Generational Differences

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

Here's another recent Howe broadcast about generations and current trends in a number of different areas:

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by jennypenny »

Dragline wrote:Here's another recent Howe broadcast about generations and current trends in a number of different areas:
What was that call? Does he do it often?

I thought his comments about GenX parenting during the Q & A were interesting. His comment after that about the potential for a crash of up to 40% to revert back to normal profit v. salary levels was a little scary.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

I have no idea what the purpose of the call was. I just subscribe to the YouTube feed "Life Course Associates" and occasionally something shows up. He is not a reliable or consistent, foolish or otherwise, producer of content.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by jennypenny »

Recent interview with Howe. (transcript from ZH) Economic analysis, pseudo-predictions, some politics, and then some generational stuff at the end. Not optimistic, but no mention of a crash. Of course, he tends to avoid that kind of rhetoric.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

Howe has a new affiliation with "Hedgeye", which posts regularly on YouTube:

His points that most new earners/savers would be best off with some kind of a crash right now, Millennials have the highest savings rates for their age and the elderly are sitting pretty are interesting.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Ego »

He talks about some interesting themes here...

-Blue collar Boomers are "retiring" on disability in massive numbers
-Gen-X bolstered its numbers with immigrants. Those immigrants are no longer coming because family size has plummeted in Latin America.
-The vacuum of Democratic Gen-Xers. He calls us DIY Republicans and explains why Trump's message resonates with Gen-Xers.
-Parallels between today and the 1930s
-Multi-generational family living
-Millennial bring your parent to work week..... hah!

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Ego »

Top GOP Pollster: Young Americans Are Terrifyingly Liberal ... y-liberal/

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by GandK »

Ego wrote:Top GOP Pollster: Young Americans Are Terrifyingly Liberal ... y-liberal/
That article was in no way eyebrow-raising to me until I got to this:
35 percent of 18- to 26-year-olds, including 42 percent of 18- to 21-year-olds, said they considered themselves more a citizen of the world than of the U.S.

In response to the question, “Which type of political system do you think is the most compassionate?”, 58 percent said socialism and 9 percent said communism. Just 33 percent chose capitalism. Sixty-six percent of the poll’s respondents said corporate America “embodies everything that is wrong about America.”

Finally, more young Americans declared that the “most pressing issue facing America today” is income inequality than anything else. Income inequality was followed by education — specifically its cost.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Chad »

This has been the trend for a while and will probably continue to build. People in NYC, London, etc. have more in common in many cases than people in Little Rock do with NYC, SF, LA, DC, etc.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

Yes, don't be surprised if the dominant mono-culture of the 20s and 30s future looks like a generous helping of the ideas of Bernie Sanders tempered with the seasoning of Ron Paul. Like I mentioned in the other thread, a lot of Gen-Xers are going to be pretty bitter about the whole thing.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Ego »

Dragline wrote: Like I mentioned in the other thread, a lot of Gen-Xers are going to be pretty bitter about the whole thing.
Why bitter? About the taxes? I would guess we would be the beneficiaries of this new socialism, no?

I'm sitting here watching a GenX-dad move his daughter into an apartment for which he may have co-signed and paid the security deposit. Last week he probably moved his mother into Soylent Towers after co-signing and paying the security deposit there too. When the Millennial-bulge finds themselves sandwiched like this guy, they'll probably vote for someone else to pay, don't you think?

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

I would not be surprised if elder benefits are reduced or capped in some manner as Gen-X starts retiring en masse, and that a student loan relief act is passed that will come too late for most Gen-Xers.

Certain populations -- likely white men born in the 1960s, who are the most conservative living cohort -- may feel completely disenfranchised. There may never be a Gen-X president elected after Obama, who merely sits on the cusp of Boomer/Xer. I would guess for a Kennedy-esqe Millennial candidate in 2024, possibly with a Silicon Valley-type pedigree or a minority/female that is former military. But you never know.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by jennypenny »

Dragline wrote:I would not be surprised if elder benefits are reduced or capped in some manner as Gen-X starts retiring en masse, and that a student loan relief act is passed that will come too late for most Gen-Xers.
I can easily see Millennials implementing a universal basic income, with one of the selling points being that it would replace SSI.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by BRUTE »

brute thinks there will be a huge generational clash between boomers and gen-x-ers. just because the math doesn't work out.

brute thinks (hopes? can a machine hope?) that one morning boomers will look into their mailbox and instead of a social security check, there will be a letter saying "sorry pops, you spent it all".

brute 100% identifies with the "citizen of the world" thing. he has left and it doesn't feel like a vacation.

not to conjure ayn rand here, but most humans brute knows who have the economic choice think along similar lines. they're more mobile than high frequency trade capital. when the going gets tough back home, they will leave, and they'll take their income and their capital with them.

social security could be milked when the cows couldn't flee the farm. now the cows have wings.

if brute sounds bitter, that's because he is. if the little old lady wanted to be taken care of by brute, the little old lady should've done something to deserve it when she had the chance.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Yup, that's why I invest some time each week leading lots of tiny immigrants in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by SilverElephant »

Dragline wrote:I would not be surprised if elder benefits are reduced or capped in some manner as Gen-X starts retiring en masse, and that a student loan relief act is passed that will come too late for most Gen-Xers.
The current state of affairs in Germany suggest otherwise; at least on the elder benefits part (student loan not being a noticeable issue in Germany, yet). The point is that there's a lot of Gen-Xers just as there's a lot of Baby Boomers; the net effect is that they represent a sizeable chunk of the voting population, which means pretty much every political party panders to them. And all of them feel entitled to a comfortable requirement paid for by the succeeding generations because "they worked hard to build a better future for them". And of course, they did work hard. It's just completely besides the point, as most of us here know.

The net effect is that benefits to the elderly and retired have been steadily increasing. Factoring in the fact that the tip of the retirement wave for those two generations has yet to come leaves me thinking that they will enact enough laws to really suck the younger generations dry to fund their retirements. I assure you they won't blink, and they'll blame us for not getting ahead at the same time. I know plenty of older folks clamoring for their retirement packages and wondering why young people in general are doing so bad.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Dragline »

For amusement, this pretty much epitomizes the relationship between Gen-X and Millennials -- the former talking to the latter. Insert "work", "school", "eat" or any other necessary or practical activity for "sleep":

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by Ego »

This might come in handy with a problem I'm having here at Soyuz Towers. One of my super type-A GenXers is furious because her Millennial neighbor is having loud sex all night. She sent us an email the other day at 4am saying, and I quote, "This is the sixth time tonight. SIX TIMES. THAT'S INSANE!!!! I have to go to work in the morning!"

Maybe I can play this over the PA system.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@Dragline: lol- Reminded me of how I'd come home to find my too-young-to-be-a-father-hipster-ex drinking beer and playing Henry Rollins full blast while caring for our toddler children. When my DS27 was 2, he would thrash about and yell "F*ck" at the top of his lungs if I wouldn't release him from his stroller to run around when we were out and about. Just recalling that phase of my life makes me want to put myself down for a nap.

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Re: Generational Differences

Post by jacob »

Haha ... easiest way to solve 95% such problems is to loudly sing along on/shout something like this every time it happens

Have fun with it when it happens... feign ignorance when you meet them on the stairway the next day.

Next time, get a top floor condo. Also try banging a broomstick on the ceiling in case the upper one attempts some kind of step-aerobics at 6am in the morning.

PS: Never live in a "vintage" apartment building.
PPS: Get some 30db Howard Leight ear plugs. They'll go a long way!

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