New to IT -Remote Work Desired

Anything to do with the traditional world of get a degree, get a job as well as its alternatives
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New to IT -Remote Work Desired

Post by Star*Bucks »

Hello I would like to transition my career to IT so that I can hopefully land a Remote Working job. I have a long travel bucket list and I would love to still earn a income while traveling. I just don’t know the best way to go about it. I am currently studying for the Comptia A+ Cert. I have Customer Service & Management experience. I have worked in Call Centers handling escalated phone calls and tech support for financial institutions and wireless companies.

I know most people on here are in the tech field and I’m the outlier. I have already reached FI for myself but I do worry that my parents who are old and live off very small social security checks will need help from time to time. I have always been the one there for them and I would like to continue that. Working remotely will allow me to be able to accomplish my life goals and still be able to support my parents.

Any advice you can throw my direction would greatly be appreciated. Btw I am happy starting entry level/junior position. I am a hard worker and can work my way up from there.


Scott 2
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Re: New to IT -Remote Work Desired

Post by Scott 2 »

Are you seeking remote work? Or asynchronous? Phone based tech supports seems compatible with remote. Any reason you haven't pursued that? I've worked with people who leveraged their tech support role into increasing complexity, eventually becoming developers. Their critical advantage was being very easy to work with and likable. Experienced staff lifted them into the desired role.

The IT market has slowed dramatically, especially for entry level. The way corporate taxes work changed, leading to a sweeping wave of layoffs earlier this year. This freed up experienced folks, putting pressure on newcomers. There's also a move towards return to office, reducing the supply of remote work. Lots of people want that, especially asynchronous. Competition is stiff. I'm seeing guesses things shift by mid-2024, but who knows?

Not to discourage, but a realistic perspective on the climb you are looking at.

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