dull numbers journal

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Covid-19 onboard, stock market went sink. All 1 month savings balanced stock losses.
NW = 213.808 PLN
1 month increase 1176 PLN

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by pk+ »

Hello from another PL fellow :)

At the moment I only looked at last two pages of your journal, but it looks like you are doing great.

Regarding flat rentals, most important question would be: are young people coming to given city to study (and then likely live&work there)? Or at least there is stable work place like big factory?
Guessing by location, answer is probably YES.

I'm fortunate, that I'm in such life point, that I have not investments at the moment, but looking to buy some stocks while there is covid+oil combo hit.
Anyway, just looking at your numbers, you probably have more than just IKE+IKZE, so make all rebalancing/strategy changes starting under their umbrella.
If you care about some stranger opinion: WIG20 is that small, that there is no much point in buying ETF for it, because you could replicate it yourself. BTW ETFW20L is synthetic, which I dislike.
Another option for better diversification: if you are working in any sector of main GPW players, then consider not buying stocks from that sector (especially high exposition: banks/insurance, IT, oil/energy), then you don't lose both job and equity in the same time.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Hello, pk+, thanks for your good advices.
Reality are changing so fast, 2 weeks period time now is like ages. Covid-19 rocks.
Flat investment is on the way. I have selected another one, with a price little higher but flat is in a better state. No need for a renovation.
The last 2 weeks were also a time to rebalance my stock portfolio.
There is no a single company with value > 20 % of sum of assets. I've also diversificated stocks among different industry branches (there is hardly no a single company on GPW operating in my work industry).
I don't feel so confident about ETF, but I keep them in a 5-10% of value (both W20TR and M40TR) with an intention to observe them. There are also ~ 30% of MWIG40 shares.
So total composition is 55% WIG20, 30 %MWIG40, 8 % BETAM40TR, 7% BETAW20TR.
I have only IKE+IKZE pair (and my wife too - numbers are a sum for both of us) but with ~ 10 years history, and we have been paying for all the previous years including 2020 too.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Covid-19 pandemia, month 2.
First at all, I'm still alive and healthy. I also have my job. This is the 4th week I work from home.
This is all positive news.
Money? This is complicated.
Of course I lost some value due to stock prices drop.
But the situation is not so bad. Total lost is ~ 10%.
Covid times are also times of great changes in my portfolio as described in a post above.
Flat investment is still on the way and and seems to be suspended for the next month.
End of March numbers:
NW: 159,700 PLN
1 month decrease - 15.000 PLN
I also have done flat pre-payment,but don't want to take this into account because I dont treat real estate as a liquid asset, so I dont include the house I live in in my asset list.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Covid pandemy is a time when your life says to you "I will check you". I passed this test. Despite the stocks ups and downs, increasing unemployment rate, loans, debts and life uncertainty I feel safe.
I have sufficient to provide my life bare necessities. Of course, nobody wants to limit himself to basic necessities, everybody wants more in his life. But life sometimes surprise you, like in 2000, 2008 and 2020 year. Abandance in life is only available to very limited amount of people.
I started to smile to my thoughts that in a financial way 'I dont have to do sth'. Every month with a work, every month with an income makes me to be close to life dreams and needs and makes me safer.
Taking my family composition ( 2 kids) - whom I want to simplify they life-start, I can define the time of my retirement.
It is Q1 2026. But this is the time when my younger kids will go to University.
So summer 2026 seems to be the moment in the future to start 3rd part of my life. Long?
No!. I started to write in this topic in Dec 2016 (40 months age) Q1 2026 in only 72 months ahead.
So 40/112 done. 35%.
Without kids support it would be 2 years earlier.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Its may again,the month I love best. Everything is green around with different hues of green. Covid is still with us but didnt affect me in any significant way. Me and my family are healthy, we have ours job, PV power plan is working very effective and flat purchase is done. Stock market is still limping but my bonds are quite profitable. Unfortunately starting with May 1st new government bonds editions are much less profitable ( due to interent rates cut).
I started to refresh the flat (painings, plumbing modernization, lights) to prepare it to rent.
End of April numbers:
NW: 166.000 PLN (1 month increase 6,300), not too mention about fees I had to pay for notary for flat purchase)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Another month of Covid-19 ongoing. I dont know what to think about FIRE. Is it still important when so many people are dying due to pandemic? Many things changed its importance. Holidays. Cars. Entertainments. Is it to be the first year without holidays since early 90's? I still work from home and my wife does. I feel anxiety and dont sleep well.
The new flat redecoration in undergoing but I only spend a few hours a week. I try to maximize the time I spend on fresh air, walking, working in garden so not much time left for flat redecoration.
NW: 175,700 PLN ( 1 month increase 9,700)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

It seems that there will be no holidays for my family this year. Both domestic and foreign holidays are danerous and unwise. So, keeping with frugal lifestyle I decided to buy hammock and spend this year leave in my garden. Saved money will go to pay off some minor debts ( I feel embarrassed, but I have some) and flat redecoration.
NW: 188,460 PLN
( 1 month increase 12,760 - thanks to stock bounce back) saving ratio for this month is very low ~ 30%

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by ertyu »

sounds like a great holiday enjoy

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

It is good to have a peace of mind from financial stress. I'm half the way to achieve this and month after month closer to this.
Nothing really significant happened to me in this month and this is very good information in covid times. I still work from home monday to friday and perform flat rececoration on saturday.
DIY is a motto for me for 2020 year.
I have a lot of time so I can do everything precisely.
Stock market has its ups and downs but generally is so so.
NW: 197,549 PLN
( 1 month increase 9,091 - half savings and half stock gains)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

It hits me now that working from home is like semi retirement. I can sleep 2h longer, I don't commute and have a lot of flexibility on daily basis. My work is task orientated so I can work in the morning or in the evening or even only during weekends if only I provide the output my employer expect from me. And this is great. I liked it. I can organise a singe day in the way I like. August was also a month of DIY. I did some plumber work including hot water container replacement or wc toilet replacement. At the very begining I didnt plane to do it, I wanted someone to do it but some plumber I contacted, rejected my order. They didn't have time for that orders. Welcome for me in the world of 'I'm not interested in your order'. Stock market is in a sideways trend, so nothing really changed my savings except high saving ratio (about 71% this month - due to to holidays in this summer).
NW: 205,524 PLN
(1 month increase 7975, 12 months again above zero)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by ertyu »

good work, steady climb on that stash

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Some good things and some bad happened to me this month. Its end of september, summer is over, covid is back. Should I write about money?
Work grade 'great' - i still work from home without exposure to covid infection.
Family grade 'great' - kids returned to school, they are healthy, wife returned to work and is healthy.
Money grade 'very good' - shares are constantly going up and down - but overall with neutral output;
Flat to rent, grade 'very good' - I skipped holidays this year, took 2 weeks of paid leave, wend on staycation and finished flat redecoration. It's not only ready. It's rented from 1 st Oct. Of course rental marked went down and I had to adjusted my rent to this situation.Profit is very low. I'm not proficient at ROE/ROi calculation but it can be ~ 3%. The flat was bought with credit (25% on me, 75% on bank side), Loan to Value ~ 75%; The rent covers all the taxes and utility bills + the interest I'm obliged to pay for bank + 50 % of installment. Is it good? Is it good in 2020 year to have a flat rented?
Health, grade weak - I've developed some back pains. Is it because of sedentry lifestyle, or lack of excercise? My health started to worry me. I have to do sth with it, regardless all the epidemic and limited access to health care.
Number? Are pretty good:
NW: 212,079 and I went into higher tax rate.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

I'm grateful for my fate to be healthy and my wife and kids too, to have a possibility to work from home and my wife too. This is so great this times. Or is it my health an illusion? 2 weeks ago I woke up with strong headache. HOW? I didnot drink a sip of beer, wine or so. I felt so bad. I had a puke and a diarrhea. I was wondering WTF? I spend all day in bed, dozing hardly all day. I took a pain killer but it didn't halped. 12 h of hard hangover withouth strength to walk to toilet. Now, I think, I had asymptomatic COVID. Should I be happy to suffer this illness so light? Or long - time after-effects ahead of me? Now, I feel good and don't have any symptoms of COVID. Health services in Poland are overloaded. Nobody have any time for not-dying persons.
Finances? Shares went down ~ 3%, but shares are only 40% of my assets.
NW: 217,981.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

It took me two weeks to get over Covid. First week with lost sense of smell and taste and constant temperature ~ 37,8 - 38,3 C. Second week as a recover time. Now I feel well. No long covid symptoms.
Finances - great!! Shares went up.
NW: 224.132 (conservatively)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

Well 2020 is barely over. Did I achieve my targets? No. I wanted to have 300k NW and 500k total assets.
Final number for 2020 are:
NW: 234.152 and
441,457 total assets + mortgaged flat (with my contribution ~ 50k) - so I 'm pretty close to my target.
Plans for 2021?
I don't have any. Times are so unpredictable. One think I know - times of low interest rates are limited, so I want
to focus on debt (mortgage) reduction at the expense of stock market.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by J_ »

Thanks for reporting about your sickness and recovery from covid. Glad you recovered so well. And remember it is not a race to fi. You live now, enjoy that too.

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

It's winter time,the part of year I have. I feel miserably. I crave for sun and outdoor activity. But day is short. Temperatures are low. I feel depressed as every year at January February turn with its peak around 15 th Feb. This year its even worse because of social deprivation from Covid. Friends and family contacts are still limited. I has ended 11th month of work from home. But there are also some positive events. Money are positive as all. Work prospects are positive. Stash of money is growing month after month. It gives me confidence in there hard times.
NW: 240,000
Assets: 447,764
debts: 207,760
(flat for rent still rented)

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

February is almost over and winter is almost over. Temperatures are above zero and day light is loger. I feel much better. Spring is next to my door. I stared perform flower preparation and spring cleaning (also wardrobe cleaning and attic cleaning). This year this will be long process because I have planned living-room painting and redecoration (of course on my own). Holidays prospects are not so good, so holidays budget will go to leaving-room renovation. Light will be changed, because of Home Office will stay with me for longer, and I discovered, that current lighting is not enough. Money topic are great. My diversificated portfolio is doing well. Stocks are good, flat is rented, treasury bonds beat inflation. In comming months I will change some numbers to fully model rented flat (not included before).
I hope to see a positive snowball effects in my money this year.
NW: 250,102
Assets: 462,818
debts: 212,716
debts/assets ration : 45,96%

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Re: dull numbers journal

Post by 10cents »

I hate the March this year.I had seasonal related spring breakdown. I had high blood pressure about 140/100 with 160/110hits. I went to doctor and had comprehensive health examinations. No medical reasons. Blood and hormones results normal.It had to be lack of Sun + home isolation (lack of physical exercises). I received a prescription for blood pressure and slowly started to feel better. There are very first days of spring around and I hope to feel better, to exercise more and have more hours with Sun exposition. There is very good with money staff.
NW: 258,066
Asset: 479,597
debts: 221,530
debts/assets ratio: 46,19%

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