Maximizing Health

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Maximizing Health

Post by Humanofearth »

Money stopped providing additional happiness at about 10x expenses for me. Took me years to realize improving health doesn’t cap out like this. What do you do to maximize your health?

Lights out with sunset, candle light only, asleep by 10 and up around 6. Wake up, run my skin care routine, wim hof breathing, journal, weights or cardio, onsen, no sugar-protein and vegetable focused diet. Then clothes start fitting nice and the next round of upgrades in clothing actually look much better and hygiene naturally improves again as the psych will move to being consistent with the new self image. Having enough clothes makes keeping a clean smell easier. Maybe I went too far with ultra tight at the beginning but money and energy invested into health is more valuable than I initially accounted for. I hope others realize health > wealth

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Re: Maximizing Health

Post by guitarplayer »

Becoming part of a community might add to your health.

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Re: Maximizing Health

Post by johnsmith84730 »

I would say rather than "health > wealth", it's more about "health + wealth" (... + a lot of other things like friends/family, self-fulfilment, wisdom/knowledge, low stress etc.)

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Re: Maximizing Health

Post by Lemur »

You've mentioned this but diet plays a large role. One of the single most important things you can do for your health is to maintain a healthy bodyweight:
“For men, a BMI in the 22 to 23 range may be ideal up to age sixty-five to seventy-five, but beyond that age, a BMI in the 23 to 25 range may be preferable in order to avoid loss of muscle mass and other detrimental deficiencies.”
― Valter Longo, The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight
So that is something look at. Find your low/high range ... micalc.htm and aim to maintain in that. Obviously this skews a bit if one has "abnormal" amounts of muscle mass (weight lifting for years) or very low muscle mass from muscular dystrophy or something but for the most part it is a good starting point.

Maintaining a healthy body weight, for the most part, requires a person to avoid highly caloric dense foods which are mostly your junk and processed foods and up activity to keep metabolism running well.

I recommend doing some reading into longevity research for "maximizing health" purposes (maybe start with David Sinclair or Valter Longo) because if your basis covered with diet, exercise, good sleep, etc., I do believe at this point there is diminishing returns. The rest is up to genes but longevity research might point to some more things to optimize. There is a rabbit hole of all sorts of things like Omega 3 intake, animal vs plant proteins, fasting or not to fast, etc.

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