the animal's journal

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by theanimal »

Jason- Who has the other half?

7wanna- Send her up when she becomes untangled! I can take her moose hunting and then she can take you. I can't help you with the rest of your list.

cmonkey- Well, during the past year I ate a whole moose over the course of 10 months. Based off that figure, I estimate this to last me about 3-4 months. Since living in the cabin, my diet has shifted more and more to that of the traditional peoples of the area. That means a lot of meat, also fish and eggs. Life is different when the nearest grocery store is 250 miles away.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by bryan »

> Life is different when the nearest grocery store is 250 miles away.

Man, that's a long bike ride to pick up the twice-weekly milk!

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by theanimal »

I'm not happy with my spending this year. I have been throwing money away like crazy. It seems like I'm on track to spend about 1.5 Jacobs. Not bad you say? I pay $0 for housing. So it's much higher than it is. A big increase is due to the addition of a car. Gas costs are really high this year. I drove from Chicago to AK, drove 600 mi for salmon fishing, and another 2000 mi or something in the spring when I was touring AK's road system. Those are one time deals so its not the worst thing in the world. What's killing me is heading back and forth to town, about 275 mi one way. I've made a trip to town at least once every month since March. In July, I started a new exercise program incorporating olympic weightlifting into my regimen. I don't have that gear but they do at the other town in the area. About a gallon of gas a trip at $4.50/gal and probably about 20 trips a month. I'm in great shape, but it seems stupid to drive just for that.

Thankfully, the car has been trouble free so far. I've been laughed at throughout the time for having a beater minivan, but it doesn't bother me. I paid $1,200 for the car and it serves just as good a purpose as anyone elses at a fraction of the cost. Despite no signs of serious trouble, many appear to think it'll break down any minute, as I'm frequently asked how my van is doing. Whatever.

Car related costs are probably about 1/3 of my expenses. That doesn't excite me. I've been scheming as to how I can go without or minimize the cost. Getting rid of the car is very appealing but I'm not sure how beneficial it would be to my well being.

Food costs are also higher but I'm somewhat OK with that. That's probably another third of the expenses. I'm not eating junk and I'd rather spend higher on food as long as its not inefficient. Problem is, it is often inefficient, mainly when I'm in town. I'm a sucker for the prepared rotiessiere chicken and I splurge on nuts. That being said, I'm continuing to move further and further to the subsistence lifestyle, eating from the land. As I've mentioned elsewhere most of the food I eat these days is meat (moose/caribou), fish (salmon) and eggs (mostly store bought but some from friends). Becoming more skilled in this area will only continue to decrease costs. What kills me is these backpacking/backcountry trips. Most people are content to eat crap when they head into the backcountry. I'm not. Store bought foods that I deem good enough are expensive. Making more jerky and smoked foods would help in this regard.

But then there's purchases that I enjoyed but are somewhat frivoulous. I paid $70 to run as part of a relay with friends in a local marathon. WTF. Paying $70 to run 9 miles that I could run for free on any day of the year. At least I got a nice shirt?

Then I find myself in a situation of somewhat unrequited love. My emotions have got the best of me and resulted in unnecessary spending. It hasn't been outrageous, less than $100, but still unnecessary. For some reason, I seem to fall for women who are already in relationships. Making it real easy on myself, eh?

I haven't really bought much stuff outside food and gas. I've spent about $200 or so on books over the year (used books and library postage costs). Bought a new to me laptop, a new pair of skis, a couple new pair of boots for this upcoming winter. Got some tools and parts. And have spent a few hundred dollars on trying to start businesses/projects. That part isn't terrible but like everything else could be improved.

Income is sporadic and uncertain. Thanks to lots of luck, my investments rose over 200% through the first three quarters of this year. That kept my savings from plummeting off a cliff. I have earned a few hundred dollars helping researchers. In a few days, I get paid something like $1,200 for just living in Alaska. That's pretty nice. Writing seems to be a promising ticket over the next few months. The bottom line though is that I'm spending more than I'm saving. My savings rate on the year is negative.

I could go on. But my system is out of whack. I need to right the ship.


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

In my book, The Animal is beyond criticism, but paying $70 to run nine miles in the fucking tundra is kind of head scratching unless it was for a sick Walrus or some other type of Alaskan cause or maybe if Sarah Palin agreed to blow everyone who crossed the finish line. It's just that paying $70 to run in an environment where you could up end up the next day running for your life in a literal sense is kind of crazy. I really can't think of any type of shirt that justifies that expenditure. But then again you are the Animal and I'm just a piece of shit living in the attached United States so what do I know.

Sorry about the unrequited love. But up there, can't you just shoot the other guy? If you can legally shoot a universally beloved cartoon character I would think it would be legal to shoot some asshole who is cock blocking you.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by RealPerson »

theanimal wrote:
Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:17 pm
Then I find myself in a situation of somewhat unrequited love. My emotions have got the best of me and resulted in unnecessary spending. It hasn't been outrageous, less than $100, but still unnecessary. For some reason, I seem to fall for women who are already in relationships. Making it real easy on myself, eh?
I think it is time for some counseling from 7Wannabe5. Preexisting relationships should not be an obstacle. Aren't there more men than women up there anyway? So what do you expect? :shock:

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by theanimal »

Jason- I love your posts.

Yeah, there are more men than women. I don't necessarily see it as an obstacle but a challenge.This has happened twice in the past and I've succeeded once so I am familiar with the whole concept. I don't think it's fruitless either. There are indications of her having reciprocal feelings, demonstrated through both behavior and speech. I think that I'm in the situation where my upside is much greater than my downside and I'm trying to work that to my advantage (vice versa for the current boyfriend). The whole boyfriend thing still poses a thorn. It does appear time to seek out ERE's relationship guru.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by Seppia »

Well, apparently the potential downside is you could be shot :)

Jokes aside, honestly I think the purpose of money is to help pursue happiness: if in this time of your life you need to go to the store once a month or to the gym once a day then so be it (providing you don't dig yourself into a hole obviously).

To be honest, the only expense that made me raise my eyebrow is the gallon of gas a day to go to the gym.
If you do it to be fit, it's clearly a wasteful/pointless expense, especially considering where you live.
But maybe you have friends/a girl there and you do it for the social aspect, and I would understand.
Each location has pluses and minuses, living where you live I would consider it normal that one has higher expenses than usual to keep socially active.


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

This is why its so hard to evaluate strictly by the numbers. If The Animal is driving to the gym because that's where his love interest is, then by all means he should continue to spend the gallon of gas. Or as you mentioned, it might be a place for The Animal to socialize in a remote setting.

The bottom line is that tunnels are dug and bridges strung for this type of activity. Its hard to monetize basic human cravings especially access to the holy of holies.

I think The Animal's animal instinct is telling him that this chick is digging on him and she is prepared to ditch the other guy but she needs some of that basic primordial type of wooing. I know we are all waiting upon 7W5, but I think The Animal should just flash this chick a picture of him smiling over dead Bullwinkle and say "This could all be yours."

I bet she spreads like Hellman's at that shit.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by Seppia »

When I see the pictures of the Animal's dealings in the wild, I almost reconsider my heterosexuality*, so I can only dare to imagine what type of effect these pics can make on girls.


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Re: the animal's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

lol- I am currently in relationship-guru-heal-thyself mode, but it is easier to clean out closets full of other people's baggage. Also, I just read an article on the topic of the power of gossip being the reason why homo sapiens grew such big brain.

Okay, assuming she isn't actually married to the other guy, all's fair. However, the problem remains that anytime you are attempting a hot swap, there is a good degree of likelihood that you are over-weighting what you have to offer vs. what the other guy is already bringing to the table. In simplest terms, as the matter stands right now, the female of interest is likely deriving some benefits from current relationship with other guy, and some benefits from budding relationship with you. Therefore, if you wish to knock the other gentleman completely out of the arena, you will have to plan on continuing to bring what you are currently bringing AND also bring what the other gentleman was bringing to relationship. The mistake often made in situations such as this is to just write off the other gentleman as "douchebag" or "loser" or "?" without giving rational analysis to the likely total "cost "of conquest/establishment of domain. I suggest giving some study to the following:
Bad misses, throwin' raspberry kisses on me
You looking for directions girl?
I feel your vision on me
Just don't let him see you sweatin'
And we ain't spose to be involved
Knowing when we get it off, Girl I mean it off
Keeping you fiending 'til you taking it tossed
And when I'm breaking it off
Its no denying the fact it's wrong
Cause you got a man who's probably playing his part
You probably breaking his heart
He trying to figure the reason, Uh
Is it because he's superficial
Or is he too submissive
Or did I come along and hit you with the futuristic
Or is it 'cause you really couldn't see a future with him
All he about is paper, never took the time with you to listen
You want it gripped up, flipped, and thrown
And get stripped and shown, the way the getting is on
The cost, dealing with this you only taking a loss
You need to leave him alone
And go with the one who breaking you off

The Roots- "Break You Off"

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by slowtraveler »

Though the heart wants what it wants and my words cannot stop that hunger, I have had nothing but bad experiences dating girls in relationships.

Do you like having psychotic men stalk you? Follow you to your house? Threaten to kill said woman? Threaten to kill self? Yes they can be crazy. Yes, there is an extra taboo rush. I have never met couples who have been long term who started that way. There is always a lack of trust in those relationships for me.

All that said, love is the most satisfying journey and if there are so few women there, the world is a big place and there are many women who don't come with a mystery box containing a potential loaded Glock aimed at your dome.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by theanimal »

@Jason/Seppia- The gym trips were probably 18 days/mo. Not everyday but still excessive. Some of those also tied into social aspects, which I feel fine about. Others were just for gym and internet. The girl doesn't live there. She's in the area intermittently. And I guess is one of the main reasons I've been making the trips to the big town more often.

@7wanna-Thanks. Yeah, I've made sure to avoid degrading as much as I can. Since most people seem to be resistant to change if they have a decent situation, I've concluded that I have to go above and beyond, as you've mentioned. I've been trying hard, funny/nice messages, small gifts etc. but don't think I'm doing so much to appear desperate. They aren't married but did move in together recently. I'll be studying away.

@Felipe- I appreciate the advice. I'm not trying to date someone at the same time they are in a relationship. But anyways, things are different up here than it sounds like what you've experienced. There are less than 40 people who live in my valley. I know all of them. The nearest town is 250+ miles away. I have guns. My neighbors all have lots of guns. Those types of people would likely end up being shot here...


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

Don't go all Bullwinkle on me, but the moved in recently aspect is a monkey wrench in that it presents the possibility that she is merely yanking The Animal's chain. You know, the "I still want to know other guys want me as I commit type of thing."

It happened to me once. Some chick was about to get married and led me on. All the other chicks warned me. They were right. I think 7W5 needs to chime in because only chicks know how truly fucking devious other chicks are.

But this is no longer sitting right with me. I'm starting to sense animal abuse.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by slowtraveler »

I believe it. In California, where a magazine capable of holding 11 rounds is a felony, guns aren't treated with the same level of maturity as where guns are an accepted part of the culture. I was simply sharing my experiences.


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

So a chick really raised a glock to your head?

No wonder you are wandering the earth.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@Jason: Well, the only known antidote to suffering the fate of being "led on" by a devious chick is to assume the lead your own bold self. Sometimes females accept relatively crap contract because better contract was never literally proffered.


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

Well, this plays into "I should be banging this chick instead of that current douchebag she's with." Rightly or wrongly, you have to assume you are some type of improvement. And if she's living with a guy, well the contract is out, just not signed. So you have to be a better back up offer.

However, when I was in college, two guys were fighting over a chick. They were all graduating so this was not "who's getting blown by this chick on spring break" but potentially "who's getting blown by this chick for the rest of their lives."

The girl was stunning and just peaceful as all shit. One of those chicks who you just assume that her vagina smells like a rolling meadow of roses and eternal bliss.

The two guys involved were completely different. One was tall, good looking, could have any chick he wanted. I actually think he stole my girlfriend but he was such a nice guy I couldn't blame her or him. The other guy looked like and was a complete fucking asshole. If I had money at the time, I would have bet it all on the former. To everyone's fucking amazement, she picked the asshole. I'll never forget consoling the other guy. He was crushed.

Moral of the story: who the fuck knows.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


There is an almost exact balance between the female tendency to choose the asshole male and the male tendency to choose the insipid female. It's one of those Wheaton level things where first you don't even see it (innocence), then you see it and you react unproductively or inappropriately (adolescence), then you start to respond more productively and appropriately (practice competence), then you get bored with it, then you realize that even though you are totally bored with it you still have a sex drive and putter along experimentally, then you no longer have a sex drive and you can freely choose to focus your energies on amateur naturalist species identification and reading 19th century memoirs.


Re: the animal's journal

Post by Jason »

I don’t know Seven, I get the idea that camper still has some spring left in its shocks.

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Re: the animal's journal

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The season of rose-stink now past, the pumpkin squats in frosty field.
Grasses twist and splay, gray-black and angry,
Like the eyebrows of an old man knuckle-deep in brine,
Grasping for the last pickle.

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