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One Day Work Week

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:39 pm
by James_0011
Most people spend most of their waking hours in their lives working. Very few actually enjoy what they do, but almost universally human beings seem inclined to focus on their work so much that it often affects every other relationship in their lives. As a result their families often suffer as do their relationships with their friends and often even the people they work with. This book takes a hard look at some of the possible reasons for this condition and more importantly how to correct it and learn to live the life you want to live and still be able to do everything you always wanted to do. This should be attainable without working any more than 16 hours a week. Once you start creating the life you want for yourself you will find yourself turning away work because in your ‘enlightened’ state you will see that the LESS you can work the better your life can become.

Re: One Day Work Week

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:58 pm
by TopHatFox
I really enjoyed that. I see he likes the buy a house to live in and sub-lease most of it approach. Then build a business and work it.

So much fear and perceived risk surrounds just those two goals alone.

Of note, no work can be pretty shitty too.

Re: One Day Work Week

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:17 am
by Farm_or
"Who will suffer the toil?" Has got to be civilization's first question.

When life is simplified between needs and wants and your wants are minimized, there's less work to be done.

Problems arise when needy people don't want to work for their choices. They want somebody else to work. Raise my child, maintain my mansion, fix my chariot, tend my flowers. So a seperate class is formed and battles are fought for chances of equality.

What need do we have for aristocracy? Sustaining life takes a little work. Every day we require food, shelter and clothing. Can that one day a week suffice even your own individual needs?

Re: One Day Work Week

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:55 pm
by James_0011
TopHatFox wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:58 pm
I think I'm going to try the buy a house and rent out some of the rooms approach next year, seems like a solid plan to me. The author runs a software/programming consulting business and has an ivy league degree to impress his clients with- so not exactly risky by any means.

I had the best time of my life when I was unemployed. How do you define the word 'work'?