7Wannabe5-Take 4

Where are you and where are you going?
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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by EdithKeeler »

Since I clearly must vent somewhere, I will ask the forum for their opinion about whether I should move to God's Armpit, Texas with my BF next month, or break up with him, or ???
Texas is booming right now. Where will you be in Texas? Hard to imagine “not much to do” in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Antonio... and always have the beach in Corpus.

I like Texas. All the stereotypes are true and not true. People tend to be very friendly... and not everyone is a Republican. Southwest makes the entire state of Texas pretty accessible, and it used to be a pretty cheap flight from Dallas to Detroit.

I say go for it.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Clarice »

Well, since you've asked...
whether I should move to God's Armpit, Texas with my BF next month, or break up with him, or ???
I'd say, "or". Don't go to Texas next month. Why next month? What's the urgency? Don't break with BF. Let him move and buy "Detroit-Armpit" tickets. It's gonna be so much fun! WAIT. Maybe 6 months from today the answer will be obvious. Moving along:

[quote1) Escape Michigan winter
2) Good enough excuse to dump rest of aging Mom duties on my 3 younger sisters
3) BF would almost certainly provide good deal of financial support which would booster rocket gains from full-time employment in booming economy zone.
4) We often have fun together.][/quote]

1. Michigan winters are beautiful :D
2. YES!!! A huge plus given your relationships.
3. Rocket gains? Really?
4. You'll have even more fun when you fly to "Armpit" ;)

Last, but not least:
[/1) DD27's wedding and family holiday/vacation plans would be harder to co-ordinate
2) Terrible weather and not much to do there.
3) Living alone with a grouchy old man with nobody else I know within more than a time zone radius.
4) Will have to leave my permaculture project in the care of my partner who already acts like he wants to take it over completely.quote]

1. In my world it would be a positive thing - you'll just show up at the wedding while skipping the tedious part. :lol:
2. I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING...
3. I would say, "Kill me now", but you will likely find friends and acquaintances in no time. :)
4. Looks like it's gone unless you are in a mood to fight for it...

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Clarice »


Sorry for my previous post looking weird. I couldn't fix it and decided to post it anyway. Please disregard its strange format.

George the original one
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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by George the original one »

Why is he going to Texas?
If you went, would that mean your journal moves on to "Take 5"?
What happens to the rural garden?

Personally, I can't see you living in a remote location with a grouchy person since there's no way to let off your steam. If it's an urban location, then it's no different than your current locale.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Riggerjack »

On TX, I was stationed there in the 90's. I would go back under the same circumstances, ie, if the other option was a military prison. YMMV. Some people like it (or just don't know any better...).

But I am more concerned with this income interest you have. It seems to me, that you want good things to come of your efforts, and when you see how the typical employee's efforts are expended, this is unsatisfactory. And how and why of many supply chains results in suboptimal effects.

So I recommend you do the same thing, but better. You have the time and the brains, and a million examples to choose from. Pick any business, look at how you could do any aspect more efficiently, ensure there is room for a business with that niche, and create it.

So finish that permaculture project, with the intent of having a nice garden surrounding your "stage" area, and open your wedding site to rentals. Bonus for getting ordained, and providing officiant services.

Or look through Alibaba, and think of what you could import by the container load, sell off online, and then sell the container. I was looking at copper pipe. I can get clean copper pipe, for a small enough price, that I could sell at a profit, under cut the local plumbing warehouses, and pay for the container. But I still have work to do to see that the shipping cost is reasonable.

If you are importing supplies for use, rather than plastic doodads, you are just moving supplies that would already move, and some of the profits go to you, rather than a corporation.

Or I know a guy who used to work in a sawmill. When the mill closed, rather than go find another job, he buys the factory seconds from all the mills by the pallet, and the sells them retail on Craigslist, for far under standard retail. All he supplies is the gumption to find a nonstandard product, and a carport to store them under until he sells it.

Don't bother with more FT employment than you need to set up something that works for you. Then train someone to handle the PT tasks, while you go find something else to do. Repeat as possibilities come along. In the end, you are just the person putting together PT to FT employment for other people, from inside your comfort zone.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Kriegsspiel »

I'd say if you have to ask a bunch of people on the internet whether you should stay with your BF, then you shouldn't. Especially if he thinks so poorly of you to ask you to move to Texas.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Last edited by 7Wannabe5 on Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

George the original one
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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by George the original one »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:04 pm
Yes, I think the move would likely warrant a Take 5.
So it really becomes the question of whether he's worth enough of your time that you want to write another chapter.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Last edited by 7Wannabe5 on Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by EdithKeeler »

Even to Wichita Falls.... I’d go. New adventure, nothing to really hold you where you are, and if it doesn’t work out it seems like you could slide back into your old life if you wanted to. Or maybe it will lead to something new.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Jin+Guice »

I agree with @EK. You seem like you pretty much do what you want, my main concern would be getting stuck there, but I don't see that happening to you.... Oh damn, I just googled mapped Wichita Falls, it's really in the dickhole of Texas. Dallas being the closest city is a rough break, Oklahoma City is supposed to be O.K. though. I still vote go.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Last edited by 7Wannabe5 on Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Jason »

I would like you to go just to hear the inevitable stories of meshed shirted romantic rivalries settled over mechanical bull riding sessions.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Last edited by 7Wannabe5 on Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Jason »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:33 pm
Avocations and lovers come and go, children grow, and hair grows gray (if it were not colored yellow on monthly basis), but here I still remain.
I didn't know whether I should sing that like its a line from a Fleetwood Mac song or declare it like Martin Luther speaking in front of a church tribunal. I don't think real change requires geography change. It never helped me. I am a firm believer in the "Wherever you go, there you are" viewpoint. And if you find the idea of mechanical bull duals unpalatable, I don't even know why you even momentarily considered it. Plus, even if its delusional, I don't think I'd be comfortable living in a state where succession is still viewed as a viable political option.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Jin+Guice »

Texas is great. I said it and I'll stand by it.

There's a lot of Texas bashing in this thread. I wouldn't knock it until you've tried it. Except for Dallas, fuck Dallas*. I'll say it again, Texas is great!

Your other fears I'd give more weight to. Detroit is on my short list of places to move when the next hurricane takes out New Orleans. The great lakes region seems like the (American) place to be when the environmental disasters start really rolling in, but I don't think this is likely to happen in the next 6 months.

*I've been to Dallas once for 3 days and had a great time due to having a great couchsurfing host. It wasn't hard to tell that it stands for everything I hate though and wouldn't be a place I'd enjoy living.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by EdithKeeler »

*I've been to Dallas once for 3 days and had a great time due to having a great couchsurfing host. It wasn't hard to tell that it stands for everything I hate though and wouldn't be a place I'd enjoy living.
I lived in Dallas for 6 years. I like it. Lots of stuff going on, all the amenities of any city, great restaurants and activities—what’s not to like? I hate the traffic (but I was lucky—where I lived decent public transportation and only 2 miles from my work). Also hate the heat of summer... but the other seasons are great.

Most places are what you make of them, really, and especially a big city. You can focus on the big hair/big money /football/church crowd, or you can seek out your tribe, because they’re there.

I knew I was going to be ok when I went house hunting in Dallas (in 2006), and one of the first cars I saw once I got on the interstate had a bumper sticker that said “George Bush turned me into a Democrat.”

Yeah, Texas has Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott...but it also produced LBJ and Ann Richards and Beto O’Rourke. It produced Willie Nelson and George Strait.... but also produced... Beyoncé and Edie Brickell and many more. It produced Larry McMurtry and Mollie Ivens and James Dickey. It’s got South x Southwest AND the Texas State Fair, which is hella fun.

Big state, with lots of different attitudes, viewpoints, politics, arts and people.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Riggerjack »

Yeah, I should slightly soften my opinion.

Texans as individual people, are fine. I just don't much care for the direct and oppressive sun, the dirt, the sand, the smell, the heat, the cold, or the southern border. But the thunderstorms we're fantastic. Get away from the border, and Mexico is fun, too.

But the people were people. I have lived from San Diego to Fairbanks, left coast to Alabama, and this has been true everywhere. There are small local idiosyncrasies to overcome, and then people are always pretty much like the group I just left.

And seriously? You are staying for the library? That's reaching. If your library is so great, why is going to Texas a problem? You are still paying local taxes, still have a card, and the internet, why is geography a problem? How backwards is your library?

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by Jin+Guice »

@EK, sorry I didn't realize that there was a Dallas resident in the thread :oops: ! I'll soften my opinion to I personally dislike Dallas because I find the culture vapid, there's a lot of urban sprawl and it seems very professional-centric. AKA, I could tell the big hair/ big money/ football/ church crowd is prominent and dominant. Of course anywhere has good and bad, especially a major city. I had a great time when I visited but I could tell it wasn't for me. It's probably one of my least favorite cities in America. I have no doubt that if I visited Dallas you could show me a fantastic time. I'm sure if I was forced to live there, I could find my people and lead a great life.

@7w5: I didn't want to call you out on the library point, I have a lot of love for my library as well, but, well... I agree w/ RJ on this one.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take 4

Post by EdithKeeler »

@EK, sorry I didn't realize that there was a Dallas resident in the thread :oops: ! I'll soften my opinion to I personally dislike Dallas because I find the culture vapid, there's a lot of urban sprawl and it seems very professional-centric.
I don’t live there any more, so no need for the red face! I think your observations are generally correct..... but if you hit Deep Ellum and Bishop Arts and other places you can find other sides to Dallas, too. I think any big city is going to have some of that.... but a big enough city is going to have some of everything, you know?

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