Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

ThisDinosaur wrote:I'm not saying following a cultural script is the only path to happiness. I'm saying cultural scripts partially reflect how people find happiness.
Well, finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow would almost certainly make me happy, but I still don't plan on chasing down a leprechaun in order to achieve FI ;) Maybe there are tales we keep telling to 20 year old humans, just like there are tales we keep telling to 2 year old humans, but "Cui bono?"

Firstly, people seek to conform. To be part of the herd. Even the western ideal of a nonconformist individual is a specific cultural role in the tribe. Second, the drive to couple off can conflict with other drives in the individual. Like how men are driven to reproduce and then flee the resulting commitment. Its what I was getting at with the comment about asexuals. Fbeyers analogy is good enough. Like a plant that develops a trait to grow AWAY from sunlight instead of towards it could either exploit shady areas with good soil that other plants ignore, or it could grow itself into darkness and wither away.
See "Peyton Place", "Elmer Gantry","The Virginian", "Rabbit, Run" and Emily Dickinson vs. Mani. Spartan males were culturally conditioned to only have sex with younger males until they were of marital age, so new brides shaved their heads like young boys. In our modern prison system, a similar/opposite behavioral adjustment has been acculturated.
Executing and fulfilling your most natural biological functions uses you up. Its supposed to be this way. A parent is supposed to be The Giving Tree. Individualism is supposed to conflict with community. Your drive to have as many reproductive partners as possible is supposed to conflict with your avoidance of using up resources on too many offspring.
True, but nursing only "uses you up" for a short while, then your milk comes rushing back in even heavier. A baby may cry pathetically, but may also butt his head assertively against your breast if he wants to be fed, and both of these behaviors are likely to trigger increased sympathetic glandular response.I doubt that I could summon up a high enough level of prolactin to produce milk at the age of 52 if I found myself alone in a cabin in the woods with a hungry infant, but I can still feel the wired pathway. I think this is similar to how older men often feel when they struggle with erectile dysfunction. Totally different than no longer feeling the desire/urge or never experiencing it in the first place, losing it due to depression or repressing it due to conflict with other goals or anxiety/anger. My own DD26 is nominally supportive of the anti-breast-feeding feminist movement.
BRUTE wrote:possible of course. but it's also possible that lower sex drive is a symptom of lower amounts of sex for the same hormone release. for example, humans that don't have sugar cravings - depressed because they don't get enough sugar, or "lucky" because they don't require as much sugar to sustain dopamine balance?
Not that simple. It has been my subjective second-hand experience that individuals with low-sex drive do not obtain as much pleasure from sex as people who have high sex drives, although it is true that they are more comfortable without it. IOW, you can pretty much bet if you ask the guy who literally bounced off the bed in "little death" orgasm, to quantify his baseline drive, he will say something like "Well, once a day, at least." Generally people do attempt to repeat experiences they find highly enjoyable.

In spite of my long-standing love for Jane Austen, I have to admit that I was very happy practicing polyamory. Of course, it was just that gleeful sort of happiness, like when I was a kid and I had 5 new library books and 3 assorted bags of penny candy and no school due to blizzard. Not the healthy allegiance to moral code of predominant culture sort of happiness which might better sustain me like a bowl full of lentil gruel.

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by enigmaT120 »

Once a day. Every day. Why is that so difficult? More is possible but not really necessary, but why not once a day?

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


I think it is partly due to the fact that people have been acculturated to think of sex as being a special occasion activity requiring dress-up clothes and consumption of alcohol, etc. etc. In my experience, sharing sex most every day in a relationship is very analogous to sharing dinner most every day in a relationship. Once you have developed the habit, not doing it become like saying "Let's skip dinner tonight.", and only happens if one of you maybe feels like you are going to vomit or is out of town on business with no phone signal. Of course, there will be the occasional totally lazy encounter that is the sexual equivalent of fast food, but overall the quality level will tend towards increasing with frequent interaction, for exactly the same reason that people who go into the kitchen and attempt to cook together for a while every day will eventually tend towards creating some better than average meals. And, as you implied, there is nothing about "once a day" that prohibits the occasional 3x a day, just like there might be days that you share a leisurely breakfast in bed, an ice cream cone on the beach after motorcycle ride, and then gobble down leftovers while standing at the kitchen counter after you shower and take a nap.
Last edited by 7Wannabe5 on Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by ducknalddon »

enigmaT120 wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:58 pm
Once a day. Every day. Why is that so difficult? More is possible but not really necessary, but why not once a day?
http://www.onaverage.co.uk/sex-averages ... x-per-week

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Quick internet search indicates that approximately 3% of the population has sex approximately once a day or more. So, if normal distribution, standard deviation is approximately equal to the mean.

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Re: Bukowski/Watts on Humanity

Post by Smashter »

BRUTE wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:28 am
if "well-being" is the metric, the nuclear family has no chance compared to the clan-like extended family structure of many Asian or Mediterranean cultures, for example.
I was thinking about this as I walked by the hospital near my apartment. There are generally 3 types of ambulances idling on the side of the building: A generic hospital vehicle, one for Asian people, and one for Jewish people. I'd never seen those ethnic ambulances before moving to Brooklyn. I wonder how much specialized ambulances contribute to well being and health.

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