Post your MB Personality Type

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by zarathustra »

Your personality type: “The Architect” (INTJ-A)
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 56%, Intuitive: 27%, Thinking: 37%, Judging: 52%, Assertive: 34%.
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Confident Individualism

according to this test i've become more introverted since the last time i tested; something i think i already knew. :)

can INTJ's be good partners together? i've been seeing and INTP and it's driving me bonkers.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by steveo73 »

From that test I was an ENTREPRENEUR (ESTP-A). I think that's funny because I have no interest in starting a business. I do like to push things though.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

1taskaday said: 7wannabe5 so disappointed for you!

Who would not want to be with the hall monitor? ... all that power and scrutiny...

Write that book,would be so fun to read.
Well, my lack of J manifested at age 15 is amusing to me but my lack of J manifested at age 49 is still too mortifying. I am (now )pretty good at not going into the donut store if I don't intend to eat a donut but I still haven't quite worked out what to do if the donut possesses motive force. Besides, bit of a cop-out since individuals who are very high-functioning are supposed to be able to get along with any other type. Somewhat in accordance with "All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
jacob said: ]Introverts tend to pay equal attention to the noise but because they go deeper than extroverts, they're wasting tremendous amounts of mental energy on extrovert communication style.
As an ENTP who has been in close relationship quite a few serious introverts (father, closest sister, ex-husband, son) one thing I have noticed is that that introverts who are also thinkers (father,son) do not mind my stream of babble but the introverts who are also feelers (ex-husband, sister) can very quickly become overwhelmed by it. My son is an INTX and he clearly recognized and assigned importance to pattern before he became fully verbal. Once threw a screaming tantrum for an hour before I figured out that he didn't like the fact that I had changed the orientation of the rug in the living room (the stoic exo-skeleton is not evident in infancy but pretty much fully formed by age 6 or so, although at that age it is often difficult to distinguish between a stoic philosophy and oppositional-defiant behavior when somebody informs you that they will not do what you have asked them to do even if you take away all their toys) He told me that he forms entire sentences in his mind before he speaks. I can't even imagine doing that-lol. Could explain why an introvert would have much less difficulty with written communication.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by zarathustra »

bigato wrote:I heard from a psychologist, an P herself while I'm an J, that the P/J letters manifest themselves very differently
Yeah I think my sentence was misleading. I am seeing an INTP but was wondering if INTJs can be compatible/happy together.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I think it should be fairly apparent to any member of this forum that INTJs like and respect their own type very much but don't often catch fire as couple. Plenty of wood but not enough spark (high testosterone, low dopamine?)IOW, tend towards being locked dominants. Gotta climb on his lap and loosen his tie type. Speaking from pure theory here, of course....

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by Peanut »

GandK wrote: That whole paragraph sounds strange to me. First, what does your MIL use Myers-Briggs for? It's just a way of communicating about people's similarities and differences. It's useful to know someone is an ESFP when you meet him (assuming you know what that means), just like its useful to know he's from Idaho, and a Quaker, and a 75-year-old vegan who rides a bike everywhere. Each of those things changes the way you perceive his words when he speaks and hopefully helps you to understand his point of view a little better.

And second, M-B isn't really fact based, so I'm not sure how it can be either credited or discredited. In the case of this thread it's people indicating, in an unscientific online test, what they tend to prefer. Who's to argue with them? And the test spits out a handful of labels and a synopsis of how people with those labels tend to behave... which we more or less just indicated ourselves through the test. Who's to argue with that, either?
She uses it to label people (such as her son whom she doesn't actually understand very well) and that is what turns me off. As I indicated before, I have a hard time buying into the notion of essential types based on other things that I've read about human behavior. So to me the test imposes limits on heterogeneity.

The filters you describe with the 75 yr-old midwestern Quaker vegan cyclist are different from the MB designation as they are all facts about him. Though they could be equally limiting to my understanding of him if I largely interpret his words based on my own preconceptions about those facts. Not saying this was your point, as I agree more information is more useful, but just saying this is a general danger when dealing with someone. It's easy to make a dismissive shortcut--'oh I get you, it's because you're from x place that you are acting this way.'

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by jacob »

@Peanut - On the practical level, I've found MBTI really useful because my natural skill in reading/relating to most humans is close to zero---because I'm so different from 90--99% of other people. Indeed, when I was 20, I used to believe that all humans were rational and made their choices in a reasoned and logical manner. Consequentially, I figured that all disagreements or differences in choices would come down differences initial axiomatics (which of course everybody has, right?!) or faulty reasoning (because, of course, we most allow for people making the occasional logical error). IOW, I thought people operated in exactly the same way as I did.

Then I got rather deep in discussion with an ENFP (I later learned the type) who pointed out strange new ideas such as the fact that she often acted on emotions (a factor whose existence I acknowledge and feel but I usually completely disregard or subconsciously postrationalize instead of relying on as a primary means).

Then I discovered MBTI! ... Which kinda destroyed the statistics because my interpersonal understanding has been governed by that ever since ... meaning it could be that I would, eventually over the next 20 years have figured out that other people were really different from me, but who knows. It's my experience that most people regardless of age seem to suffer from the illusion that everybody else internally works like theydo themselves.

So maybe MBTI is more or mostly useful to the personality types who are rare because they can't correctly assume that most people they run into are more or less like them.

Alternatively, it's useful to people who don't have highly developed intuitions about other people.

In any case, I don't see a type as locking in a behavior. Rather I see humans as possessing various heuristic models for understanding the world. For example, an INTJ first and foremost rely on introverted intuition and then use extroverted thinking to elaborate on their model (latticework) understanding of the world. This explains all my "here's yet another way to think about the world"-blog posts. INTJs also have a tertiary introverted feeling which explains why they secretly care about the world. Also why they attract INFP groupies and have a weak spot for authenticity. And the inferior model is extraverted sensation which explains alcohol, extreme sports, etc.

There are other models as well but they are even more poorly developed in most INTJs.

it is the very mature person who manage to develop all the different ways of seeing the world and who can instantly pick whichever optimal one for a given situation. Those are rare. Bohr's comments on understanding quantum mechanics come to mind here.

Personally, I have dimensions of INTJ, INTP, ISTJ, and INFP in more or less that order. But these just describe my internal model preferences. For an INTJ, I think my inferior function is more developed than my tertiary function which means that I'm more into exercise and beer than I am in terms of "discovering my true self".

In conclusion ... if you're supremely good at reading people, there's little use for MBTI. For the rest of us, it's a lot better than nothing/assuming that other people are just like we are.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by TopHatFox »

Got ENFJ-A--The Protagonist!-- just now, guess things have changed since I got INTP last time I took a MB personality test.

Upon reading the ENFJ-A description, I also realized that my percentages for E and J are very close. I think it's true that I''m often INFP-A depending on my mood.
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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by BlueNote »

Your personality type: “The Logician” (INTP-A)
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 98%, Intuitive: 68%, Thinking: 69%, Prospecting: 42%, Assertive: 14%.
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Confident Individualism

I just might be introverted. I have almost always scored INTP, maybe once I scored INTJ but it was probably a fluke.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by GandK »

Try this on for size:

The worst possible thing to happen to each Myers-Briggs personality type
INFJ: You must work for a company that you know to be morally corrupt, exploiting the lower classes of society to benefit the rich. You are not allowed to quit or leave the job.
Yes, absolutely. That would be a horrifying, soul-sucking existence.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by henrik »

Everything you say sounds completely idiotic.


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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

For the rest of your life, you have to research a boring and useless topic. You must interview people who have no idea what they are talking about in order to complete your research.
The right to freedom of speech was never added to the Constitution, and it is illegal to voice your opinion.
Yup. Very accurate. In that world I would be locked up and writhing in agony. My INFP sister was also horrified by her fate.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by enigmaT120 »

Here's mine:

Your personality type: “The Logistician” (ISTJ-A)
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 23%, Observant: 34%, Thinking: 57%, Judging: 11%, Assertive: 82%.
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Confident Individualism

I'm not sure what to think of it.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by Tyler9000 »

jacob wrote: Yes, INTPs would naturally be inclined to be annoyed by the MBTI while INTJs would naturally tend to love it.
Lol -- yep, that describes me.

I generally test INTP. In college it was strongly so except for a borderline J/P (I was so sure of myself!). On the INTJ vs. INTP test I'm 53% INTP, which follows that pattern. Interestingly, with this new one I'm INFP-A but within 10-20% of the median on everything but the P and probably would change categories if I moved a few sliders I was legitimately unsure of. So perhaps my frustration with MBTI is that my personality may be naturally neutral and can break different ways depending on the question or situation. Or maybe I've legitimately grown as a person, although I understand MBTI advocates argue that people don't change.

Or maybe I'm just a stubborn INTP. ;)

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by reepicheep »


"An odd juxtaposition arises with ENTPs, as they are uncompromisingly honest, but will argue tirelessly for something they don't actually believe in, stepping into another's shoes to argue a truth from another perspective."


Hubs is ESTP.

He's practically glowing with the part that says he'll be a perfect parent.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by MishainBg »
52% introvert, 35% intuitive, 58% feeling, 7% judging, 27% turbulent
The Advocate

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by Kriegsspiel »

I'm an INTP/ENTP. I'm about half and half on the I and E, and strong on everything else. I think we were the lowest earners, so... go team.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by Pedal2Petal »

Kriegsspiel wrote:I'm an INTP/ENTP. I'm about half and half on the I and E, and strong on everything else. I think we were the lowest earners, so... go team.
ENTP here. A lot of ENTPs mistype as INTP due to being the most introverted extroverts.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by thrifty++ »

I generally score INFJ. I think they are the most extroverted introverts? Most people think I am an extrovert but I am definitely an introvert to the core. I love people and being around people but I need lots of time on my own to charge up so that I can be engaged and happy around other people.

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Re: Post your MB Personality Type

Post by thrifty++ »

I think there is definitely something to this MBTI stuff. One of the things I have heavily interested in is meeting up with groups of people for conceptual discussion about philosophy, psychology, religion and political issues. Discussions of depth. Apparently this is very much an INFJ thing, especially psychology focussed discussions. At a couple of the psychology meetings I made the point of asking most people present their MBTI. On both occasions about 50% of them were INFJ despite that being apparently 1% of the population.

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