Next job: technical or management?

Anything to do with the traditional world of get a degree, get a job as well as its alternatives
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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by SimpleLife »

@FBeyer -

Yes, that's the old Psycho-Cybernetics "don't be a sheep and applaud the the applause sign goes up/let other people control your life with their idiocy". I'm familiar with the concept.

But again, as I've stated in probably every thread I've posted about this, because they PHYSICALLY affect me. They determine the hours I work, where I work, when I work, all while riding the gravy train on my back and the backs of a few of my colleagues.

This isn't the same thing as someone calling me a name on the street and the old "sticks and stones". These idiots have POWER over my life. My health insurance. My work. My free time. My success.

To an extent, the thought has crossed my mind, as I posted in another thread, of dealing with the idiots by doing just as little as possible and pushing back as much as possible with the hopes of not getting fired or maybe, when they ask for ridiculous changes in the 11th hour, I just pretend like I don't know how to do it (like I am right now on a project). But if I do, what's the big deal other than a hit to my pride? I have paid off real estate, rental and dividend income, and a ton of education and skills, not to mention certs so I could get a new job easily.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by BRUTE »

@Simplelife -

brute hasn't ever seen Fortran code in his life. brute isn't saying it's always been sugar candy land, but certainly brute never got as frustrated as SimpleLife seems to be. and many of these exact things have happened to brute, but he always felt treated quite well.

brute believes FBeyer is right on this one.

1)the reality is that customers don't know what they want, change their mind all the time, and have unrealistic expectations
2)how can this reality be dealt with in the least frustrating way?

wishing it weren't so is not part of the set of potential solutions.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by BRUTE »

SimpleLife wrote:I could get a new job easily.
maybe this is the solution?

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by jacob »





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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by SimpleLife »

@ brute
I just explained it. :? But I'll explain it again. I try to analyze patterns and develop a theory, test the theory for accuracy. That's kind of the point of this thread. I've noticed a pattern, as have my colleagues, and I've come here to see if to evaluate putting the theory to test by asking if I should stay in technical hands on roles or go back into management.

Instead I've been told over the interwebs by an insurance agent that I'm depressed. :lol:

When I go through the posting history that makes me allegedly depressed, I don't see depression, I see analysis of what is making me unhappy at work and an attempt to formlate a plan to change it. That's the common theme in my threads. Frustration with the way work is and trying to evaluate if things are better in a different role (which I was in long ago but in a terrible place).

Reminds me of one of the Admins at the MMM forum. I asked a question about real estate strategy/planning and months later, I learned a new concept and ask a different question about tweaking my strategy. Yet the moderator replied and called me bi-polar. :roll:

This, it turned out was a regular occurrence there for a lot of people and lot's of quality people stopped posting. As such I did a bit of research on internet forum advice effectiveness and decided to stop posting for a while and research things on my own. That was actually working out much better. It's pretty rare someone 1) understands the question 2) has the critical thinking ability to give cogent advice or has even read the question fully 3) is a subject matter expert on the topic.
Last edited by SimpleLife on Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by SimpleLife »

BRUTE wrote:
SimpleLife wrote:I could get a new job easily.
maybe this is the solution?

Ummmm...What is my question in this thread????? It's about a new job, whether it should be management or technical. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Yet after going around the world with theories that I'm depressed or really a garbage truck driver, you tell me maybe getting a new job is the solution, when that was the very question I was asking in this thread!!!!! You, are part of the problem...Ignore list you go.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by FBeyer »

SimpleLife wrote:... and a ton of education and skills, not to mention certs so I could get a new job easily.
Why would ERE know what would be better for you if you've already developed all the systems to analyze it? Are you unconsciously looking for 'permission' to quit?

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by BRUTE »

SimpleLife wrote:You, are part of the problem...Ignore list you go.
happy to help

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by cmonkey »

I don't think OP has a case of depression, more like a case of elitism combined with a touch of analysis paralysis. You constantly complain about all the 'morons' at work, yet do nothing about it. You most likely secretly enjoy working with them and looking down on them. If you truly hated your job, you'd leave.

I can understand your frustration with people that don't seem to understand/comprehend things that you understand. My tolerance for work BS has been tested quite extensively over the past couple of months. Life is too short to obsess over it. From time to time I suffer from elitism as well, but I catch myself and realize it's a quick route to a very miserable life.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by FBeyer »

BRUTE wrote:
SimpleLife wrote:You, are part of the problem...Ignore list you go.
happy to help
I got intrigued, I've now added you to my friends list. Just to see what it does...

Don't tell me, I want to experience it for myself!

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by BRUTE »

brute has no clue what "friend" or "foe" lists do. if FBeyer finds out, brute encourages him to report.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by EdithKeeler »

Being an INTJ, I try to solve root causes of problems. As such I try to analytically find patterns and develop a theory then test that theory for accuracy.
Well, I'm an ENTJ, and I do the same thing. And my point with my original post is that maybe, just maybe, you're not digging far enough down to find the root of the problem. I don't know if you're depressed or not--as I said in my post, I didn't know I was until it became clear that I was.

Look, you're really smart. I'm really smart, too. I know I'm in the top 2% IQ-wise, and sometimes people do dumb shit that gets all over me. I am really quick to see patterns and make connections and figure out how things work and how to get to the end. But then I remember that while I may have talents and abilities, others have different talents and abilities, so I try to appreciate people where they're at. And you know, sometimes it's really, really hard.

Even more important than IQ is EQ--emotional intelligence. A person can be super smart, great at their job, but if they can't get along with people, can't deal with people, can't deal with the ups and downs of dealing with day-to-day shit and incompetence that one encounters unless they live alone in a cave and never interact with anyone in person, over the phone, or online, they are not going to be successful in life. Or if they are successful (depending on the definition of success) they still may not be happy.

You can get a job on the technical side, or the management side, or go into Human Resources, or be a financial planner, or whatever else, but unless you can figure out a way to live and work with other people, you're probably not going to be very content. I used to have a poster in my office reminding me that "The common element in all your bad relationships is you." Meaning: what did I do to contribute to the situation to make it worse? And I had to be honest--sometimes it really was me and how I dealt with people.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by GandK »

EdithKeeler wrote:I used to have a poster in my office reminding me that "The common element in all your bad relationships is you."
Oh, I love! Is this it?


And you're right about happiness. There are two questions I have to ask myself regularly to keep me focused: "Is it more important to be right or to be happy?" and "Will this still matter next month?"

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by EdithKeeler »

Yes, that's the one! (I misquoted. Sorry!).

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by Scott 2 »

Simple life - what is the response you are looking for? "Technical" is the answer to your question.

Part of the deal for someone smart like you, if they are going to lead, is building up other people. All that stupidity is your chance to make them better. But people have to like and trust you first. It's infuriatingly slow, requires allowing failure, and helping to clean up messes.

Once you've earned trust, you get respect, then people listen. Even then, leading means less time doing the stuff you are awesome at, which IMO, sucks.

I've purposefully slowed my career, because I find it frustrating to be that supportive person. Maybe you should consider something similar?

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by GandK »

Scott 2 wrote:Once you've earned trust, you get respect, then people listen. Even then, leading means less time doing the stuff you are awesome at, which IMO, sucks.

I've purposefully slowed my career, because I find it frustrating to be that supportive person. Maybe you should consider something similar?
Yes. Corporate America is all about "promotions" as rewards, and will eventually try to promote competent technical people too, because that's their default way to reward people regardless of whether those people want to become managers or have any business being managers.

(This happens to others as well. Yes, it's a great honor for her to promote the department secretary to IT manager. But that won't magically make her behave like one. Stick around long enough and you'll see that, too.)

For me, before I walked away, the key was basically to keep the focus on maximizing my ability to reach my own goals, as opposed to the goals of my employer. And whenever I had to choose between money and happiness I chose the latter, because in the end, money is about providing things that lead to happiness.

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by pukingRainbows »

I would say technical because management potentially puts you in contact with more "incompetent" people, both above you and below you.
I think that would just further frustrate you.

I would also consider a different company entirely as the business culture doesn't seem to suit you.

It sounds like people there are pretty lackadaisical about their work. If you could find an environment that was more driven, you might be happier. Start up? Academic? Consulting? Your own business? Who knows? But since you are comfortable financially, you have the freedom to explore and see what works for you.

Good luck!

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Re: Next job: technical or management?

Post by Tyler9000 »

pukingRainbows wrote: I would also consider a different company entirely as the business culture doesn't seem to suit you.

IMHO, SimpleLife's frustration doesn't sound like a technical vs. management issue. It's a people/culture issue.

You really only have three options:
1) Adapt to the environment
2) Change the environment
3) Find an alternative environment that suits you

The important thing to realize is that "environment" is not defined by job responsibilities. It's more about the business culture that transcends personal duties. There are good ones and bad ones, and it sounds like you're stuck in a bad one (for you). Think outside the corporate box.

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