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Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:25 am
by FrugalFred
My parents were planning on selling their house and downsizing due in part to the massive housing bubble in my city. They were going to buy me a 2-bedroom condo in cash. Nevermind ERE. With rental income, I could've straight up FIRE'd if this panned out.

So for months I walked around with a skip in my step, thinking I could soon say goodbye to my miserable office prole life. I was finally going to be free to pursue my interests - bodybuilding, researching, dreaming - all without the dark cloud of work constantly looming over me. However, circumstances changed and my parents recently reneged on the plan. I've been in shambles since.

Don't get me wrong. I've never felt entitled to handouts. And even with the condo, I still would've continued to work in some capacity - for money but also out of a sense of obligation to my parents. The crucial difference is I'd be free to pursue work that doesn't make me super depressed, because I wouldn't have to answer to anyone. No more punching in at 9 and out at 5 everyday. No more being on fight-or-flight mode 24/7. And if anyone got overly demanding, I could tell them to pound sand.

Just writing about that alternate reality brought a smile to my face, if only for a brief few seconds. How am I going to back to work knowing I have another 10+ years of this prison sentence? :shock:

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:37 am
by Sclass
Keep looking ahead for the next windfall. You're wasting your time dwelling on this if you keep thinking about your condo after reading this line I'm Forward my friend.

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:10 am
by Tyler9000
Things like that may certainly sting, but in a way they're a blessing in disguise. Any plan solely dependent on other people for success is not particularly robust. It's better that they fail earlier rather than later.

While it's understandable that you're upset, always remember that your job is a choice. If it truly feels like a prison sentence, then find a new job even if it pays less. The ultimate goal of ERE is really about sustainable happiness. Start by being happy today.

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:34 am
by Noedig
I have been where you are. I would tell my younger self a few things:

-cut out costs, particularly expensive distractions or drowning of sorrows. Your esteem may be low but don't care about what other people think about you doing this.
-save 2 months expenses.

Then, bingo, you are essentially free, you have more FU money than almost everyone else who lives paycheck to check. Sure it would help to have that condo to feel the freedom, and the disappointment nags at you. But you are actually more free than you feel already, and will be freer yet once you have just a little bit of a buffer. You will then be in a better position to manage your anxieties and make changes in your life.

Most other advice I would give to my younger self is likely not applicable to you. Unless of course you happen also to have a neurotic alcoholic girlfriend you could ditch immediately and thus excise the psychodrama, in which case do that. Or the equivalent!

Good luck my man with identifying the problems in your life and creating a response to them. You are here among friends - an excellent excellent start.

Dwell not upon the might have beens .The future will once again be yours, and through your own efforts to boot. Allez!

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:55 am
by chenda
Are your parents aware of the impact their change of mind has had ?

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:46 pm
by Sclass
Your parents sound unreliable. Good not being too dependent on them. Dude this is a sign.

You're getting some good advice here. Just keep looking ahead and pull down your own scores. You'll be the better person for it.

Too many strings attached to gifts like this. By the way your parents sound like silly people. Do you really want to be on their payroll?

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:13 pm
by Riggerjack
We each make own own deals, in all aspects of our lives.

This includes your work life. If you are having such issues with work, you should renegotiate your work deal. Most of that deal is in your head. You need to rewire your relationship with your job. Jobs take as much time, effort and energy as you are willing to give. If you are giving too much, you should change that.

Re: Almost experienced a huge windfall

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:09 pm
by llorona
As others have noted, this is a blessing in disguise.

What would've happened if your parents gifted you the condo, then they asked for the money back because they didn't enough for retirement or whatnot? That would suck ten times worse.

Although you are in shambles now, I predict that you will pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and use the sweet memories of your almost-freedom to motivate you toward your long-term goals.