What opportunities do you see right now?

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Dream of Freedom
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What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Dream of Freedom »

What opportunities do you see right now that is available to almost anyone? It could be anything. Opportunities to learn, experiences, money, things, anything.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by 2Birds1Stone »

Not sure what you're looking for.......but just about anyone can make choices, breathe, work, learn, think, do something kind for another individual, etc.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Dream of Freedom »

I think it might be a good thought exercise/brain storm and who knows I might discover something.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Bankai »

It's a vague question, but let's try:

1) To live (almost) anywhere in the world

2) To travel anywhere in the world

3) To learn using the internet

4) To connect with people anywhere in the world using the internet

5) To accumulate capital (and as a consequence, opportunity to not work)

6) To be free from dogma/religion/ideology (and not burn on a stake as a consequence)

7) To enjoy the healthiest & tastiest foods on the planet

8) To live free of war, famine and plague

9) To enjoy a level of safety unheard of in the past

10) To use science to live better, longer and healthier life

11) To indulge oneself in a (very wide) web of pleasant distractions

Any of these points can be elaborated on, however, all these are now possible to a much larger extent than at any other time in the human history. Individual freedom and opportunities are truly enormous compared to a mere hundred years ago.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Campitor »

Dream of Freedom wrote:
Thu May 24, 2018 4:23 pm
What opportunities do you see right now that is available to almost anyone? It could be anything. Opportunities to learn, experiences, money, things, anything.
Everyone has the ability to work hard, study the results of their diligence, and adjust course as needed to work smarter and harder in order to improve their conditions - this is available to anyone with a sound mind and body. And everyone has the ability to learn from others - they should use that often.


Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by thegreatvoid »

To transcend our nature. To to recognize our programming by reading and learning about behavioral psychology, biology and neuroscience .
Life gets so much easier when you are no longer a biological puppet.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Astra »

Choice over our own reproduction is something we did not have for most of humankind.
This means we can now decide:
1. Whether to reproduce at all (=chosing childlessness, adopting a child not genetically related to you)
2. With whom to mate (=free partner choice, plus sperm/egg donor)
3. With whom to raise these children (=patchwork families, same-sex partnerships, inclusive families etc.)
4. Whether to raise our own offspring or hand this responsability off to someone else fully (=adoption) or partially (=nanny, shared parenthood)
5. When to reproduce (early or late in life, before, during or after career)
6. Whether to bear your own child to term yourself (surrogate mothers)
7. What the genetic and phenotypic traits of our offspring are (to some degree this is possible now with preventing/treating diseases, but will most likely also spread to other traits in the future)

All in all, that's quite considerable power to have over the human germline - I wonder how it will affect coming generations...

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by jacob »

  • Food: Being able to satisfy any craving in any form at any time. However, almost all those opportunities found on the shelves comprise preprocessed food fulls of additives that will take years of my life. Without all these opportunities, I still be eating a simple diet compatible with human metabolism.
  • Credit: Cheap credit allows me to buy anything I want including stuff I can't really afford. These opportunities keep me chained to a job so I can no longer decide when and where to work.
  • Internet: There are so many opportunities these days to find a version of reality which confirms what I already believe. I now have the opportunity to believe in any number of alternative facts I desire. Without these opportunities, it would be too hard to believe whatever I want to.
  • Transportation: The ability to conveniently get almost anywhere at anytime without putting much of any effort into it. However, almost all transportation opportunities are seated thus reducing the likelihood of healthy exercise. Without all these opportunities I would have no choice but to walk or run and thus stay at a healthy weight.
  • Social: The opportunity to find people with similar interests and values from all over the world and connect with them. This way I don't have to learn how to deal with the people around me. I can always escape online. Also see, internet.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


I make social use of the internet, because it allows me greater access to interesting people with whom I can disagree.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by J_ »

* to gather/sift sound knowledge of primary life-needs eg. good nutrition, rest, body-use.

* to imply that knowledge for your health

* to think/reflect about your place in your house, family, street, village, country, world

* to use your freedom (as a financial independent) for the good of yourself and all others to whom you may connect.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Sclass »

Somebody just mentioned to me they run a successful high school math tutoring business out of their living room. Apparently this guy uses readily available conferencing software to communicate with high school kids in a fifty mile radius of his home.

So I said, ok, so yer makin’ A few bucks an hour selling your hour. Meh.

No. He’s got six college kids working for him. He books them on weekday afternoons. They attend the very university the paying parents want their high school aged kids to attend. Apparently they have to get pretty good at high school math to get accepted so it is easy to find a competent college kid in need of a few extra dollars.

Me says, meh, but your house must be a rotating door and an Internet cafe.

No. Everyone works from home on their own equipment. All college kids are armed with good hardware and broadband. He just helps them set up a standard conferencing package and away they go.

Very impressive. Low overhead. Scalable. Gives parents the comfort of having their kid in a safe environment for tutoring (reduces fears of sex abuse on minors). Allows the employees to work from home. Uses free/cheap equipment and infrastructure. Very little regulation. Once set up it can be controlled from a remote location.

Smart guy. Mining professional parents’ paychecks using 95% brains and nothing else. Straight out of the 9.9% aristocracy thread.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by Riggerjack »

Nice! I love hearing stories like that. Next, he should build it into a franchise, and sell franchises to ER types.

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Re: What opportunities do you see right now?

Post by IlliniDave »

Sclass wrote:
Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:14 pm

Smart guy. Mining professional parents’ paychecks using 95% brains and nothing else. Straight out of the 9.9% aristocracy thread.
But he's colluding with the 9.9%!

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