BofA advises analysts to take 4 wknd days off pr month

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BofA advises analysts to take 4 wknd days off pr month

Post by leeholsen »

This was on zerohedge, a daily stop for me; ... l-be-fired; thought it was fitting for an ere forum.

"Whoa! Hold on there, young banker. Your boss wants you to kick back and stop working so hard. That’s the message from Bank of America (BAC), which just issued a memo advising its analysts and associates to “take a minimum of four weekend days off per month.” (Senior executives presumably know what’s good for them and are welcome to work around the clock.)"

"While TV pundits love to cast the U.S. as a nation of takers, the reality is that Americans are a pretty hardworking bunch.

They used only 10 of their 14 vacation days in 2013, according to Expedia (EXPE). French workers, in contrast, received and used all 30 of their days. (To be sure, Americans beat the French when it comes to actually working, with unemployment standing at 6.7 percent and 10.9 percent, respectively.) Americans eat at their desks, work longer days, and retire later than their counterparts in most other parts of the world, which might also explain why they’re acknowledged masters in the realm of fast food.

Thus comes the slew of U.S.-style solutions, from Oprah Winfrey’s online Meditation Master Trilogy to Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric tour aimed at tackling “sleep deprivation, burnout, and driving ourselves into the ground.” Harvard Business Review has a guide that promises to “harness stress so that it spurs your productivity.”

There are meditation goggles, Ambien, sleep coaches, and power naps. And, of course, there are the missives that remind eager workers to go home on weekends."

and if you read the comments, you'll see a lot of perspective ere's that have gotten it. it's always interesting to me to see how much of america continues to trade their lives, that in many cases are for jobs that really make them choose between having a job or a life.

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Re: BofA advises analysts to take 4 wknd days off pr month

Post by Felix »

The worst thing I have found about all these "meditation", "sleep hacking", "mindfulness" sets of advice is that they are often advocated on the basis of: You will get an edge over others in your career.
It's still firmly within the yourlifeisworkworkworkwork paradigm.

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