What do juggling, yoga, card games, and acrobatics all have in common? :D

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What do juggling, yoga, card games, and acrobatics all have in common? :D

Post by TopHatFox »

They're all fun skills that can be developed while hanging around a park, for minimal to $0 starting fee! Get a pair of three lacrosse balls, and you can learn tens of ways to juggle them over time. Get a deck of cards and there's thousands of tricks and games to play with them. Stretch and muscle train your body well and you can do some fun and strong moves over time.

What are some activities you like doing when you're outside on a sunny park's grass? Things that can be done with minimal capital outlay, but that have large skill accumulation trees that require time to go through. I'm seeking new ideas.

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Re: What do juggling, yoga, card games, and acrobatics all have in common? :D

Post by Solvent »

Well, it basically is acrobatics; I used to spend some time learning 'tricking' (some call it 'martial arts tricking' to be more specific).

https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&source=w ... UUqm_922eQ

Posting from a phone so sorry for not prettying up the link.

Anyway, I actually got frustrated with lack of progress and never got good enough to do... well, much of anything really. Even though I took capoeira and adult gymnadtic classes for a short period to try to boost my learning. But it's one thing to try.

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Re: What do juggling, yoga, card games, and acrobatics all have in common? :D

Post by dalralmi »

I always found fun party tricks very useful skills to have. During power outages from hurricanes I would learn a new useless party trick. Juggling with glow in the dark golf balls became very useful.... My fun talent though is building houses of playing cards.. I've gotten to the point that I can build on almost any surface or angle a good seven stories...

The last outage I found an origami book and practiced different folds. In a park atmosphere I'd say learning the trade of digital photography could become fascinating. Learning different knot tying, needlework is fairly easy too. I spent a good portion of time knitting and crocheting... Cross stitch doesn't lend well to a park, but depending on what you make you can sell for more than materials or if like me just knit something and pull it apart and knit something else.

Though not as awesome a party trick I've found it fun to play with shadow whether for shadow puppets or just making shapes do different thing by playing with perspective and distance.

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Re: What do juggling, yoga, card games, and acrobatics all have in common? :D

Post by Ego »

Slacklines and wobble boards are great for training proprioception.


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