Calling all software developers

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Calling all software developers

Post by conwy »

Are you a software developer?

As a software developer myself, I'm keen to apply software and coding to the goal of early retirement, in new and creative ways.

Thusfar I've built two apps:
  • EatPayLove - a calorie and cost tracker, which I use daily, to keep my diet healthy and save money at the same time.
  • Pasta - a mobile template tool that enables me to quickly generate tailored messages – useful when hunting for accommodation or applying for jobs.
I would very much like to get in touch with anyone else here who has a background in software development and is interested in early retirement.

This isn't intended to be a coding class (there are plenty of those out there, for people who are still learning), so I'd hope that you have at least a basic proficiency level (e.g. able to build, test and deploy a small simple app).

Please reply here and let me know if you'd like to connect. Perhaps can organise Google Hangout at some point?

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by James_0011 »

I’m not a software dev but I work in “product” my main skills are ux/ui, feature/requirements drafting, Market research,analytics, etc...

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by conwy »

Sounds cool, James. I’m keen on also talking to someone like yourself who could help with conceiving a product and designing it to be maximally usable.

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by liberty »

I'm a software developer :) I would also like to apply coding to the goal of ERE. I have written some investing tools, but haven't deployed any of those because much of the data I crawl is copyrighted. I use it to rebalance my portfolio every month.

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by James_0011 »


Are your apps on the store?

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by conwy »

Great to hear, liberty!

I'd be keen to take a look at any apps you're willing to share, though I still feel extremely green when it comes to the area of investing, so I'm not sure if I'd use them.

A few ideas I've been kicking around:
  • A more powerful real-estate search app, also incorporating some of the excellent principles from Jacob's book, in the section 'How to find shelter', specifically, automatic look-up (using Google location API or similar) of nearby work location(s), grocery outlets, gym, etc. Eventually it could be turned into a feed, which sends push notifications every time a better deal than your current one comes up. Also, it could be extended to work worldwide, and take into account average salaries, so that you can find the most optimal ERE location in the world automatically.
  • Something similar to the above but for jobs
James, not yet, but here are links to two of them:


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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by Demosthenes »

I'm a software developer, but I can't seem to fit software development in my web of goals for ERE. Most of the monetization strategies for indie developers leads to consumerism. I don't want to fuel my retirement by selling people useless junk.

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by conwy »

@Demosthenes, yep, I've also seen tonnes of effort and money going into essentially selling crap online.

My vision is really to develop apps that help, support and boost my own ERE goals. If they turn out to be useful to other ERE people, or people in general, then perhaps I could turn them into a product, either free/open-source or perhaps sell them.

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Re: Calling all software developers

Post by Stahlmann »

I'm looking for some parser of local classified ads.
It's pretty boring to go through the same querries every X day.
Automating this and presenting results in nice form would help a lot.

I know such platforms offer email when interesting offer shows up, but... in the same time other people are getting the message.

I'm not sure how fast RSS is generated for each query (I've just checked - this way of communication is offered by major ebay clone in my area)... or app parsing multiple streams would be welcomed.

I played online game, where I cheated. Being attacked, I'd have received SMS (it was in the time when Google offered free SMS notifications for near events - the bot would use this "feature" (creating event). Today Facebook offers this - I think).

Platforms I use: (there is small hope but I'm not programmer) (probably for small platforms market is more inefficient, because smaller userbase)
some local sites

If somebody "hacked" this part of hunting of deals, please show me.
I hope there will be one bored 100k $ developer! :lol:

The app which would aggregate data from other accomodation sites and using ERE filters - great idea!

PS. I've recently discovered that I can use my computer mouseless. Vimium extension for web browsers is awesome!

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