UAPs .. This changes everything?

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UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by stand@desk »

Saw this video looks authentic. Should this not be more important than any other news or threat or "X" to mankind?

So we could be living in the matrix? Kind of seems like we could be in the matrix with the several near misses civilization has enocountered with nuclear weapons over the years.

UFOs or UAPs are such a wildcard..but with today's distractions, might people just go "meh, (shrug shoulders)" and go back to thier phone?

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by C40 »

wake up sheeple

You know, Reagan and Gorbachev made a verbal defensive pact treaty to team up against aliens if either Russia or the U.S. is attacked.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by stand@desk »

Just to state the obvious, if aircraft can do things like this, what other powers do the engineers of this craft possess as well? Are the rules of engagement we think we know really true? And how worried should we be about pedestrian matters when something like that is out there..

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Smashter »

@C-40 that's interesting. I've heard arguments which say that the only thing that could get nations to set aside their differences is an alien invasion threat. But I figure the less optimistic reaction depicted in The Three Body Problem is more likely.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Lucky C »

I'm surprised there isn't more discussion on this forum regarding this. The Pentagon UAP report should be a big deal!

Prior to the last few weeks, the Occam's Razor explanations of UFO videos were the typical weather balloon, experimental government aircraft, or fake (CGI) video, etc. rational arguments. If a light or object in a video was moving like current aircraft technology or possibly a balloon, there was no reason to suspect otherwise. If it was moving in ways that are more advanced than our technology, it must be a fake video, or some illusion where it is not actually an aircraft. Those explanations made sense to me and I never sought to investigate further.

Now the government is acknowledging that at least some of the videos showing advanced maneuvering are in fact physical objects and the videos are legitimate, straight from government sources such as fighter jet cameras. It is now confirmed to not be US government technology. There is "no evidence" that it is foreign (Chinese or Russian) technology or that it is alien technology, but those explanations can't be ruled out.

So which is more likely, that this is one of our foreign adversaries (that has no previously known technology like this and in fact tries to rip off state of the art US tech), or that it is from a civilization more technologically advanced than Earth's? Or that it could be a natural phenomenon... which happens to follow around the US Navy...?

Lastly it could in fact be advanced US technology and the aim of the Pentagon report is to throw our adversaries off the trail - doubt it! Or this whole thing including the videos could be manufactured by the US government for some wacky conspiratorial reason.

So yeah the acknowledgement from the Pentagon that there are many "real" sightings has definitely shifted my view away from highly doubting that any ETs or their probes have visited Earth.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by bostonimproper »

I don’t think the report next month will tell us much, but I’d be chuffed to find out it’s aliens.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by chenda »

I'm a bit skeptical of all this, though I have seen UFOs twice. Well I saw things (with witnesses) in the sky which are hard to rationally explain.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Lemur »

@Lucky C

I think the Occam's Razor still applies here. There is not enough evidence even from the video to conclude on anything. My personal opinion...the more I think about the media hype on this, the more I think it is a grift by military industrial complex lobbying to acquire more funding for defense programs.

Could be a number of things...but I have a feeling the latest ones are optical illusions. It is perhaps a drone or a meteor...We don't have the radar data or anything like that. ... scroll.gif

I won't pretend to be an expert on this stuff but I gotta say I've watched a ton of astronomy/space documentaries and odds of this stuff being alien is damn near 0 given how far ancient civilizations have to travel to even get here and the fact alone that space is expanding and objects in the universe are accelerating away from one another...The universe is like a bubble that keeps expanding and this expansion is accelerating. Let alone of all the observations we've seen from space we haven't retrieved any signals either.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by chenda »

Another thing is that circular/saucer shaped aircraft have terrible aerodynamics and are almost impossible to make work, which is why they are never built (Ok not a problem in space)

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by The Old Man »

US Navy "UFO Patents"

It is likely the UAP is representative of the right-hand not knowing what the left-hand is doing.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Sclass »

Lucky C wrote:
Sat Jun 05, 2021 1:00 pm
I'm surprised there isn't more discussion on this forum regarding this.

If a light or object in a video was moving like current aircraft technology or possibly a balloon, there was no reason to suspect otherwise. If it was moving in ways that are more advanced than our technology, it must be a fake video, or some illusion where it is not actually an aircraft.
I wanted to post about this but I couldn’t really contribute anything. I’m totally puzzled. Didn’t realize it came up here awhile back. I must say I found the 60 Minutes videos and interviews intriguing. Yes, it does seem like some kind of optical illusion. But the sailors saw it with their eyes, radar and on the FLIR. If that’s all true, that is a head scratcher. It has been bothering me the last month after seeing the grainy footage.

But no sonic boom? No thermal trail (air friction)? My classical physics knowledge cannot get around that. Shows up on various electromagnetic detection systems (radar, optical) but it doesn’t get hot while it goes supersonic and doesn’t produce a wake? Yet it froths up the surface of the water according to the sailors? Estimates of the energy required for the maneuvers is very high with no heat dissipation. No way. It cannot be all that at the same time. Something is beyond sci-fi here.

Unless it’s massless. Like an optical illusion.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Qazwer »

E T Jaynes has a great piece of Bayesian logic. If the pretest probability of an alien is low enough, even seeing one would not increase it. It could just be a magic trick (Statue of Liberty can be made to disappear). If you pretest is high enough, then testimony could increase it. The same bit of data on alien life could have different meanings for different people.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by macg »

Personally, I do believe in alien life, the math alone convinces me. Whether or not they've visited, I just don't know. I'd be more likely to believe that the "real" sightings would be their versions of drones or whatnot.

As to the sudden surge of the "official" talk of it in the past year, year and a half - well, I'm a realist (some may say cynic lol). To me , it's purely the government(s) flashing something shiny so the populace gets distracted.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Lucky C »

Sclass wrote:
Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:06 pm
Unless it’s massless. Like an optical illusion.
Radar can be spoofed, e.g. record a radar pulse, doppler shift it, and transmit it with a delay, and the radar will "detect" a target at the range and speed you programmed in. Our eyes can be tricked in many ways. Maybe IR cameras can be spoofed in some way as well. Can human technology be used to fool us in all these ways at once?

If it's man-made, it seems like multiple techniques would need to be employed at once to fool our eyes and electronic sensors in the same way at the same time. Of course, if it's otherworldly, there could be a combination of seeing the true nature and being fooled by other aspects. Perhaps there is a technology to hide or greatly diminish sonic booms that we just can't conceive of yet - the boom really happens but it gets hidden in some way.

Or maybe it's just a 4D creation dipping its toes into our 3D cubeland, and it's not really propelling itself at supersonic speeds; we're just seeing different 3D slices of the 4D thing at different times.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Campitor »

I believe the UAPs are man made vehicles. When the stealth fighter was revealed during the 1st Gulf War, there was a military news briefing regarding the stealth fighter. I recall one of the things mentioned in this televised briefing was that the stealth fighter was routinely misidentified as a UFO when its existence was classified. Another thing mentioned was that it's silhouette was good at fooling ocular vector tracking - the pilot observing the fighter thought it was headed in one direction but the fighter was actualling yawing in the opposite direction giving the illusion that the plane made a right angle turn.

The most likely answer, especially considering these vehicles are appearing over or near US military air space, is that a clandestine military aircraft is being tested. This is classic military R&D SOP. That most military pilots are unaware of the existence of an experimental aircraft is unsurprising.

I'll believe it's an alien spacecraft when the pilot and the craft's giant robot Gort land in D.C. ;)

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Sclass »

Lucky C wrote:
Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:31 pm
Radar can be spoofed, e.g. record a radar pulse, doppler shift it, and transmit it with a delay, and the radar will "detect" a target at the range and speed you programmed in. Our eyes can be tricked in many ways. Maybe IR cameras can be spoofed in some way as well.
100% agree. Phased microwave arrays and phased laser arrays (basically the same thing at different frequencies) can create the electromagnetic equivalent of a hologram. It’s a little fishy that it occurred right on top of a bunch of US govt ships with well spec’d visions systems. Makes me wonder if it originated on the ships themselves.

A lot of the funny physics can be explained away if the objects were just images. Maybe it’s just a PSYOP? It wouldn’t be the first time a bunch of government employees lied to the public in a chorus line.

I still can’t get past how any object can push its way through the air without displacing air molecules fast enough to create a heat disturbance or sound. Having no volume or mass would explain the absence of a sonic boom. Like cavemen scaring each other by making shadows on the wall?

I like to keep an open mind about this stuff but it is too easy to imagine an engineered solution involving signal processing rather than real physical UAPs that defy physics.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Jean »

I'de bet on the us gov trying to bluff rival nations into thinking that it still has a massive technological advantage.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Lucky C »

Sclass wrote:
Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:40 pm
engineered solution involving signal processing
And an optical illusion fooling the naked eye in the same way at the same time? Just seems super unlikely that something could spoof electronic sensors and our eyes in the same way at the same time. It would be like if a magician made his assistant in a box disappear at the same time that the box is on a scale (set up by a third party and not messed with by the magician) that shows the mass of the assistant went poof at the same time. If the scale remained constant, it would be clear the assistant contorted into the thick bottom of the box with an optical illusion making it look too thin to fit a person. With the scale confirming that significant mass was removed from the box, then you have to question if there is some advanced technology that doesn't fit in our current understanding of what's possible... invisibility cloak? Teleportation? Ability to freeze time?

There are a lot of partial explanations but nothing that seems "likely" to me including alien tech. But based on lack of other explanations and confirmation that there are many "real" occurrences confirmed by the militaries of the world (i.e. not simply special effects video wizardry), I have basically gone from alien UFO atheist to agnostic. Like with religion, calling it alien tech is a nice solution that can answer all the unknowns. I like imagining the possibility but simply saying "aliens" is not a satisfying explanation for inquisitive minds.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by Sclass »

Yeah that is hard to rectify. The pilot testimony is hard to get around. I was thinking the visual reports could just be old fashioned lies. No tech required.

Holograms, spoofed radar etc. will also be difficult without some kind of stable broadcasting platform. This is not obvious in the middle of the ocean. Easier would be just corrupting the digital video feed with some new data.

Like I said the whole thing is a head scratcher. If all the available accounts are reliable it’s impossible to explain.

At the end of the day all we’ve seen is some grainy footage on a flir cam. There is reportedly corroborating data on radar but I haven’t seen the synced records side by side in the short clips available online. When I read that it exists I just assume it is so. At the end of the day all I’ve seen is a grainy gray scale thermal video and some descriptions of how they had matching radar and visuals.

Edit - I have to be really careful about believing what I read when I really want to believe it. To use the magician and scale analogy above, we have been told about a scale by the magician’s staff but I don’t think we’ve actually seen it nor have we even confirmed it’s existence (radar/visuals). At this point it’s a story. I keep seeing the thermal videos but I don’t see the radar records indicating the high velocities and accelerations “observed”. A lot of what we have know is just a story at this point. As intriguing as this is it has the anatomy of a classical con…some tantalizing tidbits of data and a lot of story.

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Re: UAPs .. This changes everything?

Post by IlliniDave »

I've been loosely following this over the last few months. I don't know what to make of the phenomenology. An attempt at intellectual honestly makes me conclude that there's much our unsettled science cannot yet explain, despite our ability to to catch fleeting glimpses. I'm skeptical that we're catching peeks at visitors from a great distance, but can't rule it out. Ditto for technology of our terrestrial rivals.
