Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

while true, there is a limit in how much energy can be converted from adipose tissue per unit of time. anecdotally and in exactly one study, this limit seems to depend on the amount of body fat. i.e. very obese humans can fast for literally a year or more (this has been documented), whereas thin humans can barely fast more than a day or two without losing some muscle mass (this is bodybuilder type levels of low body fat, not regular sized humans). for most normal sized humans, it's probably in the range of days to weeks.

if brute remembers correctly, the rate was ~20kcal/day/lb of body fat. i.e. the hypothetical human in Kriegsspiel's example, at 33lbs of body fat, would be able to sustain a ~660kcal energy deficit from food intake per day on the first day (obviously less in the future as he would lose body fat).

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

in what time frame? brute can totally see how lack of protein in a week-to-months timeframe could lead to inadequate recovery and then injury, but in 1-3 days, he'd be surprised.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

Hm, interesting.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Kriegsspiel »

I would reconsider fasting if I were you, Augustus. It seems your body will tear itself apart.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by jennypenny »

I've read about how successful that 14 hour fasting window is in several different studies. It would explain the success of the warrior diet. I saw an interview with Dr. Longo and he said he recommends eating breakfast and dinner with nothing but water in between. It's only a 12 hour fasting window but he said compliance is important and more patients were able to follow a breakfast/dinner regimen.

@Augustus -- Have you tried changing when you exercise? When I was having issues, my ortho suggested that I start exercising in the late afternoon or evening instead of in the morning to help prevent injuries.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by jennypenny »

Dietary supplement shows promise for reversing cardiovascular aging

"But a new University of Colorado Boulder study published today indicates that when people consume a natural dietary supplement called nicotinomide riboside (NR) daily, it mimics caloric restriction, aka "CR," kick-starting the same key chemical pathways responsible for its health benefits.

Supplementation also tends to improve blood pressure and arterial health, particularly in those with mild hypertension, the study found.

"This was the first ever study to give this novel compound to humans over a period of time," said senior author Doug Seals, a professor and researcher in the Department of Integrative Physiology. "We found that it is well tolerated and appears to activate some of the same key biological pathways that calorie restriction does."

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

jennypenny wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:06 am
We found that it is well tolerated and appears to activate some of the same key biological pathways that calorie restriction does."
and there were no side effects and humans lived happily ever after.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

Augustus wrote:
Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:52 pm
I try to do my eating from 9am-5pm each day.
interesting here would be what Augustus' natural circadian rhythm is. without alarm clock or societal factors, what time does Augustus wake up naturally and go to bed at night?

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Widee67 »

Have anyone tried intermittent fasting? I know this is not well known for some other countries but trying out my best of luck to know more about it.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by slowtraveler »

Intermittent fasting for 24 hours twice a week has been very helpful for me to lose fat.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by jennypenny »

@Widee67 -- Did you read through this thread from the beginning?

There have been several discussions of IF in other threads on the forum as well ...

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

Augustus wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:47 pm
When I was single, I'd go to bed around 1030 and wakeup around 8am.
brute thinks the circadian rhythm probably plays into the optimal feeding/fasting rhythm. it makes sense to wake up and then eat within 1h. brute naturally wakes up much later, so the "optimal fasting cycle" promoted by Panda et al would mean force feeding brute would've naturally woken up, which would never even be possible without the unnatural disruption of an alarm clock.

brute would not be surprised if larks thrived on a breakfast heavy cycle, and larks on a dinner heavy cycle.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Kriegsspiel »

I vaguely recall a study where dieters who ate most of their food in the morning lost more fat, and those who ate most of it in the evening retained more muscle.


Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Jason »

My wife and I went to the theatre this past weekend and if nothing else it was a confrontation with the American ass and I have to tell you that on average, it’s really fucking big. Watching people squeezing by each other and trying to settle into their seats was of greater entertainment value than the play itself. I’m talking both male and female here. I couldn’t get over the average width. It was just a sea of sprawling asses. You could have stitched a circus tent together with the material designated just to cover people’s asses. It was both fascinating and horrific, like watching people jumping out of burning buildings. It’s like driving through Beverly Hills looking at houses, you think you’ve the spotted the biggest one and then all of a sudden a bigger one comes around the corner. I’ve never had weight issues but I just couldn’t see how people could be comfortable with asses that big. Some of these people could be sitting on the toilet and end up missing the bowl. I admit I’d give up ten years of my life for 20 minutes with Serena Williams but this was a tale of a whole other city I don’t want to be found in.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »

Jason wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:16 am
I just couldn’t see how people could be comfortable with asses that big.
humans can get used to pretty much everything. especially if they see it all around them. it's "normal".


Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Jason »

You are right. It did cross my mind that it was essentially a meeting of the fat ass acceptance society, although the venue of choice was not ideal as it was built when the average American physiogny was much different.That being said, social acceptance wouldn’t remove personal discomfort. I mean the average American chair must be three times the size it was a hundred years ago.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by jacob »

Weights have steadily increased upwards over the past many decades. The average American women today now weighs as much (160lbs) as the average American man did 50 years ago. The average American man weighs correspondingly more (now around 195lbs). Both are an inch taller now but that does not make up for the weight which increases about 7-8lbs/decade.

As noted above, people don't actually believe they're fat because the Overton window of body image is shifting. The "perceived ideal weight" has increased along with people's actual weight. The average person thinks they should weigh 10-15 pounds less no matter how heavy they're getting. ... pward.aspx

Almost 70% of Americans are now overweight or obese. Since overweight starts at BMI=25, then number of Americans who are normal weight or less (BMI<22) is only about 10% (and most of these would be clustering near to 20+). (There's another 20% in the 22-25 range.) As a result, normal weight people now look [too] skinny relative to the average person.

Interestingly there's a direct correlation between average/national BMI and restaurant-spending (GDP) :o People's BMI dip slightly during recessions and then resume their upward trend coming out of it, just like the economy.


Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by Jason »

jacob wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:40 am
the Overton window
If you looked through a window into this playhouse, you'd say most of the people were over a ton.

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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by BRUTE »


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Re: Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

BMI is an archaic metric. Butt fat is inert in diabesity etc. (although can certainly contribute to structural problems.) Waist-to-hip-ratio is somewhat more accurate, but waist-to-height has been found to be best (less than .5 and you are good.) Affluent old men with skinny shanks and internal belly fat stored up high near important organs are much more likely to keel over than poor fat ass old women. Just wishful thinking that relatively low BMI is going to preserve them, when actual mechanics are known.

Since I haven't yet completed menopause at the age of 53, (likely due to low testosterone exposure in utero, and moderately late onset of menarche due to being skinny before I hit puberty, variety genetic factors), I can add 4.8 years of longevity to average expectation of female of 53 (all other things being equal, as they never are.) Studies linking longevity to very low calorie intake have been shown to mainly impact females of various mammal species due to mechanism of reduced body fat inhibiting both reproductive ability and sex drive. IOW, same effect on longevity achieved by males who are castrated at relatively young age.

Anyways, I am curious about what sort of theatrical event you attended, since I recently noted that the relatively affluent crowd at the symphony was noticeably more slender than the crowd I might find shopping at the working class inner ring suburban Walmart near my current residence. Also, I am wondering about the quality of your local water supply given a high prevalence of men with fat butts in the population.

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