Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

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Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by maxysu »

I am just thinking of how to continue living in a rented room next to a noisy street. I tried noise canceling headphones and white noise but sometimes the noise is too much.

I have now the option to move to another room which will be less noisy. However, it is slightly more expensive and will decrease my savings rate from 87% to 84%.

Any advice?

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by vexed87 »

Well it depends how far off FI you are already, and how staying put effects your quality of life. Arguably a move from 87% to 84% won't create a drastic delay. You are probably looking months rather than years, but you need to do the calculations.

How long have you lived there? I live on a busy main road too, it seems to take many months to get used to traffic/pedestrian noises when you move from a quiet rural area. To be honest, unless there's honking or screeching tyres I don't even notice it anymore. It just fades into the background. There are studies that say that anxiety caused by urban noises can cause cardiac/mental health to decline, so if you find yourself feeling down about it several months in, just move. I'm assuming adding further sound insulation isn't cost effective/possible.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by McTrex »

I'd move. If the difference in cost is that small, it's worth it to have a better quality of life. Continuous noise can have a big impact on that.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by maxysu »

I live there for about five months and also started saving up since five months.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by George the original one »

I'd move. Any saving rate above 80% is stellar.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by SimpleLife »

My first house was on a semi busy back road. Lived there for more than two years, still own it, but as a rental. The noise was too much for me. I'd move. Quality of life is something I'd gladly give 3% savings rate for. You can always cut elsewhere if you want.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by Dragline »

yeah, that's not much of a difference. I would move if it bugs you that much and especially if it interferes with sleep.

This is a funny issue. I prefer relative quiet. But DW, who grew up in a city, gets anxious when its too quiet and would be terrified to live in a rural area. A lot of it is acclimation, even before birth. Kids that are born into a family with a barking dog have heard it before birth and have no issues. Kids born into quiet environments are more sensitive to it.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by fiby41 »

I live next to a busy intersection adjacent to the national expressway. Ear muffs work fine for me. Although I only use them for studying and not sleeping.

The freight traffic is there at night too, but once I'm asleep it doesn't wake me up. Same with studying, once you're busy, you hardly notice it, except the honking of the job commuters during the peak hours.

"Hunger is the best appetizer" likewise "tiredness is the best appetizer for sleep."

Noise might just be one reason, though. Irregular sleep schedule can also make you become easily distracted by noise. Try setting a rigid schedule for going to sleep and waking up, if you don't have one already, then get accustomed to it for 2-3 months. This worked for me. That should ideally solve it. If it doesn't you can consider moving.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by phil »

I guess it depends on how sensitive you are to the noise. Given that you opened a thread I suppose you are... I am very sensitive to noise myself, so for me giving up a few % of savings rate for a much quieter place would be a no-brainer.

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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by Ego »

Have you tried these?


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Re: Continue living at a noisy street or moving?

Post by leeholsen »

definitely move considering your saving rate and how little it will affect it.

i moved for similar reasons long before ere and considered moving back to increase decrease my swr; but its just wasnt worth it; quality of life overrules a year or so earlier outright retirement for me. i dont need a big house, but i need a quiet house in an good neighborhood(your actual neighbors is always a roll of the dice).

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