ERE an INTJ magnet

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ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by stand@desk »

It would seem ERE is a natural magnet for INTJ types. A question for the forum members out there, do you know of any INTJs that are not into an ERE-style existence?

From my experiences, I'd say INTJs may fall on a scale of living in an ERE-style fashion from mildly to majorly but most all of them follow it to some degree.

It also interests me how non-INTJ types can feel connected to the ERE philosophy while still living their own personality type philosophies. Sure, there are overlaps here and there, but I would think it's rare to live outside your personality type tendencies for too long. Or perhaps the other personalities' perceptions of what ERE is may be quite different that what INTJs perceive it to be.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by IlliniDave »

Not personally. But there's an investing site I frequent with a disproportionate INTJ population the notable majority of which are on the conventional build up a large financial stake and live a relatively heavy consumption lifestyle (by ERE standards) in retirement. They do tend to be disciplined enough to be aggressive savers and often retire somewhat early, but they look at guys like Jacob and MMM and say, "Hmm. More power to him, but that's not for me. I hate lentils."

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by Riggerjack »

The lifestyle is not unique to ERE or INTJs. Most of the same information is available thru YMORL, permies, etc. But this is Jacob's site, and Jacob's presentation is very appealing to INTJs. I tried reading YMOYL, and couldn't take it. The " feely" approach turns my stomach. It just seems manipulative. I imagine "feely" types have a similar reaction, here. I don't think the lifestyle is tuned to INTJs, I think Jacob's message is.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by GandK »

Riggerjack is right.

I'm an INFJ, and YMOYL was much more my cup of tea. I love this site, but only certain parts of it. I like the possibility-oriented threads, and the ones where we're second-guessing accepted social standards... the "why" threads that appeal to both my personality and yours, in other words. Those are introverted intuitive threads, and our personalities share that. I come at ERE from the possibilities and freedom angle. Also from the humanitarian angle (sustainability, carbon footprint, living things, etc.), which is more natural for my personality... how my behavior affects others is a major issue for me. It makes some aspects of ERE harder to swallow (what people think), but it also makes ERE a moral issue for me. That's how I perceive that I see things differently than my INTJ friends here do.

There are things here that don't appeal to me at all. Posts that are four screens long and contain minutiae about who spent what make my eyes glaze over (although I dig c40's charts!). I get that some of you are all over the analytics, but I can't make myself get interested in analysis that isn't people-oriented. And posts that question why human beings - who are inherently irrational - are not doing X, Y or Z more logically tend to make me feel like the only Bones in a room full of Spocks.

And to be fair, I'm sure some of my Extraverted Feeling answers are the exact opposite of what INTJs want to hear when they post. I tend to be a cheerleader instead of a problem solver. "You can do it!" "K, I really appreciate your support, but if I could do it, I wouldn't be asking a room full of anonymous strangers how to do it..." I've heard that before.

I do know a couple of INTJs who are not involved in ERE. They're both programmers I used to work with. Both of them (one man, one woman) let their spouses handle life's little details, including finances, so they can focus 100% on their careers. I'm sure they'd be all over this if you could somehow manage to convince them it was important, but that would probably be an uphill battle.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by Tyler9000 »

Yeah, perhaps it's the other way around: INTJ is an ERE magnet.

From the sheer number of posts about MBTI scores from self-identified INTJs, I am also starting to suspect MBTI is an INTJ magnet. The drive to categorize and analyze is strong.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by jacob »

Here's what we know:

INTJ is a [very] helpful but not required condition for considering ERE. I think it's helpful because INTJs have little respect for established theories and world-views and are willing to adopt "whatever works".

INTJ, INTP, and ISTJ are the prevalent early retirees. (various surveys)

All three types tend to gravitate towards [technical white collar] vocations that pay well and so they have the means for FI.

I am INTj ... and usually any writer will attract they own crowd based on compatibility in thinking-styles. It's not just what you say, it's how you say it(*). The way I phrase things make inherent sense or is at least understandable to other INTs because we think alike. Conversely, I'm guessing especially SFs and to some extent SPs do not like the way I write.

(*) Hence my past statements that ERE would never break mainstream until a "JD Roth" of early retirement was found. And lo and behold, he was, MMM. In case you've been living under a rock, JD was/is the eminently personable writer behind which is/was one of the biggest pf blogs around. Conversely, "personable" is probably the last word one would use to describe the writings of JL Fisker.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by dragoncar »

But MMM has a very disproportionate amount of INTJ too. Maybe it's selection bias in that INTJs are more likely to know their MBTI? Anyways, I know plenty of INTJs that are not ERE. They are the slickdeals every day type of people -- efficient consumers but consumers nonetheless.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by jacob »

@dragoncar -

There's that too.

The internet INTJ ratio is a factor ten+ larger than the real life ratio. Also, the INTJ MBTI group (INTJ central) is one of the largest MBTI forums despite being <1% of the population. Some of the other personality types are practically nonexistent despite comprising a large part of the general population.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by BPA »

I am supposedly ENFJ (although I'd rather be more Data than Deanna Troi), and one of the things I value about this forum is how rational most of the posts are. So, thanks for keeping it logical INTJers.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by stand@desk »

After looking over some of the notes I took while reading the Normal Personality by Steven Reiss, it would appear ERE is so attractive for INTJs because INTJs have common desires of Independence, Curiosity, Frugality and Order. These are the main drivers of INTJs and ERE is the lifestyle design that puts those desires at the forefront.

As for other personality types trying an ERE approach, there may be some friction there because they may put other desires at the forefront such as Status, Vengeance, Power, and Romance. The INTJ wants these things too, but not as much as the desires in the top paragraph. Other types may go for an "ERE-lite" because they do desire the top paragraph desires, but in less intense doses.

I tend to think that the frequency of each desire does not change much over time..meaning that we need to recognize and accept who we are and then enjoy pursuing and fulfilling those desires that are "us." It's hard to put in a lot of time and effort into things you desire at minimum levels.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by Speed of Dark »

Great question to post, OP. I too have noticed the various frugal websites often refer to INTJs. Interesting to read the various responses of why this is so.

(First time I took the Myers-Briggs test was 30 years ago and same INTJ result on every subsequent test.)

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by Devil's Advocate »

INTJs are the real Aryans!

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by workathome »

I'm an INTP, which might explain some of my feelings of slight quirkiness compared to true INTJ's like Jacob, though an intense interest and attraction to how their work applies to my situation.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by black_son_of_gray »

Not to hijack the thread, but apparently Peak Oil/Climate change topics are also a magnet for INTJs: ... to-ignore/

Linked is an analysis of personality types that visit certain Peak Oil/Climate Change blogs, with an interesting conclusion that INTJs are waaaaaay over-represented while many other personality types are absent - the implication being that it may be impossible to reach a 'critical mass' for action (at least, with enough early advance to mitigate huge problems) given the distribution of personality types in the population.

Not unsurprisingly, a similar vein of thought would suggest that a large fraction of the population, even if they had a well-versed understanding of ERE, are just constitutionally not interested in it.

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Re: ERE an INTJ magnet

Post by vexed87 »

IlliniDave wrote:but they look at guys like Jacob and MMM and say, "Hmm. More power to him, but that's not for me. I hate lentils."
That was me 12 months ago.

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