The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Ego said: I like the kind of interdependence where each person is helping the other to strengthen their weak areas rather than splitting the work by strengths. We are both very cognizant of the fact that one day a terrible thing could happen and one of us might not be here. Recognizing that possibility makes us appreciate this moment, right now, and encourages us to continue improving and growing as individuals as well as a couple.
I should note that I am sort of on the fence myself regarding the sexual dichotomy philosophy promoted by Deida, but I will write here as though I am direct advocate.

I think it is excellent that you are self-aware about the very real possibility of race-to-the-bottom dependency in long term dyad relationship. One of the reasons I really regret not taking a strong stance sooner in my marriage is that I seriously ended up Harrison-Bergeron-ing myself for a number of years. A monogamous adult dyad can only hold together if there is not too great of a division in the powers of the individuals engaged. In fact, one theory is that in the moment you are choosing to have sex with somebody, you are necessarily at equal power level. This is what is often being conveyed with a statement like "I only had sex with that person because I was drunk." IOW, there is an essential conflict between maintaining the dyad and personal growth which will result in tension that can either be resolved in a dysfunctional manner (unconscious sink to lowest common denominator) or a functional manner (self-aware disinclination to sacrifice personal growth combined with ability to hold on through tension of temporary power disequilibrium.) Also,the dyad is "we", but sex can only occur between "you" and "I." IOW, the affectionate dyad can be maintained without individuation but the sexual dyad can not because humans are out-breeders, so sex is about difference, whereas "liking" is about similarity. This is brief summary of the basis of modern egalitarian relationship theory not necessarily inclusive of sexual dichotomy theory.

So, modern egalitarian relationship theory holds that individuation or "differentiation" is necessary to maintain sexual tension in long-term relationships. Sexual dichotomy theory states that this tension and attraction will be greatest if one partner presents in strong feminine energy and the other partner presents in strong masculine energy. IOW, if the power held by each partner is strong and equal, but different because one partner is holding open, receptive energy while the other partner is holding focused, directive energy.

The traditional division of labor along sexist lines is only remotely related to feminine vs. masculine energy. It's not what you do. It's how you do it. In fact, if you are "do"ing, you are almost certainly in your masculine energy. You are in your feminine energy when you are "be"ing. Many or most endeavors involve both masculine and feminine energy. For instance, if I am in my garden and I am measuring out rows and making notes on graph paper then I am in my masculine energy. If I am in my garden and I am hunkered down smelling flowers, feeling the sun on my back and tasting fresh strawberries, then I am in my feminine energy.

Anyways, something you might ponder would be if, for instance, you are helping Mrs. Ego to be able to hang from a gutter by herself (metaphorically as well as literally), are you imagining a future in which she will be alone because you are gone rather than a future in which she will be best able to attract a new partner with enough muscle to pull her on to the roof and vice-versa? I'm not implying that the two are mutually exclusive, but we all need to make choices about in what way we wish to improve or what direction we wish to grow. For instance, it would or could be a strong stance in alignment with individuation if a partner said to me "I am going to teach you how to weld this afternoon." (has happened-lol) and I replied "No. This afternoon I will be shopping for a pretty dress at the thrift store and getting a pedicure with my sister." and then just blew him a kiss when he starts muttering something about "useless females." I get that it's a terrible burden on one's freedom to be the only one in the room who is capable of doing a decent job of welding, but ...P.O.P. (price of pretty- get your mind out of the gutter.) This is a simple, superficial example of individuation towards or in alignment with sexual dichotomy. The highest manifestation of feminine energy would be something like being completely relaxed in trust in relationship to the universe.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Another quick note on the theory. People have layers upon layers, but simple (simplistic) test for whether you are core feminine or core masculine in your sexuality would be to ask yourself whether you would be more hurt if your lover told you that you were "useless" or "ugly." Of course, those with high innate self-esteem or in current good situation would be more likely to reflexively respond "Not true!" to either statement, so imagine situation of contextual weakness, such as just failing at your career or losing some body part to cancer, and then your lover says one or the other.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Ego »

I think you might be overthinking it.

In my experience, people who are making it work spend their time trying to make it work. They look for ways to make it work and try not to undermine it. That's what my parents did and that's what we're doing.

So far, so good.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@Ego: Well, I overthink everything, so that's nothing new. However, your response leads me to believe that you fall into the category of "got lucky." I know so very many intelligent, mature, thoughtful, responsible, well-meaning people who have worked very hard and done their very best to preserve their marriages and failed. It's not that simple. By analogy, if I had only given birth to my DD24, who was once described as "a perfect angel child" at a parent-teacher conference, then I might think that parenting was simply a matter of showing up and doing the work. However, since I was also blessed with my DS27, I know that is not the case. -lol

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Ego »

Absolutely. I am the first to admit that I got lucky and that not all failures are the result of not working hard enough.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Well, when I woke up this morning,, I was feeling a bit tired and out of sorts. So, I started having negative thoughts about my tendencies towards "irrational exuberance" and somebody named Icarus and that maybe I don't have enough feminine energy to share with 4 partners, etc. etc. but then I put on my magic angora sweater and went to meet #4 and worked it all out.

Also, I forgot that according to sexual dichotomy theory the more orgasms a female has the better, but there is some benefit to a man having fewer relative to his overall masculine functioning. Kind of in alignment with the analogy with the Warrior Diet that BRUTE was suggesting. I am so happy that I self-identify as and phenotype-match the gender that gets to eat sweets in the morning and have unlimited orgasms. No need to delay gratification if you are the marshmallow.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Peanut »

"'Stage Three, 21st Century, Beyond Patriarchy and Matriarchy: Neither Stage One nor Stage Two, this is a stage of essentially real men being real men, and real women being real women; where both men and women become who they really are. From another, say, Covey-ian perspective, it's beyond dependence, beyond independence, to "interdependence" and beyond.'"

I don't buy that we've reached a stage where men and women are becoming who they really are yet. Social conditioning is still very strong and people perform gender scripts unthinkingly. That being said, I don't think men and women are the same either.

Gotta say, the energy theory sounds like bunk to me, although it also kind of intrigues. Having a hard time seeing how being and doing are that distinguishable in the first place. Like in your example, isn't shopping an activity?

My feeling about marriages is that the discussion around improving them is already a non-starter. "Work harder." How does that appeal? Work is work. Marriage shouldn't be work. Have fun instead.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Ego »

Peanut wrote: My feeling about marriages is that the discussion around improving them is already a non-starter. "Work harder." How does that appeal? Work is work. Marriage shouldn't be work. Have fun instead.
Yeah but someone's gotta wash the dishes, take the car in for service and complete the 1040 Schedule C. On the days when I feel like I'm doing all of the hard stuff, it takes work to see things from her perspective. And vise-versa. Going in thinking it is going to be all fun and no work is a recipe for disaster.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by BRUTE »

Peanut wrote:I don't buy that we've reached a stage where men and women are becoming who they really are yet. Social conditioning is still very strong and people perform gender scripts unthinkingly. That being said, I don't think men and women are the same either.


My feeling about marriages is that the discussion around improving them is already a non-starter. "Work harder." How does that appeal? Work is work. Marriage shouldn't be work. Have fun instead.
brute thinks the opposite is happening. external limits on human males and females have been lifted so far these days that there is just no reason left for them to have relationships.

females used to get married because they couldn't have jobs and being unmarried carried stigma. males used to get married because it was one of few ways to get laid, and the stigma thing. before that, they had relationships because tigers and famine struck.

with material abundance and lifting social stigmata about gender roles and sex, there's just no reason left for humans to form these traditional relationships like marriage. the only one left would be the joint raising of a human child, but arguably that's been thrown out the window before the economic considerations became fully realized, so humans don't really seem to care for that.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

Peanut said: I don't buy that we've reached a stage where men and women are becoming who they really are yet. Social conditioning is still very strong and people perform gender scripts unthinkingly. That being said, I don't think men and women are the same either.
Generally agree, but it varies. For instance, I was married to an artistic-type who grew up in a very liberal feminist environment, so he would sometimes say things to me like "You are smarter than me, so you should be the one who makes the money." (but it wasn't like he was about to change a stinky diaper either. -lol. I should note that we are actually water-under-the-bridge-weren't-we-both-stupid-kids-hug-when-we-infrequently-meet-friendly at this juncture. He could and would even do a dark humorous take on his lack of fitness for the conventional paterfamilias role, while I would be laughing until I cried recollecting the times I came home to find him with an empty 6 pack and a baby snapped into a sleeper with one leg out and one arm trapped, like some human origami project gone tragically wrong.) OTOH, acknowledging that hormones effect development and behavior is just not being a science denier, but rushing to assumption that conventional gender scripts directly reflect hormonal influence is not good science.
Gotta say, the energy theory sounds like bunk to me, although it also kind of intrigues. Having a hard time seeing how being and doing are that distinguishable in the first place. Like in your example, isn't shopping an activity?
Yeah, "shopping for pretty dress" was a weak, superficial, 3 steps removed example. Here's the science behind all the "heal your inner Goddess" stuff to the best of my understanding. The female erotic cycle is similar but not the same as the male erotic cycle. The female cycle generally goes something like interest/excitement/arousal/ growing arousal/peaking arousal/release of anxiety center in brain/orgasm (or orgasm,orgasm,orgasm), resolution, relaxation/bonding and the conventional female half of the mating dance is something like make yourself attractive/signal availability/filter. When you buy yourself a pretty dress and put on some tipsy heels, you are likely taking action towards two desired states of being prior to sexual encounter. You are making yourself feel attractive and you are rendering yourself more easily excitable by putting yourself into an anticipatory state. Natalie Wood twirling herself around singing "I feel pretty!" is going to be put over the screaming/fainting edge by "I Wanna Hold Your Hand." She doesn't need a member of the dark triad dressed in leather to show up and throw her up against the side of a locked elevator. OTOH, you also have to learn how to put yourself into the state where you can best release your own anxiety once you are excited so that you are able to orgasm rather than scream for help if/when a member of the dark triad does show up in your local elevator. Lastly, you need to know how to best handle your own emotional state post-orgasm. If you wish to emotionally bond, you need to be strong-vulnerable open to that potential. If you don't wish to bond, you need to know how to care for yourself.

My own comprehension is still a bit too dim and flickering to do a very good job of explaining, although it has been my repeated experience that to the extent I have attempted to put the theory into practice, I have been amazed at my "success." One example Deida gave that kind of clicked with me was if you imagine a man putting his hands firmly on your waist and pulling you towards him, do you instinctively respond by making the same gesture and putting your hands on his waist? Probably not. Probably, what you instinctively do is something like put your hands on his shoulders and relax a bit or swoon. If/when you can make yourself swoon without the firm hands on your waist, then you are gesturing strong in your feminine.This is still sort of just a superficial trick or wile of the feminine (I do this fairly frequently, because I am a terrible person.*), but if you can take it beyond gesture to feeling to state of being or essence and relate to the universe or all potentialities rather than some man or person in their masculine energy, or even your man whom you deeply love, then that is the nth degree.
My feeling about marriages is that the discussion around improving them is already a non-starter. "Work harder." How does that appeal? Work is work. Marriage shouldn't be work. Have fun instead.
Gotcha. I swear the next time I am ever in a situation where I feel the urge to say "We need to talk...", I am just going to shake all the pennies out of my bank, and check myself into a spa for two weeks instead.

*Another "trick" that almost always works is just imagining or pretending that you are something edible, like a bunny or a peach. However, it is better if you don't absent-mindedly verbalize as you are doing this, or you might end up terrified when your partner overtly picks up your cue. Caution!!

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

brute thinks the opposite is happening. external limits on human males and females have been lifted so far these days that there is just no reason left for them to have relationships.
I think true and not true. In the model of the Enneagram, which is like an even more simplistic version of MBTI, beyond your basic personality type such as Scientist (5) or Enthusiast (7), you also can categorize yourself according to whether you are Socially, Sexually((pair-bond not orgasm) or Security oriented. IOW, do you primarily seek a tribe, a dyad or to be alone? The psychological desire to form a pair-bond does not disappear just because there may no longer be much of an economic motivation for it. One interesting aspect of this is that I have found that many people tend towards unconsciously creating a reality that tends to increase the feeling of their desire, but works in opposition to the fulfillment. For instance, I know quite a few people who communicate as though they are highly motivated to fulfill the romantic perfection of a pair-bond, yet they choose to live by themselves for most of their adult life. OTOH, I know people who have 5 kids, 3 dogs, church, bridge, political. sports group and just invited 3 house guests, yet they spend an hour a day googling images of tiny houses located in isolated woodlands. I, myself, do not grok the desire to pair-bond just for the sake of pair-bond. I am not very romantic and never have been. My earliest fantasies involved fireman suits, not wedding bells. I do not get DINK or childless-marriage households, seems like the worst of both worlds to me, and I frequently have thoughts like "Why would I want to live alone with a man?" or "Ick, that is like Hansel and Gretel or velcro-monkey-dolls", yet I have almost always had a husband, boyfriend or significant lover. Even within my current poly-amorous circle, I am "we" or tending towards "we" with two of my partners who are pair-bond oriented types, but not with my other two partners who are more security-oriented loner types. Also, I am currently in domestic partnership with my sister. I have never lived alone, and I have only been alone in a dwelling place for maybe 10 days, but sometimes I fantasize about the possibility.

Also, according to sibling theory, the modern tendency towards having only two children, one of each gender, may increase the tendency to pair-bond in adulthood. Singletons or children from households with siblings of only one gender (such as myself) often are not as likely to seek or successfully pair-bond. Almost every man with whom I have formed significant relationship was the only (spoiled rotten) boy born between two or more sisters.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by cmonkey »

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by SilverElephant »

BRUTE wrote: with material abundance and lifting social stigmata about gender roles and sex, there's just no reason left for humans to form these traditional relationships like marriage. the only one left would be the joint raising of a human child, but arguably that's been thrown out the window before the economic considerations became fully realized, so humans don't really seem to care for that.
I remember reading (probably in this book or similar ones) that, historically (think serfs and landed gentry), the reasons for getting married were to produce heirs and the joining of estates. Although the latter was only for people with any estate to speak of (i.e. the 1%). Love was thought to be too much of a messy thing to be allowed to interfere with a heavily political and legal concept like marriage, so it was actually discouraged to marry someone you loved. It was best left for affairs.

Love was not any part of getting married until very recently. It had everything to do with politics and power. Which was also the reason behind the numerous affairs in the upper/royal classes of the time. Probably the reason why the upper classes today run around having affairs. Obviously, it's because the men have power (which is kind of an aphrodisiac), but I'm willing to bet it's because most of them don't marry for love. They'd be daft to.

It wasn't until Jean-Jacques Rousseau heavily romanticized the whole thing that the modern "age-old tradition" of marriage began.
Last edited by SilverElephant on Fri May 13, 2016 12:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

@cmonkey: I am completely confused by that TedTalk you linked. Why is a pretty woman with long bleached blonde hair who is wearing high heels, ruffled pink blouse and a Princess cut jacket buttoned to emphasize her quite attractive waist-to-hip ratio, speaking out against the sexual objectification of females? I mean, it's not like I am a huge fan of Andrea Dworkin, but at least she didn't make my head throb with dissonance.

Good politics, maybe. Bad science. IMO, the way to get past sexual objectification is to recognize it for what it is, empathize, own it, talk about it, transcend it. Also, it's not like men who are locked into the role of "subject" or "actor" don't experience performance anxiety in bed or don't waste life energy engaged in "counting coup" level competition with other males. Anyways, IMHO, the pendulum has already swung too far in the other direction. Bunch of lazy pashas out there just waiting for Lara Croft to jump off the video screen and "lean in" on it ;)

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by cmonkey »

@7, So I guess the way I think of it is that DW looks much better when not wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts...say something like an evening gown. Is that sexual objectification? No! It is enjoyment of non-surpressed natural beauty. Purposely hiding that beauty for fear of objectification would be a form of oppression.

Similar to how a sunrise/sunset is enjoyed. I really enjoy the sun during the day {in vanilla form}, but the enhanced beauty of changing light levels is the cherry on top of something already great and beautiful.

It goes too far when you are trying to accomplish something other than that enjoyment. The substitution of lady parts for physical objects (i.e. table leg) is really too far. Enjoying beauty and sexual objectification are different things in my mind, but the line between them certainly is fuzzy.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by BRUTE »

cmonkey wrote:The substitution of lady parts for physical objects (i.e. table leg) is really too far.
cmonkey has never eaten anything off of a lady?

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Peanut »


Lol @7Wannabe5 on Dworkin (whose inflammatory work I think is actually badly misread).
I think the only thing Miss Sexy is suppressing is her natural hair color. More seriously, cultural critics always seem to miss the fact that both men and women love being sexually objectified by the 'right' person. For some the wrong person too.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by Dragline »

I think that video is more interesting as part of history. We are an in an era -- and you might say this has been going on for more than 100 years -- involving changing and evolving gender roles. But that talk seems dated and only appealing to people over the age of about 40. Part of the solution seems to just be to view less TV and media overall -- then it won't matter so much what is there. Frankly, this stuff is changing so fast almost no researcher or academic can keep up with it. In the old-line professions like law and medicine the changes are so stark from decade to decade as to make the not-so-distant past almost unrecognizable.

The other issue I think is generational/cyclical. There is a certain "golden era" fallacy or nostalgia going on here about the 60s and 70s as being more "gender aware" and want to be gender neutral and wear clothes that reflect that ideal (pantsuits and leisure suits, baby; weird ties on early 80s women's suits and shoulder pads to make them look more like men). From a cyclical perspective, we are moving in the other direction, where the preference is to accentuate and accommodate gender differences. Women are allowed to wear dresses to work and be considered as professional as men in suits these days. And they want it that way.

I think this is why younger women generally like Hillary Clinton but do not find her to be really inspiring or look at her as a role model.

Everybody will all get to dress the same again by about 2050. Heck, maybe chest hair will be a thing again -- on both men and women. :lol: But that whole fashion debate just seems to cloud the issue. I guarantee that sex will continue to sell, though.

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by BRUTE »

Dragline wrote:I guarantee that sex will continue to sell, though.
buy and hold

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Re: The Ingenuity Gap of the U.S. Sexual Deficit

Post by 7Wannabe5 »

The survey was completed by 4011 women, including 2273 who had received breast implants and 1738 who were considering augmentation. Among the key findings: More than half of the women who had undergone breast augmentation and those who were considering the procedure thought about the decision for at least 3 years before proceeding. Most women who underwent breast augmentation (88%) were satisfied with the results, and 93% said they would recommend the procedure to friends or family members. Nearly all women who received implants thought the surgery improved their overall appearance (92%) and self-confidence (82%) but said it did not result in significant changes in their marriage/dating activities, careers, or social lives.

Luxury brand Mercedes-Benz earned the highest score in a recent survey that measures customers' satisfaction with their automobiles. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) reports that Mercedes-Benz scored 88 points on a 100-point scale, five points above the average for all brands. Lexus, which topped last year's rankings with a score of 89, dropped to second place, scoring 87 points.
DNC and I were recently browsing through pictures of the women he did not want to date, and he instantly rejected one woman on the basis of being "too high maintenance" because she included a photo of herself posed in front of her luxury vehicle. OTOH, he liked a photo of a woman in her mid-50s in a bright yellow bikini which I thought was a bit over-confident. However, this correlates very well with studies of online dating that I have read. Most men do not shop for affluence in partner, although a minority does look for extreme affluence, and exhibiting cleavage in photo is the top factor that improves attractiveness (likeliness to be contacted) of older females vs. younger females.

Another thing that is interesting is that the media that is intended for a female audience objectifies women differently than the media that is intended for a male audience. Much less variability in the appearance of women in fashion magazines than appearance of women on porn sites. This is due to the fact that females in youthful perspective are attracted to all people who have something resembling the appearance of a "pretty" slender adolescent member of a teen boy band, so they reflect this back on to themselves. Females in older perspective are attracted to a more "ugly" muscular testosterone-hardened appearance. This varies not only with age, but between individuals and within the course of any individual female's monthly cycle. People who are very pretty themselves tend to prefer partners who are also prettier than average because of early "normalization" of the likely appearance of their mother's face. Also, aggression is well correlated with testosterone levels, so youthful humans tend towards being either frightened and/or excited by the appearance of people manifesting the signs of high testosterone, and calmed by the opposite appearance.

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