7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

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7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The frequently anthologized short story by Shirley Jackson, the theme of which I will be semi-basing my newest lifestyle design upon.

https://www.northernhighlands.org/cms/l ... eanuts.pdf

WARNING: References to the spiral dynamics color schemed model will be made.

My new lifestyle design will divide my functioning/life-energy/time/activities/goals/modules into 4 distinct characters;

1) The Conformist AKA The Cover Story- SD Level Beige (survival) mixed with Blue (social conformity.)
2) The Competitor AKA The Con-Artist-SD Levels Red (winning) and Orange(money/success.)
3) The Co-operator AKA The Compassionate Communitarian -SD Levels Green towards Turquoise.
4) The Co-ordinator- SD Level Yellow towards Beyond Turquoise.

Initial division of resources:

1) The Conformist - 20-28 hours/week devoted to secure W2 employment and studies/credentials towards better W2 employment opportunities. Spending budget = 1/3 average U.S. Singleton Household Spending = approximately $1600/month. Conservative Savings/Investment - $320/month.

2) The Competitor- 20-28 hours/week devoted to highest ROI expectation activities regardless of risk or reputation. Current passive investment stream of approximately $250/month will serve as initial cash "roll" for this character. All spending by this character is on-the-books business or venture oriented.

3) The Co-operator- 20-28 hours/week devoted to communing with nature and other humans in sustainable and regenerative manner. Moneyless, sharing society model for resource flows.

4) The Co-ordinator- 20-28 hours/week devoted to co-ordinating the activities of other characters and core research.

I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I am imagining each character as having their own diet and exercise habits, and different wardrobes. For instance, The Competitor will probably take up weight-training towards some kind of geratric female competition. They will also have differing social circles and information/influence stacks/streams. For instance, since ERE is Level Yellow, any time I spend on this forum will be assigned to The Co-ordinator.

Basically, what I am going to be roughly attempting is improved lifestyle design through mechanism similar to sexual dichotomy theory. Obviously, the Conformist is akin to asexuality or anti-sexuality and the Co-ordinator is akin to high-functioning ambient sexuality, the Competitor is masculine energy, and the Co-operator is feminine energy. Something like that...(See also Jung, Plotkin etc.)

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by mountainFrugal »

This is really interesting. If you started this next week, would the breakdowns of time be easy/medium/hard for you to inhabit any of these characters? How so? Would you actually track the times as part of the Co-ordinator role to ensure balance (at least in the beginning)? Would a longer term goal to be able to seamlessly flow between characters?

white belt
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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by white belt »

ENTP gonna ENTP. I figured we were overdue for another 7WB5 reboot. What lessons learned from your previous takes are you incorporating into this one?

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

mountainFrugal wrote: If you started this next week, would the breakdowns of time be easy/medium/hard for you to inhabit any of these characters? How so? Would you actually track the times as part of the Co-ordinator role to ensure balance (at least in the beginning)? Would a longer term goal to be able to seamlessly flow between characters?
I do intend to start on Monday. It should be easy to inhabit The Conformist for 20-28 hrs/week, because her activities are very structured and pre-planned. It would be difficult to inhabit The Conformist for 60 hours/week. I anticipate that it will initially be fairly difficult to inhabit The Competitor for 20-28 hrs./week. I feel like it should be easy, what I want to do, to inhabit The Co-operator for 20-28 hours/week, but when I reviewed how I have been spending my time lately, I noted that I'd drifted from strong feminine functioning by filling in some weak masculine "nice guy type" functioning in its stead. I don't anticipate much difficulty with the basic time tracking/planning functions of the Co-ordinator which I will engage, but engaging in analysis, asking myself "Does this make sense", or exercising my Ti beyond its current capabilities is upper (current highest achievable, not always maintainable) level functioning for me. Seamless flow between characters would be higher level goal.
white belt wrote:What lessons learned from your previous takes are you incorporating into this one?
1) I will conform to the extent I need to in order to survive and/or not live in constant pain.
2) I am not very tough. A lot of humans are tougher than me, and more willing to fight for what they want.
3) You can't fight city hall.
4) Do not outsource core functions.
5) Rich girl gets to flirt. Poor girl has to marry.
6) One human's trash might be another human's treasure.
7) Sometimes trash is trash.
8) You have to play the cards you're dealt, but know when to walk away and know when to run!

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by guitarplayer »

Happy for the reboot, will be following the developments here @7W5!

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by UrbanHomesteader »

Glad to see an update from you 7w5. I always enjoy your writing. I hope the reboot is fruitful.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by Bicycle7 »

Your OP is a good example for helping me grok how the colors in the spiral integrate. To some this may seem obvious, but it was helpful for me to see how we must fulfill the lower needs at the bottom of the spiral, like working providing for basic needs.

I welcome all the spirally-color talk! I love following along as your posts always either make me laugh, learn something, or most of the time both!

I would love to hear in the future ways you are embodying the Co-operator. For you, one thing I imagine is your permaculture projects :)

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by calamityjane »

So glad you're back with a new approach; I agree your writing is always a thought-provoking treat. I can't wait to hear how it all unfolds.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by IlliniDave »

Good luck on the new approach, 7Wb5. I'm one of the curmudgeonly Luddites who can't map the colors into anything meaningful, but you typically seem to cover all the bases and I like the characterizations to make it more interesting. I'm lucky if I can attack one facet of life at a time.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Thanks for all the well wishes! You guys are great!

I feel like I am gaining a good deal of insight just from the process of attempting to get organized towards this new Lifestyle Exercise. I am calling it an Exercise rather than a Plan or Design, because it's an effort to take the pieces apart, shine them up, with the intention of putting them back together again with, hopefully, greater level of self-awareness and flexibility achieved. I'm tentatively calling it a 2 year exercise.

The downside of always choosing to engage in activities that serve many purposes, or create multiple streams of differing capital, is that it is unlikely that you will be maximizing any given stream, and, much worse, there can be a tendency to lapse towards your easiest realm of functioning without being fully self-aware about it. For instance, it's pretty clear that my W2 employment as a part-time mathematics tutor for disadvantaged children checks the boxes for "flexible enough that I can do even when my Crohn's disease is flaring", "meaningful contribution to society", "positive cash flow"and "easy/comfortable." If you believe in pseudo-science socio-evolutionary theories about why human females live past menopause, it's exactly what I should be doing with myself at this juncture in life, but...

1) yawn
2) actually not enough cash flow unless I want to be living-in-a-van-at-age 83 (25 years from now), or I move (back) in with one of the approximately 2.5 Millionaire-Next-Door type poly-partners I am currently able to maintain in my currently relatively old,fat,frail, ill physical condition. (Sad true TMI story: I had enough energy to have sex with one of them 3X Saturday night, but then Sunday morning I had terrible Crohn's diarhea all over his bathroom carpet and robe which I was wearing. I am just trying to keep on keeping on as if I was a chubby 19 year old girl who has this disease. Although, obviously, the fact that my polys are average age mid-60s, and I have known them for average of 9 years, makes them more sympathetic to my problems.)

Anyways, I had a couple, good, amusing conversations with one of my sisters (also previously my business partner)and my daughter (also previously my business employee) about how I am not tough or competitive enough. Why does it always happen that whenever I start something like a permaculture project, some guy comes over and starts mowing the grass for me, and then ends up owning the project? Why was I unable to take the leap to overseas manufacturing toys-with-affluent-grandparents-as-intended-purchasers as next S-Curve of my book business? Or hire and manage more employees as lower profit margin dealer? Why didn't I get my driver's license until I was 32?- Why did telling myself that I had as much right to do something as clearly dangerous as driving a car as all the clearly idiotic and possibly drunken assholes on the road help me get over my fear/inhibitions? It's helpful talking to my female relatives and friends about these issues, because they share many of my Level Green moral-socialization issues, but they are also able to take Level Yellow perspective when thinking about other than themselves in terms of being more competitive, more of an asshole, more inclined to narrow focus on putting on one's own oxygen mask first and foremost, so able to cheerlead for me.

I've also been musing or muddling through a bit about why joining this forum hasn't thus far helped me very much in building up my masculine energy towards higher financial functioning. One reason would be that I have become more eco-environmentally and resource depletion aware since joining this forum, so even more likely to fret about doing anything with negative externality although potentially lucrative. IOW, this has increased my tendency to be in my already bloated Adult Feminine caretaker taking-on-responsibility-where-I-don't-have-authority energy. More recent insight would be that it might be because my ENTP masculine energy more closely identifies with the Entrepreneur than the Investor, and you don't get very far as the Entrepreneur with an Anti-Consumer perspective/attitude. This is probably a terrible, likely inaccurate analogy, but it's kind of like the Entrepreneur is the character that actually has sex with the Consumer, while the Investor is just some old guy who is watching them do it from a chair in the corner. So, it's easier to simultaneously be a Capitalist and hold an unempathetic Anti-Consumer perspective from that mode of hands-off-at-a-distance interaction. The Entrepreneur has to be able to see herself as the Consumer in order for it to be a flow activity, as opposed to "just pimping."

My intuition that holding a strict anti-consumer perspective must be dysfunctional also comes from my experience on another forum where the intelligent particpants were working on marital/sexual problems. Nobody on that forum ever broke though from the place where they were stuck while they were in "anti" anything or "the sort of human who..." mode OR it was the case that nobody who made breakthrough was still thinking along lines of previous dichotomy. The obvious, though not necessarily most valid, analogy would be that being high-minded frugal would be like being the sexually lower-drive partner in a relationship who is always pointing to the fact that there are things in life and love that (should!)transcend the sexual. "Yeah, but sometimes you just want to get laid", doesn't register until/unless they find themselves in situation where they are on the other side of the dichotomy (and vice-versa.) This also has to do with striking the balance between "not needing to need" (functional) and "not wanting to want" (dysfunctional.) Mileage varied, but the means by which I was able to drop my half of the blind power struggle rope in that context was to accept or act-as-if I accepted the fact that the entire problem with our sex life was due to me being overweight. I was angry as hell, but I went to the gym, counted the calories, etc. And even though my pudge wasn't "really" the problem, the process of letting go of the rope and doing the work I could do was the first step in solving the "real" problem for good. So, I have pondered whether, for me, it might be necessary to go through a phase of working at some boring 9-5 for 40 hours/week to "transcend" financially. I did do it for around 6-7 years while my kids were elementary school age, but I was very much Mommy-tracking myself and in "I'd rather be gardening!" mode, so maybe doesn't count? However, I don't really feel any "good anger" that would push me through such an endeavor. I feel the "good anger" more when in direct entrepreneurial mode financially.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by chenda »

I think putting a carpet in any bathroom is just asking for trouble. Rest assured you're not alone.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


So true.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by kane »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:24 pm
More recent insight would be that it might be because my ENTP masculine energy more closely identifies with the Entrepreneur than the Investor, and you don't get very far as the Entrepreneur with an Anti-Consumer perspective/attitude. This is probably a terrible, likely inaccurate analogy, but it's kind of like the Entrepreneur is the character that actually has sex with the Consumer, while the Investor is just some old guy who is watching them do it from a chair in the corner. So, it's easier to simultaneously be a Capitalist and hold an unempathetic Anti-Consumer perspective from that mode of hands-off-at-a-distance interaction. The Entrepreneur has to be able to see herself as the Consumer in order for it to be a flow activity, as opposed to "just pimping."
Interesting take. But does Entrepreneur always have to deal with "Consumers" in the sense that "I'm dropshipping stuff you don't need because you cannot manage to do that yourself" (that's how I read it from your post)? I think I read somewhere that you had a book business, that's something where you have to deal with Consumers (bookworms), but you don't have a "yuuuck" feeling, because you are within your circle of interest. Maybe that's just not profitable enough (low margins + low volume = dead business)?

Also, could you elaborate a little bit more on the Entrepreneur vs Investor mentality in term of colors? :D

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

kane wrote:But does Entrepreneur always have to deal with "Consumers" in the sense that "I'm dropshipping stuff you don't need because you cannot manage to do that yourself" (that's how I read it from your post)? I think I read somewhere that you had a book business, that's something where you have to deal with Consumers (bookworms), but you don't have a "yuuuck" feeling, because you are within your circle of interest. Maybe that's just not profitable enough (low margins + low volume = dead business)?
First off, thank you for calling me out on this analogy, which is quite possibly both naive and obnoxious.

What I meant by "having sex" with consumers was something like this:
A flow moment that sticks in my memory is rummaging around the basement of an old library, finding an 1899 book on the topic of electrifying the earliest skyscrapers in NYC, and feeling as one with the happy customer who would want to buy that book from me. Ne-> Ti -> Fe -> all syncing up!
I was also thinking about an article I read many years ago that was written by a very successful entrepreneur (can't recall name or article, not Seth Godin, but somebody one degree of separation from him) in which he broke apart his childhood experience of selling rockets and firecrackers to his friends (because he loved firecrackers and assumed his friends would too) and generalized it into a "recipe" for success as an entrepreneur. I've always been a generalist's generalist, and even as a child I spent most of my free time reading, but I also had a natural inclination towards small-time entrepreneurial activities as a kid. I made cinnamon toothpicks and sold them on the playground. I mail-order purchased a giant marble, so I could better compete at the game of winning all the marbles. I grew sunflowers and sent my super-social 3rd sister out to sell sunflower seeds door-to-door. I opened an art gallery in our garage with my artistic second sister and charged the neighborhood kids for the use of my art supplies and then also charged their mothers for purchase of artwork (double-dipping for which I was eventually busted.) etc. etc.

So, there is part of me (my juvenile masculine energy at Level Orange) who is kind of a free-wheeling Libertarian who likes free-trade and thinks it is fun and good times for all, and one of the ways it would be natural for me to make some money. OTOH, there is another part of me (my caretaker adult femine energy at Level Green) who doesn't want to see the whole forest eco-system efficiently converted into cinnamon toothpicks and marbles.

Level Yellow is where systems thinking comes into play. It's where you realize, for instance, that competition and co-operation both have their place in a functional system. One thing Donella Meadows (OG of Level Yellow) wrote (I paraphrase) is that a Corporation has one mission statement which is kind of the fake blurb they put out for the public, and those who recognize the "fakeness" of this kind of mission statement might say that the true mission of a Corporation is "make profit", but "making a profit" is just what a Corporation needs to do to survive, and at the systems level, the purpose of a Corporation is revealed to be "domination of the market." What I'm kind of trying to muddle my way through is how/why I naturally like free trade and entrepreneurial hijinks, but very much dislike Market Dominance and/or Big Business/Corporations and/or Monopolies/Oligarchies etc. etc. If you're a passive investor in the stock market, it's just like you are acting in cahoots and/or under the protection of all of these repulsive old bloated and bleary-eyed silverback chimps instead of hustling with the other young chimps trying to get some action at the margin.

Anyways, highly likely that I've gone from bad to worse and unclear to completely muddled. I'm definitely not tryiing to signal anything like holier than thou here. I mean, there have been days in my life in which I have simultaneously bought more shares of Exxon and engaged in organic gardening, etc, etc. etc. Like most moderns, I know how to compartmentalize my behaviors almost as well as I know how to rationalize my behaviors :lol: It's just that when I get into an argument with one of my more Stuck In Level Green friends where she is giving me sh8t for hanging out with my kind-of-a-repulsive-old-silverback-dominant-uber-wealthy-friend, and I say something like "Well, if you don't want him to get even more wealthy then you better stop buying stuff at Costco, because he owns a bajillion shares of that." , I question how I am going to sell her on a path to ERE that involves her becoming the one who owns some-not-a-bajillion shares of Costco... if you can't beat them join them. Because actually it still doesn't make sense to me why you would make your own stuff for your own consumption instead of buying it at Costco, but instead of making your own little businesses/trades/hustles, you would choose to invest in Costco? Or, actually it does make sense to me that other humans (with whom I can empathize) whose personality/functioning is more large in the Adult Masculine and Juvenile Feminine quadrants (build up robust walls->keep vulnerable self safe) versus the Juvenile Masculine and Adult Feminine quadrants might choose to do that, but it "wall building" doesn't feel energizing for me and I have to go to some imaginative lengths in creating Future Self Dystopias or shatter my rose-colored glasses on rock bottom in order to get in touch with my own vulnerability. Oftentimes, my Monkey (spirit animal of my juvenile masculine) just shoves my Bunny (spirit animal of my juvenile feminine) into his backpack and then does as he pleases. And I would be better off if I could get the Snowy Owl(spirit animal of my adult masculine) to help out the Deer (spirit animal of my adult feminine) more often.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by kane »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Thu Feb 09, 2023 8:58 am
First off, thank you for calling me out on this analogy, which is quite possibly both naive and obnoxious.
Oops, really didn't mean to call you out! I think I got the analogy and wanted to follow along, but meant purely economical perspective. Made me blush that you think I meant having intercourse with bookworms! :lol:

What I think I wanted to say is: I can't win with other entrepreneurs in their own fight in the mud (e.g. "dropshipping stuff to customers" business) because of my (if I understand correctly) Green values (don't want to "pollute the earth", this kind of business gives me a "yuck" feeling, "you don't need this sh*t anyway" feeling etc.), but if I like rare books maybe I can with in this business [that is aligned with my values]? or... I'm not entrepreneur and will just buy that damn Exxon stock and go on with my day... :D

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »


Yeah, I was probably just projecting that somebody ought to be calling me out when I come up with analogies like that :lol:

When my internet-based rare/used book business was my primary source of income, my business partner was my sister who is an INFP, so we were pretty much all the time having discussions about ethical issues related to the business. Are we contributing to the decline of independent local bookstores? Are the local patrons of the library sales right to carry a grudge against dealers for skimming off the good stuff? Should we make our own shipping boxes out of dumpster-dived cardboard? Should we buy/sell books on dubious topics? Should we limit and/or at least not expand our interactions/dependencies on the Growing Monopoly that is Amazon? Should we hire minimum wage employees to do repetitive labor and become the kind of high volume dealers who make pennies on the margin of each book? Etc. etc.

These kinds of questions can become even more complex in combination. For instance, should we hire minimum wage employees to do repetitive labor making shipping boxes for our business out of dumpster-dived cardboard?

Part of the point I was making was that it seems to me that it is pretty easy to avoid asking yourself any of these questions when you are investing in a business at a distance, because you really don't know what is going on, and authority/responsibility is extremely diluted. We're all complex living organisms who MUST consume net more complexity than we poop out in order to survive/thrive, but hunting a deer is not the same as driving through McDonalds. OTOH, odds that you are going to survive as a completely Green entrepreneur meeting every imaginable ethical standard are pretty slim. Part of me actually thinks the super cool Level Yellow Permaculture Principles are kind of ruined by the addition of the Level Green Permaculture Ethics, because it makes fuzzy that, yeah, you really do have to Obtain a Yield before you can Fair Share. Although, it is also true that in the long run not engaging in Fair Share practice will eventually come around through the larger system to bite you in the butt.

I like free trade for the same reason I hate censorship. So, my answer to the question "Should we buy/sell books on dubious topics?" was "Yes, because we can't know what purpose our customers intend. Maybe they want to buy the book on how to hide a dead body as part of research for writing a cozy mystery!" So, I think the same rationale can apply to restricting consumer's access to any kind of good/service/resource. If you can empathize with the consumer that's ideal, benefit of the doubt is okay, but if you are thinking of your customer as some kind of loser or bad actor than it won't work for you long run. For instance, I still kind of debate whether or not I should have expanded into small beans manufacturing in China of affluent market toys, because I can imagine somebody I like spending $50 of their 1 JAFI/year budget purchasing such a toy for a beloved grandchild. OTOH, I still feel a bit sketchy about the working conditions of the women in matching blue smocks on the Chinese manufacturing company website...

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by kane »

7Wannabe5 wrote:
Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:53 am
So, my answer to the question "Should we buy/sell books on dubious topics?" was "Yes, because we can't know what purpose our customers intend. Maybe they want to buy the book on how to hide a dead body as part of research for writing a cozy mystery!" So, I think the same rationale can apply to restricting consumer's access to any kind of good/service/resource.
Exactly. It's a good intention slippery slope down to hell of oppression... or something :D Anyway, I enjoyed reading about your experiences/reflections, thanks.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by Toska2 »

My entrepreneurs/consumers tangent is that consumers want to spend and entrepreneurs are the people who offer them something. I argued with my friends that legalization and taxation of pot wouldnt save States' tax coffers because those potheads woudn't need therapy, movies, painkillers ect.
Money not spent here is money spent elsewhere. Whatever contraption you think up is fighting dollers that would go to a singing fish.

The sayings "If you can't beat them, join them." and "Entrepreneurs are causing destruction of ...." are wrong at least twice. That is thinking in a dichotomies and the false sense of scarcity. There can be positive growth for you and the world.
My motto is make surviving a business and passion a hobby.*

* A small business is rarely wasteful, which can be included a business of you personally. Keeping your passions flexible and lighthearted keeps them alive.

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Money not spent here is money spent elsewhere. Whatever contraption you think up is fighting dollers that would go to a singing fish.
LOL. Banks (widely or generically defined) create money based on perception of potential growth. Humans and human organizations exchange money in order to facilitate the trade and/or consumption of goods, resources, and services. I agree with you on the level that I have observed that there isn't really that much difference in how my beautiful niece (who lives in Vegas and danced last week during Pro Bowl halftime) shops for fashion and boyfriends, the guy in front of me in line at the GasNGo shops for cigarettes and lottery tickets, my now-deceased multi-millionaire friend shopped for shares of various companies, or even how I shop for ways to spend the free time I create for myself at the margin by not choosing to spend as much time "making money"* as the median modern 1st world human. I mean, there is really very little difference between how I feel currently making a Fun/Fulfilling Things I Can Do With My Free Time! plan/scheme and how I felt as a kid making my Things I Want From Santa! list. I was never the kid who really wanted Barbie's Dream Palace, but to the extent that I was, I now fully recognize that the empty cardboard box and $5 worth of arts and crafts supplies (or .50 spent to somehow make paint and brushes from stuff foraged in forest and/or dumpster) is more likely to provide hours of fun and fulfillment than the Dream Palace.

*I also believe in the theory that human language is embodied, so every complex metaphor (inclusive of mathematics)can be broken down into simpler metaphors that directly relate to how the human body has evolved to be composed and function. I think the notion that when a human, for instance, stands behind a register taking burger orders, they are "making money" is too much of an abstraction from reality, and this sort of abstraction from reality is part of what leads to the destructive (tending towards making everybody engaged less happy/fulfilled) aspects of modernity/Capitalism/FITB. That's why the YMOYL use of the phrase "life energy" tends towards promoting frugality. Part of what I am attempting to get at with my muddled thinking here is that it is pretty obvious that the metaphor or phrase one level beyond "life energy" would be something like "life energy X skillz" @ ERE1, but what's the next level exponential factor beyond the realm of the literal financial? It pretty much has to be the ability to innovate at the individual level. It's the only human potential that could possibly keep up or catch up with compound interest on accumulated life energy and/or the continued growth at the margin of the entirety of the modern economy prior to collapse (or after!) IOW, strong embodied belief in your own ability to come up with creative solutions at the margin in an ever-changing problem-scape is the ultimate form of post-scarcity/abundance mindset. Squirrels and beavers didn't take over the planet. Neither did the crocodiles or the cheetahs. It's monkey, monkey, monkey for the win!

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Re: 7Wannabe5-Take9-One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Next question. How does one acquire/create/manifest the optionality and access that would/could be afforded by having approximately $2 to $200 million in the bank without actually having $2 to $200 million in the bank? My initial thought/intuition is that "access" is much easier to solve for than "optionality." I also believe (but may very well be wrong) that "optionality" is more key along the lines of "You need to have money to make (or save) more money."

Sub-question 1: How am I going to "finance" my next life-style business?

Sub-question 2: How am I going to "finance" my next perma-culture project?

Sub-note A: The above two questions make obvious my current belief that my next permaculture project will NOT constitute a viable life-style business.

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