How do ERE men attract women?

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Re: How do ERE men attract women?

Post by Aspirant »

Just reporting back about the previous advice you gave. Putting on big boy pants works. Being less resentful is a big step in making things happen. Turns out that putting the resentment aside for couple of weeks helped the general mood in the household a lot.

I didn't really become more attractive in reality, but it seems that the "perceived attractiveness" increased. I didn't really confront her with the issues I had. Instead I increased other communication a lot and approached the issues in more casual tones. When the general mood was better, the intimacy stuff kind of just followed. Now I need to relearn some stuff in the bedroom department ;) Luckily it's the fun kind of learning...

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Re: How do ERE men attract women?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »



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Re: How do ERE men attract women?

Post by lillo9546 »

We all know that when it comes to attracting a woman, at first glance, you would need looks, money, and status. This means that any woman would be more prone to be attracted to you if you have a high value in those three aspects. This also means that you could also be attractive to those kinds of narcissistic, gold-digger women who want you as a provider for their life. Not all women are like that.

Being an ERE man, is doing something to make your life or you feel "capped" or not reacing your full potential?
How do you deal with this?
Which is your POV On this theme?

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