that level of value out of it.

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