Relocating to nature: Could rental help? (Strategy)

All the different ways of solving the shelter problem. To be static or mobile? Roots, legs, or wheels?
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Relocating to nature: Could rental help? (Strategy)

Post by lillo9546 »

Which strategies to adopt if we'd like to live in nature, or in a particular place, even if the place it's still a city/suburb, but immersed in nature, and live off on the income generated from the rental?
How should we decide the strategy? Should we base this off our cost of living? Should we go buy where is cheap or pricy?

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Re: Relocating to nature: Could rental help? (Strategy)

Post by loutfard »

You want to buy a place in a green spot and rent out part of it on a structural basis. Do I understand that correctly?

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Re: Relocating to nature: Could rental help? (Strategy)

Post by Walwen »

I'm not sure I understand all your questions in tandem, but you reminded me of this article. ... nside.html
It's all really a covert ad for her buisness, which- from what I gathered at a glance, is a consulting agency for people looking to generate income by building a second property on land they own.

Basically, she already owned a large house and land. She built a tiny house in her backyard, rented it out until she covered the cost of building it, then moved into the tiny house herself and now rents out her main house. Presummably making a lot more landlord money on the larger property, which she had little use for as a single woman.

Adding in your nature element.... maybe you could buy a plot of land in a scenic place and build a cozy cabin and rent it as a vacation home for a few years to recoup costs. I'm a little confused: how are you relocating to nature if you are renting out the place? Like a duplex or multiunit building?

Cheap vs. Pricy? Going for cheap is the obvious, but it's more about how good is a deal it is.... 200k is stupid for a half acre in the desert, but amazing for an entire private island.

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