Political correctness run amok

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by fiby41 »

Peanut wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:02 pm
I wanted to reply to something in particular that Brute wrote about hypothetical employers hypothetically choosing to underpay black vs Asian employees. I immediately thought of that study of how white-sounding named applicants (Beth) got 50% more callbacks than black-sounding named applicants (Lakisha).
Former Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison, and actor, Kalpen Modi also got 50% more callbacks after he Hellenized his name to Kal Penn.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


I am an ethical slut, loyal to the rule-of-civil-contract-law-code of my father's people, and agreed to contract of monogamy last fall with current BF. We only recently agreed to open provisional contract, and I haven't had time or energy to acquire a new lover yet, due to other life stresses, so only 1 lover thus far in 2017. However, I did re-open my dating profile on Thursday, so I have a couple dozen to sort through, and things are otherwise on the upswing, so I'm guesstimating total of 3 by year's end. I have been sexually active for 37 years/27 lovers, so my average rate is less than 2/year with high variation. Maternity really slowed me down, and I only had sex with my husband for the 19 years of our contract, but only 1 one-night stand with a stranger in the mix. Mostly boyfriends or friends with whom I also shared sex, including one female friend.

It is likely that I would date a Klingon, simply on the basis of tall, dark, masculine and intelligent, but I doubt that I would form much of an emotional attachment to him. Ed Sheeran, otoh, would probably break my heart. Puppy-dog eyes are my Achilles heel.


My maternal great-uncle (seriously imposing figure) dropped the -ski off the end of his name when he joined the Detroit Police force in the 1940s. My given names translate/mean something like white light female of the white people. I never have any problems with job applications that don't require lifting more than 50 lbs. I named my white son after an 18th century white male musician who was named after a 3rd century Christian martyr, but a surprisingly high percentage of American people don't know how to pronounce his name. I guess I subconsciously wanted to label him as a member of the aspirational-class. I don't think he has suffered too much from my choice.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

fiby41 wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:42 am
Peanut wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:02 pm
I wanted to reply to something in particular that Brute wrote about hypothetical employers hypothetically choosing to underpay black vs Asian employees. I immediately thought of that study of how white-sounding named applicants (Beth) got 50% more callbacks than black-sounding named applicants (Lakisha).
Former Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison, and actor, Kalpen Modi also got 50% more callbacks after he Hellenized his name to Kal Penn.
People anglicizing their names to fit in better or to improve job prospects has always been pretty common in the US regardless of their ethnic group. It's not strictly tied to race. I've always wondered if people do it in other countries. DD has a Chinese name she uses when she's in China.

@7W5--You got me curious, so I had to look up who Ed Sheeran is. I've actually heard of one of his songs (I was so proud of myself lol). He's cute, but at this point I wouldn't want anyone I might have to mother. I'd take the Klingon.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@jennypenny: I was half-joking about Ed Sheeran to make a larger "the personal is political" point. I was particularly amused by the "Shape of You" video because I have been in the same relationship with the gender roles reversed more than once. If I had a penny for every time some street-smart-for-a-jock guy I was dating tried to whip me into shape...

The larger point I was trying to make is that superficial appearance or signaling of soft, sensitive, non-threatening, etc. does not necessarily correspond with pushed to the corner behavior. All humans and all human social groupings have aspects of good and bad in their character.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by enigmaT120 »

I watched the video. I would enjoy finding somebody to whip me into shape.... I have to try those sit-ups she was doing on the heavy bag. The flying side kick at the end was performed wrong. I didn't understand the video: why did she leave him, then come back? And what was the sumo fight all about.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by OTCW »

My surname got anglicized when my grandparents were children. It sounded too German back when the Kaiser was public enemy number one in the US. Ironically my parents moved to a majority black city and raised us in a majority black neighborhood where the anglicized version of my surname was pretty common among African Americans.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by BRUTE »

jennypenny wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:10 am
People anglicizing their names to fit in better or to improve job prospects has always been pretty common in the US regardless of their ethnic group. It's not strictly tied to race. I've always wondered if people do it in other countries. DD has a Chinese name she uses when she's in China.
very common, brute also knows humans who've done this when moving to China or Taiwan for a while.
jennypenny wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:10 am
@7W5--You got me curious, so I had to look up who Ed Sheeran is. I've actually heard of one of his songs (I was so proud of myself lol). He's cute, but at this point I wouldn't want anyone I might have to mother. I'd take the Klingon.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by The Old Man »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:39 am
... Persian men ... Bosnian men ... but they are all still thugs.
Aren't you being a tad racist here? Or, is that your ironic point?

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by BRUTE »

brute believes 7Wannabe5's point is that all human males are thugs. so it's probably more sexist than racist.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by The Old Man »

@ Brute and 7Wannabe5: Ahh, so that's it. Now I understand. Well I agree. Men are ...brute + s. Only a thin veneer keeps the inner cave-man from coming out.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The 4 books I am reading right now are "The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision" (A), "Private Life" by Jane Smiley (B), "The Orphan Master's Son" by Adam Johnson (C), and "Michigan: A History of the Great Lakes State."(D)

(A)"Moreover, the differences between human races worldwide are thought to be coded by only 0.1% of the human genome. This means that molecular genetics has demonstrated that there are no significant differences among the various human races."


"So why go back to Europe?"

"Believe me, I don't want to go. In 1916, I couldn't imagine anything more exciting than to have your ship attacked by a U-Boat and write your last dispatch and stuff it in a bottle while you were drowning, knowing that an editor from the New York Herald would inevitably find it and put it on the front page."

"And now?"

"Now I know that it will be hard to find hot water for a nice bath, and there will be a constant stream of people in every city who will deserve to eat more than I deserve a new hat, and that friends from long ago who were once truly simpatico will now be disgorging the most impossible sentiments about Anglo-Saxon purity or the rights of Italians to a 'mare italiano' or whatever they call it."

(C) "Through a window, they watched Korean women cut the toenails of Japanese women. For fun, they operated a vending machine and received a bag of orange food neither would taste.


Gil tried to speak to the Japanese women, but they smiled and ignored him. Then he bought a drink for the bartender She came over and talked with him while she poured it. She was thin shouldered, but her shirt was tight and her hair was absolutely black. They drank together, and he said something to make her laugh. When she went to fill an order, Gil turned to Jun Do, "If you slept with one of these girls," Gil said, "you'd know it was because she wanted to, not like some military comfort girl trying to get nine stamps a day in her quota book or a factory gal getting married off by her housing council. Back home pretty girls never even raise their eyes to you. You can't even have a cup of tea without her father arranging a marriage?"

Pretty girls? Jun Do thought, "The world thinks I am an orphan, that's my curse."


"In this whole stupid country" Jun Do said, "the only thing that made sense to me were the Korean ladies on their knees cleaning the feet of the Japanese."

(D) "Politically the Klan was quite strong, electing mayors in Flint in 1924 and Detroit in 1929, as well as many state legislators. In Detroit one of the reasons for the success of Klan candidates was that Jewish voters stayed home rather than choose between a Klan candidate or a candidate backed by Henry Ford, one of the country's leading anti-Semites. Ford openly blamed Jews for making obscene movies, bootlegging, and spreading immorality through their music, especially songs written by Irving Berlin."

The careers of my paternal grandfather and my great-grandfather as high-ranking appointees for the city government spanned most of the 20th century. The following was once written about my great-grandfather.
"He has the recommendation of everybody who knows him, for the reason that you cannot leave his presence without placing him in your highest esteem as a gentleman and a scholar."

The summer after my divorce (2007), I dated a very artistically multi-talented black man who collaborated with some Jewish men in the 1990s to produce a critically acclaimed album of music with an overtly sexual title in the Detroit garage rock scene. He was very lucky, that the contingency that is very important in all life (See reference A), resulted in being raised in a very low income, single mother household right next to the boundary of an Orthodox Jewish ghetto.
brute believes 7Wannabe5's point is that all human males are thugs. so it's probably more sexist than racist.
There are individual men who are inherently gentle through and through. Gomer Pyle, for instance. Truly gentle men are to be found as rarity in every human social grouping. There are also men who are gentlemen. It seems to me that some people have recently become confused about this.

I prefer to describe my current perspective on the male/female divide as "post-feminist." However, I can't decide whether circumstances are such that it is not yet safe to be post-feminist or circumstances are such that it is already too far gone not to be post-feminist. Due to the unfortunate fact that my dear crazy Bohemian artist sister recently found herself incarcerated in the prison system of Detroit for 5 days, I can verify that even the worst of environments inhabited by only females are less "thuggish" than, for instance, the private prep school for the sons of wealthy families that my Persian-ex attended in the pre-revolution Tehran of his youth.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Kriegsspiel »

With the events of recent months and years, Google is apparently now trying to weed out publishers that are using its money streams and architecture to publish hate speech. Certainly you’d probably be unhappy to hear that Stormfront was funded by ads run through Google. I’m not saying that’s happening. I’m just giving you a sense of what they are apparently trying to combat. Over the last several months we’ve gotten a few notifications from Google telling us that certain pages of ours were penalized for ‘violations’ of their ban for hate speech. When we looked at the pages they were talking about they were articles about white supremacist incidents. Most were tied to Dylann Roof’s mass murder in Charleston.

Now in practice all this meant was that two or three old stories about Dylann Roof could no longer run ads purchased through Google. I’d say it’s unlikely that loss to TPM amounted to even a cent a month. Totally meaningless. But here’s the catch. The way these warnings work and the way these particular warnings were worded, you get penalized enough times and then you’re blacklisted.

Now, certainly you’re figuring we could contact someone at Google and explain that we’re not publishing hate speech and racist violence. We’re reporting on it. Not really. We tried that. We got back a message from our rep not really understanding the distinction and cheerily telling us to try to operate within the no hate speech rules. And how many warnings until we’re blacklisted? Who knows?

If we were cut off, would that be Adexchange (the ads) or DoubleClick for Publishers (the road) or both? Who knows?

If the first stopped we’d lose a big chunk of money that wouldn’t put us out of business but would likely force us to retrench. If we were kicked off the road more than half of our total revenue would disappear instantly and would stay disappeared until we found a new road – i.e., a new ad serving service or technology... Needless to say, the impact of this would be cataclysmic and could easily drive us out of business.
From this article. It could be fun to see how this plays out.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Riggerjack »

"don't be evil."

Didn't last long, did it?

Don't get me wrong, I really like Google, and the long term deflationary internet effect is probably the best way to help the poor.

However, power corrupts, monopolies corrupt, and Google has both. I think they have done very well, for longer than we could reasonably expect, but it's time to breakup the monopolies.

And I think FB is next.

Kriegspiel, that was an excellent link. To a site I never heard of, with not much else of interest, but a very well written summary of Google power, and its practical application.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by jennypenny »

Rogan had Damore on his podcast today ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ1JeII0eGo

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by The Old Man »

Riggerjack wrote:
Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:23 pm
"don't be evil."
... Google power, and its practical application.
Google Power!
Congratulations, I think a new phrase has now been coined.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Riggerjack »

Riggerjack, wordsmith.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by BRUTE »

like all naive young humans, Google probably really thought they could prevent becoming evil by putting it in their motto. like all naive young humans, they were wrong.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by bryan »

I think Google is getting a bad rap here. By that I mean, yes, Google has a lot of power and of course has made evil decisions in the past, but otherwise it is a very good, not evil, company making very good decisions. I've long held that if you want good return on investment, find the evil version of Google (maybe it was Facebook.. but more likely a Chinese competitor e.g. Baidu/Tencent). Most corporations have been more evil than Google as well as most governments. I for one am happy that Google is so not evil.

As for their monopoly.. there seems to be a lot of competitors in all of their markets. So no need to get the government involved in breaking up Google (or do you mean Alphabet?), just switch services. I would be more worried about domain name registrars (and ICANN) or ISPs than Google.

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Re: Political correctness run amok

Post by Riggerjack »

As for their monopoly.. there seems to be a lot of competitors in all of their markets. So no need to get the government involved in breaking up Google (or do you mean Alphabet?), just switch services. I would be more worried about domain name registrars (and ICANN) or ISPs than Google.
I agree, for a megacorp that big, Google is not very evil. But it seems to be getting eviler, and anytime an organization can wipe out successful businesses by unintended consequences, it's just too big.

What would be the reasonable competitor for Adsense or DoubleClick? If you run a web based business, and Google drops you for violating an algorithm you don't get to see, relating to policies they don't publish, what are your options?

Ma bell wasn't this ubiquitous before the breakup.
