What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

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What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by TopHatFox »

Trying to find potential stuff to do b/w June 1 and Jul 16. Idealy whatever it is would be in line with a $700/mo lifestyle. I'm thinking:

1. Going on a long hike
2. Working some summer job prior to "real" job
3. Moving out to the new area and branching
4. Vanaboding (maybe too much set-up)
5. Etc.

Got any other cool ideas?

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by James_0011 »

Go woofing somewhere - free rent + food at some farms

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

In exchange for six weeks of full-time manual labor, I may be willing to provide lodging in a charming 1970s era off-grid-in-city camper and foodstuffs. As added bonus, I might be further able to arrange a number of mini-internships with a variety of older men with a variety of skill-sets. It is possible that I might also introduce you to my DD25 who might introduce you to some of her friends who practice polyamory.

Prior to arrival, I will provide a complete recommended reading/viewing list, but you can get started right away with "The Permaculture Orchard" and "The Adventures of Augie March."

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by TopHatFox »

@7wannabe, all of that actually sounds really great! What part of the country do you live in again?

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by Dragline »

I was going to say "road trip", but it looks like you have a winner. If I'm not mis-remembering, I believe that means Michigan.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by Ego »

Cliches are cliches for a reason.

Cursory search shows Boston to Paris on WOW Airline $189 plus 39 Euro for your bike on June 1. If you search hard you'll probably find something similar on the way home. Get a stamp in that new passport and go for a long ride.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by thrifty++ »

Read heaps of interesting books from the library, drink lots of wine and sleep.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

I know it sounded like I was joking, but it might actually prove to be quite mutually beneficial. I tend towards better focused productivity when I have to organize other people's time. I live and garden in a very small city full of recent immigrants that is completely surrounded by the city of Detroit. There may be some legal and safety issues related to human occupancy of the camper, so I will probably ask you to sign some sort of waver of responsibility.

Your main duties would be assisting with projects on my perma-culture site where the camper is parked. I am the opposite of a micro-manager, so you will have to engage in a good deal of independent, creative problem solving based on a list of rough objectives. June into July is actually a bit of a lull period after the spring planting, so earth moving, soil amendment,structure building, solar-power projects would likely be on the agenda along with maintenance activities.

I am well acquainted with a number of people who head-up a number of local non-profit organizations, so this adventure can very likely be credentialed in a manner that will look good on your resume. In fact, I have been asked by one of these individuals to come up with some projects for some of her volunteers who are high-school age, so you may end up with a team of workers to supervise at some juncture.

Just brain-storming here, but some of the mini-internships or experiences I may be able to arrange might be:

1) Greenhouse, fence and arbor construction under guidance of skilled/talented individual (not me.)
2) Day in the life of a professional book-scout (me.) Assist with organization/conservation of library collection on the topic of lost arts and crafts.
3) Tutoring under-privileged children.
4) Day assisting the head of a social justice non-profit involved with prison issues.
5) Day assisting eccentric multi-millionaire businessman/stock investor.
6) Day assisting multi-patent holding engineer/inventor with some sort of project involving electricity.
7) Day assisting Emmy-award winning videographer and semi-famous musician with creative project.
8) Day assisting head of large urban farm/community center.
9) Day assisting at immigration law center.
10) Scavenging in the gritty wilds of Detroit. Biking through mean streets and along the river.
11) Side-trip to Ann Arbor. Trivia night at some bar with assortment of interesting attractive age-peers.
12) Side-trip to wilderness area of Michigan.
13) Opportunity to develop extreme expertise in art of dumpster diving for cardboard/carbon.
14) Opportunity to develop giant muscles wielding manual tools towards acquisition of free nitrogen inputs (whacking down weeds on vacant lots.)
15) Opportunity to attend service at a mosque with friendly companion.
16) Skill in willow basketry. Research project on cash crop possibilities of ornamental willow.
17) Skill in creating pottery out of clay you will dig up from the earth yourself.
18) Construction of fresnel lens steam engine or something like that under guidance of skilled mechanical engineer.
19) Learn how to buy stuff at auction.
20) Some sort of fermentation project.
21) etc. etc. etc.

I will offer warning that some of the individuals to whom you will be apprenticed may be a bit more on the street-smart, rough side, and not likely to exhibit consistently politically correct behavior. For instance, I think it is quite possible that at least two of them may suggest that you accompany them to a strip joint or offer you instruction along the lines of "What the f8ck are you doing? That's not the right tool, you moron." Hopefully, you will be able to integrate such experiences productively.

You can probably get here very cheaply via Megabus. You will definitely want to have a bicycle, but if you want to bring one of your own that is valuable, you should Mormonize it with black tape.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Enjoy the part about where you have no pressure to look for a paid employment situation and you haven't yet learned what sucks about your future job. :lol:

The AT is on my bucket list. I'd go to Harper's Ferry and see if I could knock off a good chunk of the midle of the trail. Long hike is first on your list hmmm ;)

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by halfmoon »

@Olaz, do you seriously have to weigh the options? If so, go back and read all of 7wb5's posts. Interacting with someone so intelligent, creative and curious -- not to mention all of her interesting acquaintances -- is an opportunity you can't duplicate and will never forget. The only danger I can see is that you might decide to stay and blow off the new job. :P

Seriously. Sometimes life gifts you with a truly unique opportunity. Grab it.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by daylen »

Does this permaculture internship extend to other forum members? ;)

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by Lemon »

daylen wrote:Does this permaculture internship extend to other forum members? ;)
I had similar thoughts, hey maybe that is how ERE city is founded :P

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by C40 »

looks like we have our first ERE Internship starting up. (Or maybe it should be called the "Life, according to 7wb5" Internship)

If Zalo doesn't take it, add me to your list of candidates. I'd consider it for next summer or later years, as long as you're cool with me saying "no, I don't think I'll do that anymore" to about 1/10 things.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by Dragline »

halfmoon wrote: blow off the new job.
I read this phrase way too quickly and immediately got the wrong impression. :lol:

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by enigmaT120 »

Those are the best impressions.

I think I can restrain myself from going to work on 7wb5's farm, though meeting her would likely be a treat. I prefer the woods.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The occupation of the camper might have to be a bit on the stealth, otherwise I would say the more the merrier. In theory, 5 cuddly people could sleep in the camper together. If Zalo, or anybody else, occupies it solo, I may offer lend of one of my sister's dogs for company and security.

Any older more widely skilled volunteers will be fit into the mix in something more like Senior/Adjunct Camp Counselor role. For instance, C40 could park his van on my 3rd vacant lot which is, as of yet, pretty much untouched, and go nutz over there.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by TopHatFox »

Not sure what I'll do yet, but all of this is very very exciting. I need to get my butt off the mainstream railroad ASAP with all of these wonderful adventures to take using liberated time.

I went on a hike date with the 25 yo polyam, horse-trainer, yurt-builder, outdoorsy, sailing, affectionate woman today. It turned into a 7 hour hike-café-hike date. She offered for us to build her tiny house or yurt together after I graduate. <3

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by BRUTE »

she offered for Olaz to provide her free labor?

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by bryan »

+1 to Detroit.

Otherwise I would just bicycle for exercise and exploration everyday and explore the city at nights as well. Check out places/events I was always curious about but couldn't be bothered to. Read.

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Re: What to do for six weeks b/w college graduation and full-time work?

Post by C40 »

@BRUTE - :lol: :lol:

I guess that is basically 7w5's offer too.

So now it's

7w5: awesome lady with life lessons, interesting friends, and all kinds of different types of work to do or choose from. Offers her daughter's friends as a potential harem.


The hike date: cool 25 year old girl that likes horses and wants help building a tiny house. And Zalo would get to fuck her.

I also thought while hiking today, didn't Fight Club seem to be set in a place like Detroit? Is 7w5 turning into a sort of female Tyler Durdan but with good intentions? (I'm picturing the part where all the project mayhen guys are fixing up the shitty house, making a garden, etc... but that's all they do, plus go help old engineer guys build gadgets, go volunteer, and so on)

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