Comfort flying economy class?

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Post by dotdot »

What Hoplite said and additionally....
I use the Hearos High Fidelity ear plugs when traveling. Cuts the noise while still being able to talk. Like these: ... 000V9PKZA/
Also, try packing less. My last few trips I've been able to do with a bag that fits under the seat. Makes life way easier and if I've missed some essential item, I tend to travel to areas where their are plenty of places to buy things or to do laundry. If you have to take a bunch of stuff, check a small bag. I'd say 95% of travel stress can be relieved by having less luggage. Baby steps.
Better food...if there's a starbucks, they usually have good choices on fruit/sandwiches. The "grab-and-go" sections at restaurants usually have salads too. Eat something pleasant before you go.

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Post by Ego »

We travel a lot and are extremely frugal. When I compare economy-class to first-class I find myself calculating how much extra I would have to work (discomfort) to buy a first-class ticket which allows me to endure slightly less discomfort for several hours while aboard the plane.
In fact, I believe that if first-class didn't exist people would be much happier with economy. The idea that someone somewhere up front behind the curtain is just slightly more comfortable can cause us to see annoyances that would otherwise have gone unnoticed if we were all in the same boat.
While in India last year we flew on several budget airlines. Our fellow passengers where Indians who decided to avoid the extreme discomfort of a long distance overcrowded train trip. From their perspective the minimal confinement and discomfort of air travel was a pleasure in comparison to the unbelievable crush on the train.
On the 24 hour flight back home I tried to adopt their perspective. I thought about my great-grandparents who endured sea sickness, terrible gruel, horrible accommodations and the fear of being turned back once they arrived, in order to reach the U.S.
I realized that for me most of the discomfort of airline travel stemmed from how I looked at it.

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Post by JasonR »

Last edited by JasonR on Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Avni »

Thanks to everyone who responded. I'll try the products/websites/seat picking strategies that have been recommended.
@chenda - I've tried inflatable neck rests and was disappointed with the plastic-y feel. They are also uncomfortable and deflate. But that was quite a few years ago and if you have a brand recommendation, that'd be great.
@C40- I've been upgraded a few times and first class is better than economy. Not twice as good but better. No wailing babies, no middle seats, no big people leaning into your space, foot rests (sometimes), better food etc.
It's infuriating though. I'm convinced, the airlines know very well how to make economy more comfortable but don't do it so they can upsell. It's like movie theatres who first ban outside food and then sell bad food at a massive premium.
@palmera - Nice blog but I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment. Anyway, I love eye masks and cannot imagine traveling without mine. Highly recommend them.
@livinlite - I eat when I'm unhappy so going hungry on a plane is out of the question :).
@aussierogue - *sigh* i hate you and what is a doona?
@KevinW - hummus makes it through security?!! That would be life-changing for me if that is true. Hoplite's list specifically mentions spreads as being forbidden no?
@Hoplite - I've heard the draw string bag tip before but have this fear of that drawstring coming apart and spewing underwear all over :) but I will look for something zippered and securely fastened. Thanks.
@BeyondtheWrap - Work throws up three trips a year on average, parents live across the planet from me, sibling lives way down south, BFF lives across the country and of course, when I finally get engaged, the man has to be from another country. Until the immigration stupidities get ironed out, my quality of life is going to be....sad. This is why my usual 'suck it up, it is a few hours' strategy will not cut it any more.
JasonR - LOL. you get my favorite comment award for this thread.

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Post by KevinW »

Well, the last time I checked the TSA's site the list of prohibited items did not include the "Creamy dips and spreads" language. They change these details constantly which makes it hard to keep up. I can attest that I've brought unopened tubs of TJ's hummus through security without incident several times. Whether that's been consistent with policy or an oversight is anyone's guess.

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Post by aussierogue »

a doona lol is what some call a duvet? i dunno...its the thing like a blanket... i wish i knew what the rest of the world called what we ozzies call a doona..

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Post by dragoncar »

It sounds like most of your complaints are of a "the world is not built to my specifications" variety. As a left hander, I can somewhat understand. But the public has spoken with their wallets... the vast majority of people would probably not pay a single extra dollar (when comparing flights on Expedia) to reward an airline that provided pillows, footrests, etc. In fact, I probably wouldn't either. The economy of scale just isn't there to provide custom environments for people outside of physiological norms (not at rock bottom prices) -- hey, at least you don't have to buy two seats like the obese.

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Post by tac »

I second the suggestion to do the train instead, if you have the time. For short distances, it's often not much longer, since you don't have to arrive the suggested 1-2 hours early. It's sometimes also easier to get a direct train trip than a direct flight!
If I must fly, I pack a trashy novel, a bag of baby carrots, hummus, and a huge bottle to fill with water once I get past security, all of which makes it infinitely more bearable.

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