Trump - Clown Genius

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by fiby41 »

About 50% of engineering doctorates are awarded to non-US persons and the majority of patents are also filed by non-US persons.
Some of this tail-end would be seeking their fortunes in other countries. This would mean less STEM people in the US and more of them in other countries, especially China.
China has very weak intellectual property rights protection laws. So it's more likely for such people to stay and work (with limited resources) in their own countries, if they cannot work in US, than choose China as a destination.

US criticises China for what it used to get criticized for doing, by European powers, before the great depression. Example, entire volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica used to be plagiarized and sent off for publication. But the publishers were shrewd enough to replace the entries on free trade, from the glossy praise (in the original copies) with a list of its evils (plagiarized version.) That's how the plagiarized editions were identified.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Riggerjack »

On the fake news topic, maybe I'm just not noticing it, or maybe I just expect it. I only check Facebook once every few months, so I would miss it. But I'm just not seeing news as any more fake since Trump took office.

I do see articles link Chad linked above, that read like:
President Donald Trump drew backlash last month after he did not explicitly endorse Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's founding document during his summit with NATO allies in Brussels. And it appears his own national security team was blindsided by it.
Which sounds really bad, unless you read it with a critical eye. The whole article was about Trump not specifically endorsing article 5, even though it was written down in his notes! And nobody knows why he went off script! And anonymous sources are alarmed! And confused! And caught off guard!

Of course, he didn't specifically endorse other parts of the treaty, and while we're at it, he didn't denounce killing puppies either.

The whole thing was just much ado about nothing. Is this news, or "news", fake news, or "FAKE NEWS"?

The news has always had a bias. I expect it. And I'm OK with it, so long as the bias is clear. If I read something on Huffington post, I will then check with fox, if I care. I'm only reading for inconsistencies at that point. Which one is fake news, because they clearly don't agree. Well, that is up to me to decide.
The thing I haven't quite figured out yet is after about half a year of Trump as president who or which groups are winning? And what are they winning?
The winners are our media. Pre Trump, mass media was losing viewers, and people expressed unauthorized opinions. Now, those same people are living in bubbles, and their unauthorized opinions can safely be dismissed, because they are listening to " fake news"

Right. Now there's real news, IE the people who agree with you, and fake news, that the deplorables listen to. Stay tuned for your authorized information. Um... :roll:

I admit it, my news consumption is very low, and I doubt it all, so maybe I just don't see this. Maybe this is a legitimate problem.

But from the outside, this looks like a shepherd playing a tape of wolves howling, to keep the flock closed up tight.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Riggerjack »

(*) It's anecdotal (from news) but there seems to be more white supremacist inspired domestic terrorism now than a few years ago?! Perhaps because the tone has shifted.
During the Reagan/bush sr years, there was a huge homeless problem. You saw it on the news every night.

It wasn't much if a problem during the Carter and Clinton administrations. As you could tell by the drop in reporting.

But if you look at actual numbers, it has been an increasing problem thru all those administrations. But the homeless theme was played up more with the Red team in the WH.

Fake news and white supremacy seem to be the themes picked by the media for our current administration.

Is that Trump's fault or the media's. I don't know. As I said before, I know white racists. They were Trump supporters. But they haven't been more active, or vocal, to me. And mostly they are still just happy to have thrown a stick into the wheels of a machine they didn't like. The ones I talk to don't expect Trump to fix anything, they are just happy not to have a mainstream President. Maybe, again, I just don't know the right people, and there really is extra racist crap going down, but I'm more inclined to believe it is just getting highlighted in the news.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Campitor »

Next time you watch a news cast, make note of the colors and music that is played and the tone of voice used to deliver the topic - it changes from topic to topic. The news manipulates the mood and tone of each delivery which affects on the audience's opinion on the topic being discussed. Print media does the same thing through their choice of words and the pictures they display. Both forms of media also manipulate the news via the topics they choose NOT to cover - what are they not telling us? Plenty of blame to go around for all news outlets - conservative and liberal.

Foreign students not applying to Universities because of Trump's travel ban - gasp! I guess colleges and businesses are completely powerless at creating incentives to lure foreign students to American academia despite travel-gate. How much of this drop is really a result of the travel ban? Does anyone really know? Does anyone have the raw numbers of foreign students, by country and year, in order to formulate an informed opinion about any drop off and its cause? Is the drop off the result of Trump or perhaps other foreign countries offering better incentives to study in their territory?

Talking about Gaussian distribution - anyone seriously ponder what may have caused the tail to swell towards Trump in the 2016 election? Was it the Russians or maybe the fact that the Dems chose to run a candidate that has polled very negatively in prior elections? How did the supposedly shrewd politician like Hillary lose to a junior senator/political neophyte like Obama in the 2008 election? How does this all square with her intentions to run for 2020? Is she guaranteeing another Republican win? Can she just go away and leave 2020 to a candidate who has a better chance of winning?

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. But the attacks on Trump from the left seem to me to be on the same level as the attacks on Obama from the right. It wasn't long ago when protestors carried pictures of Obama dressed like Hitler - a slander that I found equally ridiculous.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Dragline »

Riggerjack wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:09 pm
On the fake news topic, maybe I'm just not noticing it, or maybe I just expect it. I only check Facebook once every few months, so I would miss it. But I'm just not seeing news as any more fake since Trump took office.
There is probably less, because there are very few political campaigns now. DJT seems to single-handedly keep the topic alive now. The presidential news cycle has become: President watches TV news and reads New York papers, President tweets what he doesn't like about TV news and New York papers and labels negative stories as "fake", media reports on the tweets and repeats the stories in that context. Various people grumble about tweets and leak random information to press. President schedules photo op or rally, re-lives the campaign and promises new action on something "in two weeks". Meanwhile, somebody pisses off President, gets fired or neutered and is not replaced. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The thing I haven't quite figured out yet is after about half a year of Trump as president who or which groups are winning? And what are they winning?
The winners are our media.
Yes, readership, subscriptions and viewership for all media critical of the President appear to be up. The tweeting has been a boon.

But the real winners during power shifts are generally pretty quiet except within their own news eco-systems. Here, its the extractive resource industries as regulations are eased/rolled back and approvals granted for more extraction on federal lands. Coal is doing well in places like Wyoming:

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Dragline »

Campitor wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:41 am
Next time you watch a news cast,
Yeah, don't do that unless you can't avoid it.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Dragline »

jacob wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:02 pm

(*) It's anecdotal (from news) but there seems to be more white supremacist inspired domestic terrorism now than a few years ago?! Perhaps because the tone has shifted. People used to keep such stuff to themselves, but it has become more acceptable to share such sentiments at the mild levels for the average person (what people share on facebook for example)---this in turn changes the radical numbers in the tail.
Domestic terrorism is probably about the same, although perhaps more noticable because of the absence of other kinds of terrorism in the US recently. I have not checked the global terrorism database recently. There do seem to more incidents of racially motivated vandalism.

I have seen more alt-right trolling in groups that are ostensibly non-political, usually accompanied by Pepe-the-frog memes and hand-wringing or misplaced First Amendment arguments about who is being invited or dis-invited to speak on various college campuses.

But the US educational system has always been this kind of weird shadow-box that people use to project their views, as if whether something is taught or not taught, or said or not said, in schools or on campuses has some kind of magic, talismanic affect on society. I do not see this ingrained assumption in other countries to the extent this narrative (schools control society because all students become brain-washed zombies when they enter the building/campus) permeates the US psyche. The causal arrow actually probably points the other way (i.e., society and generational shifts affect schools more than schools affect society).

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by IlliniDave »

Dragline wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:13 am
The winners are our media.
Yes, readership, subscriptions and viewership for all media critical of the President appear to be up. The tweeting has been a boon.

But the real winners during power shifts are generally pretty quiet except within their own news eco-systems. Here, its the extractive resource industries as regulations are eased/rolled back and approvals granted for more extraction on federal lands. Coal is doing well in places like Wyoming:
I agree about the media. They've dropped any pretense of avoiding sensationalism, and sensationalism at a time when emotions for many are already running high means notoriety, ratings, and $.

There are a lot of individuals who are winners in all this as well. Specifically, those of us that are "generally pretty quiet except within their own eco-systems" to modify your description slightly. If you're looking for the government to make your life or your world better (left or right) you are unlikely to be a winner in that anytime soon. If you just keep turning the crank and grinding sausage as best you can, it's still possible to progress, even if it feels like the pace is that of a snail headed uphill with a naval anchor fixed to its shell.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Riggerjack »

I read your linked article. The only revelevant part was
Rules in place since the 1980s have allowed companies to sell their fuel to affiliates and pay royalties to the government on that price, then turn around and sell the coal at higher prices, often overseas. Under the now-repealed rule, the royalty rate would have been determined at the time the coal is leased, with revenue based on the price paid by an outside entity, rather than an interim sale to an affiliated company.
So, under Obama, the rules changed. Under Trump, this rule changed.

But unless you know the rates, you don't know if the government is making more money overall, or more money per unit, either way. If I were an interior Secretary, under either President, I would know that no favors or money flows to me, unless I change the rules. And, if I were changing the rules so I got more, and the government got less, I would cover myself with a story EXACTLY like this. Both times.

From that, I expect an interior Secretary made hay under Obama. Then, a different interior Secretary made hay under Trump. This is just what people go into "public service" for.

This isn't a Trump problem. This is a bureaucratic incentive problem, faced by all government, all the time.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Chad »

IlliniDave wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:52 am
If you're looking for the government to make your life or your world better (left or right) you are unlikely to be a winner in that anytime soon. If you just keep turning the crank and grinding sausage as best you can, it's still possible to progress, even if it feels like the pace is that of a snail headed uphill with a naval anchor fixed to its shell.
This is definitely true in the short-term and mostly for the medium-term. It's the long-term macro impacts that really worry me.

For instance, as noted in other posts, there is a growing apprehension from the rest of the world about the US. This is causing significantly lower numbers of foreign tourists, which is happening surprisingly fast. We are also beginning to see the decline of foreign college student interest in the US, which, as Jacob points out, would impact the economy going forward. Of course, it won't impact the economy heavily next year or even necessarily in 5 years, but each year after that this impact will get worse. This impact will be from less "Elon Musks" coming to and staying in the US and the financial impact of less foreign students at major universities.

Canada has to be loving this ( ... e34984977/). Do they get the next Google, Facebook, SpaceX, etc.? Maybe...maybe not, but at the least this increases their and other countries odds of stealing a new company of this level from the US.

This same downward trend could happen in up and coming industries like alternative energy, new gray area medical tech like CRISPR, etc.

Negative culture change (soft power) can be very damaging in the long-term to macro events, which will bleed down to the micro level.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by jacob »

Campitor wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:41 am
Foreign students not applying to Universities because of Trump's travel ban - gasp! I guess colleges and businesses are completely powerless at creating incentives to lure foreign students to American academia despite travel-gate. How much of this drop is really a result of the travel ban? Does anyone really know? Does anyone have the raw numbers of foreign students, by country and year, in order to formulate an informed opinion about any drop off and its cause? Is the drop off the result of Trump or perhaps other foreign countries offering better incentives to study in their territory?
Yes, people know the answer to all of those complete with raw numbers. See the link I posted. ... plications

This statistics is gathered on an annual basis by several different organizations. For example, this ... nformation

Universities know rather well how much of their student body is foreign. All academic institutions I've worked at in the US (and abroad) had a specific office dealing with foreigners.---They handle the specific visa applications and provide various other services as well (like finding housing, etc.).

Here's the trend line from 1948 to 2016 (graph in link and yearly numbers table) ... ent-Trends
There were exactly 4 negative years: 1971/72(-3.2%), 2003/04(-2.4%), 2004/05(-1.3%), and 2005/06(-0.05%) where the number of international students dropped yoy. All other years going back to 1948 are growth years. Final data is not in for 2016/17 yet. I note that these four years match up with Watergate and/or Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and GulfWarII. Coincidence or just non-US universities making better offers in those years too?

Most of the 2017 news come from this survey of such organizations as well as reports from recruitment officers: ... f?sfvrsn=0
and the full report ... -Fall-2017

Numbers are divided into area: Middle East, India, China, Asia (ex India and China), Africa, Latin America, Canada, Europe, and Oceania.

For each of those areas, student concerns were divided into immigration (visa issues), unwelcome atmosphere, risk (fear of safety as a student), political instability in the US, economic climate in home country, and employment (opportunities in the US). This is explained in more detail in the full report.

Quoting from a summary in the report:
The most frequently noted concerns from international students and their families, as reported by institution-based professionals, include:
  • The perception of a rise in student visa denials at U.S. embassies and consulates in China, India and Nepal.
  • The perception that the climate in the U.S. is now less welcoming to individuals from other countries.
  • Concerns that benefits and restrictions around visas could change, especially around the ability to travel, re-entry after travel, and employment opportunities.
  • Concerns that the Executive Order travel ban might expand to include additional countries.
Of course, you can't do any A/B testing of one universe with Trump and another universe without Trump, so in terms of attribution, you have to rely on what those potential applicants give as reasons to their recruiters. You'll note from the data that immigration and unwelcoming atmosphere by far outscore all other concerns for most areas except India, where people are concerned about their H1B visas. It would be pretty hard to spin these universal results as every single region in the world offering better deals than the US in this particular season.

Here's an article that digs deeper into the STEM fields: ... ng-schools
“It’s a precipitous drop,” says Philippe Fauchet, dean of engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, of the 18% decline his department has seen in international graduate applications as last month’s deadlines passed. “Your first thought is, ‘Is it just us?’” adds Tim Anderson, engineering dean at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, where international applications for the electrical and computer engineering departments fell 30% this year. But after speaking with other deans, Anderson believes “it’s a pattern.”

Given the timing, he and others suspect the cause is President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric during the campaign and his election, rather than the White House’s 27 January travel ban against seven Muslim-majority countries, which is now in legal limbo. And the deans wonder whether the impact will ripple through the next step in the admissions process. Acceptance letters are going out in the coming weeks, Fauchet notes, “and when we make the offers, who knows how many [students] will show up?”
At Vanderbilt, the overall number of international students applying for engineering master’s programs is down 28% from 2016, and the number seeking engineering Ph.D.s dropped 11%. Dartmouth College saw a 30% plunge in international applications for its venerable master’s program in engineering management (MEM), a professional degree. “That’s never happened before” in the program’s 25-year history, says engineering dean Joseph Helble.
and of course US institutions can create incentives, but there's a problem with that too
University officials do have some options, as demand far exceeds supply at top graduate programs. Even with this year’s sharp decline, for example, Dartmouth’s Helble has almost six applicants for each one of the MEM program’s 50 slots. Such ratios give administrators the option of admitting students who previously might not have made the cut, including more domestic students.

But educators are loath to move the bar if it would lower the quality of the talent pool. Instead, some deans plan to step up the wooing of top applicants. “We’re going to do more touches,” says Anderson, such as having an adviser or a current student contact a foreign applicant who has been accepted. “We’ll be trying to reassure folks that the United States is still a free country,” he says, “and that we’d love to have them attend our institution.”
Despite lowering the quality, some may prefer that these slots primarily fall to US students ("America First") and write off the decline as just snowflake foreigners and liberal academics speculating on causes ... but the numbers show that they're acting on their perceptions and staying away. In that was the goal, it's working as desired. Mission accomplished!

Anyone who is not a potential foreign student can of course choose to write this off as irrelevant because "it doesn't affect me personally" or because "it only concerns about 100000 people who aren't even American and will go elsewhere for their studies or professional careers". I think that's short-sighted and I disagree mostly for reasons of the trickle-down effects on economic strength and national security. But that's a political discussion.

All I'm saying is that this is happening and the survey explains why these students are staying away.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Dragline »

Riggerjack wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:54 am
I read your linked article.
Yes, but there is more than one article there. The point is not one article, but that this industry views the actions of the Trump administration as a win for them and is a part answer to the "who is winning" question. I don't see any reason to disagree with their assessment -- they probably know their best interests better than you or I.

Industry/trade groups are never reliable about reporting what's necessarily good for the country, but they are always reliable about reporting on what's good for their own best interests.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by IlliniDave »

Chad wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:32 am
This is definitely true in the short-term and mostly for the medium-term. It's the long-term macro impacts that really worry me.

For instance, as noted in other posts, there is a growing apprehension from the rest of the world about the US. This is causing significantly lower numbers of foreign tourists, which is happening surprisingly fast. We are also beginning to see the decline of foreign college student interest in the US, which, as Jacob points out, would impact the economy going forward. Of course, it won't impact the economy heavily next year or even necessarily in 5 years, but each year after that this impact will get worse. This impact will be from less "Elon Musks" coming to and staying in the US and the financial impact of less foreign students at major universities.

Canada has to be loving this ( ... e34984977/). Do they get the next Google, Facebook, SpaceX, etc.? Maybe...maybe not, but at the least this increases their and other countries odds of stealing a new company of this level from the US.

This same downward trend could happen in up and coming industries like alternative energy, new gray area medical tech like CRISPR, etc.

Negative culture change (soft power) can be very damaging in the long-term to macro events, which will bleed down to the micro level.
I suppose we'll have to see 10 years from now how much of this pans out. I've heard complaints of waning foreign tourists to the US for over a year now, the culprit generally seen as the surge in relative strength of the USD making travel costs to the US jump. But that potential cause-effect chain is rather dull. Perhaps it factors into education in the US too. It would actually be better if it was all due to Trump because he'll be gone eventually and people find out the the US really is not awash with roving bands of *-ist/*-ophobe thugs, buckets of deplorables, and a seething underbelly of ignorance between the mountain ranges.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by jacob »

@iDave - International visitors have been increasing since 2009. Visitor trends ("business or pleasure") generally go with the strength of the global economy. Visitors also bottomed out in 2003. Tourism dropping now is unusual to say the least because the global economy is not in a recession.
See graph at ... rivals.pdf
See record spending for 2016 here since the graph didn't cover it: ... d-in-2016/

The DXY (USD basket) quickly rose about 15% in spring 2015 and has stayed within a 5% band until today.
See market data at

Despite the rise of the USD since two years ago, last year (2016) had a record number of international tourist spending and a record number of international student applications. Also note that student application numbers DO NOT track with the visitor numbers and so are unrelated (the DXY is not a latent variable).

It probably really is the Trump-effect.

Keep in mind that what most people outside the US see (aside from movies and computer games which everybody like) and judge America according to its foreign policy and what the President says and does because that's what they see and hear on TV, facebook, and twitter. It is of course not fair to judge an entire country and its culture and people by the person elected to represent them, but that's what people overseas do and the numbers aren't pretty. I don't know how many times I've had to explain [to friends & family outside the US] that the US has not been overrun by roving bands of deplorables, etc. and that for the most part life goes on as normal and people are still friendly and welcoming, etc. Yet that is not the impression that many foreigners now have.(*)

The international effect is thus somewhat buffered by foreigners who either live or have lived in the US and thus have real life experience and relations with the US and Americans in general making them able to provide some nuance and detail to those living elsewhere and only see the tweets, etc. This soft-power has a positive effect on national security in the way I linked to above (I highly recommend reading it, because I've seen this effect a lot(**).) The hard-power would be in creating bans or walls, etc. This could also work. These are two very different ways of solving the same problem and which is preferred is a political discussion.

(*) One might compare it a bit to how dangerous people who don't or have never lived in Chicago think Chicago is insofar they judge the city by what they see on TV.

(**) Whenever I've worked (physics, finance) it's been in environments with 40-90% internationals typically from all over the world (1-2 from each nation in a group or division). This incidentally is the default environment---I didn't deliberately seek out such environments. One learns a lot more about a country from talking to people who come from that place than news reports about what their leader did or said. I'm obviously in favor of promoting as much international experience at that level as possible. Overseas people studying or working for a time here. Americans doing the same in other countries. I even reverted my stance on travel-tourism even though I think that working with people in and of other countries builds stronger relationships than just visiting their hotels and restaurants.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Smashter »

Dragline wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:48 am
I do not see this ingrained assumption in other countries to the extent this narrative (schools control society because all students become brain-washed zombies when they enter the building/campus) permeates the US psyche. The causal arrow actually probably points the other way (i.e., society and generational shifts affect schools more than schools affect society).
I have been out of college for almost 10 years, yet to this day my dad assumes many of my actions are shaped by the "liberal brainwashing" I got in college. If I told him that during my freshman year we were tied down, A Clockwork Orange-style, and forced to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", he would not think it too far-fetched.

In reality, my school had many prominent, right-leaning professors. My experience was very dependent on what sort of classes and clubs I sought out.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Riggerjack »

Yeah, I am sure Jacob is right about the overall international effect of Trump.

And still, I'm not worried. And this should have a calming effect on his detractors as well.

Think about it. What is the worst possible visa policy that could be enforced for a short time? Pretty much what he did.

According to the " he could start a global war" theory, we should now have the wall built, with razor wire, attack dogs, and piles of bodies at the border. Instead, we have a news story, a national black eye, and lots of law suits. Loss of face, loss of opportunity, and all the rest, sure. But we didn't go for martial law. They guys in uniform didn't turnoff their brains, and the whole thing was over in a few days.

I'm not saying it was in any way good. I'm saying that bad policy, poorly executed (Trump should trademark that.) is not an existential threat. That the very government he "leads" will ignore/misinterpret/sidestep/clarify any instructions they don't like, long enough for the other two branches to stop the stupid.

Again, evil and incompetent, is way better than evil and competent. Last election, not evil was not an option.

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by IlliniDave »

@jacob, this has been in the news since before the election, along with predictions of reduced visitors (even your links implied that) and spending. ... D920150120

Most overseas tourist/recreational travel is not impulsive, so to me it doesn't seem unreasonable that there is a lag from the time the price jumps until it's full impact is seen. I'd guess more Americans are heading to Europe (and elsewhere abroad) now for the same reason, just the opposite impact, in spite of the rather common reports we Americans hear of terrorist attacks in the big European cities and related unrest (though I might be wrong about that, could be American vacationers are passing on Europe too). Most travel to the US comes from Mexico and Canada, and I do know a strong dollar historically deters visitors from Canada. Folks from Mexico I could definitely see being wary, irrespective of whether the exchange rate punishes them.

Business travel should remain steady but just cost more. Your second link implies that increases in Medical/Education/Workers spending offset reductions in discretionary travel spending in 2016. I'm not sure what goes into the number for that category.

But like I said, hopefully it is all or mostly Trump because he'll pass. And once he's gone the left media camp will no longer have to paint the country as a dystopian landscape still smoldering after the Apocalypse of November of '16. The right/reds can then wail in horror at the coming of European-style socialism, which should make people happy to come back.

I don't blame foreigners for staying away for a time. Most of what's going on in the culture that is left- or right-driven makes me want to go on an extended vacation myself. :)

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Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by jacob »

@Riggerjack - I largely agree with short-term/local analysis that "We're not gonna die". Tripartition or "checks and balances" really REALLY does work remarkably well, perhaps even better than it does in other western countries because the US system was built on this concept ab initio unlike the European nations where it was organically tacked on top of existing culture and power structures (I base my blanket comments on my experience with the Danish system and various indoctrinations wrt France and Germany during my secondary ed. in the late 80s and early 90s). The US now has existing power structures that reinforces the robustness of this system, like the "deep state".

However, I worry about the potential long-term fallout in terms of US leadership on the tech and culture front/innovation as well as national security risks because the US does not exist in isolation independent of the rest of the world. Most of this will go unseen and not be directly attributable, so in some sense it's "all theory", but let me give an example that's pertinent to anyone reading this, I think.

To grok this, it's crucial to have a good 'theory of mind' of both Americans and not-Americans so maybe this won't make sense to very many people ... I'll offer my perspective as one of those international student/researcher types who came to America almost 15 years ago under similar (in kind, not degree) circumstances .. and so maybe this will give some idea on the potential/complex/adaptive long-term consequences 10 years from now... and also put those foreign student surveys I talked about above in perspective... and illustrate how serendipity works at the 3+ sigma level of the tail distributions.

So ... You guys (mostly Americans, maybe 70%) are here on this forum because of ERE and because I run and pay for its continued existence. If it wasn't for ERE, you wouldn't be here talking to each other and if not... where would you be? It's interesting that both ERE and MMM are run by immigrants. I know that gocurrycracker was inspired to "step it up" because of ERE and I know that MadFI was inspired to start by ERE. (Both these guys are born-in-America.) So I conceitedly claim that immigrants (and immigration policies) have had a large influence on FIRE in the US.

It is possible that someone else (born in the US) would eventually have done something similar in a parallel universe... but look around ... if it wasn't for ERE, what would the FIRE scene look like today? Who would be running it? Would it exist? MMM came in from regs. that are likely related to ancinet NAFTA (cf. modern TPP). I'm too lazy to look that up but I think Canadians have an easier time getting work in the US thanks to NAFTA than otherwise. So take either one away .. or at least ponder the possibilities. If you're reading this you were affected by a couple of immigrants doing their "American Dream" and writing about it.

What are the parallel universe options? In which year would the previous David Bach style latte-paradigm otherwise have been broken? 2013? 2018? 2024? How would that have affected Americans? Anyone reading this? Not a lot of "average Americans", probably, ... but prob. a very high fraction of anyone reading this? Yes? You think you would have been reading about FIRE from a European, Russian, or Asian blog?

Now... so... anyway ... back to the serendipity/idiosyncracy, I did a research stay to the US for 5 weeks in 2003 as part of my grad studies. After I finished my PhD in 2004, I had two immediate done-deal/just-ask offers. One from a US university and one from a German university. As a European born within two generations after WWII, I had learned [in school] that the excessive flag waving that I observed at US airports in 2003 was to be associated with really bad potential outcomes as well---and I saw flags in abundance when I visited in 2003. Absolutely spooked me! If we look at the foreign student list concerns from my posts above, I would have put "political instability" at the top with all other issues being of no concern.

The current concerns (see my post above) about visa hassle and unwelcome attitudes would have been the least of my concerns back in 2004. Didn't even think about it. With some slight trepidation, I picked the US option figuring that if nothing else I could go back, but everything proceeded splendidly. I met DW and got integrated/other perspectives. Yes, the rest world wondered why GWB was re-elected in 2004 and was initially very judgmental of American voters but got over it. Whereas, Americans understood that presidents always get re-elected unless the domestic economy goes bad. Hence the importance of theory of mind.

Now, subsequently I've learned that such overt displays of flags, etc. has more to do with patriotism (good) than nationalism (bad). The US is a young country comprised of many different cultures so things like flags, symbolism, and pledges of allegiance are a good thing to create a kind of unity that otherwise would not naturally follow... whereas overseas, those behaviors would be way too much of a good thing as WWII history attests. [Years later, I can explain this now: "There, there, foreigners, when Americans wave flags around, it doesn't mean that they're going full speed totalitarian." But back then, I did not understand the American frame of mind. I was judging by WWII standards, but now I get it.]

Back to the story --- leading to my eventual point about serendipity and cross-cultural benefits ... what I adopted from America was the capitalist default and the appreciation/acceptance of individual behavior (most other places, the nail that sticks out get hammered) and what I brought was a lifestyle of not consuming. Combine those and you get FIRE. Add an interdisciplinary physicist and you get ERE.

Had I gone with Germany ... it's conceivable that I would have ended up as a school teacher talking about rocket stoves and Arduinos living out the rest of my life in relative anonymity (no ERE forum, blog, or book anyway ... ). But here we are, so at least you guys [reading this] got affected.

This is an example of what and where long-term effects matter!

If the current 2017 environment had been present in 2004, I think it's likely that I would have gone for Germany rather than the US because of visa fears and not wanting to risk the inability to go to conferences because of capricious travel bans or hassles (those are career killers to young researchers because it's all about presentations and connections. If you end up with 10 appearances because you can't go and your competitor who went with a Canadian group end up with 40 ... you're done for. Career is over.). Similar barriers stopped me from going to conferences (Israel, invited speech, big deal) subsequently. The reason may just be that I really dislike filling out paperwork or being afraid to walk around in certain countries (please, dear family member, don't bring your handgun when you come visit us in Chicago ... the Risk/ROI is just shite). Even simple stuff like that affects choices. I don't like chaos! That's why I spend a lot of time thinking about long-term consequences....

Now, I've been in the US so long that I "get"/grok both sides so I learned both sides and so I'm staying ... but that's not how most people judge things because they lack the experiental knowledge. Those of you who are in stable positions figure you can ride this out because it wouldn't affect you personally so you don't care ... but many people will be in tenuous early-career short term positions and thus need to make decisions on a 2-3 years basis ... and here volatility/chaos does matter! History is made at the points of contact where things change. Not where people hunker down and wait it out.

So in terms of seeing the consequences 10 years down the line the answer is ... we'll never really know. But more importantly, that outcome comes down to serendipity and tail risk/opportunity.

This is what I think about when it comes to tail events.

More importantly ... I worry about how many innocents fell through the cracks and got burned sofar because some bureaucrats in the system were encouraged to go above and beyond. The equivalent of Obama's "We tortured some folks"-apology. "Shit happens" and "mistakes were made". That's all fine but the problem is that such happened to real humans, so what's the eventual fall-out of that? Just multiply the numbers and the probabilities and consider the resulting narratives. That's the national security concern. My point is .. this is not a simple system of independent "me"'s who can ignore everything else because it doesn't concern their personal lives. It's a complex system of coupled interactions which may or may not eventually blow back on the entire system but most likely will eventually in some form. If that's not obvious already, see Europe.

How many visas got canceled in those few days of the initial Travel Ban as "the system" corrected? About 60000 or so! How many of those afflicted got pissed off? And who did the they subsequently talk to and how did they relative their experience. Dunno .. but it only takes a few, because of the long tail. If you start with a big N number ... you need really low probabilities to drive the impact below one [bin Laden-type stuff]. The consequences if this may or may not come about several years from now.

And such long-term consequences are what we need to look out for. I think.

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Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:49 am

Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Campitor »


I checked your links and it tells me there are some concerns but no raging fires to put out yet in regards to enrollments.

Will International Students Stay Away? :

More than 250 American colleges and universities responded to the survey, which was initiated in response to concerns among international educators “that the political discourse surrounding foreign nationals in the U.S. leading up to the November 2016 U.S. presidential election could be damaging to international student recruitment efforts,” according to a press release about the initial, top-line findings (a full report on the results, with more detail, is scheduled to be released at the end of the month).

Thirty-eight percent of institutions responding to the survey reported a decline in their total number of international applications across both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Another 35 percent reported an increase, and 27 percent reported no change. This article has been corrected to reflect updated, slightly revised numbers provided by the higher education groups that conducted the survey.

While a majority of institutions are not seeing decreases, steady increases in international applications and ensuing enrollments have become the norm for many colleges. And many institutions have based their financial plans in part on sustained increases in enrollments of full-paying international undergraduates.

  • There are 3,039 4-year colleges in the US (How many educational institutions exist in the United States?). So roughly 8% of US colleges responded to this survey.
  • 90 institutions (38%) reported a decrease.
  • 87 institutions (35%) reported an increase.
  • 67 institutions (27%) reported no change.
  • If only 8% of any group was surveyed, how much weight would you put into any projected trend?
  • I realize a drop or increase from a "Whatsa-matter-U" means less than a drop in student enrollments in the top STEM colleges but the survey doesn't name the colleges that responded.
  • The article states that New Haven is seeing an increase in enrollments from China, India, Brazil, and Vietnam from expanded recruitment efforts - so universities do have a way to counter Trump-a-geddon.

Trending Topics Survey: International Applicants for Fall 2017- Institutional & Applicant Perceptions :


It is clear that the political rhetoric of the 2016 election and the Executive Orders of the new administration have added complexity to the international recruitment efforts of U.S. higher education institutions. While some institutions have initiated efforts to mitigate the possible negative enrollment impact, there remains more work to be done. It is critical for institutions and member associations to be advocates and evangelists to the U.S. administration, to help them understand the importance of international education for our students, our colleges and universities, and our country.

The results of this survey do not necessarily point to a definite decline in international enrollment. The data merely serves as an early warning sign of potential declines. Application numbers are but a single benchmark along the admissions cycle. There are multiple points between application and enrollment that can have an impact on the final yield of international students. The challenge for institutions is to craft appropriate messages to their recruitment regions that will reassure students and their families that an education in the United States remains a strong option.

Ultimately, U.S. higher education institutions are independent of the U.S. administration. Despite negative rhetoric occurring in the political sphere, international students remain a central component of the internationalization efforts of U.S. institutions. Campuses strive to create a campus community that is reflective of the global society in order to ensure that its students develop the skills required for success. International education is at the heart of U.S. higher education. The positions of the current administration will not change the dispositions of individual institutions. International students will continue to be welcome.

  • Looks like mitigating efforts work.
  • No definitive decline in international enrollment - just concern.
  • Institutions need to work at recruitment if they want to keep foreign student enrollments rolling.
  • Unversities aren't worried about Donald-Duck-Trump.
  • If they aren't alarmed just yet why should I be alarmed?

Posts: 3198
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:09 am

Re: Trump - Clown Genius

Post by Riggerjack »

And the other side of that is the top foriegn STEM students are still top STEM students. They don't stop studying and innovating just because they didn't come here. It means they will have to be awesome at home.

While I recognize that my life would be better if they were here, making things better here, I'm not sure that the marginal improvement to my already awesome life is a bet gain over the marginal improvement they could make at home (how's that for a run on sentence?).

I guess this runs into that circle of influence/control. I try not to stress over things I have no influence over. The Douche is in the white house. I can't fix that.

But, like with the anti immigrant BS in arizona a few years ago, this will mainly blow over, and when I'm retired, and old, the kids can learn about both of these things, and talk in coffeehouses about what racist dickgeads we were for letting this happen. I'm willing to take that level of heat. In the meantime, all I can do is go out if my way, when I have the opportunity, to make foreigners feel welcome. Being an introvert, that pretty much means a nod and a smile. Kinda lame, but it's what I've got.

In a side note, I always wondered if Jacob's stories about European attitude about flag waving were a reaction common to coming from a Nazi occupied country. (Sorry, Jacob, I doubt everyone and everything, until I can verify)

But, my Everett house has a flag out front. Not because I like waving flags, but because that house was a foreclosure, and drug den before I bought it, and the first thing I wanted to do was show it was under new management.

Well, one of my tenants is a German immigrant, and she also took a dim view of this. Pretty much backing up what Jacob said. Different words, same meaning.

So, I imagine if I rent that house again, I'll fly a 12th man flag, instead.
