Exercise/Fitness Log

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by mooretrees »

davetheram12, any specific Pilates videos you would recommend?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by J_ »

End of winter season is maximum fitness for me. Every other day cc skiing for aerobic condition and body-power. In between days a combination of rather intensive pilatus on the mat (15 minutes), KB (8 minutes), Yoga excercises (10 minutes) and walks of about 8 kilometer.
I look forward to the spring; then I change to rowing on the water every other day. The other exercises go the year round.

I wonder why it is so difficult to maintain power in my arms. With KB it becomes direct clear to me if the power in my arms diminishes. Is the only possibility to do even more exercises? Can anyone give advise?

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by davtheram12 »

mooretrees wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:28 pm
davetheram12, any specific Pilates videos you would recommend?
Move with Nicole on YouTube has been great! She has videos that range from 15-60 minutes with varying difficulty. What I like most is that she does a voiceover throughout the video making it very easy to follow. Her calming voice keeps things relaxing.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Lemur »

Went on a 1 hour jog today - haven't done any real cardio like that in months. I have fantastic cardio regardless - years of being a former distance runner / military have taught me how to control my pace and heart rate.

I'm mostly getting back into an exercise routine to develop my fitness but also for the cognitive benefits - sharper mind and lower stress levels.

I've a notepad on my computer with something simple I can focus on to stick too:
I don't have weights (only a 35 lb kettlebell) and right now I don't have any spot to do pull-ups so I'll have to devise one or just stick with kettlebell rows for a while. With the exception of Sunday, I'm aiming for the other workouts to be in the 20-30 minute range.

Sunday – 1 hour jog
Monday – Upper + Lower Bodyweight
Tuesday – Cardio or Burpees (20-30 min) + Core
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Upper Body
Friday – Lower Body
Saturday – Core

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

Started training for a 100,000 step day a few weekends ago. I expect this to be ~45 miles. Been regularly doing ~10 miles of hiking/walking every weekend, so my training program was/is 15 miles last weekend, 20 miles this weekend, 25 miles next weekend, 30 miles the following weekend, and then the full 45 miles the next weekend.

The 20 miles yesterday wasn't too bad, but only about 45% of my target. For context, some years back I walked 25 miles one day, and over the last few years I've done ~15 a few times. I've never been a runner nor have done any of these sorts of challenges, so it should be fun and interesting!

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Lemur »


I love walking but don't know if I could do it for that long! Would be a nice way to get through an audio book or something.

I managed to stick to my routine this week; despite a few of those days just not really feeling like it.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Married2aSwabian »

Lemur wrote:
Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:48 pm
right now I don't have any spot to do pull-ups
Just last week, I installed a pull-up bar in our basement. My goal is to work my way back up to doing 7 or 8 (at five now). Not too bad for an old guy. :D
I bought a 4’ length of 1-1/2” dia black pipe threaded both ends and two flanges for about $25. Then I made up two blocks to mount to the floor joists, ST bar is a couple of inches lower and connected everything with lag bolts and wood screws. It’s rock solid. Note: 2” dia. Pipe would have been better.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Biscuits and Gravy »

Completed my first organized ride! 40 miles with an average speed just over 14 mph. I learned a lot about signaling and bike courtesy, and the ride was easy cuz there was always a fat guy to draft behind (Texas). Bonus I didn’t have to pack my own snacks. Definitely won’t be the last time I poke holes in my cycling jersey. :D

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Biscuits and Gravy »

Dave wrote:
Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:06 pm
Started training for a 100,000 step day a few weekends ago.
Did you succeed?! You’ve now had an extra two years to do it, so, I mean, c’mon.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

Biscuits and Gravy wrote:
Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:59 pm
Did you succeed?! You’ve now had an extra two years to do it, so, I mean, c’mon.
My bad, I didn't post the follow-up.

Yes! I did the walk with my brother and his wife around Tucson on 05/01/2021, so a few weeks after I posted. We used my SiL's Apple watch as the official 100,000 step tracker, and our various devices measured a distance of 41-44 total miles. Started at 5AM, finished at 8PM, so a little under 3mph net. Other than quick refuels of liquids/calories, we didn't take breaks outside of a 30-45 minute block where I had to do an at-home covid test for my upcoming flight.

My knees and feet were feeling it by the end, but nothing too bad. Worst part was the next day...I felt hungover, probably dehydrated despite best efforts!
Lemur wrote:
Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:44 pm
I love walking but don't know if I could do it for that long! Would be a nice way to get through an audio book or something.
Yeah, it was pretty wild and I think it would be hard to be motivated for this solo in a familiar environment. I was visting my brother who I hadn't seen in a while, so it was a fun way to spend a day exploring the city/area...for weirdo fitness junkies :lol:.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Biscuits and Gravy »

That is really impressive, Dave. I walked ten miles once—ONCE—and that is why I bike now.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

Dave wrote:
Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:58 pm
Yes! I did the walk with my brother and his wife around Tucson on 05/01/2021, so a few weeks after I posted. We used my SiL's Apple watch as the official 100,000 step tracker, and our various devices measured a distance of 41-44 total miles. Started at 5AM, finished at 8PM, so a little under 3mph net. Other than quick refuels of liquids/calories, we didn't take breaks outside of a 30-45 minute block where I had to do an at-home covid test for my upcoming flight.

My knees and feet were feeling it by the end, but nothing too bad. Worst part was the next day...I felt hungover, probably dehydrated despite best efforts!

Yeah, it was pretty wild and I think it would be hard to be motivated for this solo in a familiar environment. I was visting my brother who I hadn't seen in a while, so it was a fun way to spend a day exploring the city/area...for weirdo fitness junkies :lol:.
I did the virtual version of the Bataan Memorial Death March last week, criss-crossing the local neighborhood for a marathon distance of about 45,000 steps. While it sucked mentally for the first couple of hours, it felt pretty good once after the endorphins kicked in and I got into the groove. Total duration was 6.5 hours.

While the virtual distance is not official in any way, I walked it with a 10lbs pack. Next year I hope to finish lugging the 35lbs of the heavy division. Maybe some day make it to White Sands, New Mexico and do the IRL one. If you're in Chicago next year in March, I plan to go heavy and walk a few (3.5) circles up at the Elkwood Preserve rather than literally passing every single house in my neighborhood (they're all mostly the same). My 10lbs loaded speed was about 6.3kph---started higher, finished lower, breaks included. I expect my loaded-heavy speed to be around 5.3kph plus/minus.

In case others are interested, consider this an open invitation. Might even be able to arrange a few training runs---probably at Elk Grove.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

jacob wrote:
Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:01 am
I did the virtual version of the Bataan Memorial Death March last week, criss-crossing the local neighborhood for a marathon distance of about 45,000 steps. While it sucked mentally for the first couple of hours, it felt pretty good once after the endorphins kicked in and I got into the groove. Total duration was 6.5 hours.

While the virtual distance is not official in any way, I walked it with a 10lbs pack. Next year I hope to finish lugging the 35lbs of the heavy division. Maybe some day make it to White Sands, New Mexico and do the IRL one. If you're in Chicago next year in March, I plan to go heavy and walk a few (3.5) circles up at the Elkwood Preserve rather than literally passing every single house in my neighborhood (they're all mostly the same). My 10lbs loaded speed was about 6.3kph---started higher, finished lower, breaks included. I expect my loaded-heavy speed to be around 5.3kph plus/minus.

In case others are interested, consider this an open invitation. Might even be able to arrange a few training runs---probably at Elk Grove.
Well done! Yeah, I could see it being a slog until you get into the zone, especially given the repetitive surroundings of your walk.

Very impressive with the extra weight...especially your target of 35lb! That's some serious work for that distance.

My schedule is uncertain around that time next year, but if I'm in the area I'll join you. I just set some fitness goals, one of which is to walk 50 miles in a day, another is to ruck 100lb for my nightly 3 mile loop. I'm up to 35lb for the nightly loop, and gradually increasing the weekly rate. Doing that walk with you adds some structure to the plan.

I'll be in Chicago late July early August and would be down for a training ruck at Elk Grove (or wherever) if you're interested. Can message here or DM, let me know!

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

Dave wrote:
Fri Apr 28, 2023 9:37 am
Well done! Yeah, I could see it being a slog until you get into the zone, especially given the repetitive surroundings of your walk.
I actually prefer repetitiveness when it comes to grinding out endurance events. This probably makes me one of the weird ones, but I'd rather walk a 400m track 100 times(*) than a 40k route full of novelties. I prefer to switch my mind off for these things.
Dave wrote:
Fri Apr 28, 2023 9:37 am
My schedule is uncertain around that time next year, but if I'm in the area I'll join you. I just set some fitness goals, one of which is to walk 50 miles in a day, another is to ruck 100lb for my nightly 3 mile loop. I'm up to 35lb for the nightly loop, and gradually increasing the weekly rate. Doing that walk with you adds some structure to the plan.

I'll be in Chicago late July early August and would be down for a training ruck at Elk Grove (or wherever) if you're interested. Can message here or DM, let me know!
This makes it 3 people. I propose a two rounds for 24k sometime in the fall. The longest I've gone with 35lbs is 17k. People are of course free to bail at whatever mile marker or carry whatever weight they want. I know the route well enough to mark turnaround points. And yes, there are actual elks to behold on route.

My "impossible goal" is to some day join the Centurion list. That's 100M in 24hrs. There are fewer people who have done this than people who have climbed Mt Everest. What makes it hard (or crazy) is not the distance (ultrarunners do this regularly) but that you're not allowed to run and thus only have one speed which is all-out-walking (maintaining a 14:20 mile time). Something more realistic is doing a "Kennedy" which is 50M in 12hrs. Unfortunately, such long distance walking events are kinda rare in the US. They happen, but it's semi-random and not every year. They're more common in Europe. The only annually ongoing event in the US that I know of is FANS in Minnesota.

(*) There's an event in NYC where people just run/walk around the same blog for hours or days until they've had enough. I should look into this.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Dave »

I haven’t done many endurance events, but I can see what you mean about turning off the mind.

OK, sounds good to me, I should be able to make at least one of the sessions! I’ll keep tabs on this thread.

That is one hell of a goal. Yeah, that’s a very solid walk pace to maintain for 24 hours, especially factoring in the tiny margin of time for bathroom breaks/any other breaks.

I’ll start with my 50 mile goal no time limit before thinking too much about those :P.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

I met my goal of averaging 7000 steps a day for the calendar year. It's more hiking than walking so I think that's good. This year I want to increase by 1K per day.

I tried to do Pilates three times a week but failed miserably. I'll see what I can do.

They say it increases lifespan. I'm not sure I want that but I guess it's better to have the option.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by VinceJ »

Henry wrote:
Mon May 01, 2023 12:59 pm
I met my goal of averaging 7000 steps a day for the calendar year. It's more hiking than walking so I think that's good. This year I want to increase by 1K per day.

I tried to do Pilates three times a week but failed miserably. I'll see what I can do.

They say it increases lifespan. I'm not sure I want that but I guess it's better to have the option.
Good stuff! If you don't like pilates - try something else, there are a huge variety out there. Just being active and doing some general fitness should be really good either way :D For example my shtick is running - everyday+some social runs+some running events(don't ask me how much I'm dropping on mens running footwear early :D )
Last edited by VinceJ on Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by Henry »

I actually like Pilates. We have a basic machine. Our gym is a closet in a spare room. My understanding is that it was created to rehab ballet dancers and I can see how it helps with my joints. The path we walk is mainly mud and gravel so the ground is far from uniform and there is constant unanticipated bending of ankles and joints and we are doing this with hiking sneakers. I think the issue is state of mind. Pilates is meant to be done slowly and meditatively and that's not my natural state. My wife is constantly reminding me it's not aerobics. It's meant to be done lightly. As the NBA has moved into a game of spacing and movement it has taken on more of a dancing quality and the players are now incorporating Pilates it into their regimens. I just have to figure out routine and optimal time to use it. I was told the issue with exercise is not to establish a set time because if that time passes, you psychologically feel that was the only time to do it. I don't think that applies to Pilates because you can wind up hurting yourself. You have to be completely mentally engaged. It's not a listening to a podcast while you're doing it type of thing.

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by theanimal »

Zuckerberg is apparently ripped now and made headlines earlier this week when he said that he does a Murph (as mentioned a few pages back in this thread) every Memorial Day with his daughters. Not only did he do it weighted, but he posted a time of 39:58.

So naturally, I took that as a challenge. 39:03. Take that Zuck. :twisted:

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Re: Exercise/Fitness Log

Post by jacob »

Oh crap. I knew that [Murph] sounded familiar.

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