What Are Your Pet Peeves?

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Post by KevinW »

My pet peeve is a special case of Robert Muir's: complaining about self-created problems. Examples:
- Robert's examples re: Northwest and HOA

- live far away from job, complain about commuting

- develop only unmarketable skills, complain about finding a job

- buy a 2 car garage and 3 cars, complain about parking

- depend on technology without understanding how it works, complain about not being able to make it work

- most complaints involving the "cost of living"

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Post by AlexOliver »

@Robert: It's sane because I didn't buy the house XD. My dad did, and he would like to have a nicer, weed-free lawn, but has a bad back/can't do it himself, and can't afford landscapers.
I understand some reasons for HOAs--for instance, in a neighborhood, there are common areas, such as playgrounds and signs, sidewalks, etc. that need to be maintained, and who else would maintain them or organize maintenance but an organization of the people that live there?
However when they dictate how everybody else can handle their own property...eh. No thanks.

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Post by JohnnyH »

"Bless you" after a sneeze... So very annoying.
1.) 98% of people who say it have no idea what it means or its origin.

2.) It interrupts the sneezing. I usually have 3 satisfying sneezes... Unless I'm getting interrupted by some unwanted 'bless yous.'

3.) I've had half a dozen sneezes in a row, each followed by an enthusiastic "Bless you!"
... it's been around for the better part of a millennium, so I suppose it's here to stay. Wish people could at least wait until the sneezing stops, but they never do.

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Post by Redsted1 »

-People who chew improperly or loudly, also people talk while they're chewing

-When someone says "ax or aks" instead of ask (drives me insane)

-Improper facial grooming (i.e. excessive eyebrow or nose hairs)

-Poor dental care when you can afford to figure it out

-Story toppers ("that's cool, but one time I...blah blah blah")

-People who send back perfectly good food at a restaurant and make the establishment throw it away. "I asked for medium rare, this steak is medium..." It is wasteful AND disrespectful. If it's not that far off what you wanted originally, suck it up and eat it, a-hole.

-"Reality" TV shows that are truly not even close to reality, which incidentally is most of them. Examples: Real housewives of wherever, Jersey Shore, Real World, et al

-People that HAVE TO HAVE the latest and greatest gadgets right when they come out, and continually talk about it in anticipation months before said object is released to the general public. Usually these people are found bitching about the new gadget they bought 6 months later because it is old and "sucks" or whatever the case may be.

-People who can't handle alcohol properly and make fools of themselves on a regular basis by either crying, fighting with someone, or saying stupid things. You're an adult, act like one.
That's all I have for now...maybe I'm a little picky??? Haha.

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Post by HSpencer »

No way picky. Your reading my own mind. Since we are zoning in on personal things, let me add a couple more:
Fat, bald (or who have shaved their heads) middle aged men with *"round mouth beards" that make them look like they have been sucking on a stove pipe. Also these will probably drive a 2005 Black Suburban(usually needs a wash job) with some kind of "My kid ---da da da--at so and so school" bumper stickered on the back of it. These would be the kinds of folk found at T Ball practices for 5 year old boys, who cuss the kids, and intimidate them when a ball is missed. "You little shit get your eyes open!!" A real rude and crude type.
Wives of above.
*I also like to call these "Homer Simpson" beards.

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Post by dragoncar »

People who make lists of pet peeves ;-)
I have to agree with JohnnyH about the sneezes -- I'm glad someone out there agrees with me. This is more of an issue for people with chronic allergies, because we spend a significant amount of time saying "thank you" to all the "bless you." Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment (although I'd prefer something less spiritually/religiously charged like "salud")... but it's just another thing to deal with when you're feeling miserable.
Generally, anything that makes the world less efficient. E.g. up sell attempts after you make it clear you don't want anything else, people who stand to the left of the escalator (the left is for walking)

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Post by HSpencer »

If we keep up these relentless attacks against stereotypical middle class America, Jacob may have to call out the "thread police" on us. The guilty dog always barks first----(me).

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Post by mikeBOS »

I use "gesundheit", but I'm careful to leave ample time in case I'm dealing with a multiple sneezer.

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Post by jacob »

Cumulatively speaking I must have spent hours trying to teach DW how to properly pronounce Gesundheit with a German accent rather than the Gatzonhide mutilation she uses. Not that it bothers me 8-)

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Post by miyatarama »

A Belgian friend of mine thought it was pretty amazing that we say Gesundheit when someone sneezes. He thought I was pulling his leg at first. He also always says it's best not to bother sleeping dogs (as opposed to let sleeping dogs lie). I like things like this, I guess it's the opposite of pet peeves.

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Post by Piper »

My pet peeves:
1. Excess packaging. I do not want it yet I am forced to pay for it and forced to pay to dispose of it. More than one layer of packaging should be outlawed. Plastic packaging should be criminal. That's right. Put them in jail. Plastic lasts forever and should be used to make things that you WANT to last forever.
2. People who text while they drive. As a pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist this scares the heck out of me. At one intersection the other day I counted three people texting while driving after the light turned green. I looked one lady right in the eye as she looked up, then looked back down at her phone in her lap.
3. Jobs that have no financial compensation. "A playstation 3 with games" or "will look good on your resume" or my favorite, "equity in our social media start-up company once we make it big" is not financial compensation.
4. Commercial footwear. It is always too narrow. Most people have deformed feet because of it. Nobody stocks wide width shoes in any brick and mortar store within a reasonable radius from me. The only way I can buy commercial footwear is to order it online and it's usually still not wide enough in the right places. I actually have taken to making my own shoes now, including sandals, shoes for work and even shoes for hiking. I've made probably about 30 pairs through the learning process. I'm getting reasonably good at it.

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Post by hickchick »

-People that bitch about smokers. Prohibition failed y'all.
-Graduate students that assume the Masters/PhD is a measure of mental acuity when really it's a measure of how much BS you can handle without losing your shit.
-The wrinkled nose at the thought (Oh, the humanity!) of buying something used.
-"I could never do math/stop using hand sanitizer/make my front yard a garden/etc."
-Those that constantly rain on my parade. If I want to dream up some wild plan I prefer to share it with someone that will recognize the vision before getting into all of those pesky details (or reality, whatevs).
-My sister-in-law who successfully embodies ALL of these attitudes.

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Post by Piper »

Oh, another pet peeve are how most websites these days have the interesting content so far below the bottom edge of the browser that you have to scroll, but you can't scroll because tons of useless junk is downloading downloading downloading and even after the page appears finished, stuff is still downloading downloading downloading.
Another pet peeve are these content farm web sites that have no actual content of any value and are purely for generating ad revenue, with their non-content spanning 10 pages just to serve you tons of ads, but they come up high in search any time you search for anything. I hate those sites.

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Post by HSpencer »

A small comment on smoking. Now that medical intelligence has increased, most people (even smokers) are aware of the harmful effects of it. It was not always that way. I grew up in the 1940's and 1950's, and it seemed everyone did some smoking then. And did it anywhere, cafes, homes, offices, closed up cars, you name it. It was the vogue (think Bogart.)

Then came the sweeping changes. Second hand smoke was named as a death threat to non smokers. People became more aware of all the dangers. The point is, knowledge about smoking evolved. If you ask me if anyone should smoke, I would have to say "No, in my opinion it is very bad for your health." I lost parents and friends to smoking, or anyway I have to take the medical community's word for their deaths. This is why I would say it is bad for you. I also believe one who wishes to not be affected in anyway by smoking should have the right to avoid it. I also believe anyone who wishes to smoke should be able to do so, as long as it does not infringe on another person. I am against almost any laws taking someone's rights away from them. I am against almost any laws which allow someone to infringe on another. I think this is pretty simply stated, and should not bring up any controversy, but I may find out I am wrong.

I feel we should be more considerate of each other. Smokers must realize that smoking is very offensive to some people. If a person rejects smoking, then you can realize their home, car, workspace, and any enclosed area they must be in should be smoke free. I feel this is paramount. If I were a smoker (I once was) then I would have a very private place where only I went, and I would smoke there. I would not expect to be able to carry my smoking habit into any public place. I would not try and smoke anywhere other people were, and I would not even want anyone to know I smoked or see me smoking. At least that is how I would do it. People get bent out of shape both ways--smokers and non's. No need in that. Substitute consideration and you have the answer.

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Post by dragoncar »

On the smoking thread, one of my pet peeves is that cigarette butts are one of the most pervasive forms of litter. I never see anyone intentionally throw gum wrappers, etc. on the sidewalk these days, but I constantly see people leave butts on the ground, throw them out car windows, etc. The filters take at least a year to biodegrade. I'd wager that the majority of litter is attributable to smokers.
Also, on a crowded sidewalk, there is significant risk of clothing damage when smokers are careless with their burning leaves.
Although secondhand smoke is annoying, I find that I rarely experience it these days. I therefore conclude that we don't need any additional restraints (on the secondhand smoke basis... one can make a public health argument centered on the fact that people who are addicted cannot be said to have freedom of choice with respect to their addiction, i.e. "I should be free to choose to smoke if I so desire").

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Post by Andre900 »

Retail clerks (e.g. 7-11) and sandwich-makers (e.g. Subway) that decide to busy themselves w/ restocking merchandise and supplies as soon as I start to head toward the register.

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Post by Hoplite »

People who wear baseball caps backwards or sideways and then use their hands to shield their eyes from the sun.

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Post by aquadump »

Putting a dirty dish in the sink, and letting it "dry."
Wash the d@#n thing now in 1 minute, so it doesn't take 2 later!

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Post by George the original one »

rePete - LOL... now that's one I'm terribly, terribly guilty of! To my credit, at least I give them a rinse.

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Post by sshawnn »


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